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1 . Oxygen, I'm sure you'd agree, is pretty important for life on Earth. We breathe it in, our cells survive on it and without it, we hardly live. Basically all multicellular life on Earth evolved over millions of years to make use of oxygen.

But take a deep breath, because we need to talk about Henneguya salminicola, a tiny parasite(寄生虫) containing fewer than100 cells that lives within the muscle tissue of salmon, a large fish with silver skin and pink flesh. The strange-looking parasite does not busy itself with such small matters as breathing oxygen. Nope, it seems that H. salminicola is the first multicellular animal we've found that survives without the stuff.

“Aerobic respiration(有氧呼吸) was thought to be commonly found in animals, but now we confirmed that this is not the case, "said Dorothee Huchon, a zoologist at Tel Aviv University in Israel, in a press release.

Huchon and a team of international researchers examined and sequenced(排序) all of. salminicola's' genes in their study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They found that the parasite, which is closely related to jellyfish, lacks the DNA machinery necessary to“breathe”---it doesn't' have mitochondria(线粒体), often called the "powerhouse" of the cell, because they use oxygen to make energy. It's like a little factory inside almost all cells, and DNA detectives can find mitochondrial genes during sequencing.

The discovery came as something of an accident for the team, who were examining the genome (the complete set of genes) of the species. When they went searching for the mitochondrial genes,   they came up empty-handed. "Our discovery shows that evolution can go in strange directions, ”Huchon said. "Aerobic respiration is a major source of energy, and yet we found an animal that gave up this important pathway.”

Some single-celled life forms have evolved the ability to survive without oxygen and do not have mitochondria, either. Plenty of bacteria can exist without oxygen at all. Instead of oxygen, they get their energy from fermentation(发酵) or use other molecules like iron.

But how H. salminicola produces energy is still unclear. Huchon suggests it could draw oxygen from the cells in salmon or it could have evolved similar methods to those of single-celled organisms which scientists have documented in the past.

1. What can we learn about Henneguya salminicola?
A.It is an animal consisting of a cell.
B.It can still survive without oxygen.
C.It takes on a normal appearance.
D.It has a longer lifespan than salmon.
2. What is the main function of mitochondria?
A.To make cells breathe fast.
B.To help to produce oxygen.
C.To provide energy for cells.
D.To help cells absorb oxygen.
3. How did Huchon probably feel about the discovery?
4. What could be the most suitable title for the text?
A.The natural evolution of animal cells
B.Different kinds of life forms on earth
C.A research on single-celled organisms
D.A creature that doesn't breathe oxygen
2021-01-11更新 | 942次组卷 | 4卷引用:高一主题语境热搜题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . Great work is work that makes a difference in people’s lives, writes David Sturt, Executive Vice President of the O.C. Tanner Institute, in his book Great Work: How to Make a Difference People Love. Sturt insists, however, that great work is not just for surgeons or special-needs educators or the founders of organizations trying to eliminate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. The central theme of Great Work, according to Sturt, is that anyone can make a difference in any job. It’s not the nature of the job, but what you do with the job that counts. As proof, Sturt tells the story of a remarkable hospital cleaner named Moses.

In a building filled with doctors and nurses doing great life-saving work, Moses the cleaner makes a difference. Whenever he enters a room, especially a room with a sick child, he engages both patients and parents with his optimism and calm, introducing himself to the child and, Sturt writes, speaking “little comments about light and sunshine and making things clean.” He comments on any progress he sees day by day (“you’re sitting up today, that’s good.”) Moses is no doctor and doesn’t pretend to be, but he has witnessed hundreds of sick children recovering from painful surgery, and parents take comfort from his encouraging words. For Matt and Mindi, whose son McKay was born with only half of a heart, Moses became a close friend. As Sturt explains, “Moses took his innate (与生俱来的) talents (his sensitivity) and his practical wisdom (from years of hospital experience) and combined them into a powerful form of patient and family support that changed the critical-care experience for Mindi, Matt and little McKay.”

How do people like Moses do great work when so many people just work? That was the central question raised by Sturt and his team at the O.C. Tanner Institute, a consulting company specialized in employee recognition and rewards system.

O.C. Tanner launched an exhaustive Great Work study that included surveys to 200 senior executives, a further set of surveys to 1,000 managers and employees working on projects, an in-depth qualitative study of 1.7 million accounts of award-winning work (in the form of nominations (提名) for awards from corporations around the world), and one-on-one interviews with 200 difference makers. The results of the study revealed that those who do great work refuse to be defeated by the constraints of their jobs and are especially able to reframe their jobs: they don’t view their jobs as a list of tasks and responsibilities but see their jobs as opportunities to make a difference. No matter, as Moses so ably exemplifies (例证), what that job may be.

1. According to Sturt, which of the following is TRUE?
A.It’s not the nature of the job, but what you do that makes a difference.
B.Anyone in the world is responsible to delete poverty and change the world.
C.Anyone can make a difference in people’s lives no matter what kind of job he does.
D.Surgeons, special-needs educators and founders of organizations can succeed more easily.
2. According to this passage, how does Moses, a common hospital cleaner, make a difference in people’s lives?
A.By keeping optimistic and calm when facing patients and their parents at hospital.
B.By showing his special gift and working experience when working at hospital.
C.By showing his sympathy and kindness to patients when entering their rooms.
D.By pretending to be a doctor or nurse when entering a room with a sick child.
3. The word “constraints” in the last paragraph probably refers to ______.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Great work is work that makes a difference in people’s lives no matter what you do.
B.If a boss has trouble recognizing his employees, he can ask O. C. Tanner for advice.
C.Moses makes a difference through his sensitivity and his practical wisdom.
D.Those who do great work are never defeated by others or their jobs themselves.
2020-11-12更新 | 1892次组卷 | 9卷引用:江苏省高一年级-无分类阅读理解名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 困难(0.15) |
3 .

It’s common knowledge that the woman in Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting seems to look back at observers, following them with her eyes no matter where they stand in the room. But this common knowledge turns out wrong.

A new study finds that the woman in the painting is actually looking out at an angle that’s 15. 4 degrees off to the observer’s right-well outside of the range that people normally believe when they think someone is looking right at them. In other words, said the study author, Horstmann, “She’s not looking at you. “ This is somewhat ironic, because the entire phenomenon of a person’s gaze (凝视) in a photograph or painting seeming to follow the viewer is called the “Mona Lisa effect” . That effect is absolutely real, Horstmann said. If a person is illustrated or photographed looking straight ahead, even people viewing the portrait from an angle will feel they are being looked at. As long as the angle of the person’s gaze is no more than about 5 degrees off to either side, the Mona Lisa effect occurs.

This is important for human interaction with on-screen characters. If you want someone off to the right side of a room to feel that a person on-screen is looking at him or her, you don’t cut the gaze of the character to that side-surprisingly, doing so would make an observer feel like the character isn’t looking at anyone in the room at all. Instead, you keep the gaze straight ahead.

Horstmann and his co-author were studying this effect for its application in the creation of artificial-intelligence avatars(虚拟头像) when Horstmann took a long look at the “Mona Lisa” and realized she wasn’t looking at him.

To make sure it wasn’t just him, the researchers asked 24 people to view images of the “Mona Lisa” on a computer screen. They set a ruler between the viewer and the screen and asked the participants to note which number on the ruler intersected(和……相交) Mona Lisa’s gaze. To calculate the angle of Mona Lisa’s gaze as she looked at the viewer, they moved the ruler farther from or closer to the screen during the study. Consistently, the researchers found, participants judged that the woman in the “Mona Lisa” portrait was not looking straight at them, but slightly off to their right.

So why do people repeat the belief that her eyes seem to follow the viewer? Horstmann isn’t sure. It’s possible, he said, that people have the desire to be looked at, so they think the woman is looking straight at them. Or maybe the people who first coined the term “Mona Lisa effect” just thought it was a cool name.

1. It is generally believed that the woman in the painting “Mona Lisa”___________.
A.attracts the viewers to look back
B.seems mysterious because of her eyes
C.fixes her eyes on the back of the viewers
D.looks at the viewers wherever they stand
2. What gaze range in a painting will cause the Mona Lisa effect?
3. The experiment involving 24 people was conducted to______.
A.confirm Horstmann’s belief
B.create artificial-intelligence avatars
C.calculate the angle of Mona Lisa’s gaze
D.explain how the Mona Lisa effect can be applied
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Horstmann thinks it’s cool to coin the term “Mona Lisa effect”.
B.The Mona Lisa effect contributes to the creation of artificial intelligence.
C.Feeling being gazed at by Mona Lisa may be caused by the desire for attention.
D.The position of the ruler in the experiment will influence the viewers’ judgement.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . If you wear glasses, chances are you are smarter. Research published in the famous British journal Nature Communications has found that people who displayed higher levels of intelligence were almost 30 percent more likely to wear glasses.

The scientists studied the genes of thousands of people between the ages of 16 and 102.The study showed intelligence can be connected to physical characteristics. One characteristic was eyesight. In out of 10 people who were more intelligent, there was a higher chance they needed glasses. Scientists also said being smarter has other benefits. It is connected to better health.

It is important to remember these are connections which are not proven causes. Scientists call this correlation. Just because something is connected to something else does not mean one of those things caused the other. And it’s worth noting that what constitutes intelligence is subjective and can be difficult, if not impossible, to measure.

Forget genes though. Plenty of proof shows wearing glasses makes people think you are more intelligent, even if you do not need glasses. A number of studies have found people who wear glasses are seen as smarter, hard-working and honest. Many lawyers use this idea to help win their cases. Lawyer Harvey Solves explained this. Glasses soften their appearance. He said Sometimes there has been a huge amount of proof showing that people he was defending broke the law. He had them wear glasses and they weren’t found guilty.

Glasses are also used to show someone is intelligent in movies and on TV. Ideas about people who wear glasses have begun to shift. People who do not need glasses sometimes wear them for fashion only. They want to look worldly or cool. But not everyone is impressed by this idea, though. GQ magazine said people who wear glasses for fashion are trying too hard to look smart and hip (时髦的). However, that hasn’t stopped many celebrities from happily wearing glasses even if they do not need them. Justin Bieber is just one high-profile fan of fashion glasses.

1. What does the new study show?
A.People wearing glasses are smarter.
B.People wearing glasses are healthier.
C.Wearing glasses can make people cleverer.
D.Wearing glasses is associated with higher IQ.
2. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. Why do some lawyers ask their clients to wear glasses in court?
A.Because it can create a moral image.
B.Because it can mislead the witnesses.
C.Because it can highlight clients’ qualities.
D.Because it can prove the clients’ innocence.
4. What is the general attitude to those who wear glasses for fashion?
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5 . More than a decade ago, cognitive scientists John Bransford and Daniel Schwartz, both then at Vanderbilt University, found that what distinguished young adults from children was not the ability to retain facts or apply prior knowledge to a new situation but a quality they called “preparation for future learning.” The researchers asked fifth graders and college students to create a recovery plan to protect bald eagles from extinction. Shockingly, the two groups came up with plans of similar quality (although the college students had better spelling skills). From the standpoint of a traditional educator, this outcome indicated that schooling had failed to help students think about ecosystems and extinction, major scientific ideas.

The researchers decided to go deeper, however. They asked both groups to generate questions about important issues needed to create recovery plans. On this task, they found large differences. College students focused on critical issues of interdependence between eagles and their habitats. Fifth graders tended to focus on features of individual eagles (“How big are they?” and “What do they eat?”). The college students had cultivated the ability to ask questions, the cornerstone (最重 要部分)of critical thinking. They had learned how to learn.

Museums and other institutions of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary and secondary schools. At the Exploratorium in San Francisco, we recently studied how learning to ask good questions can affect the quality of people's scientific inquiry. We found that when we taught participants to ask “What if?” and “How can?” questions that nobody present would know the answer to and that would spark exploration,they engaged in better inquiry at the next exhibit-asking more questions, performing more experiments and making better interpretations of their results. Specifically, their questions became more comprehensive at the new exhibit. Rather than merely asking about something they wanted to try,they tended to include both cause and effect in their question. Asking juicy questions appears to be a transferable skill for deepening collaborative inquiry into the science content found in exhibits.

This type of learning is not confined to museums or institutional settings. Informal learning environments tolerate failure better than schools. Perhaps many teachers have too little time to allow students to form and pursue their own questions and too much ground to cover in the curriculum. But people must acquire this skill somewhere, Our society depends on them being able to make critical decisions about their own medical treatment, say, or what we must do about global energy needs and demands. For that, we have an informal learning system that gives no grades, takes all comers,and is available even on holidays and weekends.

1. What is traditional educators interpretation of the research outcome mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.Students are not able to apply prior knowledge to new problems.
B.College students are no better than fifth grader in memorizing facts.
C.Education has not paid enough attention to major environmental issues.
D.Education has failed to lead students to think about major scientific ideas.
2. College students are different from children in that_____ ?
A.they have learned to think critically.
B.they are concerned about social issues.
C.they are curious about specific features.
D.they have learned to work independently.
3. What is the benefit of asking questions with no ready answers?
A.It arouses students’ interest in things around them.
B.It cultivates students’ ability to make scientific inquiries.
C.It trains students’ ability to design scientific experiments.
D.It helps students realize not every question has an answer.
4. At the end of the passage the author seems to encourage educators to ____.
A.train students to think about global issues
B.design more interactive classroom activities
C.make full use of informal learning resources
D.include collaborative inquiry in the curriculum
2019-10-08更新 | 853次组卷 | 8卷引用:上海市高一年级-社会类阅读理解名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . Making beers on the moon might seem like a pipe dream to many, but for a group of students from the University of California at San Diego, there is a chance to take their research beyond Earth’s surface.

The Lab2Moon competition, held by TeamIndus, is offering students the chance to secure a spot on the TeamIndus rocket this year.

Taking craft beer to the next level, the students want to test whether it’s possible for yeast(酵母) to work and create beer on the moon. However, they believe the experiment is not just a creative concept for astronauts, it’s also important for the development of drugs and yeast-containing food, like bread.

“The idea started out with a few laughs among a group of friends,” said Neeki Ashari, a fifth-year bioengineering students at UC San Diego. “We all appreciate the craft beer. When we heard that there was an opportunity to design an experiment that would go up on India’s moonlander, w e thought we could combine our hobby with the competition by focusing on the practicality of yeast in outer space.”

The preparation work for the beer — up to the stage of adding yeast — will all be done on Earth, and rather than separating the fermentation ( 发酵) and carbonation stage of making beer, the team plans to combine them.

This removes the need to release CO2 accumulated in the process, which may result in cleanliness and safety issues out in space.

If selected, Team Original Gravity will be the first to make beer in outer space, and the fermentation will take place in a container no bigger than a soda can.

All teams competing for the place will showcase their ideas in Bangalore, India, in March.

Sadly, you won’t be enjoying moon beer in your local craft beer bar anytime soon, as no samples will be brought back. However, this small experiment could provide important data on just how practical it is for us to make and create our own resources on other planets and moons by learning how consumables (消耗品) behave in different environments.

1. How did the students feel when they got the chance to design the experiment ?
2. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 6 refer to?
A.The mixing of two stages.B.Adding yeast on Earth.
C.The preparation work on Earth.D.Fermentation and carbonation.
3. What can we learn about the experiment from the passage?
A.It has been designed based on similar experiments.
B.It’s quite competitive compared with other designs.
C.It’s design has already been approved by TeamIndus.
D.Its process was adapted to make it safer and greener.
4. What does the author think of the students ’ idea?
A.It seems like a pipe dream.B.It’s extremely complicated.
C.It’s meaningful and hopeful.D.It’s creative but impractical.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 困难(0.15) |

7 . Winter begins in the north on December 22nd. People and animals have been doing what they always do to prepare for the colder months. Squirrels(松鼠), for example, have been busy gathering nuts from trees. Well, scientists have been busy gathering information about what the squirrels do with the food they collect.

They examined differences between red squirrels and gray squirrels in the American state of Indiana. The scientists wanted to show how these differences could affect the growth of black walnut(黑胡桃) trees. The black walnuts is the nut of choice for both kinds of squirrels. The black walnut tree is also a central part of some hardwood forests.

Rob Swihart of Purdue University did the study with Jake Goheen, a former Purdue student now at the University of New Mexico. The two researches estimate(估计) that several times as many walnuts grow when gathered by gray squirrels as compared to red squirrels. Gray squirrels and red squirrels do not store nuts and seeds in the same way. Gray squirrels bury nuts one at a time in a number of places. But they seldom remember where they buried every nut. So some nuts remain in the ground. Conditions are right for them to develop and grow the following spring. Red squirrels, however, store large groups of nuts above ground. Professor Swihart calls “death traps for seeds”.

Gray squirrels are native to Indiana. But Professor Swihart says their numbers began to decrease as more forests were cut for agriculture. Red squirrels began to spread through the state during the past century.

The researchers say red squirrels are native to forests that stay green all year, unlike walnut trees. They say the cleaning of forest land for agriculture has helped red squirrels invade Indiana. Jake Goheen calls them a sign of an environmental problem more than a cause.

1. The study done by Rob Swihart and Jake Goheen is to ________.
A.find out how squirrels collect walnuts
B.learn squirrels’ influence on black walnut trees
C.do something to get rid of squirrels
D.save the forests in the American state of Indiana
2. The difference between gray squirrels and red squirrels lies in ________.
A.the way they gather the walnutB.the time they have winter sleep
C.the place they have winter sleepD.the place they store the walnuts
3. What could be inferred from this text?
A.Agricultural in Indiana has been well developed.
B.Gray squirrels will be replaced by red squirrels in Indiana.
C.The spread of red squirrels will do harm to walnuts trees in Indiana.
D.The government will take some measures to protect black walnut trees.
2019-01-15更新 | 397次组卷 | 4卷引用:高一主题语境热搜题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 困难(0.15) |
8 . Betty and Harold have been married for years .But one thing still puzzles (困扰) old Harold .How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa ,talking ,go out to a ballgame ,come back three and a half hours later ,and they’re still sitting on the sofa ? Talking ?
What in the world ,Harold wonders ,do they have to talk about ?
Betty shrugs .Talk ? We’re friends .
Researching this matter called friendship ,psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men .No matter what their age ,their job ,their sex ,the results were completely clear :women have more friendships than men ,and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is “marked and unmistakable .”
More than two –thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend. Those who could were likely to name a woman .Yet three-quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend ,and almost always it was a woman .More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend ,most trusted person ,or the one they would turn to in time of emotional distress (感情危机).“Most women ,”says Rubin ,“identified (认定) at least one ,usually more ,trusted friends to whom they could turn in a troubled moment ,and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives .”
“In general,”writes Rubin in her new book ,“women’s friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support ,but men’s relationships are marked by shared activities.” For the most part ,Rubin says ,interactions (交往)between men are emotionally controlled –a good fit with the social requirements of “manly behavior .”
“Even when a man is said to be a best friend ,”Rubin writes ,“the two share little about their innermost feelings .Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage ,it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa .”
1. What old Harold cannot understand or explain is the fact that     .
A.he is treated as an outsider rather than a husband
B.women have so much to share
C.women show little interest in ballgames
D.he finds his wife difficult to talk to
2. Rubin’s study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to     .
A.a male friendB.a female friendC.her parentsD.her husband
3. Which of the following statements is best supported by the last paragraph ?
A.Men keep their innermost feelings to themselves.
B.Women are more serious than men about marriage.
C.Men often take sudden action to end their marriage.
D.Women depend on others in making decisions.
4. The research done by psychologist Rubin centers around________ .
A.happy and successful marriages
B.friendships of men and women
C.emotional problems in marriage
D.interactions between men and women
2016-11-26更新 | 717次组卷 | 4卷引用:高一主题语境热搜题
共计 平均难度:一般