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1 . Bumblebees(大黄蜂)aren't simply dancing around our gardens.Now,a new study suggests that bumblebees force plants to flower by making small bites in their leaves.

Consuelo De Moraes,a scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, noticed bumblebees making tiny bites in the leaves of their greenhouse plants.The insects didn't seem to be carrying off the bits of leaves to their nests or eating them.

Supposing the bees were causing the plants to flower,Consuelo De Moraes and his team set up a series of experiments.They placed flowerless tomato plants and two kinds of worker bees in cages.The bees fed with enough pollen(花粉)seldom damaged the plants,while the ones without having pollen for three days busily did so.Scientists then removed the plants after the bees made five to ten holes in their leaves.The small holes caused the tomato plants to flower a month sooner than usual.

"In a sense,the bees are signaling,'Hey,we need food.Please speed up your flowering, and we'll pollinate(授粉)you."said Lars Chittka,a behavioral scientist at Queen Mary University of London.

To make sure that their discoveries didn't result from the man-made conditions in the lab, the scientists placed bumblebees and a variety of flowerless plant species on their Zurich rooftop in late March 2018.The bees were free to fly as far as they could.Yet they set to work damaging the leaves on all the non-flowering plants nearest to their nests.The bees lost interest in this activity toward the end of April as more flowers came out,according to the study.

The research is of great value,for it can increase the human food supply.However,some questions remain to be answered,like"Why do the bites cause the plants to flower?"and "Does flowering early lead to higher fitness for the plants?"

1. Why did the bumblebees bite the leaves?
A.Because they wanted to eat the leaves.
B.Because they were to get pollen to eat.
C.Because they were exercising to be stronger.
D.Because they would carry the leaves to the nests.
2. What does the underlined"this activity"in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.Dancing on the leaves.
B.Flying as far as they could.
C.Making small holes in the leaves.
D.Damaging the flowers near their nests.
3. What's the possible benefit of the research?
A.Humans may produce more food.
B.Bumblebees can have more to eat.
C.Some plants can have more flowers.
D.Some plants will gain higher fitness.
4. What's the main idea of the passage?
A.Bumblebees speed up plants flowering by biting leaves.
B.Human food supply will largely depend on bumblebees.
C.Bumblebees like to damage the plants nearest their nests.
D.Rooftop plants flower more than the ones in greenhouses.
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