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| 共计 4 道试题
1 . 写出对应的复合形容词
1. ________ changes = changes which shake the earth翻天覆地的变化
2. ________ gentleman = gentleman who looks good仪表堂堂的男士
3. ________ achievement = achievement which breaks the record破纪录的成绩
4. ________ people = people who love peace爱好和平的人
5. ________ enterprises = enterprises which are owned by state国有企业
2022-01-15更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019 必修三 Unit 2 Developing ideas, Presenting ideas & Reflection
2 . During the three years when I was studying at college, I witnessed many students who worked hard. (句型转换)
___________________________, I witnessed many________________.
3 . Nowadays more and more students are working directly on the Internet where different types of course are supplied.
What is the sentence elements(句子成分)of the underlined words?
A.adverbial 状语
B.complement 补语
C.attributive 定语
D.appositive 同位语
2019-09-28更新 | 769次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市致远中学2017-2018学年上学期高一月考英语试题
4 . That guy kills his time by playing PC games day and night. I wonder whether he could find anything________ at all.
A.worth to doB.worth doing
C.worthy being doneD.is worth to be done
2018-10-22更新 | 353次组卷 | 2卷引用:【全国百强校】江苏省南菁高级中学2018-2019学年高二上学期第一次阶段测试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般