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| 共计 135 道试题
1 . “You say you ________ do this, but I say, you ________ do it!” said the boss.
A.should not; willB.can not; mayC.will not; shallD.will not; will
2021-05-12更新 | 178次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市吉安县第三中学、安福二中、泰和二中2020-2021学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题
2 . Replacing animal meat with fake meat will ________ the pollution caused by raising livestock. However, Ricardo San Martin, from the University of California, Berkeley, said people shouldn’t be too ________ about the health ________ of fake meat.
2021-04-27更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆南开中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期中英语试题
3 . 我们不会让这样的事情再次发生的。(用have短语翻译)
2021-04-17更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:高二英语 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 下学期月考、期中考复习资料
4 . It has been announced that all students ________ put on masks before going to school in case they are infected with novel coronavirus.
5 . 选词填空

ahead of, cover an area of, vary from..to.., bring...back to life, move on

1. Medical science __________ a lot since I was a boy.
2. Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task __________ schedule.
3. And anyway he was dead.Nobody could__________ him __________.
4. The village __________ 300 hectares, of which 30 are for tea production.
5. The importance of being an Olympian will __________ athlete__________ athlete.
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Only if you ask many different questions _______________ all the information you need to know.   (acquire)
2021-03-04更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014-2015学年湖北荆门市高二上期末英语试卷
7 . Only when you are living in a foreign country _______________ it is important to learn English. (realize)
2021-03-03更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014-2015学年湖北黄石第三中学高二上期中英语试卷
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . As long as the earth exists, we will _________(幸存)--but only if we take care of it.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2021-02-06更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省开封市2020-2021学年高一上学期五县联考期末英语试题
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 请你把钢琴搬进这里来,好吗?
______________________________the piano in here?
2021-01-18更新 | 59次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 2 Section B Learning About Language(基础练)-2020-2021学年高二英语十分钟同步课堂专练(人教版2019选择性必修第一册)
10 . 选词填空
run out;at the first attempt;take measures to do sth.;breathe in;suffer from;rescue...from...
1. She passed her driving test ______.
2. Most industries in the world ______ water shortages.
3. Will China ______ protect its investments in Egypt?
4. The underground water in Saudi Arabia might ______ in 50 years.
5. Helicopters ___ nearly 20 people ____ the roof of the burning building.
6. The air we ______ is getting dirtier and dirtier.
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