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I’ve just finished my first day of senior high school and     1     我真的喜欢. I’ve been told that schoolwork will present more of a challenge in the years ahead, and that     2     the teachers will hold us to higher standards. This means I’ll have to put a lot of efforts into my studies. I’ll also need to be very careful about balancing my schoolwork and hobbies. This is all quite new and different from my life at junior high school, but I’m sure     3     我会应对这些挑战. In fact, I’m looking forward to being more independent and responsible for my own learning.     4     There is so much knowledge I need to acquire, so I will work harder than ever. I also plan to take advantage of every opportunity to improve my communication skills. I’ll make more friends by joining some clubs.     5     I have confidence in my ability to do well at senior high school!

2 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语。

There are a number of reasons that can be given as to why children should be taught swimming at a young age.     1     如果你的孩子知道基本的游泳技巧,you can be at peace when your children are near the water.     2     The best way to teach your children to swim is to make them join swimming classes. There are professional(专业的)trainers around your children.     3     They can teach them all the skills of swimming. You can join the parent-child lessons to make your children feel comfortable. If your children are a bit older, then get permission and sit by the pool to watch them learn.

    4    游泳是一种快乐且让人放松的运动方式.You can make it easy for your children to understand. Coordinating(协调)the movements of their arms and legs will take some time. But, with regular practice and training this can be overcome. So, start with the basics and be around your children when they are learning how to swim.     5     Once they know how to swim, then you can be at peace when they play around the water.

2021-05-18更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市长郡中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般