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1 . Make 2020 your most adventurous year yet by signing up for one of these trips of a lifetime. Sail to Aldabra Atoll for a fascinating journey, hike along the frontiers of Georgia, explore different habitats of human and animals: These journeys are unlike any trip you've ever taken before.

Exodus Travels

This once -in-a- lifetime journey visits Aldabra Atoll, one of the most remote UNESCO World Heritage sites on the planet. Hidden away from the impact of humans, Aldabra has managed to sustain a population of 152,000 giant tortoises. This is the trip for wild life enthusiasts: The clear waters of the Seychelles are home to 850 species of brilliantly colored fish that you'll visit on snorkel and dive excursions (旅行).

Wild Frontiers Adventure Travel

Wild Frontiers Adventure Travel's Georgia Walking Tour showcases the country's wild side, with plenty of hikes in the Svaneti Mountains mixed with cultural experiences like a visit to the remote village of Adishi, home to just 12 families.

Natural Habitat Adventures

A nine-day adventure centered around Natural Habitat's unique luxury base camp near the edge of the Greenland ice sheet. You'll be in one of the world's most remote locations (with a maximum of only 11 other travelers in your group), but still have access to hot showers and well-prepared meals. You'll spend your days exploring the surrounding water, meeting the local Inuit villagers, kayaking (独木舟),and more.

Mountain Travel Sobek

Accompanied with expert guides, you'll track gorillas through Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park, getting a rare chance to see these majestic creatures up close. You'll also focus your search on another rare creature—the golden monkey.

1. Who will be most likely to choose Aldabra Atoll as a perfect destination?
A.A UNESCO officer.B.An experienced hiker.
C.A passionate animal lover.D.An active environmentalist.
2. What can we learn about the Natural Habitat Adventures?
A.Travelers don't have to prepare a folding tent.B.Travelers have to make dinners alone.
C.Travelers enjoy a cold bath.D.Travelers will meet local Indian villagers.
3. Where is the passage most probably taken from?
A.A culture report.B.A reference book.
C.A tourism magazine.D.A geography textbook.
2020-07-18更新 | 132次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届福建省厦门一中高三高考模拟卷英语试题
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2 . Over a four-year period, Swiss researchers have developed a machine that can keep human livers (肝)alive outside of the body for one week.

Livers are among the most commonly transplanted (移植)human organs. Current technology can only keep human livers alive for up to 24 hours. It is reported that, in 2017, about 8.000 liver transplants were performed in the U.S., of which 360 used livers from living givers In addition, about 11,500 people were registered on a waiting list to receive a liver transplant. Keeping livers alive and functioning for longer periods could greatly improve the chances of survival for patients.

The researchers say the purpose of their “Liver4Life” machine is to perform what they call liver perfusion (灌注)operations outside of the human body. Perfusion is the process by which blood or other liquids are pumped through organs and tissue. The machine keeps the liver at the right temperature and moves it in a way that would be natural in the body. Using a pump to fill the liver with blood acting like a human heart, the machine also provides oxygen to the organ, controls red blood cell levels and removes waste.

The research team began their experiments with livers from pigs. After repeated testing and engineering development, they succeeded in getting the pig livers to survive for seven days with support only provided from the Liver4Life machine. They also discovered the system can work to repair damaged livers. The team is now planning its next step to transplant machine-treated organs into patients.

Pierre-Alain Clavien. leader of the research said in a statement. “This technology will greatly increase the number of livers available for transplant, improving the chances of survival for patients. The success of this unique machine opens the way for many new applications in transplantation and cancer medicine.”

1. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?
A.Introduce a brand new topic for discussion.
B.Provide some latest data about present liver transplants.
C.Show the urgency of tech improvement in liver transplants.
D.Remind readers concerned of the importance of a healthy liver.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The machine.B.The liver.
C.The temperature.D.The tissue.
3. What can we learn about the Liver4Life machine?
A.It is among the most commonly used machines for liver transplants.
B.It is aimed to carry out liver perfusion operations in the human body.
C.It can perform several functions to keep the liver working normally.
D.It can be used to keep the pig livers alive for more than one week.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A biology textbook.B.A first aid brochure.
C.A social web page.D.A health magazine.
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3 . Crazy at home? Travel restrictions limit your wanderlust? For now,from the safely of your couch ,you can still explore the world with these travel-inspiring films.

The Beach
Maya Bay ,Thailand

If there was ever a movie that tells about the search to find your own private paradise ,this is it. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, The Beach follows backpackers' search for a hidden mysterious utopia in Thailand. Ironically ,Maya Bay has become so overrun with tourists since the movie was filmed that it was forced to close until 2021 due to environmental concerns.

The OutbackAustralia

Based on the true story of one woman's nearly 2 ,000-mile walk alone across the Western Australian desert with just her dog and camels,the film spotlights the vast Outback. You'll get lost in the wild beauty of the country as glimpses of these wonders such as Uluru Peak fill the screen.

Lost in Translation
Tokyo ,Japan

This classic won Sofia Coppola the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay and numerous fans for its quiet brilliance describing the loneliness of travel. Suffering from jet lag and culture shock ,two drifting foreigners- Bob Murray and Scarlett Johansson bond over drinks at the Park Hyatt in the fascinating up-all-nigh world of Tokyo.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Ben Stiller directs and stars in this film adaption of a short story about an unlucky dreamer who leads a sedentary( 久坐不动的) life working for Life magazine. That is,until he goes on a wild adventure tracking down a film negative for the last issue. From jumping out of a helicopter in Greenland to spotting rare snow leopards in the Himalayas ,Mitty reminds us about the rewards of stepping out of our comfort zone.

1. Which film is from a true story?
A.The Beach.B.Tracks.
C.Lost in Translation.D.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
2. What appeals to the audience most in Lost in Translation?
A.Its famous director.
B.The natural beauty of Tokyo.
C.Its presentation of loneliness.
D.The friendship of two foreigners.
3. In which section of a magazine may this text appear?
2020-06-22更新 | 102次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020届山东省潍坊市高三第三次模拟英语试题

4 . Young trees don’t just grow; they develop a personality and learn more about their environment and how they should best behave in it. They also help each other out whenever there’s trouble.

Personality, just as among people, varies among trees. Some are anxious, some bold. On the author’s land, there are three oak trees growing close together. One of the oak trees always starts to shed its leaves two weeks earlier than the others. Since they all experience the same temperature, the same soil and the same length of day, such variables can’t be the explanation. So what’s happening? Well, this tree is simply more careful than the others. Whoever holds on to their leaves longer can do more photosynthesis(光合作用) and store more nutrients. However, the longer a tree keeps its leaves, the higher the risk of injury.

Not only do trees make their own decisions, they also learn from their mistakes. A tree, for example, keeping its leaves too long during one year will never make this mistake again. This leads to several other conclusions:trees must notice the temperature and the length of the day and be able to save their experiences somewhere. Obviously, trees don’t have brains, but it is thought that in the sensitive tips of their roots they keep track of information and experiences.

But trees aren’t only clever when it comes to caring for themselves. They also support each other whenever there’s trouble by giving warnings and even taking care of sick and weak conspecifics with nutrients. For example, one time the author found a very old tree stump. Its insides had rotted a long time ago to topsoil. But the wood on the outside of the stump was still living. How was this possible? Well, the stump was nourished by its neighbors with nutrients from the root system, and had been for at least 400 years!

Why do trees do such a thing?It’s simple: it’s better together. Trees need the forest; it protects them from storms, provides the right microclimate and warns them of attacks.

1. Why does the author mention the three oak trees?
A.To illustrate trees can learn from experiences.
B.To show trees can make independent decisions.
C.To explain trees are quite supportive to each other.
D.To prove trees have the same personalities as humans.
2. According to the text, which of the following best describes general features of trees?
A.Anxious and bold.
B.Smart and adventurous.
C.Helpful and well­behaved.
D.Adaptable and supportive.
3. What does the underlined phrase “do such a thing” mean?
A.Give warnings.B.Offer assistance.
C.Depend on others.D.Provide nutrients.
4. Where does this text most probably come from?
A.A public lecture.B.A science book.
C.An experiment report.D.A travel journal.
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5 . Organic food is very popular. It is also expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as non-organic food, but new parents and pet owners are willing to pay up to 200% more for organic food. However, there are people who think it is a waste of money.

There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides. In many countries organic foods have special labels. These guarantee that the products are natural.

Some people think organic means locally grown. Originally this was true. Over time organic farming became more difficult. The demand for organic food grew larger than the supply. Small companies had to sell out to large companies. There weren't enough organic ingredients, such as grain and cattle. This made it difficult for many organic companies to stay in business. Today, many large companies have an organic line of products.

Is organic food more nutritious? This is part of the debate. Many farmers and consumers believe it is. They think agricultural chemicals cause health problems such as cancer. Many health professionals disagree. Few studies prove that organic foods prevent health problems. Health specialists worry more about bacteria, such as E.coli and salmonella. These can get into contact with organic and non- organic food. Doctors recommend washing produce very carefully. Handling meat carefully is important too.

Most people agree that naturally grown food tastes better. Is tastier food worth the extra money? This is a matter of opinion. Whether it is healthier or not may require more research. However, organic consumers argue it is better to be safe than sorry.

1. What is probably the major concern of organic food consumers?
2. What is the doctors’ suggestion?
A.Grow your own food.B.Reduce the use of pesticides.
C.Make sure the food is clean.D.Buy large companies’ products.
3. Which of the following do most people agree on organic food?
A.It tastes better.B.It is easier to grow.
C.It contains more fat.D.It is more nutritious.
4. Where does this text probably come from?
A.A recipe book.B.A chemistry paper.
C.A medical report.D.A health magazine.
2020-06-03更新 | 711次组卷 | 17卷引用:辽宁省鞍山市鞍钢高级中学2021届高三一模英语试题
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6 . Have you always wanted to discover the night sky but just don't know where to start?If so,then Back Garden Astronomy SkyatMight , Week is for you!

Launching at the start of March,this new beginner's guide from BBC Sky at Night Magazine will introduce the wonders of   Earth's constant companion in space,the Moon,in easy-to-do, nightly observing instalments.

Just sign up and each day from Monday 2 to Monday 9 March we'll send you a no-nonsense email newsletter that will help you discover the wonders of our planet's natural satellite.We'll show you how to judge the Moon's movement across the sky,and introduce you to some of the most spellbinding sights on its surface.

We'll guide you to the Moon's most dramatic craters and seas,allowing you to discover for   yourself the rugged locations that attracted the Apollo astronauts.

Each day during Back Garden Astronomy Week you'll also get essential observing tips and a fascinating insight into the Moon-explaining everything from what's behind its ever-changing phases to how old we think it is.

Sign up today to start your journey of discovery and we'll send you a FREE 62-page digital   starter pack including a Guide to the Moon before Back Garden Astronomy Week starts!


Visit www.skyatnightmagazine.com/backgarden to sign up in a few easy steps.

1. Who is the Back Garden Astronomy Week intended for?
A.Researchers studying the universe.
B.Anyone interested in space.
C.Teenagers interested in the Moon.
D.New beginners interested in the Moon.
2. After signing up,what can you receive from this project before Monday 2?
A.Essential observing tips.
B.A free Guide to the Moon.
C.A no-nonsense email newsletter.
D.A chargeable digital starter pack.
3. Where can you most probably read this passage?
A.On a website.
B.On a university bulletin board.
C.In a text book.
D.In a travel guide book.

7 . Pigeons (鸽子) may be considered mice of the sky, but some scientists have found greater value in these urban birds: the blueprint for a new generation of flying machines.

Birds can transform the shape of their wings by fanning out their feathers or moving them closer together. Those adjustments allow birds to cut through the sky more flexibly than rigid drones (无人机). Now, using new insights into exactly how pigeons ‘joints control the spread of their wing feathers, researchers have built a robotic pigeon. This research paves the way for creating more light aircraft, says Dario Floreano, a roboticist in Switzerland not involved in the work.

“What’s really cool about this robot is that you can make adjustments in a robotic wing that you could never do when studying flight in a bird”, says David Lentink, an engineer and biologist at Stanford University. A controllable robotic pigeon solves that problem. In flight tests, Lentink’s team observed that bending only the fingers of one wing eased the robot into a banked turn-offering the first evidence that birds may sometimes use just their fingers to direct in flight. In a second study, Lentink’s group used their robotic wing design to confirm another insight into bird flight: how gaps are prevented from forming between feathers on extended wings.

This is the best set of robotic wings yet for testing how birds adjust their flight feathers to move through the air, says Tyson Hedrick, a biomechanist. But “there’s plenty of room for improvement.” For instance, a future flying robot could include a shoulder joint to investigate how waving a bird’s wings up and down influences flight, he says.

1. What is the newly-found worth of pigeons?
A.They help study other species.
B.They protect other urban birds.
C.They provide proof of mice’s harm.
D.They inspire a new aircraft.
2. What is Dario Floreano’s attitude to the research?
3. What do the underlined words “that problem” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Pigeons in flight can hardly be observed.
B.People can’t make adjustments in birds’ wings.
C.It is difficult for pigeons to make a banked turn.
D.Pigeons fail to control the spread of their wing feathers.
4. Where does the text probably come from?
A.A travel journal.
B.A travel brochure.
C.A science fiction.
D.A science magazine.

8 . In 1992,Teen Talk Barbie was put on the market with the controversial voice fragment(碎片),"Math class is hard."While the toy's sale met with strong public reaction,this hidden assumption continues,spreading the belief that women do not boom in science,technology,engineering and mathematic(STEM)fields due to biological inadequacies in math talent.

However,in 2019 Jessica Cantlon at Carnegie Mellon University led a research team that thoroughly examined the brain development of young boys and girls and found no sex difference in brain function or math ability.

Cantlon and her team studied the biological sex differences in math ability of young children.Her team used functional MRI(核磁共振)to measure the brain activity in 104 young children(3-to-10-year-old;55 girls)while watching an educational video covering early math topics,like counting and addition.The researchers compared scans from the boys and girls to evaluate brain similarity.In addition,the team examined brain maturity by comparing the children's scans to those taken from a group of adults(63 adults;25 women)who watched the same math videos.

After many statistical comparisons,Cantlon and her team found no difference in the brain development of girls and boys.In addition,the researchers found no difference in how boys and girls processed math skills while watching the educational videos.Finally,boys' and girls' brain maturity were statistically alike when compared to either men or women in the adult group.

Cantlon said she thinks society and culture are likely directing girls and young women away from math and STEM fields."Typical socialization can make worse small differences between boys and girls that can snowball into how we treat them in science and math,"Cantlon said."We need to be aware of these origins to ensure we aren't the ones causing the sex unfairness."

However,this project is focused on early childhood development using a limited set of math tasks.Cantlon wants to continue this work using a broader scope(范围)of math skills,such as spatial processing and memory,and follow the children over many years.

1. What can we infer after Teen Talk Barbie was on sale?
A.Girls are born with poor math abilities.
B.Math is difficult for both boys and girls.
C.Boys perform no better than girls in math.
D.Math is harder than science and technology.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The result of Cantlon's study.
B.The purpose of Cantlon's job.
C.The method of Cantion's research.
D.The difficulty of Cantlon's work.
3. How will Cantlon further her research?
A.By using a larger variety of subjects.
B.By employing a wider range of math skills.
C.By raising the difficulty of the math tasks.
D.By expanding the number of the children.
4. In which part of a magazine will the text most probably appear?
C.Entertainment.D.Popular science.

9 . Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison has expressed regret over his handling of the bushfire crisis damaging the country. The PM has faced mounting criticism over his government’s response to the bushfires and its climate policy.

Since September, bushfires have killed at least 28 people and destroyed thousands of homes. Mr Morrison’s government has been accused of not doing enough to address climate change, which experts say could increase the intensity, frequency and scale of bushfires.

But in the interview, the PM defended his government’s approach, which he said took into account the effect of climate change on the bushfires.

Each year there is a fire season during the Australian summer, with hot, dry weather making it easy for blazes (火焰) to start and spread. Natural causes are to blame most of the time, like lightning strikes in drought-affected forests. Humans can also be to blame. NSW police have charged at least 24 people with deliberately starting bushfires, and have taken legal action against 183 people for fire-related offenses since November, according to a police statement.

Bushfire conditions eased on Saturday, giving firefighters a temporary short break in areas where blazes are still raging. But authorities have warned that the huge fires, spurred by high temperatures, wind and a three-year drought, will persist until there is substantial rainfall.

About half a billion animals have been affected by the fires across NSW, with millions likely dead. The figures for NSW include birds, reptiles, and mammals, except bats. It also excludes insects and frogs, so the real sum is almost certain to be higher, the ecologists said. Almost a third of koalas in NSW may have been killed in the fires, and a third of their habitat has been destroyed, said Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley.

1. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A.The bushfires cause little damage to people’s life in Australia.
B.The PM criticized that his government didn’t take appropriate methods.
C.The PM took active measures to deal with the bushfires damaging the country.
D.Experts say the government’s inadequate action could worsen the bushfires.
2. Which factor has made the huge fires more serious according to authorities?
A.wet weatherB.lightning strike
C.long-lasting droughtD.heavy rainfall
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.More animals have been affected than the number shows.
B.a billion animals face extinction due to the fires.
C.Koalas are in an immediate danger of dying out.
D.The huge fires have no influence on insects and frogs.
4. Where is the passage probably from?
A.A sci-fi book.B.A news website.
C.A fashion magazine.D.A travel journal.
2020-05-13更新 | 102次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届山东省聊城市高三高考模拟(一)英语试题
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10 . The African grey parrot’s ability to talk and mimic sounds makes it a charming companion. African grey owners often report that their greys oftentimes talk in context and can understand their people’s emotions (情感). The African grey parrot is not just a top talker - this bird is also known for its extreme intelligence, which gives them the name “The Einsteins of the Bird World”.

The bird is medium-sized, dusty-looking and almost pigeon-like. It has a bright red tail, intelligent orange eyes, and a stunning scalloped (扇形的) pattern to its feathers. Their diet in the wild consists mostly of nuts, seeds, fruits, and leafy matter.

At home, African greys need plenty of toys that challenge their intelligence, such as food searching and puzzle toys. Nutri-Berries by Lafeber Company are a perfect choice, which, with a balance of grains, seeds and other nutrients in the shape of a berry, encourages African greys to hold, bite off, and even play with, just as they do in the wild.

African greys seem especially affected by stress and disturbing noise in their environment and can be put more at ease by placing one corner of the cage against a wall as opposed to in the middle of a room.

African grey parrots are more likely to suffer from lack of Vitamin-A/beta-carotene, and therefore benefit from eating vegetables high in beta-carotene, such as cooked sweet potato and fresh kale. Lack of Vitamin-D is another concern, especially for greys on a poor diet. Offering a balanced, pill-shaped diet, such as Nutri-Berries, helps prevent vitamin and mineral shortage.

1. Why are African grey parrots called “The Einsteins of the Bird World”?
A.Because of their brain size.B.On account of their intelligence.
C.Owing to their rich emotions.D.Due to their talking ability.
2. What can “Nutri-Berries” probably be?
A.A brand of bird food.B.Puzzle toys for birds.
C.A type of round fruit.D.Wild Intelligence games.
3. What is the characteristic of African grey parrots?
A.They may get ill due to lack of Vitamin
B.They prefer to stay in the middle of the room.
C.They are dusty looking with blue eyes.
D.They are smart and love to have fun.
4. Where can we most probably find the passage?
A.In a wildlife magazine.B.In science fiction.
C.In a travel guide.D.On a shopping website.
共计 平均难度:一般