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After her father caught the coronavirus (新冠病毒), Sumoma Khnom managed to find a bed for him at Dhaka Medial College Hospital. The hospital was already crowded with too many patients. This was not her only problem. Her family did not have enough money to buy food. And she was extremely tired. But then, some comfort came.

Volunteers working for the Bidyanondo Foundation, social organization, brought her family a gift basket. It was filled with fruit —oranges, apples, and lemons —as well as other food. There was also a get-well card for her father. It read,"We are here to stand by you."

The Bidyanondo Foundation, established in 2013, is known for its food assistance (援助) programs for street children and the poor. Now it is also famed for building awareness (意识) of COVID-19 in the community. Its name, Bidyanondo, means"learn for fun".

Since June 1, the group has given out about 1.400 gift baskets In March. the Dhaka Tribune reported that the foundation was giving out protective things such as face masks (口罩) and hand cleaner. Yeasin said that the first responsibility of the foundation is to support patients and build awareness. However, it does not want doctors and other health workers to be forgotten "Many health workers are saying outside home, away from their families to provide health care,"he said"We wanted to thank them. They also need mental(精神上的) support.

So, the foundation has sent health care workers thank you cards. One reads, “We become brave to do more (for people) seeing your effort, we know you will continue [to] fight to save our lives if we become ill tomorrow. ” Many support Biyanondo’s efforts. Sumona Khanom said she was thankful that the foundation has come forward to help her father "I hope, "she said, "They would offer to help all other fathers."

1. Why did Sumona Khanom have difficulty in finding a bed for her father?(no more than 10 words)
2. What did the Bidyanondo Foundation bring to Sumona Khanom's family?(no more than 10 words)
3. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 probably mean? (1 word)
4. Whom may Bidyanondo Foundation serve for? (no more than 10 words)
5. If there is a similar foundation in your school, will you take part in it as a volunteer? And why? ( no more than 25 words)
共计 平均难度:一般