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1 . After beating bone cancer, Hayley Arceneaux thinks rocketing into orbit on SpaceX’s first private flight should be no problem at all. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital announced the 29-year-old doctor’s assistant will rocket into space later this year.

Arceneaux, a former patient at St. Jude, will become the youngest American in space, beating NASA record-holder Sally Ride by over two years. She will travel with businessman Jared Isaacman, who is using the spaceflight he bought to raise money for charity. Two other yet-to-be-chosen space flyers will join them. Arceneaux will be the first person to launch with a prosthesis an artificial device that replaces a missing or injured part of the body. When she was 10, Arceneaux had an operation at St. Jude to replace her knee and a piece of metal was put in her left leg. She still limps and has occasional leg pain.

“My battle with cancer really prepared me for space travel,” she recently told The Associated Press. “It made me tough, and then also I think it really taught me to expect the unexpected and go along for the ride.” Arceneaux wants to show her young patients and other cancer survivors that “the sky is not even the limit anymore.” “It’s going to mean so much to these kids to see a survivor in space.” she said.

Isaacman announced his space flight on February 1, promising to raise $200 million for St. Jude. As the flight’s self-appointed commander, he offered one of the four seats aboard SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft to St. Jude. The hospital chose Arceneaux from among its many workers who had once been patients. The idea was that one of them could represent the new generation, noted Rick Shadyac, president of St. Jude’s financing organization.

Arceneaux was at home in Memphis, Tennessee, when she got a surprising call in January. She was asked if she would represent St. Jude in space. As a lifelong space fan who loves adventures, Arceneaux has traveled widely and loves roller coasters. Isaacman, who flies fighter airplanes for fun, considers her a perfect fit. The launch is planned for this fall at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, with the spacecraft orbiting Earth for two to four days.

1. Which statement is true about Hayley Arceneaux?
A.She works where she used to be a patient.
B.She is an adventure hater.
C.She is the youngest American in space.
D.She is the first woman space flyer.
2. What’s the correct order for what happened to Hayley Arceneaux?
a. She received a surprising call. b. She was diagnosed with a serious disease.
c. She was chosen to rocket into space. d. She was operated on at St.Jude.
A.a c d bB.b c d aC.b d a cD.c a b d
3. What’s the purpose of the space flight?
A.To carry out medical research.
B.To explore space.
C.To expect the unexpected.
D.To collect money.
4. How can we describle Hayley Arceneaux?
A.Generous and strong.
B.Caring and optimistic.
C.Brave and honest.
D.Patient and representative.
2021-05-28更新 | 227次组卷 | 2卷引用:2021年北京卷高考真题阅读理解B之变式题练习

2 . Tobias Weller is nothing short of extraordinary.

At 9-years-old, he’s dealt with things most of us won’t face in our lifetimes. Simple tasks, like standing on his own two feet, are impossible for him and he requires assistance for most activities we consider basic. But Just because he’s someone who needs help, that doesn’t mean he can’t give help.

At first Tobias decided to complete a sponsored one-kilometer walk. But for some reasons, the race was canceled, and Tobias’ plans were destroyed.

The moment young Weller learned about Captain Tom, a 100-year-old British vet who has now raised 41 million dollars for charities by walking in his walker, he decided if a century-year-old man could walk for miles, he could also make it happen.

Forget the one kilometer, Tobias was going to walk a marathon—26.2 miles—in order to raise money for his two favorite charities. He went up and down his street for months. First with 50 meters a day, but as he grew stronger, the distance expanded and eventually he built up to 750 meters a day. It took him 70 days to cross that finish line, but he did it.

His mother, Ruth Garbutt, presented him with a medal as he crossed the finish line.

She said: “I’m so, so proud of Tobias. I’m bursting with pride for all he’s achieved and how hard he’s worked during the marathon…He couldn’t push the walker at the start of the marathon and now he can, he can push it on the flat and he’s proved today he can push it uphill as well.”

Honestly, just wow. The amount of pain and extreme tiredness he must have suffered during his walks is unimaginable. But he never stopped, he just kept pushing, and in the end he raised over $111, 000 for his charities.

“I’m pleased to raise loads of money. Other children who aren’t as lucky as me can benefit from the money that’s been raised.” Tobias said.

1. Tobias decided to walk a marathon mainly to ________.
A.challenge himself
B.strengthen his body
C.contribute to charities
D.compete with Captain Tom
2. What do we know about Tobias’s marathon?
A.It was canceled finally.
B.It lasted more than two months.
C.Tobias finished it without a walker.
D.Tobias was awarded the first prize.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Tobias?
A.Ambitious and calm.B.Strong-willed and kind.
C.Courageous and honest.D.Determined and cooperative.
2021-05-20更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市昌平区 2021届高三第二次统一练习英语试题

3 . Because the commercial internet has been developed with so little regard for privacy, tech companies have been able to turn personal data into considerable profits, raising billions of dollars off their ability to collect and sell information about anyone who has wandered within shouting distance of their software. This week, Google announced a step in the right direction-but not a huge step, nor one that will stop Google from continuing to collect immense amounts of personal data.

At issue is how online companies track internet users as they browse (浏览) from site to site online, typically through cookies (information that a website leaves in your computer so that the website will recognize you when you use it again). The most harmful version, “third-party” cookies, is the web alternative of a company posting security guards across the internet to monitor what you do, even when you’re on other companies’ sites.

Google declared in a blog post Wednesday that it would no longer use or support third-party cookies, nor would it create or use any other technology that tracks individual users across the web. Given that Google is a main supplier of online advertising technology, its change in approach will impact far and wide.

That’s welcome news, although with huge amounts of warning. As Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation noted, third-party cookies were already on the retreat, with Apple and other makers of popular web browsers moving to block them. Meanwhile, Google, Facebook and other Big Tech companies continue to collect personal information in large quantities from people who use their sites and services through first-party cookies and similar techniques.

The concerns about personal data collection are the same whether it’s being collected through first-party or third-party techniques, said Michelle Richardson of the Center for Democracy and Technology. “Companies may use the information to discriminate among internet users, offering different goods, services and even prices to different users.”

Instead of helping advertisers track individuals, Google says, it is improving a technology that assigns users namelessly to large groups with common interests. That’s an improvement, even though it too may be at risk of abuse. But why do any form of tracking at all? Privacy advocates say pitches (兜售) can be targeted effectively by basing them on where the user is at the moment, not where he or she has browsed previously online.

Ultimately, lawmakers are going to have to lay down regulations giving people far more control over whether and how personal information is used online. Ideally the federal (联邦的) government will set a strong floor under online privacy protections, but until then it will be up to state lawmakers or voters to act, as this state has done with its groundbreaking online privacy laws. It’s good to see Google move the ball forward, but there’s much farther to go.

1. What does the underlined phrase “on the retreat” in Para 4 most probably mean?
2. It can be learned from the declaration that Google         .
A.is developing new technologies to stop data collection
B.refuses to work with companies tracking privacy
C.intends to abandon its advertising technologies
D.resolves to stop the use of third-party cookies
3. From the passage we can know that first-party cookies         .
A.are still collecting personal information
B.are blocked by big companies like Apple
C.are mainly used by advertising companies
D.are less concerning than third-party cookies
4. What is the writer’s attitude towards Google’s new move?
A.It is less satisfactory than expected.
B.It needs to be more forceful to be effective.
C.It will accelerate the disappearance of cookies.
D.It has driven lawmakers to make new regulations.
2021-05-18更新 | 685次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市西城区2021届高三下学期二模英语试卷

4 . Sawyer Current’s first visit to Isla Mujeres, a small island off the coast of Cancun, Mexico, was meant to be a getaway. But instead of relaxing on white sand beaches, Current was disappointed at the number of unwanted animals wandering the streets. “Dogs were everywhere, coming out of the bushes and along the sides of the road,” she recalls of that trip 25 years ago. “They were dirty and covered with fleas and scars.” “It was sad,” she says. “I just couldn’t stand to watch it.”

Current decided to help fix it. She built a second home on Isla Mujeres in 2000, and beginning with a skinny, toothless cat she rescued from the streets, she went on to find homes for more than 2,000 dogs and cats. Today, thanks to Current’s efforts, the island no longer has a wild-dog problem, and “people are more aware of their pets’ needs,” says Marcelino Velazquez, 34, a property manager from Isla Mujeres. “They vaccinate them and don’t abandon them on the streets. The way of thinking has changed.”

For Current, it was a hard-fought transformation. “At first I was angry and thought it was horrible,” Current says of the conditions on the island when she began her work. “But these weren’t bad people. They were people without resources.” When she first arrived, the community had no small-animal vet, and animal control consisted of a team of government workers who’d round up street dogs in a truck and kill them. “I used to follow the truck, and when they’d go for lunch, I’d let the dogs out,” she says. “One time I let the air out of their tires.”

At one point she was caring for more than 65 rescued dogs in her home, and she estimates she has spent about $1 million of her own savings on her efforts. “It was exhausting,” she admits. Now Isla Animals has an on-site shelter with a small staff, and many volunteers and donors among the island’s tourists. Each year the group re-homes more than 170 pets, many of which fly with volunteers to families in the U.S. and Canada.

“There’s nothing in the world like finding a starving dog, nursing it back to good health and finding it a loving home,” Current says.

1. What made Current feel disappointed with the island?
A.Insects biting people.B.People without resources.
C.Houses in poor conditions.D.Animals abandoned in the streets.
2. Why did Current follow the truck and let the air out of its tires?
A.To show the local people how to solve their problems.
B.To draw public attention to what she was doing.
C.To stop the workers from killing the animals.
D.To help the government punish bad people.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Current?
2021-05-18更新 | 280次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市西城区2021届高三下学期二模英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Sevenhugs HugOne

Do you want to improve the quality of your sleep? Sevenhugs has created HugOne that tracks different sleep patterns to help families consistently rest better. There are dozens of devices and tools devoted to monitoring the sleep. But, HugOne is the world’s first family smart home sleep system, which integrates a calculation rule for sleep patterns of children and adults.

HugOne is a well-designed product, full of a sense of science and technology. It connects to a number of smaller sensors called “minihugs”, which are placed on the edge of each bed. They monitor the sleep patterns and other data coming from the person sleeping in that bed. The data are then sent to an app on the smartphone.

● The benefits of HugOne include:

* Having a smart alarm clock on the app as HugOne learns your sleep cycle and automatically sets and sounds to when the best moment in your sleep cycle is identified.

* Monitoring temperature and humidity in your bedroom as well as indoor air quality for the main living space.

* Linking with smart lamps and thermostats, allowing users to fall asleep with sunset light and preferred nighttime temperatures, and wake up to sunrise light and preferred daytime temperatures.

* Ensuring safety from electronic transmissions when you sleep-when the minihug senses a presence in bed, it shuts off its electronic transmissions and starts recording sleep data and sending them to the app.

● The following are selected from customers’ comments:

I prefer HugOne, since it’s convenient to use. I simply place the minihug in the corner of my bed under the sheet and it goes to work monitoring my sleep cycle. It’s really good.

—Robert Compton

● HugOne available for purchase includes:

I think HugOne is a humanized product. It’s shareable, and I’ve connected eight minihugs to the HugOne base in my house. All my family members think highly of it.

—Chris Hanawalt

HugOne will provide maximum protection for your sleep. If you want to get more detailed information, please call the sellers at 1-800-576-1899 or visit devicesforbettersleep.com.

Style: Sleep Tracking System + 2 Sleep Sensors

Colour: Blue + Rose

1. How does HugOne effectively work?
A.It controls sleep patterns automatically.B.It creates smart systems for a better sleep.
C.It collects sleep data through the minihugs.D.It makes a calculation of the data sensors need.
2. According to the passage, HugOne can ______.
A.adjust temperature, humidity and air quality in bedrooms
B.update the sleep cycles by aid of an alarm clock on the app
C.record sleep data when there are electronic transmissions in bed
D.help users fall asleep and wake up naturally with preferred temperatures
3. The passage is made more believable by ______.
A.providing statisticsB.drawing a comparison
C.giving a demonstrationD.using recommendations
2021-05-18更新 | 207次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市朝阳区2021届高三年级下学期第二次模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Aubrey is a FedEx driver who has made regular delivery stops in a rural neighborhood in Indiana. During her stops there, she would see an 11-year-old boy, Elijah, playing basketball with an old and rusty bent hoop.

"It was crazy to me how happy he was with the broken hoop. Every time I saw him, he was so joyful playing basketball. Seeing him so happy stuck with me," said Aubrey.

The FedEx driver thought about Elijah many times over the months, and decided that she wanted to bless him in a special way. "I just wouldn't stop thinking about it. I really wanted to get him a hoop. He deserves it."

Aubrey went out and bought a new basketball hoop and installed it when the family wasn't home. She left a note that read: "Just wanted you and your son to have the best hoop that'll grow with him and all his friends." She signed herself "just one of the FedEx drivers in the area".

"I read the note, and the moment I realized who it was from, I started to cry," said Coledo, Elijah's mom. "When Elijah came home and I showed it to him, he got really emotional. He got teary-eyed but he's an 11-year-old boy, so he really didn't want to admit he was crying," laughed Coledo. "He just sat there for 10 minutes staring at the hoop until it really touched him that she went out of her way to do something just for him."

Aubrey had no idea how much her surprise gift had impacted Elijah and his family. They all had gone through a difficult year with Coledo's husband suffering a serious injury, and Coledo crashing her car. "It's just been a hard year. We're so humbled and grateful she would do this for us. This has been a huge thing for us," said Coledo.

When Aubrey made another FedEx delivery to their neighborhood, Elijah saw her, ran to her and hugged her. Elijah also gave Aubrey a card he made for her. And he invited her to play a game of basketball with him and his younger brother.

"It was almost like we'd always known each other. I really bonded with the boys," said Aubrey. "I'm just really happy they know that someone is out there for them."

1. Aubrey bought Elijah a new basketball hoop because ________.
A.she wanted to make a friend using a surprise gift
B.she was eager to donate to children in the rural area
C.she was impressed by Elijah's passion for basketball
D.she thought Elijah was unhappy with the broken hoop
2. How did the family feel when they saw the new hoop?
3. What influence did Aubrey's gift have on Elijah and his family?
A.It helped Elijah achieve his dream.
B.It reduced the family's financial burden.
C.It gave the family warmth at a difficult time.
D.It encouraged Elijah to bond with the other boys.
2021-05-12更新 | 224次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市海淀区2021届高三下学期二模英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . For people who struggle to read text, technology can be a lifeline. Actually, assistive technology (AT) tools for reading can also be useful to students who just need some extra assistance to aid reading fluency or comprehension. These tools are inexpensive and easy to find. They open up the wonderful world of reading, making text accessible to students of all abilities. But with so many tools out there, it’s not always easy to know which ones to use.

To help, here’s a guide to some best ones.

Graphic organizers

They are visual representations, like diagrams and mind maps, of ideas and concepts. You can use graphic organizers to help with comprehension while reading. Graphic organizers can be digital or pen and paper.

Annotation aids

They let you take notes and write comments while reading. This can make it easier to keep information. Annotation aids can be part of software or apps, or they can be traditional pens, markers, and sticky notes.

Display control

It allows you to control how text is displayed. When reading on a screen, you can change the font(字体), font size, and spacing of text. You can also cover parts of the screen to lessen distractions(干扰) while reading.

Text-to-speech (TTS)

It lets you see text and hear it read aloud at the same time. To use this tool, you click on words, and you’ll hear the words read by computer-generated voices. You can even read after it and record your own voice. TTS can also be used to change any digital text files into audio files.

Optical character recognition (OCR)

It can read aloud text from images and pictures. You can use OCR by taking photos of worksheets, paper documents, and even objects like street signs. Like TTS, OCR uses computer-generated voices.

Keep in mind that using AT reading tools won’t prevent people from learning to read. For example, experts say audiobooks can actually help kids become better readers.

1. If a reader prefers taking his feelings down while reading, he’d better use ________.
A.graphic organizersB.annotation aids
C.display controlD.text-to-speech
2. What feature makes OCR unique?
A.Changing file types.B.Editing photos of documents.
C.Reading words in pictures.D.Using computer-generated voices.
3. According to the author, AT reading tools are ________.
A.accessible and beneficialB.expensive but worthwhile
C.helpful and energy-efficientD.innovative but complicated
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . About IVHQ

At International Volunteer HQ, we bring people from all walks of life together to make a difference on the adventure of a lifetime. Established in 2007, we have grown to become the world’s leading volunteer travel company, working in over 50 destinations around the world and placing thousands of volunteers abroad every year.

We’re focused on providing affordable volunteer travel experiences that are responsible, safe and high quality. Our programs heighten global awareness and cultural understanding through the skills and expertise taken by volunteers to their host communities, and through the experiences and lessons that volunteers take back to their own countries and cultures.

How IVHQ Works

IVHQ provides affordable volunteer programs by partnering with organizations based in each of our program countries. We believe this is the best approach to international volunteering.

First, local organizations are in the best position to see where volunteers are genuinely needed. The staff in these organizations are locals, they have been raised in the area and know it inside and out.

Second, partnering with local organizations reduces the costs associated with hosting volunteers, making programs more affordable. This means more people are enabled to volunteer and that enables greater social outcomes to be achieved.

Why Volunteer Abroad with IVHQ

Having supported thousands of people to volunteer abroad since 2007, IVHQ is proud to be the most popular volunteer travel organization for international volunteers. One of the major strengths of IVHQ is our careful selection process in choosing our partner organizations and the high quality volunteer programs that we offer through these partners. Every program that IVHQ offers has been personally inspected by IVHQ. We have experienced the programs first-hand, we have assessed the local teams and we have provided comprehensive IVHQ training to all of our local teams.

How to Get Started

Want to make a difference? Click this simple step-by-step guide to choose the perfect volunteer program and secure your place with IVHQ. We’re here for you from start to finish.

1. According to the passage, we can learn that IVHQ ________.
A.is the largest and most popular international adventure agency
B.has helped promote international cultural exchange and understanding
C.is experienced and has already made huge profits since it was established
D.has provided various and expensive volunteer programs all over the world
2. Which of the following words can best describe IVHQ?
A.Comprehensive and practical.B.Reliable and affordable.
C.Environmental friendly and cheap.D.High-quality and adventurous.
3. Where is this article probably taken from?
A.A fashion magazine.B.A science newspaper.
C.A website.D.A guide booklet.
2021-05-12更新 | 145次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京房山区2021届高三第二次模拟测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In many cultures, it is considered unlucky to spill salt. Fortunately, many cultures also have a solution to the problem, which usually involves throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder. It may seem confusing to modern humans, but knowing that salt was once incredibly valuable can change this perspective.

For thousands of years, salt was an extremely rare commodity. It was difficult to obtain so that the price was very high. Many trading routes were set up to carry salt, people were paid in salt, and salt was sometimes worth more than its weight in gold. Therefore, spilling salt was considered wasteful.

Because of its high value, salt was also associated with friendship and good fortune. Offerings of salt were included in many religious ceremonies, and people might bring salt to a new home for good luck. These associations would have suggested that it would be bad luck to spill salt, since it would seem to violate salt’s fortunate properties.

Salt is also an excellent preservative. It prevents food from going bad. As such, it came to be linked with health and longevity. In some cultures, spilling salt was thought to reduce one's well-being. In Britain, for example, each spilled grain was said to represent a tear, while in Germany spilled salt awakened the devil, bringing misfortune.

The fear of spilling salt was also adopted into the Christian faith. It is said that Judas spilled salt at the Last Supper, and since he later turned out to be the betrayer of Christ, spilled salt is considered unlucky by many Christians.

Should you be unfortunate enough to spill salt, you might throw a pinch over your left shoulder to blind the Devil.

1. Spilling salt was probably thought to bring bad luck because ________.
A.it was a Christian faithB.salt was linked with misfortune
C.it would decrease one’s lifespanD.salt was always expensive than gold
2. What does the underlined word “preservative” probably mean in Paragraph 4?
3. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To introduce the history of salt.B.To show ways to avoid misfortune.
C.To explain the beliefs about spilling salt.D.To entertain readers with some anecdotes.
2021-05-11更新 | 383次组卷 | 3卷引用:(北京卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷07(+试题版) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Sam was born with a bone disease. He has never walked. His bones are so fragile that they can break if he just coughs or sneezes.

When Sam was young, he was always breaking bones. He never liked fireworks. A sudden loud bang would scare him so much that he could break some bones. Sam’s family had to learn how fragile he was. When he was a baby, it was very difficult for them.

No one knew much about what would happen to Sam. His friends grew taller, but he didn’t. Sam didn’t let how he looked worry him. “How we look on the outside,” he said, “is only a small part of who we are.”

Sam wanted to do everything that his friends did. Doctors put metal pins in his legs to make them stronger, but the pins didn’t help him walk. So Sam needed wheelchairs. Sam had wheelchairs to take him to different places. He had some wheelchairs for going over sand and others that would take him over muddy, rocky places.

Once, Sam’s wheelchair got stuck in some mud. There was no one around to help him, so he had to crawl home on his stomach.

Sam has been to many places in the world. He has been down rivers and in rainforests. If he couldn’t get somewhere in his chair, people would carry him.

One day, when Sam was in the mountains, his wheelchair broke. He knew a lot about chairs, but he couldn’t fix this one. Then, he had an idea. He would invent a new and different wheelchair. So Sam invented a chair that he can do everything in. Sam’s wheelchair, the EZi-Riser, can go as high as a bench and as low as the ground. It can move around in small places. Now, many people around the world are using his wheelchair.

Sam will always be small. He will never be able to walk. But he says, “There is always a way to do everything. It may not be the way most people do things. It may take a while to work it out, but there is always a way.”

1. What can we learn about Sam?
A.He grew taller than his friends.
B.He was worried about how he looked on the outside.
C.He liked playing with fireworks when he was young.
D.He has had serious bone disease since he was born.
2. Sam invented his own wheelchair because_________.
A.his wheelchair got stuck in some mud
B.his wheelchair broke while in the mountains
C.he wanted to go down rivers and rainforests
D.he intended to help more people in the world
3. Which of the following words can best describe Sam?
A.Helpful and honest.B.Careful and friendly.
C.Strong-willed and creative.D.Warm-hearted and humorous.
2021-05-11更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市房山区2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题
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