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1 . Calculated every year by Global Footprint Network(GFN),Earth Overshoot Day(地球生态超载日)is the day when human has used up all the natural resources—produce,meat,fish,water and wood.This means we use up them ahead of time before the end of the year.

It is just like spending your entire years' money by August and then borrow money from friends,knowing fully well you cannot pay back. GFN says the same thing happens in the case of the earth."Because we give out more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than our oceans and forests can take in,and we harvest forests more quickly than they can regrow,"he said.

In a perfect world,we should only spend what we have.This means Earth Overshoot Day would fll on 31 December or perhaps in the following year. Unfortunately,the day has been climbing up quickly since 2014 when it fell on 19 August.In 2015,it was 13 August,and this year, the earliest so far—8 August!

According to GFN,Australia tops the list,with the United States coming in a close second.If the world's population started to live like either of these countries,we would need more resources to meet our needs.

Fortunately,experts say the situation isn't as bad as it sounds. Many countries have already taken measures to reduce carbon emissions(释放)by using wind or solar energy.People can also help by eating less meat, walking, cycling or taking public transportation,as well adopting the three Rs: Reduce,Reuse&Recycle.If we work together,we can help push back Earth Overshoot Day to December 31 or even beyond.

1. How does the author explain Earth Overshoot Day?
A.By giving us some data.
B.By comparing it to personal money.
C.By describing the process of waste.
D.By introducing the present situation of the earth.
2. Whats the experts' attitude towards the present situation of the earth according to the last paragraph?
3. Which shows that we use natural resources best?
A.Earth Overshot Day falls on different days every year.
B.Earth Overshoot Day falls on 8 August.
C.Earth Overshoot Day falls on 31 December.
D.Earth Overshoot Day is put forward year by year.
4. What's the purpose of calculating Earth Overshoot Day?
A.To warn people to plan for their future.
B.To tell people the importance of nature.
C.To teach people how to protect the earth.
D.To call on people to care about the earth.
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