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1 . With the social media freely available, I've realized how easy it is to become a jealous cow. The truth is that however much I remind myself of the many wonderful things I have in my life, there are still moments when I look at those around me and feel bitterly upset by their success.

It's a horrible thing to admit! In an ideal world, I'd never want to be jealous of another person's achievements and I'd want to celebrate the successes of my friends. But sometimes it's hard, even when we want to. But I don't want to live my life as a jealous cow, and I assume you don't either.

It's easier to celebrate other people's wins if you celebrate your own. How often do we take the time to enjoy our success rather than instantly move onto the next thing we want to achieve? Last year, I decided to write a book. It was the only professional goal I set for myself and, while it tired me out, I got there. But as soon as it was done, I started planning my next goal-making the book a success. As I saw other people publishing books, I stopped celebrating and instead began to fear that mine wouldn't compete.

When I told a friend how I was feeling, she reminded me how much easier it is to clap for someone else when we also clap for ourselves. So, I took myself out for lunch, ordered a glass of wine and wrote myself a congratulations card. When I saw all those other books being written on my social media, I felt proud of each and every one of us who had battled to the end of the word count.

The other trick for celebrating other people's success is to realize that there is no limit on success. We can make more, which means that while it might seem as if others have everything and we have nothing, the reality is that life turns quickly and our luck could change at any time. If others have achieved those things, we can too. When we celebrate others, we're acknowledging their achievements but also cheering for ourselves as well as for our hopes and dreams and our belief that we can make them happen. And hopefully, when we do, those people will cheer for us too.

1. What can we infer from Paragraph 1?
A.Social media is the source of the author's jealousy.
B.Frequent successes on social media encourage envy.
C.It is a pleasure to face others' successes on social media.
D.People tend to be crazy about immediate success online.
2. As far as the author is concerned,what should we do after achieving success?
A.Appreciate what's been done.
B.Show it off on social media.
C.Reflect on gains and losses.
D.Waite for others' congratulations.
3. One of the keys to removing jealousy lies in.
A.pursuing those achievable goals
B.devoting yourself to the next goal
C.admitting personal incompetence
D.changing your attitude to success
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.I'm so happy for us!
B.What a considerate friend!
C.I don't care about it!
D.How selfless you can be!
阅读理解-阅读单选(约570词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Hartley got to Gentral Slalion nearly an hour before his train was due to leave. A lifetime in the theatre had given him a healthy — indeed excessive (过分的) — sense of punctuality; a lifetime of unwanted cups of coffee, constant checking of the time, yet another turn around the block before that all too often pointless, tiresome audition (试镜).

Hartley was 75 — pretty fit for his age, legs holding lip, memory still ticking over nicely — though the occasions for punctuality were now rather fewer. But he was a creature of habit and couldn’t change now.

He repaired to the restaurant purchased a coffee and a blueberry muffin, tired and failed to find a litter-free table. The coffee was awful, the muffin was stale — but the coffee was always awful, the muffin always stale. Hartley refused to let himself be annoyed. His visit to the city had not been without its pleasures. Lunch with an old actor-chum (好友), then a film — regrettably not utilizing (利用) his own talents — had rounded out an agreeable day.

Hartley was a good actor, although the calls on his talents were now infrequent. But really, he thought draining his awful coffee, he’d had a reasonably good career. Something to be proud of. But he’d never had that break-through part.

He headed for his platform. Just as the train was about to pull out a man ran down the platform, jumped aboard as the door slammed shut and sank into the seat next to Hartley.

“Cutting it a bit fine”, he said.

“Indeed”, Hartley replied. “A close run thing”.

The man — forty-ish, amiable looking — gave him an amused glance.

This brief exchange served as an adequate ice-breaker and they chatted their way through the outer suburbs and into the countryside. Having satisfactorily disposed of the sad state of the railways, country versus city living, his neighbour asked Hartley what he did—or had done—for a living.

Hartley hated telling people he was an actor. He was not ashamed of his job. Not in the least, but he had long tired of reactions ranging from “what have I seen you in” to “how do you learn all those lines”.

So in situations like this he simply selected an occupation from a former role. Bit risky, of course. You say you’re a doctor and find yourself meeting the quizzical(疑问的)gaze of a heart surgeon. But he’d never been caught out and it was harmless enough game, Hartley felt. It amused him, and he’d given some damn good performances too.

“I’m a lawyer”, he replied. “Retired several years ago. Property law. Bit of criminal stuff”.

The train was slowing down. The man glanced out of the window.

“My station. I had you quite wrong then”.

He stood and took down his briefcase from the overhead rack.

“Yes, I’d have said you were an actor. The voice especially. Still, lawyers are actors in a way, don’t you think? Plenty of drama in a courtroom”.

The train drew into the station.

“I’m a film director. Casting a feature at the moment. You study faces. On the train. Everywhere. Always on the lookout. Anyway, enjoyed our chat. Bye.”

1. What did Hartley think of his not telling his occupation?
A.Harmful to his acting career.B.Amusing despite the risk
C.Helpful to protect his identityD.Upsetting when caught out.
2. What can we learn about Hartley’s travel companion from the underlined sentence “I had you quite wrong then.”?
A.He assumed Hartley had given another answer.
B.He understood Hartley’s profession was acting.
C.He thought Hartley practiced a different profession.
D.He mistook Hartley for another person.
3. The use of the word “Bye” at the end of the story________.
A.shows the readers how unexpectedly Hartley’s career ends
B.describes Hanley’s shock on finding the man is a director
C.confirms Hartley's lack of luck in spite of his acting skills
D.proves the man will reconsider giving Hartley a chance to act
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the story?
A.Acting upB.Employ talents
C.Selecting an occupationD.Casting a feature
2021-05-18更新 | 275次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市第一中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 .

Shooting down an ice-covered track, a bobsled(大雪橇)can go faster than 80 miles an hour, and riders can feel force five times stronger than the pull of gravity. A race can be won or lost by one hundredth of a second. How do bobsleds go faster than cars on a highway? The answer is a combination of athletics and science.

At the start of a race, the crew push their sled, building up speed before they jump in for the ride. For months before the race, the crew have built up power in their legs. The push is the crew's only chance to add speed. All other work goes into keeping friction and drag(摩擦力和阻力)from slowing the sled down.

The design of the sled's runners(滑板)reduces their friction with the ice. The friction of a moving runner melts a little ice right under the runner, and the runner rides on that thin layer of water. The runners are rounded on the bottom. Runners that are too flat may not melt enough ice for fast ride. Runners that are too round may become too warm, softening the ice and slowing the sled down. No amount of rounding is perfect for all races because the hardness of the ice depends on the weather on race day.

Bobsleds used to be open. The riders did not sit inside a hull(外壳). As the crew sped down the track,the air would create drag. Today, a sled's hull reduces drag by splitting the air in front of the sled and making it flow smoothly along the slides. As with the runners,strict rules apply to the hull. For example,no team may add any part that would create helpful air currents.

Reducing friction and drag creates another challenge: high speeds. “The faster the sleds car travel on the run, the more thrilling the race,” one research team wrote. “But the track must not be too fast: he crew still need to be able to reach the bottom safely.”

1. What's the text mainly about?
A.The shape of the sled.B.The design of the runners.
C.The safety rules applying to the sled.D.The elements relating to the sled's speed
2. What can we know from the third paragraph?
A.Proper amount of melted ice is needed for a fast ride.
B.The rounder the runners are, the faster the sled goes.
C.Thin layer of water would drag the runners backward.
D.A sled's movement has nothing to do with weather.
3. What advantage does a sled with a hull have?
A.It's comfortable to sit in.B.It leads to beneficial air flow.
C.It helps to create a safe ride.D.It's free from strict rules.
4. What is implied in the last paragraph?
A.Safety is the most important.B.Keeping high speed is difficult.
C.Riders' desire to win is understandable.D.The crew's cooperation is necessary.

4 . Most of our everyday plastic items end up in landfill, left to rot away for many years. But some of it blows away, spoiling the countryside and causing damage to the natural environment and harming wildlife. The problem is most severe in our oceans. Research has found a deserted island in the South Pacific is littered with the highest density (密度) of plastic waste anywhere in the world.

The study described how remote islands act as a ‘sink’ for the world’s rubbish. They become collecting points for fishing items and everyday things including toothbrushes, cigarette lighters and razors-things that we throw away. Dr Jennifer Lavers from the University of Tasmania says “Almost every island in the world and almost every species in the ocean is now being impacted one way or another by our waste.”

This highlights the potentially deadly effect of our disposable (用后即丢弃) culture. When we throw something away, it doesn’t just disappear, it goes somewhere and because of the nature of plastic, it takes a long time to rot away and stays there causing great damage to the ocean’s ecology (生态). And worse still, plastic is broken down into tiny particles over a long period by the wind and the waves, then sea creatures at the bottom of the food chain swallow them. These creatures are eaten by the fish that we eventually consume.

The solution to this problem would be to use less plastic. Several countries now charge for using plastic carrier bags which reduces the amount used and some products now use natural and recyclable materials.

1. What does the author really want to tell us in the first parapraph?
A.It is a good idea to end plastic items in a landfill.
B.Plastic items blow away easily in the strong wind.
C.It is a bad habit to throw away plastics everywhere.
D.Plastic pollution in oceans is a most serious issue.
2. What does the author mean by saying the islands act as a ‘sink’ for the world rubbish?
A.The islands begin to sink with much rubbish on them.
B.The islands have become gathering places for rubbish.
C.The islands are ideal places to hide the plastic products.
D.The islands are inaccessible due to the white pollution.
3. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Impact on sea species.B.Thrown-away rubbish.
C.The nature of plastic.D.The ocean’s ecology.
4. What’s the really frightening fact about the plastic pollution in oceans?
A.Breaking the balance of ocean ecology.B.Causing many sea creatures to die out.
C.Presenting potential risks to our health.D.Cutting off the food chain of sea creatures.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . After Scott Kelly spent a year in space, his genetic expression changed, according to a NASA study that compared the bodily changes between the astronaut and his identical twin, who stayed on Earth while Kelly was aboard the International Space Station. About 7 percent of Kelly’s gene activity has yet to “return to normal” — almost two years after his yearlong spaceflight mission came to an end. Kelly has since retired from NASA.

The Twins Study,as it’s been called,looked at what happened to Kelly — both physiologically and psychologically :— before,during and after his trip in space,and then compared that data to Kelly’s twin brother,Mark Kelly,also a retired NASA astronaut.

Unlike his brother who spent months at a time in space,Mark’s missions were on the shorter side. His last — and longest — mission,which took place in 2011,lasted 15 days.

“By measuring large numbers of the brother’s metabolites,cytokines (代谢物、细胞活素)and proteins,researchers learned that spaceflight is associated with oxygen deprivation (匮乏)stress, increased inflammation (炎症),and nutrient changes that affect gene expression,” NASA said.

Although most of the biological changes Kelly experienced in space disappeared in the hours and days (and in some cases? weeks) after his return to Earthy, NASA said some changes appear to have continued. While 93 percent of his genetic expression has returned to normal, several hundred “space genes” still have changed activity levels,the data suggests, which, NASA said, could indicate “longer-term changes” in genetic expression caused by the stresses of spaceflight.

NASA said the research could provide important knowledge of the effects of long-term spaceflight on the human body, and that it will influence its planning for a mission to Mars, which would see astronauts spending some three years in space.

Reacting to the news of the study results, Kelly expressed amazement at his body’s changes, and also used the opportunity to make fun of his brother. “This could be good news,” he joked on Twitter. “I no longer have to call Mark my identical twin brother anymore.”

1. What can be learnt about Mark Kelly?
A.He’s still working for NASA.
B.He has only been to space once.
C.He hasn’t gone on a spaceflight mission yet.
D.He never stayed in space for a whole month.
2. What does NASA’s research show about genetic expression changes?
A.They’re dangerous to astronauts.
B.Most of them won’t last very long.
C.They’re mainly caused by psychological stress.
D.Some can occur during short-term spaceflight.
3. What can we know about the Twins Study?
A.It involved many twin participants.
B.It ended soon after Scott Kelly’s last spaceflight.
C.It only studied Scott Kelly’s physical changes.
D.It will be valuable to NASA’s Mars mission.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Mark Kelly will lose his twin brother soon.
B.Scott Kelly always looks on the bright side.
C.Scott Kelly doesn’t like his twin brother.
D.Scott Kelly seems to have a sense of humor.
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