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1 . Savannah Family Vacation Package

Bring your whole family to Savannah for a vacation adventure that combines sightseeing with a show at Savannah’s most historic theatre and three nights’ lodging in the exciting Savannah Family Vacation Package!

Prices Starting at:

Ages 19 and Up: $150.00

Ages 13—19: $50.00

Ages 4—12: $20.00

Ages 0—3: Free

Historical Attractions in Savannah

Savannah is a beautiful city, as well as one of the most historic in the United States, Here, visitors will enjoy Southern history and culture. Head out on any one of the remarkable activities offered to experience some fun. Plus, the city is full of historic sites to explore.

About the Included Savannah Theatre Musical Production

Savannah Theatre has brilliant architecture and is known for being a top theater with a state-of-the-art sound and light system and talented performers. At this theater you can experience a high-energy and interesting musical or a two-hour variety show in an unforgettable performance! The possibilities are endless with the Historic Savannah Theatre, as the show changes throughout the year. During November and December, guests will get to experience the Christmas production.

About the Included Savannah Old Town Trolley Tour

Guests will also be able to board upon the Savannah Old Town Trolley Tour. The trolley tour gives guests a comfortable and fun way to see the city in style. Though the guided tour lasts approximately 90 minutes, guests will be able to hop on or hop off at a mass of locations including the City Market, Sorrel-Weed House, and Massie Heritage Museum. With transportation taken care of, guests can simply focus on seeing the best that Savannah has to offer.

1. How much should a couple with their five-year-old twins pay for this tour?
2. What contributes most to the reputation of Savannah Theatre Musical Production?
A.Its sound and light system.B.Its high-quality musical.
C.Its changeable show.D.Its Christmas production.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A historical book.B.A travel website.
C.A guide to Savannah.D.A fashion magazine.
2021-05-28更新 | 203次组卷 | 2卷引用:第11讲 阅读理解细节理解题(练)-2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(全国通用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Smartphones, tablets and other digital devices can be addictive. They affect sleep. They draw kids into an alternate universe, often distracting(使分心)them from more productive-and healthier-real-world activities. And they are often linked to anxiety and depression, learning disabilities and obesity(肥胖). Yet for many teenagers, cellphones and social media are also absolutely necessary tools for planning their social lives, keeping up with schoolwork and staying in touch with out-of-town friends and relatives.

How can parents make the most of the constructive uses of screen-based technology while minimizing its harmful effects?

The key is helping kids use technology as a tool, not a toy, “where there’s some purpose other than the medication of boredom,” says Jim Taylor, a psychologist and author of the book Raising Generation Tech:Preparing Your Children for a Media-fueled World. Taylor, like many other medical and mental health professionals, advises parents to set limits and stick to them. They should restrict the amount of time their kids spend on devices, create tech-free zones-no cellphones in their bedrooms, for example-and tech-free times, such as at the dinner table, in restaurants and on family outings.

Perhaps the best thing you can do is serve as a good role model by exhibiting the same online behavior you expect of your children, says Dr. Elias Aboujaoude, a Stanford University psychiatrist. “If parents are breaking their own rules,” Aboujaoude says, “kids cannot be expected to behave differently.”

Chad Landgraf, 44, of Oklahoma, told me he was worried about how addicted his 12-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter became when they were on their devices. So, hoping to set an example, he switched from e-books to old-fashioned print. “When I had my Kindle or ipad open, they. didn’t know if I was reading or surfing the net,” Landgraf says. “But at least if I have a paper copy of a book, they know I am reading. Modeling seems like the easiest way.”

1. What may be the result of children’s using digital devices?
A.Health improvement.B.Free creation.
C.Sleep disorder.D.Good conduct
2. What does Jim Taylor suggest parents doing?
A.Killing time by using screen-based technology.
B.Forbidding kids using smartphones.
C.Setting clear boundaries for kids.
D.Restricting tech-free family time.
3. Why did Chad pick up old-fashioned print?
A.He was afraid of becoming addicted.B.He expected to be a role model.
C.He was tired of surfing the net.D.He preferred paper copies of books.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Parenting in a digital worldB.Learning to be intelligent parents
C.Using smart devices wiselyD.Helping children behave themselves
2021-05-28更新 | 189次组卷 | 3卷引用:第13讲 阅读理解主旨大意题(练)-2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(全国通用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . China has just officially opened its FAST radio telescope to international scientists. Scientists across the world can submit proposals for astronomical observations using the telescope.

FAST is short for Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (球面射电望远镜) and it is also believed to be the world's largest radio telescope and the most sensitive single-dish radio telescope. The receiving surface area of FAST is 250,000 square meters, about the size of 30 standard football fields. Its construction was completed in September 2016 and it officially began operating in January 2020.

The major scientific task of the telescope is the observation of pulsars (脉冲星) – the rotating neutron stars. The study of pulsars can help to confirm the existence of gravitational radiation and black holes, and help solve many other major questions in physics. Another scientific goal of FAST is to search for outer space civilization.

The telescope is located in a naturally deep and round karst depression in southwest China's Guizhou Province. The first advantage of the selected site is the altitude. The average altitude of Guizhou is about 1,100 meters, which maximizes the effectiveness of the observation equipment. Secondly, the radio telescope needs to have a “big pan” to receive better signal. The huge natural depression could reduce the amount of excavation (挖掘) and difficulty of construction. Moreover, the selected site in Guizhou is far away from cities, and has a small population, which reduces the interference (干扰) caused by wireless devices such as TVs, mobile phones and radios from human activities.

FAST has identified over 300 pulsars. Experts predict that the number could reach 1,000 in five years and that the telescope could locate and identify the first pulsar outside the galaxy. With the opening-up to international scientists, China's FAST is expected to make more contribution to astronomical research in the future.

1. What do we know about FAST?
A.It is opened to global scientists.B.It is a project under construction.
C.It has provided service since 2016.D.It has found a pulsar outside the galaxy.
2. What is the main task of FAST?
A.To study black holes.B.To observe the pulsars.
C.To explore the sun.D.To seek space civilization.
3. What's special about the selected site?
A.It's close to urban areas.B.It reduces engineering amount.
C.It possesses a shallow depression.D.It's at the highest altitude in China.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Major Scientific Tasks of FASTB.Ways to Select the Site for FAST
C.Contributions FAST Has MadeD.Facts about FAST Radio Telescope
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Each year, about 250 billion to-go cups serve coffee and tea from places like Starbucks and McDonald’s are produced to satisfy the world’s love for hot drinks on the run. These paper-based cups have the inside surface covered with plastic to prevent water from escaping, and keep water from being absorbed into the material. Despite this, that also removes any opportunity for the cups to be biodegradable (可生物降解的).

The materials that created these cups of goodness and convenience are recyclable but only if separated. In addition, the demand for such resources is low, so they are worth next to nothing.

In response to this great challenge, NextGen Consortium, multi-year partnership led by Starbucks and McDonald’s launched their first big initiative (倡议)—NextGen Cup. The first step in NextGen Cup was an open competition where participants presented ideas for sleeves, cups, lids and other parts of the hot-cold paper-based takeaway coffee cup that would make it reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable; to finally be widely used. 12 winners, announced in 2019, shared a prize of $1 million, as well as personalized growth, and support from members of NextGen Consortium.

Later, they launched two pilot programs at independent coffee shops in California. In one case, customers were given “smart” reusable cups made mostly from recyclable plastic. They then could drop their empties into collection containers at key locations, for washing and reuse. These cups were printed with RFID chips or QR codes, through which coffee shops can know where there is the greatest need for collection containers and how many are not using them.

To reduce coffee cup waste, Cup Club is already replacing millions of takeaway cups in the UK, while Recup in Germany, has performed a deposit system that simply adds a small extra fee to any coffee cup which is returned to the buyer after the cup is deposited in any registered collection point.

1. What can we say about the paper-based cups?
A.They can absorb water easily.B.They are not popular in life.
C.They can’t be easily recycled.D.They are attractive in low price.
2. What’s the theme of the NextGen Cup?
A.Separating recyclable materials from the cups.
B.Making the cups green and easily available.
C.Reducing the unnecessary parts of the cups.
D.Gaining the support from their partners.
3. What’s the function of RFID chips or QR codes?
A.Knowing about customers’ preference for coffee shops.
B.Collecting the information on which shop is empty.
C.Helping choose where customer can drink coffee.
D.Making the recycling of cups more efficient.
4. What does the word “which” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.A collection point.B.A deposit system.
C.A small extra fee.D.Any coffee cup.
2021-05-20更新 | 159次组卷 | 2卷引用:第12讲 阅读理解推理判断题(测)-2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(全国通用)

5 . Plants: we eat them, juice them-and now it seems we can mine them too!

After a successful experiment on the island of Borneo, the botany professor Alan Baker and a group of researchers want to introduce phytomining (harvesting minerals from plants) as a better, partial substitute for traditional mining.

Phytomining, also known as agromining, means collecting metals from live plants. However, this can only be done with a group of plants known as "hyperaccumulators". There are around 700 identified types worldwide, and what makes these hyperaccumulators special is that they naturally attract and absorb minerals through their roots-metals poisonous to other plants-and then store huge, pure concentrations of these minerals in their bodies. The metals can then be extracted from the plants' sap(汁;液), oil, or sometimes even live tissue.

Baker and his colleagues see a lot of potential in phytomining. Not only can it help meet the growing global demand for metals, but is a way of undoing some of that damage to the environment by traditional mining.

One of the biggest problems with traditional mining is that it pollutes the surrounding area. Phytomining can extract metal waste, plus planting the hyperaccumulators would regrow the deforested areas caused by mining operations. Aside from this, if phytomining is able to replace part of traditional mining, then there would be fewer instances of bad mining practices like abandoned mines, which pollute the nearby waters. Also, since phytomining provides metals that are already naturally pure, there is no need to use huge amounts of energy to purify the ore(矿石).

Phytomining has its drawbacks. Harvesting plants on a large scale is expensive today, compared to traditional mining. Besides, plants can be wiped out by diseases or unexpected weather conditions.

However, there are many reasons to consider phytomining. After all, we need to make sure that our planet can keep up and sustainable practices like phytomining give us the hope that our advancement doesn't mean sacrificing Mother Earth.

1. What makes hyperaccumulators different from other plants?
A.The sap poisonous to other plants.
B.The ability to take in and store minerals.
C.The oil extracted from live plant tissue.
D.The concentrations of minerals in their bodies.
2. What is the advantage of phytomining?
A.It can stop deforestation.
B.It may reduce the desertedmines.
C.It uses clean energy to purify the ore.
D.It can't be destroyed by diseases.
3. What is the author's attitude toward phytomining?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Metals From Plants.
B.The Future of Phytomining.
C.What Are Hyperaccumulators?
D.Benefits of Phytomining.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Windows are a key component in a building's design, but they are also the least energy- efficient part. According to a 2009 report by the United Nations, buildings account for 40 percent of global energy usage, and windows are responsible for half of that energy consumption. If conventional windows are used to better block sunlight passing into a building, they need expensive coatings. Even so, they can not adjust the indoor temperature effectively.

Scientists at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) have developed a smart liquid window panel that can help. By creating a mixture of micro-hydrogel (水凝胶), water, and a stabilizer, they found that it can effectively reduce energy consumption in a variety of climates. Thanks to the hydrogel, the mixture becomes hard-to-see- through when exposed to heat, thus blocking sunlight, and, when cool, it returns to its original clear state. The high heat capacity of water allows a large amount of heat energy to be stored instead of getting transferred through the glass and into the building during the hot daytime when office buildings mainly operate. The heat will then be gradually cooled and released at night when the staff are off duty.

As a proof of concept, the scientists conducted outdoor tests in hot (Singapore, Guangzhou) and cold (Beijing) environments. The Singapore test revealed that the smart liquid window had a lower temperature (50°C) during the hottest time of the day (noon) compared to a normal glass window (84°C), The Beijing tests showed that the room using the smart liquid window consumed 11 percent less energy to maintain the same temperature compared to the room with a normal glass window. They also measured when the highest value of stored heat energy of the day occurred. This "temperature peak" in the normal glass window was 2 pm, and in the smart liquid window was shifted to 3 pm. If this temperature peak shift leads to a shift in the time when a building needs to draw on electrical power to cool or warm the building, it should result in lower energy charges for users. The research team is seeking ways to cut down the cost of producing the smart window and so far, they have found several industry partners to commercialize it.

1. What is the disadvantage of conventional windows?
A.They are expensive.
B.They are not heatproof.
C.They contribute less to energy saving.
D.They can't block light into the building.
2. How does a smart liquid window panel work to cool buildings?
A.By taking in much of heat energy.
B.By returning to its original clear state.
C.By getting most of sunlight transferred.
D.By spreading sunlight in different directions.
3. According to paragraph 3, what is the value of the temperature peak shift?
A.It will make the windows long-lasting.
B.It could help the building users reduce costs.
C.It makes the buildings rely on no electrical power.
D.It helps the windows maintain a constant temperature.
4. What can we expect of the smart window in the future?
A.It will be unaffordable.
B.It needs to be further improved.
C.It will be widely used in the city.
D.It will come onto the market soon.
2021-05-18更新 | 123次组卷 | 3卷引用:押全国乙卷第28--31题:阅读理解C篇说明文-备战2022年高考英语临考题号押题(全国乙卷)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Pre-College Program Courses

The Harvard Pre-College Program will be hosting all courses online for Summer 2021. To encourage interactive learning, class sizes are small and typically range from 12 to 18 students. In this collegial setting, you will practice the art of healthy debates, learn to communicate clearly on complex topics, and deliver presentations on your own research, all under the guidance of Harvard instructors for a true Ivy League experience. At the end of the program, you will receive a written evaluation from your instructor, as well as a Harvard transcript with a grade of AR or NM ("requirements met" or "requirements not met"). Please note: You need to attend every online class in its entirety to receive a passing grade of "Met All Requirements".

Course: Care in Critical Times

• Jul 5 —Aug 16, Mon. to Thurs., 8:30 — 11:00 am

• Andrea Wright

What is care? How can and do communities encourage care as a tool for building healing, and hope? This course requires students to not only ask how they might engage in caring acts with their own communities, but to complete a locally based community project that brings care.

Course: Introduction to neuroscience

• Jul 7 — Jul 25, Wed. to Fri., Noon — 3:00 pm

• Grace Francis

This course is an introduction to the nervous system, with emphasis on the structure and function of the human brain.

Course: College Writing

• Jul 1 — Jul 22, Thurs. to Sat., 8:00 — 11:30 am

• Martin T. Greenup

This course introduces students to college writing by taking them through the steps required to complete a five — page analytic essay. Students read a range of classic and contemporary short stories, and develop strategies for careful close reading via class discussion and in-class exercises.

Course: The Economics of Cities

• Jun 17 — Jul 29, Sun. to Thurs., 3:15 — 6:15 pm

• Thomas Shay Hill

What causes cities to grow, and what limits their growth? What are the costs of urban living, and how can they be overcome? We examine a range of major urban issues from an economic view: traffic and transportation; water, public health and the role of cities in generating economic growth and technological innovation.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To offer an overview of the program.
B.To introduce the program instructors.
C.To present the contents of the guidance.
D.To explain the requirements of the courses.
2. Which course can you take if you are available on Friday mornings in July?
A.Care in Critical Times.B.College Writing.
C.Introduction to neuroscience.D.The Economics of Cities.
3. Whose course should you choose if you are interested in urban public health?
A.Andrea Wright's.B.Grace Francis's.
C.Martin T. Greenup's.D.Thomas Shay Hill's.
2021-05-18更新 | 104次组卷 | 4卷引用:押全国乙卷第21—23题:阅读理解A篇应用文-备战2022年高考英语临考题号押题(全国乙卷)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Welcome to the International Science Drama Competition 2022

This competition is an annual event aimed to promote science through drama. It involves teams from Singapore and overseas, and will be a great opportunity for you to showcase your talents on an international level.

What is the theme for the International Science Drama Competition 2022?

The theme for 2022 is “Sustainable Agriculture for a Better Future”.

Your performance should combine scientific content and drama. Examples of some possible topics include but are not limited to the following:

 Farming using renewable energy sources

 Hydroponics(水栽培)and Aquaponics(养种共生)

 Food security

 Protecting the environment as we meet society's food and textile needs

How do I participate in the International Science Drama Competition 2022?

 Junior Category

All participants must be age 12 or below, excluding teachers or adults who can help as backstage crew.

 Open Category

Teams will compete in this category when at least one member is above age 12.

 Short Films Category

There is no age limit for participants. You may participate with your friends, families or community groups. You may represent your school or an organization or just form a team and compete on your own.

Mark your calendars!

March 8,2022Submission of Entry Forms
May 5,2022Video Submission Deadline
May 19,2022Announcement of Shortlisted Finalists' Videos
June 7,2022Video Submission Deadline for Finalists
June 14~23,2022LIVE Online Polling of Finalists' Videos
June 28,2022Results Announcement
July ~ September,2022
(Date to be confirmed)

1. What do we know about the competition?
A.Its theme is limited to four topics.
B.It's held in many different countries.
C.It's intended to promote science through drama.
D.Its participants will go from one category to another.
2. What is required for Open Category?
A.You must have an adult coach.
B.You must represent your school.
C.At least one member is above age 12.
D.All participants must be age 12 or below.
3. When should finalists' videos be submitted?
A.By March 8, 2022.B.By June 7, 2022.
C.By June 28, 2022.D.By September 14, 2022.
2021-05-18更新 | 178次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题11 应用文体类阅读理解 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . With the world’s attention on vaccines (疫苗), now feels like a good moment to sing the praises of an often forgotten contribution to their development. Three hundred years ago this month, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu got her daughter inoculated (接种) against smallpox, making her child the first person in the West to be protected in this way. Without Montagu’s willingness to adopt a practice she had learned from other cultures, the introduction of vaccines around 80 years later would never have taken place.

Montagu first witnessed inoculation when she accompanied her husband to Turkey in 1717. Inoculation had started in Asia, probably in China, as early as the 10th century AD. Montagu observed how older women in Turkey took a tiny amount of pus (脓) from a person with smallpox. They then used needles to make cuts on people’s wrists and ankles and added the pus to their bloodstream. This helped people gain immunity from future infection.

Like other visitors to the country, Montagu took steps to ensure that her son was inoculated in Turkey. This worked well, but she knew that trying it in England would be far more challenging. Inoculation performed by unlicensed amateurs would threaten doctors’ professional standing and potentially rob them of valuable income. Churchmen also disagree with the practice, as they saw it as going against nature.

Back in England, Montagu observed the increased severity of smallpox infections. Eventually, in April 1721, she decided to use the Turkish practice to have her daughter inoculated, because she believed that the rewards would outweigh the risks. After a safe time had passed following the inoculation, Montagu allowed doctors to examine her daughter.

Doctors in Britain gradually accepted the practice. About so years later, a pioneering physician found smallpox vaccines to destroy smallpox completely. As early as last century, academics argued that Montagu was no more than an enthusiastic amateur. In truth, she made a vital scientific contribution towards finding the cure for smallpox.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The origin of smallpox inoculation.
B.Montagu’s first access to inoculation.
C.The benefits from smallpox inoculation.
D.Turkish women’s invention of inoculation.
2. Montagu found it difficult to try inoculation in England because ________.
A.it was against human natureB.it might harm doctors’ interests
C.it was beyond doctors’ abilitiesD.it might shake churchmen’s belief
3. What led doctors in Britain to accept inoculation?
A.The increased severity of smallpox infections.
B.A physician’s discovery of smallpox vaccines.
C.The result of Montagu’s daughter’s inoculation.
D.Montagu’s focus on its rewards rather than its risks.
4. What might be the best title of the test?
A.An unsung heroB.No limit to creation
C.Development of vaccinesD.A historic medical innovation
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Welcome to our online event — Future of Food and Agriculture

What we eat and how we grow are changing. The need to feed a growing population, solve hunger and obesity, and avoid trashing the planet is driving the next food and agricultural revolution, New Scientist Live's Future of Food and Agriculture is an online event for everyone who cares what's on their plates.

Hear about the future of food from the world's leading scientists on the Main Stage. Dis-cover why robots and genetics are changing the face of agriculture on the Field Stage. From lab-grown meat to sustainable diets, discover what's coming to a plate near you on the Fork Stage.

World well-known speakers:

Neil Stephens: a researcher making lab-grown meat

Mark Lynas: a senior lecturer focusing on transforming crops with gene-editing

Tilly Collins: an entomologist making the case for adding eatable insects to our diets

Tim Spector: a microbiome expert overturning everything we know about diets, and a psychologist making food taste better by improving our senses.

Booking information:

Your ticket will give you access to the recording of the talks at this event which originally takes place on 28 October 2021. Access to the recordings will be available until 28 April 2022, when the talks finish. Tickets are only available in advance through Eventbrite. A ticket will cost an individual $ 30. But you'll enjoy a 15% discount if you buy more than three tickets at a time.

1. Who will lecture on artificial meat?
A.Neil Stephens.B.Mark Lynas.C.Tilly Collins.D.Tim Spector.
2. What can be known about the event?
A.It is intended for farmers.B.It will last for half a year.
C.It will be hosted on four stages.D.It is accessible online and offline.
3. How much should one pay for five tickets at a time?
2021-05-17更新 | 215次组卷 | 2卷引用:选择性必修第一册 Unit 5 综合检测—2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(人教版2019)
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