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1 . What can you do to spread peace and help get rid of prejudice (偏见)? In your own way you can only show love to your neighbors and classmates. However, the IKC (International Kids Club) activities below will help you learn about peace and love. Share them with your friends!

Please click on the following websites to help keep the world at PEACE!
Peace/Love E-mail Activities
Send the IKC theme song! Share the message of the International Kids Club with your friends!
Mail a Rainbow for Peace! Share the message of peace worldwide!
Send PEACE e-mail greetings!
Peace/Love Arts
Dictionary of Peace. Friendship and Justice Quotes (语录). Famous quotes and proverbs.
Peace songs and images.
A history of peace.
Peace/Love language.
Say “I Love You!” in any language.
Say “PEACE” in any language.
Peace / love Information
Help make PEACE worldwide! There are many simple but powerful ideas here to make peace and spread friendship!
What is prejudice? Learn about it, and what you can do to avoid it!
Peace/Love Clip Art (图库)
FREE peace-symbol clip art.
FREE animated (动画的) peace-symbol clip art.
FREE heart clip art.
Other Peace Activity Links
Peace Page at Planetpals . Check out the Planetpals Earthzone for activities relating to peace, including a Peace Puzzle!
Stories about kids. Add your stories or project, or those of your class, to this site.
1. What does the International Kids Club aim to do?
A.Show kids how to make websites.B.Offer kids language learning materials.
C.Invite kids worldwide to attend activities.D.Teach kids how to make a peaceful world.
2. Which website should you choose if you want to share information about IKC with others?
A.Peace/Love E-mail Activities.B.Peace/love Information.
C.Peace/Love language.D.Peace/Love Clip Art.
3. If we join IKC activities, we can ________.
A.learn the history of peaceB.travel to different countries
C.learn how to draw pictures of friendsD.learn different kinds of language very quickly
4. Where can we read this text?
A.In a storybook.B.In a newspaper.
C.On the Internet.D.In a magazine.
2021-08-24更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西玉林市育才中学2020-2021学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般