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1 . In recent years, Ethiopia has become a regional leader in solid waste management. Last year, the country transformed the landfill (垃圾填埋场) in Addis Ababa into a new waste-to-energy plant, the first such project on the continent. The plant incinerates up to 1, 400 tonnes of waste every day, about 80 percent of the city's rubbish, supplying the capital with 25 percent of its household electricity needs.

However, despite these important steps, challenges remain in Ethiopia. Although the country has permitted the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam conventions, laws and policies for environmentally sound management of hazardous (有害的) wastes are still not effective in pre- venting littering waste illegally.

To help Ethiopia meet these challenges, the Chemicals and Waste Management Program is supporting the country with a three-year project to enhance its capacity for sound management of hazardous wastes.

In the initial stages, a project management unit will be formed, made up of many representatives from government departments and private organizations. This unit will be responsible for reviewing and assessing Ethiopia's current legal system, which, despite numerous advances in recent years, does not specifically target the recycling of hazardous waste. Once legal gaps are identified, the project will seek to update existing policies and strategies.

Many people in Ethiopia are not aware of the possible effect of environmental damage and the need to report such crimes to the police. To resolve this pressing issue, Ethiopia will be conducting a series of capacity-building activities, including creating awareness-raising programs, training trainers and providing equipment.

Ethiopia will also work to establish a national mechanism for chemicals and waste management by engaging government departments and civil society groups. Authorities will also make budgetary provisions (预算拨款) in national, regional and institutional planning to ensure funding for these activities is sustainable even after the project's completion.

1. Which can replace the underlined word “incinerates” in paragraph 1?
2. What's the main problem of Ethiopia in waste management?
A.The relevant laws are not sound.B.The shortage of workers is severe.
C.The pollution level is too high.D.The funds are not sufficient.
3. What will Ethiopia do to help the natives protect the environment?
A.Restrict their environmental movement.B.Call on them to start some programs.
C.Reward them with budgetary provisions.D.Raise their environmental awareness.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Ethiopia is facing serious environmental problems.
B.Ethiopia has achieved success in waste management.
C.Ethiopia is putting efforts into waste management.
D.Ethiopia has reduced environmental pollution levels.

2 . The Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins of Shark Bay in Western Australia have an unusual way of obtaining food.

They drive fish into a large, empty marine gastropod shell. Then they carry the shell and captured(捕捉)fish up to the surface, and shake it upside down. Then, the fish go straight down into the dolphins' stomachs. It's called shelling, only the second tool use recorded among dolphins, and the first that dolphins have been seen learning from their friends, just like great apes.

The dolphins were first observed using tools over 20 years ago, slipping sea sponges over their beaks(喙)to protect them as they searched for food. This behaviour is called sponging, and it allows the dolphins to access food in deeper water channels than non-sponging dolphins.

Sponging is a skill passed down from mothers to daughters-a type of learning called vertical transmission. But there is another kind of learning, horizontal social transition, in which individuals pick up skills from their social peers-their friends.

There are similarities between dolphin and great ape societies that have led scientists to believe that dolphins should be capable of horizontal leaning.

Now a team of researchers led by behavioural ecologist Sonja Wild of the University of Konstanz in Germany has finally identified it.

Their data comes from over a decade's worth of observations. Between 2007 and 2018, the researchers documented over 1.000 individual dolphins across nearly 5,300 encounters with the animals.

They used genetic, behavioural and environment data to model the likely transmission pathways, and found that shelling was likely spread among friends, rather than passed down from parents.

This opens the door to a new understanding of how dolphins may be able to behaviourally adapt to changing environments.

In 2011, a large marine heatwave destroyed the seagrass habitat of Shark Bay, in which the dolphins search for food. This resulted in a die-off of both fish and the invertebrates that live in the giant shells that the dolphins use for their fishing, and, afterwards there was an immediate increase in the dolphin's shelling behaviour. It's possible that both the decrease in fish and the increase in shells could have played a role in this uptick.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The process of shelling.B.The importance of tool use.
C.The eating habits of dolphins.D.The similarity between dolphins and apes.
2. What makes sponging different from shelling?
A.It is used by most dolphins.B.It is a skill newer than shelling.
C.It is passed down from mothers.D.It is helpful in searching for food.
3. What's a possible reason for the dolphin's shelling behaviour?
A.It is easier than sponging.B.It is a tradition among them.
C.Their food has become less.D.Their fishing tools are fewer.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Shelling or Sponging, Dolphins Have the Final Say
B.Dolphins Are Learning Tool Use from Their Friends
C.Changing Environments Are Affecting Dolphins' Life
D.The Second Tool Use Among Sea Animals Was Recorded
2021-05-07更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省焦作市普通高中2020-2021学年高二年级下学期期中考试英语试题

3 . Traffic jams are the horrible dreams of motorists’ lives. If you think your journey is bad, spare a thought for drivers in Sao Paolo, Brazil — one evening in May last year, the traffic jams during the rush hour added up to a 344km queue, according to the city's traffic management agency.

This isn't a new problem, of course. During the car boom of the 1960s, city planners had one seemingly obvious solution: build more and wider roads. But the more roads created, the more cars they attracted. So what's the solution? Some cities have adopted easy methods, like banning cars from driving on certain days.

However, ending this horrible dream may need more of a complete rethink. A company, Urban Engines, has a slightly fresher method. "We're providing an online game that offers trip suggestions and prizes to encourage commuter behaviour changes, including changing travel from peak to off-peak times,“ says Shiva Shivakumar, Urban Engines' co-founder and GEO. For the past two-and-a-half years, the company has conducted pilot studies in major cities, including Bangalore and Singapore. In Bangalore, one-in-six people who took part in the trial started travelling off-peak, and in Singapore one-in-eight.

But others think this solution doesn't go far enough—and that we should provide more reasons for putting fewer cars on the road. “The only effective long-term solution is to improve alternative methods—walking, cycling and particularly high-quality public transport,” says Todd Litman of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute in Canada. Road pricing that charges motorists extra if they drive during the rush hour could also be an option. Cities like Singapore, London and Stockholm have successfully used road pricing to control the steel river.

The solution to beating traffic jams in cities, if it comes, will probably take a long time to gain prizes. But if at least some of these new ideas are a success, the days of Sao Paolo's heavy traffic jams may finally become history.

1. What can we learn about the method of building wider roads?
A.It results in the car boom.B.It is far from satisfactory.
C.It needs to be further tested.D.It is unlikely to be widely used.
2. What does Urban Engines do to deal with traffic jams?
A.It charges commuters for travelling at peak times.
B.It changes its working time to avoid peak times.
C.It bans commuters from driving on certain days.
D.It offers prizes to those travelling at off-peak times.
3. What does the underlined part “the steel river” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The traffic flow.B.The traffic light.
C.The public transport.D.The crowd of people.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.How Do Traffic Jams FormB.Can We Ever End Traffic Jams
C.Do Traffic Jams Affect Our LifeD.Where Is the Most Jammed City
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . They' re not the world' s tallest or longest bridges, but a string of river crossings made from tree roots are engineering wonders that contain lessons for modern architects.

The town of Cherrapunji in the Khasi Hills is credited with the world record for annual rainfall of over 75 feet! And in this rainy, wet climate, the rubber fig tree grows with abandon. The tree has a secondary root system that grows up above the ground floor and lets the tree easily grow on top of big stones and even out in the middle of streams. Long ago, the Khasis, a tribe in Meghalaya region, realized they could make use of these roots to their own advantage. By controlling and directing the secondary roots, they have created strong living bridges with which to cross streams and rivers by themselves.

To make a tree grow in a certain direction, the tribespeople use the trunks of a betel nut tree whose middle is got rid of, as a guidance system. The thin, tender roots of the rubber tree are placed so they grow in the direction of the tree trunk rather than fanning out. Eventually, the roots reach the other side of the river and grow into the soil. This process can take well over a decade before the bridge is fully functional and then over time the bridge grows and strengthens. Rocks are placed along the bridge' s sides to improve the footpaths.

Some of these bridges are over 100 feet long and can even support the weight of fifty or-more people at a time. These bridges are used daily by the people of the villages around Cherrapunji and a few are thought to be more than 500 years old. There is even a double decker bridge , known as the “Umshiang Double-Decker Root Bridge", which features two bridges grown right on top of each other. It is thought to be the only bridge of its kind.

1. What do we know about the bridges in Meghalaya?
A.They resemble the fig tree roots.
B.They're works of modern architects.
C.They take a very short time to build.
D.They're constructed by the villagers.
2. How is a betel nut tree used in building the bridges?
A.It plays the role of a guide.
B.It bears the weight of the bridge.
C.It protects the surface of the bridge.
D.It delivers materials across the river.
3. What does the third paragraph mainly describe?
A.A complex system.
B.A construction process.
C.A scientific theory.
D.A natural landscape.
4. What makes the “Umshiang Double-Decker Root Bridge” unusual?
A.Its history.
B.Its material.
C.Its shape.
D.Its length.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Here on Earth where most of us live, we spend about a third of everyday lying down sleeping and two-thirds standing or sitting in an upright position.

That's not really how it goes in space when people are weightless and the zero gravity environment causes more liquid to shift to the head. Faces get swollen, legs lose volume and appear to be smaller. Many astronauts have complained of eye and back problems after coming back down to Earth and its gravity.

And now scientists say they have discovered some new risks with long-term space flight. A study published recently in JAMA Network Open, a medical journal, examined 11 healthy astronauts who had been on the International Space Station for six months. Eight of them had unusual characteristics observed in their blood. For instance, six of the astronauts had reverse (反向的)blood flow from their heads.

The lead author of the study says he doesn't know if that's actually harmful. The blood is still leaving the head from other pathways, so flowing backwards through a jugular vein(颈静脉) may not be dangerous. But he says it does show a change in how blood moves through the body while in space.

Another issue the study found was blood clots (凝块). One astronaut had one. Another showed signs of a partial blood clot. That is potentially harmful as the clots can block the flow of blood to the lungs. The astronaut who had one was treated for the rest of the spaceflight and made it home safely.

What does all this mean? Well, one researcher says these issues have probably been oc- curring since humans first went into space and that they would likely resolve themselves when astronauts came back down to Earth. Knowing about them now gives doctors something else to monitor when people leave our atmosphere.

1. What causes the physical problems for astronauts?
A.Sleeping for a long time.B.The zero gravity environment.
C.Staying in the spaceship.D.The shift in their bodies.
2. How many issues did the study newly find?
3. What can we know about the blood clot?
A.It is a common problem.B.It is a new kind of disease.
C.It is a threat to people's health.D.It was first found by astronauts.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Doctors have a new task for astronauts
B.Zero gravity stops astronauts flying in space
C.It's dangerous for astronauts to fly into space
D.New risks are found in long-term space flight

6 . More young Chinese are making preparations for their future by buying life and medical insurance, Chen Meiling reports. Jessie Dong, 30, sent her life insurance policy to her mother, which says, if she dies before 50, family members will get a compensation (补偿)of 3 million yuan (S458,820).

Recently, the only child of her mother's colleague died at the age of 35, and all that was left to his lonely, old parents was sorrow. Dong, a researcher of social science in Beijing, says she doesn't want such a tragedy (悲剧) to happen, and hopes to be able to support her family even if she is gone. Buying insurance became one of her wisest choices.

She pays about 350 yuan every month for the life insurance, and about 300 yuan annually for critical illness insurance with coverage of 4 million yuan, in case she runs out of money for “having to treat a serious disease someday” "It's a good way to face the unpredictable risks of life with a small amount of money. Of course hopefully I won't use it," she says, adding she purchased insurance on Alipay, as she is too busy to visit insurance companies in-person, and she plans to continue investing (投资)in it.

The younger generation, those born in the 1990s, in China is showing a higher interest in buying insurance, driven by the increased awareness of crisis and a willingness to improve risk resistance ability, experts say. The fact that   more people   get severe diseases at a younger age or feel their worse health condition, as well as uncertainties brought about by     the COVID-19 pandemic(流行病) to both their personal lives and on a Socio-economic level, also strengthens anxiety and is contributing   to the trend.

1. What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
A.The young are afraid of dying.
B.Jessie Dong’s mother has passes away.
C.Jessie gain a large sum.
D.Buying life   insurance’s popular with the young.
2. How does Dong get the life insurance?
A.By WeChat.B.By Alipay.
C.In cash.D.By Taobao.
3. What are the young uncertain about due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
A.Their serious diseases and poor health.
B.Their higher interest and awareness of crises.
C.Their life of high quality and living standard.
D.Their personal lives and socio-economic level.
4. What's the best title of the passage?
A.A Future PlanB.A Good Choice
C.A Health InvestmentD.A Large Company
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The planets Jupiter (木星) and Saturn (土星) have been moving closer and closer to each other in the night sky. In fact, on December 21 , they appeared closer together than they have been in hundreds of years.

When two astronomical bodies appear close in the sky, as seen from Earth, it is called 4 conjunction (合相). Conjunctions can happen with any two bodies, such as planets, moons, stars and asteroids (小行星). When Jupiter and Saturn come together, it is called a "Great Conjunction".

Astronomers say these events between the two largest planets in our solar system are not rare. Jupiter passes its neighbor Saturn once every 20 years as they circle around the sun. But this conjunction is especially close: From Earth, the two planets will look to be just one-tenth of a degree apart. That is about the distance of one-fifth of a full moon.

If weather permits, they should be easy to see just after sundown. This just-in-time-for-Christmas sight promises to be one of the greatest of Great Conjunctions. What makes this modern Great Conjunction different is that it is happening at nighttime. The last time that happened was almost 800 years ago.

Saturn and Jupiter have been getting closer in the sough-southwest sky for weeks. Jupiter, which is bigger and closer to Earth, is much brighter. The two planets might look like one body if viewed with eyes alone. If sky watchers use telescopes they should be able to see the planets as separate. Saturn will be the smaller, less-bright body at Jupiter's upper right.

Even though they appear close, more than 730 million kilometers of space lies between them. Observers using telescopes will not only see Jupiter and Saturn in the same field of view, but also some of their brightest moons. Their next close pairing will happen on March 15, 2080.

1. What do astronomers think of planets getting close to each other?
2. What makes this Great Conjunction special?
A.The time when it takes place.
B.The part of sky where it happens.
C.The distance between the two planets.
D.The brightness of the two planets.
3. Which of the following shows the right position of the two planets?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Two Planets Reach Especially near Earth
B.Jupiter and Saturn Come Together in the Night Sky
C.Conjunctions of Planets Excite Astronomers
D.Good Chances to Observe Jupiter and Saturn Appear
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . There are many therapies (疗法) for depression, including medical treatment, psychotherapy and talk therapy. Having a range of treatment choices is a good idea because no single treatment works equally well for each of millions of sufferers. Choosing the most suitable treatment is important to them. Now researchers say a new therapy proven to relieve depression should be added to the established treatments. It's called nature therapy. "Interacting with nature can have positive effects on those with depression," says Ethan Kross, PhD, an expert who has studied the nature depression link.

A little exposure to nature helps all of us get our energy back, and it may have special benefit for those who are depressed.“It seems that, from our work, the restorative effect of nature seems to be stronger for individuals with depression," says Marc Berman, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. That might be because they feel mentally exhausted, and being in nature re energizes them. However, Dr Berman has a strong warning. “We're not arguing that interacting with nature should replace clinically proven treatments for depression," he says, “Nor should those with clinical depression try to treat themselves.”

However, Berman and others say, interactions with nature could serve as a very effective supplementary treatment. Compared to adults with depression walking for 50 minutes in an urban setting, those who took a 50 minute walk in a natural setting were less depressed and had better memory skills.

Why does nature hold this special effect? Berman says, “In a natural environment, we can choose to think or not, and this choice is believed to help us rest our brains. You can then pay attention later, when you need to.”He adds, “It gives people more ability to concentrate, which is a big problem for those with depression. ”Nature provides an effective setting for resting our brains, unlike urban setting. Even in the most peaceful urban environment, you have to pay attention to such things as traffic and stoplights.

1. What can we learn about depression therapies from paragraph 1?
A.They focus on physical activity.
B.They pay no attention to interactions.
C.They mainly depend on natural environment.
D.They need to be tailored to different patients.
2. How does nature benefit patients with depression?
A.By making them feel energetic.B.By reminding them to rest in time.
C.By taking the place of clinic treatment.D.By covering up their mental problems.
3. What does the underlined word “supplementary" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An urban setting of restoring energy.
B.The positive role of nature in treating depression.
C.The popularity of using multiple ways to treat diseases.
D.An effective replacement of clinical therapy for depression.
2021-03-28更新 | 375次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省新乡市2021届高三第二模拟考试英语试题
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