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1 . Do you have frightening dreams while sleeping? According to an email interview by clinical psychologist and sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus, roughly 5 percent of the general population has at least one bad dream per week. Nightmares typically happen during REM sleep, during the middle and later parts of the night.

There is no exact explanation for nightmares, but Breus says it’s possible that they help the brain practise, prepare for and even predict difficult or dangerous experiences in waking life. Of course, it’s possible that nightmares, like dreams in general, don’t have a primary function — that they’re a by-product of other activities in the body. But most sleep scientists think that dreams and nightmares exist for some purposes.

One study found the most common nightmare was falling, followed by dreams of being chased, feeling lost, and feeling trapped. Then why do nightmares happen?

“Certain circumstances and characteristics make some people more likely to have nightmares than others,” says sleep medicine specialist Dr. Barry Krakow. He thinks people who’ve been traumatized (使受精神创伤) are certainly at a higher risk of nightmares Examples are offered of those who have suffered criminal attacks, or who have been in life-threatening accidents. People with some degree of sensitivity in their biological make-up are also more likely to have bad dreams, so they’re more common in people who suffer from anxiety or depression, or who use excess drugs or alcohol. The traditional belief often has it that nightmares are the result of eating too much rich food before bedtime, but it is still uncertain whether this is true. One study from 2015 did find a link between eating dairy or hot foods before bedtime and having disturbing dreams, but the study authors noted that this couldn’t be proven definitely because the data was self-reported and there were a lot of other factors to consider.

However, research in recent decades has shown that people who suffer from sleep disorders are also more likely to have nightmares.

From which section of a website is the text probably taken?
A.Mental health.
B.Life experiences.
C.Eating habits.
D.Popular culture.
2024-05-13更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵竹中学2022-2023学年5月高考适应性考试英语试题(全程模拟考试)阅读理解题型切片
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2 . For centuries, Central America’s Garifuna people have kept the culture’s spoken history alive through their ancestors’ native language. But decades of modernization, random native-language training in Garifuna schools, intermarriage between cultures, and the ridicule (嘲笑) of young people who speak the language, together led to Garifuna being listed on the UNESCO Atlas (地图集) of Endangered Languages in 2001.

The threat of language extinction isn’t new. Some linguists estimate that a language dies every two weeks, as some languages become important tools for social and economic exchange, while others are pushed to the margins (边缘). But there are ways to save at-risk languages as well. The key is that the language needs to be thought of less as preserved, “but indeed part of their present and future life,” says Liliana Sanchez, a linguist and professor at the University of Illinois.

That’s exactly what the Garinagu (Garifuna people) are doing. For the past two decades, Garifuna artists have used a cultural cornerstone—spirited dance music—to inspire young Garinagu to learn and share their native language. Now, with a new Garifuna Tourism Trail project in Belize, travelers can experience and support the cultural revival, too.

Palacio, a leader in the cultural revival, gathered Garifuna musicians across Central America to form a band named the Garifuna Collective in 2007. Their Garifuna lyrics sent a powerful message: It’s time to defend our culture. With multiple world tours and international music awards later, the Garifuna Collective put Garifuna on the international map and took Belize along with it. Although Palacio passed away in 2008, his lyrics and the work of Garifuna musicians lit a cultural flame for Garinagu worldwide.

Will music save the Garifuna language? Time will tell. Garifuna remains on UNESCO’s endangered-language list, last updated in 2010. And, as the Hawaiians just learned from revitalizing (使恢复生机) their own language, this kind of revival is a long, multi-generational road.

How does the author like Palacio’s work?
2024-05-13更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵竹中学2022-2023学年5月高考适应性考试英语试题(全程模拟考试)阅读理解题型切片
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3 . To me, inspirations mean to put my thoughts, heart, and creations into my jewelry. Sometimes I become so inspired with what I’m working on that I can finish one or more sets in less than an hour. Because of that feeling, I have named my jewelry collection “Inspirations”.

I am a 17-year-old senior with sickle-cell anemia. With this, I am in and out of the hospital a lot. So I started making jewelry a year ago when I was in the hospital. I really needed something to do, so I was introduced to jewelry making by a child life expert.

One day while lying in my hospital bed, I decided to get up and go to the patient’s playroom, and look through the craft designs. That was when I became inspired to design my jewelry collection, and named it “Inspirations”.

When I’m not sick, I try to keep a positive attitude through reading, schoolwork, and craft activities. Even though it’s a lot of work, I try to stay focus at all times. When I need a break or just to be free I turn to my craft activities. This is a way to ease my mind and it always helps me to especially get through those stressful times.

I am getting very excited about graduating next year and preparing myself for college. Who knows my collection of Inspirations, would take me to the places I always dreamed of? I may see celebrities I admire and even sell them some of my beautiful “Inspirations”. If they wear my “Inspirations,” it will become well known and more demanding. What a great way to make some extra money for college! I never thought being sick would bring me “Inspirations”. I want people to look beyond my illness and see the creations I’ve made in my collection called “Inspirations”.

What can we infer from the passage?
A.The writer is a senior high school student.
B.The writer will graduate from college next year.
C.The writer wants to be a doctor in the future.
D.The writer plans to be a jewelry designer after graduation.
2024-05-13更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省2018届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一考试仿真模拟(五)阅读理解题型切片
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4 . The clearing of my parents' home has made me think about the importance, even centrality of books to the house's life and soul. The house, and our lives in it, would not have been the same without books. The force of the statement comes home to me as I see what happens when shelves are emptied. The rooms suddenly look uncomfortably bare.

I always rather took it for granted that books furnished a room. The only rooms in our house without books were the dining-room and the bathrooms. Otherwise there were books everywhere: in all the bedrooms, in the drawing-room and in the piano room which became my parents' comfortable winter study.

I couldn't help feeling that books were rather like people: some more formal and boring, others more entertaining; some simply for show, others with unpromising outsides but rich interiors. They had more, in fact, than furnish a room, and they were companions who will offer insights, good advice.

Now the books are being contributed (not all, to be sure, but very many), and I fear for their future, almost as if they were refugees(难民). “Habent sua fata libelli”, goes as the old Latin saying, originally written by Retentions; it meant that the fate and future of books were determined by the capability of the reader. But the meaning of the phrase has been misunderstood by time and is now associated with the physical fate of particular books, how they have passed from owner to owner. This is how Walter Benjamin read the saying when he wrote his essay “Unpacking My Library”, which analyses the extraordinarily close relationship between a collector and his or her books.

As I deal with the books –many are going to charity (慈善) shops and I hope they will find good homes–I can’t help wondering if my generation is the last that will oversee such a process. Books are disappearing, as more and more are bought in electronic form and exist only as bytes of information on E–books or other devices. Does this matter? Could books become more spiritual, as they lose their physicality?

From the passage we know that _____________.
A.the author is attached to physical form of books
B.the author’s books are bound to find good homes
C.e-books have taken the place of traditional ones
D.the author’s parents used every room of theirs as a study
2024-05-13更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省2018届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一考试仿真模拟(五)阅读理解题型切片

5 . In today’s digital era, social media users are increasingly coming across fake news online. This leads to the pressing issue: What causes people to fall for misinformation on the Internet?

According to researchers at the Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology,   users can easily fall into an echo chamber (回声室)—a sort of virtual space where users consume only one-sided news, eventually distrusting any opposing views. “We all tend to agree with the group opinion. Hence, people naturally get together with others who hold the same opinion,” said Dongwon Lee, one of the researchers. “But if you’re not cautious, there is a high risk of falling into an echo chamber.”

To prevent this phenomenon, the researchers have crafted a novel tool, a game named ChamberBreaker, to help players resist echo chambers and reduce the rate of fake news spread. The fundamental approach employed by ChamberBreaker centers around a decision-making procedure that mirrors the creation of echo chambers. In ChamberBreaker, a player is tasked with trying to have community members fall into an echo chamber. To begin, the player is randomly assigned a situation that focuses on a health, political or environmental issue, and is presented with six pieces of news on that topic. Then, the player selects news that could cause the other members to fall into an echo chamber while at the same time maintaining their trust. If successful, the community members will fall into an echo chamber and the player will witness the resulting negative effects on the community.

After developing ChamberBreaker, researchers tested it with over 800 subjects to see if it raised awareness of echo chambers and changed news consumption behaviors. The researchers found that those who played ChamberBreaker were significantly more likely to state their intention to observe online information from more diverse perspectives and showed an increased awareness of the echo chamber phenomenon.

Ultimately, the researchers hope that their methodology can excite a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly study related to information consumption. The application of tools like ChamberBreaker, which focuses on fostering analytical reasoning, may lead us towards a more informed online community.

What is the likely long-term effect of playing ChamberBreaker?
A.Reducing news inquiry.
B.Encouraging passive reading.
C.Strengthening prejudiced views.
D.Enhancing critical thinking.
2024-05-13更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省苏州市南京航空航天大学苏州附属中学高三下学期二模英语试题阅读理解题型切片
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6 . The California sea otter (海獭), once hunted to the edge of extinction, has staged a thrilling comeback in the last century. Now, scientists have discovered that the otters’ success story has led to something just as remarkable: the restoration of their declining coastal marsh (沼泽) habitat.

Elkhorn Slough, a coastal marsh within Monterey Bay, had been experiencing severe damage. The root cause was a growing population of shore crabs, which fed heavily on the marsh plants, weakening the structural integrity of the habitat. Coastal marshes like these are not only natural defenses against storm waves but also serve as important carbon storage areas and water-cleaning systems.

The conservation-driven comeback of the sea otter has been crucial. California’s coastlines were once alive with sea otters. Sadly, they were nearly wiped out at the hands of fur traders. In the 1980s, conservation efforts aided these otters in re-occupying large areas of their former range. Now, Elkhorn Slough has the highest concentration of sea otters in California, with a population of about 100. By naturally feasting on crabs, the otters have helped a significant regrowth of plant life. Brent Hughes, a scientist working alongside Angelini, led a three-year study. Their findings were clear: in areas with sea otters, crab numbers fell markedly. This led to a resurgence in plant growth, which in turn stabilized the soil and lowered the rate of soil washing away.

As the sea otter population continues to restore, their positive impact on coastal ecosystems is likely to increase. It not only showcases the sea otter as a central species—a species that has a significant effect on its natural environment—but also highlights the essential nature of top predators (捕食者) in preserving ecological harmony. “My honest reaction was—this could become a classic in the literature,” says scientist Lekelia Jenkins. She reveals marsh restoration also helps people by reducing flooding. “Suddenly, sea otters go from just cute things we like to something that can protect our livelihoods and our properties.”

What is the author’s purpose in quoting Lekelia Jenkins?
A.To highlight the importance of coastal marshes.
B.To introduce a new research study on sea otters.
C.To demonstrate the practical benefits of sea otters.
D.To emphasize the need for increased conservation efforts.
2024-05-13更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省苏州市南京航空航天大学苏州附属中学高三下学期二模英语试题阅读理解题型切片
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7 . US Army veteran (退伍老兵) Mazyck remembers when doctors told her she would never walk again. She’d been paralyzed from the waist down after a serious accident while parachuting in 2003.The doctors never said anything about floating, though. In 2021,she got to do just that.

Mazyck was one of 12 participants in a Zero G flight, organized by the group AstroAccess. This type of flight recreates the weightlessness that astronauts experience without going all the way to space. Flying over the Pacific Ocean off Southern California, the modified 747 jet airplane made 15 steep dives and climbs, allowing the flyers multiple periods of weightlessness.

The experience left Mazyck feeling joyful. “The flight was something that I would have never in my wildest dreams thought I would’ve experienced,” she says, “especially the floating, the weightlessness.”

Traditionally, strict physical requirements have prevented disabled people from becoming astronauts. AstroAccess is working to make space accessible to all. “Space removes the barriers between people; now is the time to remove the barriers to space itself,” says Mazyck, “It is sending a message to people who have historically been excluded from STEM that not only is there room for you in space, there is a need for you.”

During the flight, she says, the participants did experiments and made observations. They took note of things that people without certain disabilities might not realize are issues. For example, people who couldn’t grip with their legs needed another way to hold themselves still while weightless. The group also experimented with signaling lights for the deaf and with ways of using braille (盲文) for the blind.

These types of issues are easy enough to address. Now is the time to make space accessible — before space tourism or space settlements become commonplace. “I am so proud and elated about what’s happening here,” Mazyck adds. “We are paving the way for the future.”

Which of the following words can best describe Mazyck?
A.Generous and determined.
B.Caring and persistent.
C.Courageous and optimistic.
D.Ambitious and innovative.
2024-05-13更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省苏州市南京航空航天大学苏州附属中学高三下学期二模英语试题阅读理解题型切片
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8 . Humans have long gained pleasure from the smells of the natural world. For the most part, though, human beings are not their target market. For plants, fragrances are a way to interact with insects and other animals. Their attraction for people happens simply by chance.

In chemical terms, most natural fragrances are made up of volatiles — so called because of their tendency to change states suddenly. Volatiles evaporate easily, drifting into noses. In plants’ reproductive processes, smelly volatiles attract pollinators (授粉昆虫). But their natural applications are much more varied. If an insect chews through the leaves of some Bursera plants, out shoots a sticky, smelly liquid to trap it. Coyote tobacco plants are even more crafty: upon sensing the smell of hungry caterpillars, they produce volatiles that attract predators to kill the pests.

What is truly amazing is just how wily plants can be in using their scents for reproduction. White flowers often emit their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators such as moths. They produce a dilute nectar (稀释的花蜜) that encourages moths to keep moving, rather than linger at a single bloom—all the better to increase pollination. Other flowers change their fragrance after being successfully pollinated, as a signal for insects to go elsewhere.

But though “Scent” is a story of plants’ cleverness, it is also a tale of the human kind. People have long used fragrances for their own purposes, particularly for use in religious ceremonies: perfume recipes on the walls of an Egyptian temple in Edfu demonstrate just how long ingredients have been mixed in pursuit of the best blend. So highly prized were some scents that, to scare off competitors, Arab traders spread a legend about giant eagles that guarded cinnamon.

Eventually scientists no longer needed natural sources for fragrances. In 1866 a fragrance molecule was produced for the first time. Sixteen years later, Houbigant Parfum released Fougère Royale, the first “modern fantasy perfume” that creates an imaginary scent rather than copying a natural one. Nowadays fragrance–making is dominated by man–made compounds, which can be reliably and affordably produced in large quantities.

That has led to the mass production of smelly products, from toilet paper to toothpaste. Scent is accordingly big business. It is said that a world–famous fragrance and flavour manufacturer that claims people interact with its products up to 30 times a day, had sales of €3.8bn last year.

According to Paragraph 1 and 2, which would the author agree with?
A.Some plants might kill the pests with their smells.
B.Fragrance is a tool for plants to protect themselves.
C.People interact with nature easily through fragrance.
D.Fragrances are less important to humans than to animals and insects.
2024-05-13更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届甘肃省西北师范大学附属中学高三5月模拟考试英语试卷阅读理解题型切片
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9 . Limiting kids’ recreational (消遣的) screen time to less than two hours a day, along with enough sleep and physical activity, is associated with improved cognition (认知) , according to a study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

The study included about 4 ,500 US children aged 8 to11 and measured their habits against the Canadian 24 – Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth. It found that 51% of the children got the recommended (建议的) 9 to 11 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night; 37% met the recreational screen time limit of two hours or less per day, while 18% met the physical activity recommendation of at least 60 minutes of accumulated physical activity a day. Only 5% of the children in the study met all three recommendations; 30% met none at all.

The researchers found that as each recommendation was met by a participant, there was a positive association with global cognition, which includes memory, attention, processing speed and language. Those who met all three had the most “superior” global cognition, followed by those meeting the sleep and screen time recommendation and finally the screen time recommendation alone, according to the study.

Other organizations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics – have guidelines in place to help with the management of children’s screen time. The organization suggests putting realistic rules or limits in place for how long your children are on their screens, knowing who they are talking to and what they are doing. The amount recommended screen time depends on the age of the child. Besides, parents should also make sure to encourage physical activity and have bedroom rules such as creating “ tech-free zones”.

Who are the target readers of this passage?
2024-05-13更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届甘肃省西北师范大学附属中学高三5月模拟考试英语试卷阅读理解题型切片
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10 . Media multitasking, such as scrolling through social media while watching a movie, may be linked to more brief failures in attention and difficulty remembering things.

“Our data support the idea that we should be aware of how we engage with media,” says Kevin Paul Madore at Stanford University in California. He and his team compared people’s self-reported levels of media multitasking with their performances in a memory task, as part of a study including 80 participants aged 18 to 26.

The researchers specifically tested episodic memory, which helps us recall events, by presenting the participants with images of objects on a computer and then later asking them to recall whether they had seen the objects earlier or not. At the same time, the team used EEG and eye tracking to monitor people’s attentiveness.

Madore and his colleagues also asked participants to complete a questionnaire to determine how often they engage in various forms of media multitasking, such as texting while watching TV or reading while listening to music. They found that people who reported more frequent media multitasking had more brief failures in attention during the memory task, which was associated with increased difficulties with remembering.

“I think conscious awareness of attentiveness and limiting potential distractions can go a long way in memory preparedness and reducing mind wandering or mind blanking,” says Madore. “Resisting media multitasking during school lectures or work zones, or limiting media multitasking to set times, could be valuable.”

“Media multitasking is becoming more prominent. We don’t actually know anything about the effects yet,” says Amy Orben at the University of Cambridge. It will be important to investigate whether media multitasking causes brief attentional failure and memory failure or whether there is another factor, such as how generally distractible a person is, that could explain the association. “This could be investigated through studies that monitor people over time and this is a really interesting area that we should explore,” she says.

What will the future study most probably focus on?
A.How generally distractible a person is.
B.How to monitor people in the long run.
C.What should be factored in attentional failures.
D.Whether media multitasking gives rise to inattention.
2024-05-13更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省六校2021届高三实验模拟考试(第四次联考)英语试题阅读理解题型切片
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