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1 . The computer is a powerful tool. With it, teachers can improve the classroom experience in a variety of ways. But misuse of the computer will probably result in disadvantages.

To investigate the way technology is being used in our school district, I recently spoke with Jeanine Lowell, who teaches social studies at Lake Town Middle School. Mrs. Lowell informed me that computers have helped to increase students’ motivation and prepare them for life in a technological society. “These kids are probably going to be using some kind of computer system when they graduate from high school,” Lowell noted. “It’s important that we provide a proper introduction to them in the classroom.” Lowell also observed that the computers have made it easier to promote different areas of learning, so that students can work on a project or topic that relates to more than one subject.

With all of these benefits, however, come a few shortcomings. Although Mrs. Lowell has nearly wallpapered her room with warnings that state: “The computer is NOT A TOY”, not everyone in the class agrees with this idea. Some students get easily distracted (分心) by the internet and are quite good at making it look as if they are doing work when they are really checking their email or watching videos. “You’ve got to be three steps ahead,” she told me, “if you want to stay on top of what they’re actually doing on the computer.”

Some schools use some type of blocking software to ensure that students cannot access improper sites at school. More complex programs use a server-based, network-wide program instead of software that runs on personal computers. Research has shown that in a way these server-based blocking programs provide better security, because some students can disable the software on a personal computer.

However, there is no replacement for the watchful eye of a good teacher like Jeanine Lowell. There are also no electronic cure-alls for any of education’s many challenges. Technology is a useful tool, but that is all it is: a tool.

1. Where is this passage most likely from?
A.A newspaper.B.An advertisement.
C.A novel.D.A diary.
2. Which of the following isn’t the benefit of computer use in the classroom?
A.Improved motivation in the classroom.
B.Opportunities for learning across different subjects.
C.Increased preparation for the future use in the workplace.
D.Convenience of sharing ideas with people living across the globe.
3. The best way to prevent students from accessing improper sites on school computers is to ______.
A.post warning signs throughout the classroom
B.use blocking software on personal computers
C.monitor what students do on the computers carefully
D.use server-based software programs on personal computers
4. What is the writer’s opinion on the use of computers in the classroom?
A.It does more harm than good.
B.It is only supported by experts.
C.It contributes to teaching in some way.
D.It is more beneficial to teachers than students.
共计 平均难度:一般