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1 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中画线部分译成汉语或英语。

I once studied in a British high school for one year. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain. I could get up an hour later than usual.

On the first day, all students attended an assembly in the school hall.     1     I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana. During the assembly, the headmaster told us that     2     the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study. Because we had different classes in different classrooms,     3    对我来说记住所有的同学是件难事。I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in China. However, it was a bit challenging. Luckily, my teachers gave me much encouragement. My English improved a lot, as I used English every day.

I liked cooking and also took many subjects. In the art class, I made a small sculpture.     4     I liked it very much though it didn’t look very beautiful.     5    我很幸运能够体验到这样一种不同的生活方式。

2 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。

Antismoking ad campaign

Every year millions of people around the world die due to smoking.    1     Every packet of cigarettes contains poisonous chemicals that can result in lung cancer and heart disease. This costs countries a lot of money and causes great damage to the welfare of the people. There are huge numbers of smokers in Asia. This is why we have chosen anti-smoking as the subjects of our ad campaign.

The target audience is highschool teenagers. Our main aim is to discourage young people from smoking.    2     我们的研究表明年轻人是关心他们的健康和未来的. We will education them about the bad physical effects of smoking and how smoking affects those people around them. We will explain all the advantages of not smoking, such as saving money which can then be spent on other things. Our interviews also indicate that young people are concerned about what is cool and what their friends like. We will show how smoking is not cool or attractive, because it makes people smell terrible, and gives them bad teeth, skin and fingernails.    3     If we can convince young people not to start, they might then urge their parents and other people to give up smoking, too.

Our campaign will start on 31 May, World No Tobacco Day. We will put large posters around the school with our logo and slogan.    4     我们的网站将给学生们提供更多的有关吸烟方面的信息. We will also publish an article in the school magazine informing students about the dangers of smoking, and we will organize an essay competition as well.

Our slogan: Smoking kills!

    5     Many people think that smoking is cool or enjoyable, but they are not fully aware of the damage that it does to their health. This is why we choose this picture as our logo. We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon from illnesses and diseases related to smoking.

3 . 他们正面临这样的事实:没有人能免于处罚。(spare)
2022-06-13更新 | 44次组卷 | 2卷引用:2014-2015学年上海理工大学附属中学高一下第二次月考英语试卷
4 . 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语。

“Thank you” is widely used in modern society. It is a very good manner     1     你应该说谢谢 whenever others help you or say something kind to you. For example, when someone opens the door for you, you should say so. Also, it is polite to say “Thank you” when someone praises you.

“Excuse me” is another polite expression.     2     We use it the same as “Thank you”. When you hear someone say so behind you, it means that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It is not polite to interrupt (打断) others while they are talking.     3     If you want to have a word with one of them, please say “Excuse me” first. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others.

In fact,     4     我们经常使用这两种礼貌表达 not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.     5     Let's learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me” in our daily life.

2022-03-11更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省株洲市南方中学2021-2022学年高二下学期第一次模拟学考英语试题
5 . He's up to the role of Othello in the play. (英译汉)
翻译-整句汉译英 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 希望人人都能在会上各抒己见。(express)(汉译英)
2021-11-03更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市位育中学2020-2021学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
7 . We must work hard.   The flower looks very beautiful.   I find the book very interesting.   Plants need water.   My mom bought me a dictionary.
A. SVO,                 SVP,                 SVOO,                 SV,                 SVOC
B. SV,                 SVP,               SVOO,                 SVO,.               SVOC
C. SV,                      SVOC,               SVO,                       SVP,                 SVOO
D. SV,                 SVP                 SVOC,                 SVO,                 SVOO
2021-10-11更新 | 191次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门第六中学2019-2020学年高一上学期第一次月考(10月)英语试卷
8 . 在我高中的第一天, 这所美丽的学校给我留下了很好的第一印象。(impression)
2021-10-02更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省滕州市第一中学2019-2020学年高一10月阶段性检测英语试题
9 . Not everyone likes this book. (英译汉)
2021-09-28更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津译林版2020 选择性必修二 Unit 2 Section C Integrated skills
10 . We should remain modest and honest.该句子结构为
2021-09-10更新 | 173次组卷 | 2卷引用:广东省清远市第三中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般