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1 . My work started in 2003 at my local animal shelter’s Adoption Department. It seems like such a long time ago. In the 13 years that have passed, more than 50,000 animals have passed the doors of the shelter. Most of them, I do not remember. But occasionally there are animals who stand out. Tabby was one such animal.

Tabby was one of the many homeless dogs. What’s more, she was blind and deaf. Tabby’s chances at adoption seemed remote at best. But one day a woman named Loretta came to the shelter. Her son, Gary, who suffered from epilepsy (癫痫) had seen Tabby’s picture on the shelter’s website. They were interested in meeting her! Most boys would want a puppy, a dog who could grow with him and run through grassy fields on summer days. Tabby would never be able to do that. But as they say, "love is blind". After meeting her, they decided to adopt Tabby!

If Tabby’s story had simply ended with her successful adoption, it would still have been something very special indeed but it was what happened after her adoption that some might label as "magical" or perhaps even miraculous. As Gary and Tabby did everything together, they became so "in tune" with one another that Tabby began to telegraph Gary’s seizures (疾病发作) before they occurred, giving his family a warning that one was about to strike. What’s more, Gary seemed to be having fewer and fewer seizures since Tabby’s arrival.

How could it be? There are some things that happen in this world that challenge all logic and understanding. Sometimes, the best that we can do is to accept a miraculous thing, which we didn’t attempt to explain. Because when you try to explain it, you lose the beauty and wonder of it all.

1. Which sentence can be used to describe Tabby?
A.She was so lovely that she could be easily adopted.
B.She suffered a lot from the disease-epilepsy.
C.She was so strong that she could run very fast.
D.She was homeless and couldn’t see or hear.
2. What does the underlined word "miraculous" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Gary learnt about Tabby from a magazine.
B.Gary was cured in the company of Tabby.
C.Tabby could indicate a seizure before it struck.
D.Most boys would have the same decision as Gary.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Love is Blind: a Miraculous DogB.Give Me Food: My Dear Master
C.Love is Everywhere: a Poor DogD.Take Me Home: My Dear Boy
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A group of swans (天鹅) flew down to a beach where a crow (乌鸦) was jumping around. The crow watched them with disdain (鄙视).

“You have no flying skills at all!” he said to the swans. “All you can do is to move your wings. Can you turn over in the air? No, that’s beyond you. Let’s have a flying competition. I’ll show you what real flying is!”

One of the swans, a strong young male, took up the challenge. The crow flew up and began to show his skills. He flew in circles, performed other flying tricks, and then came down and looked proudly at the swan.

Now it was the swan’s turn. He flew up, and he began flying over the sea. The crow flew after him, making all kinds of comments about his flying. They flew on and on till they couldn’t see the land and there was nothing but water on all sides. The crow was making fewer and fewer comments. He was now so exhausted that he found it hard to stay in the air, and had to struggle to keep himself from falling into the water.

The swan pretended not to notice, and said, “Why do you keep touching the water, brother? Is that another trick?”

“No,” said the crow. He knew that he had lost the competition. “I’m in trouble because of my pride! If you don’t help me, I’ll lose my life…”

The swan took pity on him, and took him on his shoulders and flew back to the beach.

1. What does the underlined word “exhausted” in Paragraph 4 mean?
2. Why did the crow keep touching the water?
A.It was showing another flying skill.
B.It was struggling to keep itself from falling into the water.
C.It was thirsty and wanted to drink some water.
D.It was enjoying itself by doing so.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.The crow didn’t know flying.
B.Flying skills were useless.
C.The swan saved the crow because they were good friends.
D.The swan was better at long-distance flying than the crow
4. What does the story tell us?
A.No pains, no gains.B.The early bird catches the worm (虫子).
C.Pride goes before a fall.D.Practice makes perfect.
2021-05-08更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西玉林市直六所普通高中2020-2021学年高一下学期期中联合考试英语试题

3 . When we sleep, our brains clear out the memories we've made while we're awake, deciding what to keep and what to discard. Forgetting is an active process, explained the authors of a study published in the journal Science. But less is known about this process during the different stages of sleep.

The team found that during the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage, when active sleep happens and we are thought to dream, special nerve(神经)cells appear to actively lead to forgetting. What are known as MCH neurons(神经元)sit in the hypothalamus ——a part of the brain which helps with a range of functions such as sleep, appetite and emotions. Past research has suggested these cells help to control REM sleep patterns.

The team looked at MCH neurons in mice, and found 52.8 percent were active during REM sleep, compared with 35 percent when the mice were awake. They also turned MCH neurons on and off during memory tests. MCH cells appeared to send messages to the part of the brain to stop the formation of memories.

Study co-author Thomas Kilduff said the team was surprised to find that mice performed better on learning and memory tasks when the MCH cells were inhibited(受抑制).“This result suggests that stimulation of the MCH neurons may disturb memory strengthening - that is, MCH neurons may help forgetting," Kilduff explained.

Asked what motivated the study, Kilduff said, "There is research argument about the role of sleep-in learning and memory, specifically, whether REM sleep, slow-wave sleep or both types of sleep are important for memory strengthening."

Kilduff acknowledged the study was conducted only on mice, not on humans. Also, mice are animals that remain active at night, with periods of sleeping and being awake distributed throughout the day and night, whereas most humans have a single sleep period that usually occurs at night, he said.

1. What does the underlined word “discard" in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Get rid of.B.Bring in.
C.Make use of.D.Dream about.
2. What can we learn about MCH neurons in mice during REM sleep?
A.All of them are active.
B.Over half of them are functioning.
C.Most of them can control emotions.
D.35 percent of them can refresh memories.
3. What did Kilduff think of the result of the study?
A.It was highly questioned.B.It helps explain dreams.
C.It could apply to all people.D.It was limited in some way.
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
C.Tech and Science.D.Culture.
2021-04-12更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西柳州市2021届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Starman, the dummy(仿真人) riding a cherry-red Tesla Roadster(特斯拉敞篷车) through space, has made his closest approach ever to Mars. The electric roadster and its passenger were attached to the top of a Falcon Heavy rocket during the SpaceX rocket’s first test launch on 6 February 2018.

Two years later, the Falcon Heavy rocket and the vehicle at its tip are making their second trip around the Sun. Mr. McDowell, a Harvard astrophysicist, found that Starman passed 7.4 million kilometers from Mars at 06:25 GMT 7 October, 2020.

The closest recent approach between the Earth and Mars was 56 million kilometers in 2003, though the planets are often hundreds of millions of miles apart depending on where they are in their orbits. No one can see the Falcon Heavy rocket at its current distance, but orbits over periods of a few years are fairly straightforward to predict, and Mr. McDowell used data about how the rocket was moving when it left the Earth’s gravity behind to locate its recent movements exactly.

Last time Starman circled the Sun, McDowell said, it crossed Mars’ orbit while the Red Planet was quite far away. But this time the crossing lined up with a fairly close approach, though still not close enough to feel a strong tug from Mars.

At this point in time, if you were able to go look at the Roadster, it would probably look pretty different. The strong solar radiation environment between the planets would probably have destroyed all the exposed organic materials.

Without the Earth’s atmospheric and magnetic(磁场的) protection, even the plastics and carbon-fibre materials would start to break up. Over the course of decades or centuries, the car will end up with its aluminium(铝) frame and hard glass parts----that’s assuming that none of them get destroyed in impacts with passing space rocks.

1. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?
A.Starman is now circling around the Earth in its orbit.
B.Starman has set out on its second trip around the Sun.
C.Starman has traveled 7.4 million kilometers after launch.
D.Starman still has a long way to go before getting to Mars.
2. How did McDowell manage to locate Starman?
A.By keeping Starman under visual observation.
B.By predicting its future orbit around the earth.
C.By seeking professional help from SpaceX.
D.By analyzing data about the rocket’s movement.
3. The underlined word “tug” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________.
4. What will happen to Starman in decades or centuries?
A.It is circling around Mars and will finally crash onto it.
B.It will finish its mission and return to SpaceX on earth.
C.Starman is likely reduced to at most its frame and glass.
D.SpaceX will try to recover it during its next space mission.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When you choose a friend, you should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather (晴天) friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).

Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries, to think of ways to be helpful. He is, also a good listener.

At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults in others. He notices their good points. In short, good friends will be honest to each other and accept each other.

Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time? I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favour, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble > he will not run away from me.

There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special, A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humour, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.

When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a friend!

1. If you have fair weather friends, what will happen to you?
A.You will become rich
B.You can be sure that you get real friends
C.You will be refused when you get into trouble
D.They will give you all that they have when you need help
2. Which is the most important the writer thinks in choosing a friend?
C.Understanding.D.A sense of humour.
3. What does the underlined word “down” in Paragraph 1 mean?
4. What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.the qualities of a friendB.where to choose friends
C.how to get along with friendsD.the importance of having a friend

6 . In the 1994 film Forrest Gump, there's a famous saying, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. The surprise is part of the fun. Now blind box toys(盲盒)are bringing the magic of surprise to online shopping.

A blind box toy is hidden inside similar boxes but invisible from the outside. You don't know what will be inside, although the toys typically come from pop culture, ranging from movies to comics and cartoons.

Blind boxes have become popular since they were first introduced from Japan to China in 2014. According to a 2019 Tmall report, the mini-series of Labubu blind box designed by Hong Kong-born Kasing Lung, was named Champion of Unit Sales with 55, 000 sold in just 9 seconds during the Singles Day shopping event. Most customers for blind boxes are young people aged 18 to 35.

According to The Paper, blind box toys are popular in part because of their cute appearances. The typically cute cartoon figures(人物)come in small sizes, making them suitable for display almost anywhere.

Even if blind boxes are not their top choice for decorations, the mystery and uncertainty of the process also attracts people. It's the main reason why people buy blind boxes one after another.

"Expecting the unknown is always a part of the box-opening process," said Miss Cao, 24, who lives and works in Shenyang. Speaking to Sina News, she said: "Until you open all the boxes, you cannot know what it is inside."

Opening a blind box is a delightful little surprise for our mundane daily lives, something small but fun to wait for each day, week or month. When people open this simple little box, they may be disappointed, but the uncertainty is part of the fun. People will open more blind boxes and hope for a better outcome.

When someone re-makes Forrest Gump, don't be surprised if he says, "Life is like a blind box."

1. What do we know about blind boxes?
A.They may bring surprise to our life.B.They are visible from the outside.
C.They are popular among all ages.D.They were first designed in 2014.
2. Why do people buy blind boxes according to Miss Cao?
A.Because blind boxes are fashionable gifts.
B.Because blind boxes are educational gifts.
C.Because people enjoy box-opening process.
D.Because people prefer the colorful boxes.
3. What does the underlined word "mundane" probably mean?
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A magazine.C.A novel.D.A guidebook.

7 . Twenty-five years ago, most young Britons wanted a career in law, to be a doctor, or, if they were creatively minded, to take up singing. But today, things stand differently.

According to a survey by Tesco Mobile, a UK telecoms company, the “dream job” of young people aged between 16 and 25 in the UK is a video blogger, or “vlogger”. The survey, carried out among 1 , 002 people, found that as much as 40 percent of them put vlogger as their number one choice on a list of ideal jobs.

The only reason for this change is undoubtedly the Internet and social media. They have made it so much easier to reach a global user, without having to get a job in show business in the traditional way.

“In years gone by, the biggest stars were shaped and trained by the Hollywood studios; now, anyone with a computer camera can become an icon (偶像)," a Tesco Mobile spokesperson said in a news release(发布会).“These self-made stars record their hobbies to an admiring fan-base. Vloggers are the big stars of today because they are normal people interacting with their fans about everyday life.”

However, what people see is only the great side of being a vlogger and they ignore the fact that only those who are successful get fame and fortune. There are the dreams that come true and the dreams that still remain dreams.

This is why although vloggers are popular, some young people choose jobs that don't necessarily earn them fame, but allow them to make good use of the Internet to share their hobbies. Young Israeli David Leshaw, for example, runs a business called the Finishers Club. It's an online platform(平台)for runners to keep a record of their races. He told the website Zippia that his job allows him to express his thought, and is always a learning experience. And that's enough for him.

1. What's the most popular job among British young people nowadays?
A.A lawyer.B.A doctor.C.A vlogger.D.A singer.
2. Why is it possible for anyone to become an icon these days?
A.Because of the popularity of the computers.
B.Because the traditional show business has disappeared.
C.Because there are computer cameras for everyone to use.
D.Because Internet and social media made it easy to reach a global user.
3. What's the meaning of the underlined word “interact” in Paragraph 4?
A.To discuss.B.To force.
C.To communicate.D.To take part in.
4. What's the author's opinion towards the vloggers?
A.All vloggers can't be successful.B.Vloggers should be supported.
C.Vloggers should be encouraged.D.Vloggers are very helpful to society.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . What does being happy have to do with luck? To answer the question, a team of researchers from the UK and Hong Kong gave surveys to 844 English-speaking university students in Hong Kong. The survey questions measured their thoughts about luck and their happiness levels.

The researchers observed that less happy people believed in external (外在的) luck—the “Good luck with that!” variety that controls our good or bad. The authors point out that blaming “luck” for events and experiences makes people lose personal self-determination, which diminishes their sense of purpose and, in turn, their happiness. Believing we need luck to be successful may make us less determined to reach goals and take risks.

On the other hand, happier people believed themselves to be personally lucky. Viewing yourself as lucky, the researchers suggest, shows an active and positive attitude that develops hope and self-acceptance. Personally lucky people may feel more confident to try new things or act in ways that help others.

How does luck influence those people? Next, the research team asked those people to fill another survey. They found that people who believed in external luck were more likely to be less active, and in turn were less happy. Those who believe they’re especially lucky suffer less of a hit to happiness.

This study has its value. However, the data all come from surveys filled out by those surveyed, which means the responses may be too personal. Moreover, the use of a one-time survey means we cannot say that one thing causes another.

Although there are some limits, this study stresses the value of thinking about luck as something that benefits us. Moreover, this study helps explain why we call people “happy go lucky”—because happy is how we feel when we focus on how personally lucky we are.

1. What does the underlined word “diminishes” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. What can we know about personally lucky people?
A.They are always helped by others.B.They have a preference for the past.
C.They have confidence in themselves.D.They like changing their own goals.
3. What does the author think of the study?
A.Its findings are unreliable.B.It has space for improvement.
C.It is actually of little value.D.Its research method is perfect.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.The Connection Between Happiness and Luck
B.Being Happy Has Nothing to Do With Luck
C.How Less Happy People Can Become Luckier
D.The Latest Study on People’s Happiness Levels

9 . The personal computer has overtaken (赶上)the family dog as man's best friend, according to a study.

Researchers found that just 6 per cent of us believe that" most people rely more on their dog than they do on their PC", while 67 percent think the opposite to be true.

Even 38 percent of dog owners admitted to relying more on their PC than on their dog, although 36 percent disagreed. And 71 percent of 18 to 24-year-old dog owners said they relied more on their computer.

Paul Allen, editor of Computer-active magazine said, "These days you can even take your PC lor a walk, if you have a laptop or tablet." "It's only a matter of time until the first PC that fetches your slippers."

Researchers questioned 2,000 British adults to find out the change modern technology has brought to their home life. They found that male dog owners are almost twice as likely as female owners to rely on their computer than acaninecompanion.

Mr Allen said, "With broadband bringing them global news and newspaper sales falling, the family dog even misses out on the pleasure of taking the paper to his owner. " But it's not all had news for obedient(顺从的)dogs. "The family PC has given dog owners access to a wealth of resources and information that can help with the long-term care that a dog needs, " Mr Allen said.

1. Who are most likely to rely on computers?
A.TeenagersB.People in their early twenties.
C.People in their early thirties.D.People in their early forties.
2. What is the general idea of the passage?
A.The personal computer has replaced the dog as man's best friend.
B.The computer and the dog are man's best friends.
C.Modem technology has brought changes to people's home life.
D.The dog as a pet will disappear completely from people's life.
3. What is the advantage of dogs as pets over the personal computer now ?
A.The dog can go out for a walk with people.B.The dog can bring people more pleasure.
C.The dog can help people fetch something.D.The dog is more likely to follow its owner's orders.
4. What does the underlined word "canine" in Paragraph 5 mean? "

10 . Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge, the double-deck suspension (悬浮) bridge with the longest span in the world, opened to traffic on Tuesday after five years’ construction, according to a statement from the constructor.

It is reported that the bridge is 4. 13 kilometers long, with 12 lanes in both directions on the main I bridge. It is a long-span suspension bridge with the largest volume in the world, China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group said. The bridge connects the Hanyang and Wuchang and its opening will ameliorate the urban expressway system, relieve traffic pressure across the river, and drive development in the area, according to the company.

On both sides of the upper deck of the bridge, there is a two-meter-wide footpath, with eight rest and sightseeing areas, where people can enjoy the river scenery. The lower level is designed with two non-motorized lanes, each 2. 5 meters wide. A 1. 5-meter wide walkway is also a feature of each side of the floor so pedestrians (行人) can walk on the lower level without getting caught in the rain.

Chief designer of the bridge, Xu Gongyi, said, “Considering navigation and traffic volume, the main span of the bridge is 1, 700 meters, which is the second-largest in the world and also the largest in bridges of double-deck structure.”

According to Luo Ruihua, project manager of the bridge, the Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge has set several records in the process of its construction. The designed tension of each of the two main cables (钢索) is 65, 000 tons.

From 2014 to 2019, builders have shown the world the speed of China. The bridge not only enhances Wuhan’s reputation as a “bridge museum”, but also represents a super project of a new era.

1. What does the underlined word “ameliorate” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. How does the text introduce the bridge’s basic information?
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By describing its principles.D.By using data.
3. What can we know about the bridge?
A.It will attract many foreigners to Wuhan.
B.It is friendly to pedestrians.
C.The cost of its construction is low.
D.It is the longest bridge of the world.
4. What attitude does the author have to the bridge?
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