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1 . It’s time for bed, the lights are out, and yet you’re wide awake. You do eventually manage to fall asleep, but even then, it’s a very shallow, restless sort of sleep.

Now more research suggests you needn’t look further than outside your window and at the moon for the cause of this sleeplessness. However, in a surprising twist, the findings weren’t entirely what the researchers expected. While we know that humans are a species ruled by light, the “lunar phase effect” (月相效应) affects sleep even when artificial sources of light are accounted for.

Rather than people staying up later and sleeping less during the full moon, it was just before the full moon that sleep was shorter and lighter. “It turns out that the nights before the full moon are the ones that have most of the moonlight during the first half of the night,” said Horacio Iglesia, a professor of biology at the University of Washington in The Guardian. The opposite was true just before the new moon — people tended to sleep more and go to bed earlier.

Ninety-eight participants across three Indigenous communities in Argentina wore wrist monitors tracking sleep patterns over the course of one to two months. While one community had no access to electricity, the second community had limited access, and the third community was located in an urban setting with full access to electricity.

The study also found that this lunar phase effect on sleep also appeared to have greater impact on people who had more limited access to electricity. In every community, participants’ peak (高峰) sleepless period occurred in the three to five days leading up to the full moon night, while the opposite was true for the new moon, the study authors found.

Wanting further insight, the researchers compared their data to the results of a similar study of 464 Seattle-based students at the University of Washington. The findings proved consistent.

This research supports the view that try as we may, we can’t ever fully get away from some forces of nature.

1. What makes it hard for people to fall asleep?
A.Visual distance.B.Faded light.
C.Artificial light.D.Bright moonlight.
2. When do people usually have a light sleep?
A.Before the full moon.B.During the full moon.
C.Before the new moon.D.During the new moon.
3. What did the research in Argentina find?
A.The third community slept least during the new moon.
B.Lunar phase effect affected the first community more.
C.Peak sleepless period often happened at the same night
D.The result of the research differed from previous ones.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Shallow Sleep Does Harm to HealthB.The Moon Affects Our Sleep Cycles
C.People Live in Harmony with NatureD.Sleep Patterns Differ from Each Other

2 . Sophia Gholz is an award-winning children's book author, music lover. and magic seeker. Sophia enjoys writing fiction with humor and heart. When writing nonfiction, she pulls on her love of science and her family background in ecology.

Her book, The Boy Who Grew a Forest, shares the true story of Jadav Payeng, a man in India who single- bandedly planted an entire forest over the course of his lifetime. When he was younger, Jadav Payeng was shocked by the destruction of his island home. So he took matters into his own bands and began planting one seed at a time. Jadav's forest is now over 1300 acres and provides a home to many animals, some endangered. Jadav is still planting today and his hard work has now been celebrated around the world.

To write this story, Sophia got to know more about Jadav Payeng and his forest through a documentary film called Forest Man. Influenced by her father, a forest ecologist and a scientist, she grew up learning about the importance of trees and the natural world. When she heard about a man on a m1ssion to reforest an entire island on his own, she was drawn to this story.

As for research, most of her research was done online. She read every news article that she could find about Jadav and listened to every interview. Then she reached out to several people who had met or interviewed Jadav as well, including the producer of his short documentary film.

She hopes that The Boy Who Grew a Forest lights a spark in everyone who reads it to go out and care for our beautiful planet. She'd love young readers to be inspired to plant or to learn more about animal habitats, biodiversity and science in general.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.A story on how to plant trees.B.Endangered animals in the forest.
C.Destruction of Jadav's island home.D.A book introducing a tree- planting hero.
2. What do we know about Jadav Payeng ?
A.He has quit planting recently.B.He is known to many people. .
C.He was an actor of Forest Man.D.He planted trees with his family.
3. Which words can best describe Jadav Payeng?
A.Humorous and skilled.B.Creative and outgoing.
C.Determined and diligent.D.Controversia1 and helpful.
4. What's the purpose of writing The Boy Who Grew a Forest?
A.To encourage research on wildlife.B.To describe a boy's farming experience.
C.To stress the importance of planting trees.D.To advocate the action to protect the earth.
2021-05-12更新 | 272次组卷 | 5卷引用:广东省广州中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题

3 . Some scientists have detected a chemical on Venus (金星) that isn’t expected to be there, which leads them to wonder what is producing the chemical.

Venus may look beautiful in the night sky, but it’s a harsh planet. Its clouds are made of acid. And its atmosphere is so thick that if you could stand on the planet’s surface, you would feel like you were 3,000 feet under the sea. It is the hottest planet in the solar system, with an average temperature of 464℃. Though people have often wondered if Venus used to have life, most people don’t believe life exists there. Now, as a result of work by a group of scientists led by Dr. Jane Greaves from Cardiff University, there may be reason to question that.

The scientists found a molecule called phosphine (磷化氢) in Venus’ atmosphere. On Earth, some bacteria produce small amounts of phosphine in oxygen-free environments. Phosphine molecules aren’t very stable, so they tend to break apart or burn up easily.

Many scientists believe phosphine might be a sign of life on other planets. So the scientists were puzzled when they found signs of phosphine high in the atmosphere of Venus. They double-checked their result and it was the same — high in the clouds there appeared to be too much phosphine.

That led the scientists to think about what could make the phosphine. They studied many ideas, from sunlight, lightning strikes to volcanoes. But none of these could produce the amount of phosphine they detected. One possible explanation for the phosphine is simple — life. For example, some sort of bacteria can somehow survive in the acid clouds of Venus.

The discovery of phosphine on Venus has caused a lot of excitement. The scientists behind the study are eager to do more research. Now, many other people are also looking to focus on the planet and perhaps even create missions to explore Venus’ atmosphere.

1. According to Paragraph 2, what’s generally believed about Venus?
A.Life exists there for long.
B.It is an unlivable planet.
C.It is one of the hottest planets.
D.The clouds on Venus are thin and acidic.
2. What do we know about phosphine on Venus?
A.It is a kind of gas low in the clouds.B.It is a possible marker of life.
C.It contributes to the birth of life.D.It is stable in oxygen-free environments.
3. What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.The presence of phosphine.B.The amount of acid.
C.The instability of phosphine.D.The high temperature.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Is There Life on Venus?B.Oxygen Spotted on Venus
C.A New Way to Explore VenusD.Will Astronauts Land on Venus?
2021-05-20更新 | 205次组卷 | 2卷引用:第14讲 阅读理解词义猜测题(练)-2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(全国通用)
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4 . A small bowl bought at a yard sale in Connecticut for just $ 35 has been identified as a rare 15th-century Chinese antique.

The blue-and-white bowl was made by China's royal court during the Ming dynasty. It is now expected to sell for up to $500,000, according to Sotheby's auction(拍卖)house in New York, where the auction will take place next month.

The purchase was made last year near New Haven, Connecticut. “I was just hanging around there aimlessly. But when I saw this bowl, I didn't even bargain over the $35 asking price,” the owner said. Shortly after the purchase, he sent photos of the bowl to auction specialists, who identified it as an item of historical significance.

Upon closer inspection, the artifact was found to have originated from the period of Yongle Emperor, who ruled from 1403 to 1424 - a period noted for its distinctive porcelain (瓷器)techniques. It's now valued between $300,000 and $500,000, with the top estimate nearly 14,300 times the amount it was purchased for.

“I was deeply attracted by the techniques. You can see why this bowl is so highly-valued from the very smooth porcelain body, silky glaze(上釉)and special blue coloring, which were never reproduced in later dynasties,” McAteer, an auction specialist, said.

“The Yongle Emperor improved the porcelain techniques and elevated the importance of porcelain from being an ordinary bowl into a true work of art. This small bowl has both practical and artistic value, ”McAteer said.

1. What can we infer about the bowl's owner?
A.He found the bowl by accident.
B.He hesitated during the purchase.
C.He doubted whether the bowl was real.
D.He bought the bowl because it was cheap.
2. What makes the bowl so precious?
A.The blue color on it.B.The long history it has.
C.The people who made it.D.The unique techniques used.
3. What does the underlined word “elevated” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
4. What's the best title of the text?
A.An Amazing BowlB.A Special Yard Sale
C.The Return of PorcelainsD.A Man Making Fortune
2021-05-16更新 | 266次组卷 | 6卷引用:第14讲 阅读理解词义猜测题(练)-2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(全国通用)

5 . What defines (定义) a generation? Often, experts say, members of a generation are defined by the events that shaped their lives as young adults.

“World events like wars, pandemics (大流行病) and racial unrest can be especially formative,” says Meg Jay, a psychologist and author of “The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter — and How to Make the Most of Them Now”. Because our 20s are often when we have our first jobs and first relationships and first moves and first real-world experiences, these big events become important parts of our life stories.

In 2020, it was a pandemic.

For the last three months of 2020, the Monitor followed twelve 2l-year-olds from around the world. We wanted to understand how this global health crisis is encoding itself in the cultural DNA of a generation coming of age in its shadow. Their lives and circumstances as they rolled into 2021 varied wildly. But the lives of the 2l-year-olds we met had many obvious similarities. Separately, for instance, the internet was their collective lifeline to the world. In Mexico, an art student isolating in her family home posted a daily piece of art to Instagram to remind herself that time had not stopped altogether. In Germany, a labor organizer negotiated contracts and planned strikes via Zoom.

By the end of 2020, many of the world’s 21-year-olds had lost jobs; others wondered if they’d ever find one. In the U. S, youth unemployment doubled between July 2019 and July 2020. Also, the pandemic opened fault lines, and stressed old ones. In India, Jordan, and South Africa, our 21-year-olds wondered how they’d collect enough money for mobile data for online studies. In Mexico, Canada, and Germany, 21-year-olds reflected on loneliness as a privilege — that they were alone because they could isolate, their lives not dependent on doing otherwise.

We found a generation suspended (悬停) between the world they’d grown up in and uncertain arrival of their future.

1. According to Meg Jay, what determines the future of the people in their twenties?
A.Their fundamental changes of working circumstances.
B.Their great efforts of coping with uncertainties in life.
C.Their first experiences of the major events then.
D.Their deep reflections on the attitudes to life.
2. What does the underlined words “fault lines” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.Significant employment challenges.B.Potential social problems.
C.Special individual privileges.D.Global health crises.
3. What’s the writer’s attitude towards today’s 20s?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The World Children Have Grown up in Defines a Generation
B.A Young Generation Was Suspended But Ready to Start
C.A Great Pandemic Has Brought Various Global Crises
D.World Events Changed the Lives of Young Adults
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6 . Until now, scientists haven’t been able to study the new rock on the moon.The new samples from Chang’e 5 will change this. They’re from near Mons Rümker, a volcanic mountain where the rock is thought to be much younger-- about 1 billion years old.

There are a lot of reasons scientists are eager to study this younger rock, one of which is that it could help us more precisely date not only the moon, but many rocky planets and other objects.

Here’s how that works: Scientists date lunar rock by using something called a chronology curve(年代学曲线), says Jollliff, a scientists at Washington University in St. Louis. Basically, they estimate the age of the rock by counting the number of craters(火山口) in the area the rock comes from; those increase as objects strike the rock over time. To make this estimation, scientists need to match the number of craters to a precise age. Right now, they only have data points for lunar rock that is 3 to billion years old. Modern techniques can date the new sample extremely accurately, and once scientists know its precise age, they can add a valuable data point to their chronology curve. The dating system will also help us more accurately estimate the age of all sorts of objects in space, like rocky planets and other moons.

Another reason scientists are keen to study this young volcanic rock is to find out more about how volcanism works on the moon. Jollliff says that it’s unclear why there was volcanic activity on the moon for such a long period of time. Most of the moon; s volcanic activity, he says, is thought to have occurred 3 or 4 billion years ago, when the moon was still pretty young. But since the moon does not have plate structure, which drives volcanism on Earth, it’s unclear what could have caused much later volcanic activity. “That’s something that you can find out of the samples by studying them in the lab,” Jollliff says.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.The fact of being unable to study the new rock.
B.The new rock from near Mons Rümker.
C.One of the reasons to study the moon;s new rock.
D.The study of the moon’s younger rock.
2. Scientists research this younger rock because they can ________.
A.ensure there was volcanic activity on the moon.
B.more precisely date only the moon.
C.date lunar rock by using a chronology curve.
D.explore how volcanism works on the moon.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Scientistsare keen to study this young volcanic rock.
B.Scientists can’t know why volcanic activity exists on the moon.
C.The moon’s volcanic activity occurred 3 or 4 billion years ago.
D.It’s clear what could have caused much later volcanic activity.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.How scientists study the younger rock.
B.Why the research is important.
C.Why the younger rock is worth studying.
D.What scientists do to study the younger rock.
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7 . Ian McKenna was in third grade when he learned that many kids at his Austin school weren't getting enough to eat at home. He wanted to help, but local volunteer organizations turned him away, saying he was too young. So he decided to find his own solution. For years, he had been gardening with his mother, and they often distributed their extra vegetables to the neighbors. “Why not give the produce to a soup kitchen? Then I thought, I'm good at gardening," says McKenna, now 16. “Why not plant a garden at school, so that kids in need could take food home?"

McKenna persuaded his school to set aside space for a garden; then he asked the community for donations of seeds and equipment. Other students donated their time. Within months, McKenna's garden was producing lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash for students and their families. Now, seven years later, McKenna's Giving Garden project has expanded to five area schools in addition to his own backyard garden, and he has provided organic produce, enough for 25,000 meals, for Austin families.

For most of his gardening activities, McKenna wears the same T-shirt in different colors, with his personal motto on it: BE A GOOD HUMAN. To him, that means helping in any way you can, no matter what your age. "Even a smile might change someone's life," he says. “It lets them know that they are important. It can make their day."

When COVID-19 hit the U.S., McKenna redoubled his efforts, cooking up to 100 meals to distribute to the hungry on the weekends. When social distancing meant that volunteers couldn't work on community garden plots, he started offering online classes and a gardening hotline so families could grow at home. While gardening is his core focus, McKenna says he is always looking for new ways to help the hungry.

1. What caused Ian's decision to help the kids in his own way?
A.Being rejected by volunteer groups.B.Being good at gardening.
C.A soup kitchen's support.D.His mother's suggestions.
2. What do we know about the Giving Garden project?
A.It helps students only.B.It was started with joint efforts.
C.It is funded by schools.D.It earns great profits every year.
3. Which of the following can best explain Ian's personal motto?
A.Where there is a will, there is a way.B.A small gesture makes a difference.
C.One good turn deserves another.D.Love can break all the barriers.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Ian McKenna, Growing a Food Bank
B.Ian Mckenna, an Experienced Gardener
C.Giving Garden Project, an Impossible Mission
D.Giving Garden Project, a Universal Solution
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8 . One of Britain' s most outstanding scientists says the growth in the use of electronic tablets and smart phones is causing people to spend so much time indoors that they need to take regular vitamin D supplements to make up for the lack of sunlight they receive naturally.

Geneticist Steve Jones said he himself was a follower to the cause and urged others to follow. “I never thought I would be a person who would take vitamin supplements;I always thought it was absolute nonsense. But now I take vitamin D every day. Today, because I knew the sun wasn't going to shine, I took an extra one,” he said.

Exposure to the sun is the major source of vitamin D. However, people are spending less and less time outdoors in many areas. The problem is particularly serious in Scotland. "The Scots are the whitest people in the world because their entire body systems are crying out for vitamin D," he said, adding that life expectancy in Scotland is two years shorter than in England or Wales. Multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症), a medical condition which is often seen in northern Europe, is also higher in Scotland than in England.

Vitamin D helps with the absorption of Ca, which helps keep bones strong. And Jones said the fact that rickets (佝偻病) was making a comeback in Britain after nearly 50 years was another sign of how changing behavior patterns were bringing physical harm.

Jones admitted that concerns over the damaging effects on skin of long-time exposure to the sun were reasonable, but said sunlight was healthy and necessary for the human body, and could help in lowering blood pressure. "If you lie on the beach for an hour, you will drop your blood pressure by about 10 points, because it relaxes your blood vessels (血管). So, get out in the sun while we still can," he said.

1. How are people affected by the rise of technology according to the text?
A.They are more sensitive to sunlight
B.They take more vitamin D supplements.
C.They get less vitamin D than before.
D.They become addicted to electronic games.
2. What’s Jones’ attitude towards taking vitamin D supplements now?
3. Why are the Scots the whitest people in the world?
A.Because they are in great need of sunlight.
B.Because their blood pressure is very low.
C.Because they enjoy a short period of sunshine.
D.Because they are easy to get multiple sclerosis.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Get out and gain more Vitamin D
B.Keep away from tablets and phones
C.Pay attention to the importance of sunlight
D.Take vitamin D supplements to keep healthy
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Tears well up in people's eyes for a lot of reasons. A teardrop running down the cheek is the ultimate symbol of sadness, but people may also cry because they just cut an onion, or maybe they're trying to blink out an eyelash.

For the most part, tears help maintain healthy eyes. When you blink, basal (基底的) tears clean and smooth the eyes, which helps you to see clearly, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Moreover, reflex (反射性的) tears, or those that happen unconsciously, help clear the eyes of irritants (刺激物), including dust and the gas that's produced when a knife slices a raw onion, said Andre Silva, a doctoral student of psychology at the University of Minho in Portugal.

Emotions can also bring about tears in humans. These emotional tears can serve as a means of nonverbal communication. Silva said, “Babies cry to signal to their mothers that something's up. It's a pure attention call. Some people think that babies are capable of controlling adults by crying, but that idea is false and misleading, as a baby is not conscious of being tricky: In a way, we can consider these tears as being somewhere between basal tears and emotional tears.”

As people grow older, they begin to use their tears to express emotions, such as happiness or sadness. These tears may promote compassion and empathy in others. But beware of people who may use their tears to control others. “Some sensitive people may be easily controlled through the crying of others, and may easily shed tears that can also be used by others to control them,” he said.

So, emotional tears have both advantages and disadvantages. “They are a powerful communication device and a powerful manipulative (操纵别人的) device,” Silva said. Crying also makes it hard for some people to mask their feelings when they're in the middle of an extreme emotional state.

1. What's the function of reflex tears?
A.Reflecting our feelings.
B.Being used to affect others.
C.Serving as a means of interaction.
D.Clearing away harmful matters in the eyes.
2. What may Silva agree with according to the text?
A.Tears are usually used to pity others.
B.Babies burst into tears without tricks.
C.People mask their feelings when crying.
D.Blinking out an eyelash makes it easy to cry.
3. What can be learned from the text?
A.We ought to identify tears.
B.We should control babies, crying.
C.We need to smooth our eyes by emotional tears.
D.We can hardly fan others' sympathy by tears.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Why do people cry?
B.Why can tears control others?
C.How do people express emotions?
D.How can people make use of tears?

10 . If you're British or live in a Commonwealth nation, Christmas doesn't end on December 25.The day after Christmas is known as Boxing Day, and the relaxing holiday is a chance to allow the celebration for one more restful day.

But its name has nothing to do with the sport of boxing, and unlike the popular idea, did not appear from a need to return unwanted gifts or clean up trash produced by Christmas gifting.

There are several theories as to how that charitable tradition became known as "boxing".Some historians link the use of the term to boxes of donations that were laid in churches during the pre-Christmas season of Advent in the early days of Christianity during the second and third centuries A.D.The day after Christmas, the boxes were opened and the money was given away to the poor.

Another possible story for Boxing Day has to do with a tradition that formed in 19th century Victorian England, where servants sacrificed(牺牲)time with their own families to cater to their employers on Christmas.On the day after Christmas, employers would give the servants a rare day off and send them home with leftovers from the family's Christmas feast for their service.

Though the reasons are lost to history, Boxing Day charity eventually fell out of tradition---and was replaced with physical and material pleasures.Today, the holiday is linked with sports, with major football rugby, and cricket matches and horse races taking place on December 26.

December 26 is also a big shopping day throughout the UK and the Commonwealth.The holiday kicks off what is known as " Boxing Week" , during which retailers(零售商)try to move old stock and shoppers compete for one last bargain of the year.In recent years, though, the American tradition of Black Friday---massive sales that take place the day after Thanksgiving each November---has become popular in the United Kingdom and has largely overshadowed Boxing Week.

1. What kind of festival was Boxing Day probably in the beginning?
A.A charitable festival.B.A religious festival.
C.A sports festival.D.A business festival.
2. What does the underlined part "cater to" in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Take care of.B.Depend on.
C.Put up with.D.Pick up.
3. How is Boxing Week going in the United Kingdom recently?
A.It has become an online shopping day.
B.It has been replaced by Black Friday.
C.It only covers popular sports events.
D.It has become less important than before.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.When Did Boxing Day Come into Being?B.Why Did People Celebrate Boxing Day?
C.How Is Black Friday Celebrated in the UK?D.Why Is Black Friday Popular in the UK?
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