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| 共计 9 道试题
1 . 选词填空。
1. Robert is good at languages and ________(can/must) speak four languages.
2. The meeting is very important and you________(would/should) attend it on schedule.
3. I managed to find the street, but I ________(couldn’t/mustn’t) find her house.
4. Every Sunday afternoon, the boy ________(will/may) sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by.
5. In his childhood, Jack ________(would/could) be nervous when he met strangers.
6. —Do you have any plan for this weekend?
—I have not decided yet. I________(may/need) take my daughter to the museum.
7. According to the doctor’s advice, the medicine________(might/must) be taken three times a day.
8. No one ________(shall/must) stop us from carrying out the plan.
9. Rose ________(can’t/needn’t) be in the classroom now, because I saw her leave school several minutes ago.
10. Jane asked whether she________(must/could) sit in the empty seat.
11. One of the windows of the classroom ________(won’t/mustn’t) close, so I’ll have it repaired.
12. The headteacher warned him not to be late for school, but Jack ________(wouldn’t/shouldn’t) listen.
2023-06-06更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 单元考点复习练习 2022-2023学年高中英语人教版必修第三册
2 . 从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填入句子中,注意使用其正确形式。
complain        affect        symbol        abandon        potential       approve of        
take up             regardless of               be at risk        on the contrary
1. —I suppose your parents don’t understand you.
________, they understand me very well
2. Your attitude will ________how successful you are.
3. The chess club welcomes all new members________ age.
4. Chris wants to keep fit, so he ________jogging every morning.
5. Because I’m nearsighted, I’m worried that my daughter will ________ for it too.
6. Forming a V with your fingers is often recognized as the ________ for victory.
7. If you're unhappy with the room service, you should ________ to the manager.
8. Because of the heavy snow, we had to ________ the car and walk the rest of the way.
9. My parents need to know exactly where I plan to go before they can ________my trip.
10. Doctors are excited about the new drug's ________ benefits because it may save more lives.
2021-12-08更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市2021年朝阳区高二(上)期末英语测试题
3 . 选词填空
will, would, shall, should(包含其否定形式)
1. You’ve made the same mistake again. You ________ be more careful next time.
2. ________ you please give me a message when you see him?
3. If you give him time, Tom ________ talk and talk for hours.
4. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ________ take me to Disneyland at weekends.
5. It was sad to me that they, so poor themselves, ________ bring me food.
6. If you pass the driving test, you ________ get a new car.
7. We packed all the books in wooden boxes so that they ________ get damaged.
8. Children ________ be allowed to surf the Internet too long. It may hurt their eyes.
2021-06-16更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:UNIT 4 Section Ⅲ Grammar and usage & Integrated skills 译林版2020必修2
4 . 选词填空

ahead of, cover an area of, vary from..to.., bring...back to life, move on

1. Medical science __________ a lot since I was a boy.
2. Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task __________ schedule.
3. And anyway he was dead.Nobody could__________ him __________.
4. The village __________ 300 hectares, of which 30 are for tea production.
5. The importance of being an Olympian will __________ athlete__________ athlete.
5 . 选词填空
run out;at the first attempt;take measures to do sth.;breathe in;suffer from;rescue...from...
1. She passed her driving test ______.
2. Most industries in the world ______ water shortages.
3. Will China ______ protect its investments in Egypt?
4. The underground water in Saudi Arabia might ______ in 50 years.
5. Helicopters ___ nearly 20 people ____ the roof of the burning building.
6. The air we ______ is getting dirtier and dirtier.
6 . 选词填空
play safe; based on; pick up; would rather; be aware of
1. Their relationship was ________ mutual respect.
2. Let's ________ and make enough preparations.
3. Do we need to ________ any differences between them?
4. If you go to England, you'll soon ________ English.
5. She ________ go there by train than by plane.
2020-11-30更新 | 124次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019)unit 2单元强基训练
7 . 选词填空
needn't,  must,  should,  might,  can't,  may,  can,  could,  will,  would

1. He_____________have passed the exam; otherwise, he wouldn’t be so happy.
2. Tom_____________be watching TV now at home, for I saw him going shopping just now.
3. I_____________go on the trip with you, but I am not sure yet.
4. The film is so boring, and we_____________as well not go to see it.
5. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the world wide wait because it _____________be very slow sometimes.
6. It is known to us all that oil_____________float on water.
7. I_____________have come here in time, but I met an old friend of mine. I stopped and talked with him for some time.
8. You failed again; you _____________work hard from now on.
9. It is not cold today; I_____________have put on the coat.
10. When he was young, he _____________play football after school.
2020-03-21更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版 选修8 Module 6 Period 2 Grammar 课时练
8 . 语法填空(用方框内所给情态动词完成下面的句子)

1. Why are there only 12 tickets left? There _____________be 15.
2. A well-trained person _____________hold his breath under water for more than two minutes.
3. What's the matter with my computer? It _____________not work!
4. The situation there was still unclear, and my son _____________be in trouble though I was not quite sure.
5. He _____________not be serious, but is just joking.
6. He _____________be sleeping in the dormitory. You can find him there.
7. The witness was under strict protection, and no one but the police _____________get close to him.
8. What _____________we do if we come across such a person?
9. Since you have finished your work, you _____________go now.
10. When the weather was fine, he_____________ keep his wife company along the river bank.
2020-02-25更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:新人教版 必修三 Unit 5 Period 2 Discovering useful structures
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 语法专练:用Will或be going to的适当形式填空
1. —Jack is ill.
—Oh, really? I didn’t know. I __________ go and visit him.
2. Tom is busy now and he __________ write a letter tonight.
3. Let’s keep to the point or we __________ never reach any decisions.
4. Dark clouds are gathering. It __________ rain.
5. My uncle __________ be forty on his next birthday.
6. If you __________ make a journey, you had better get ready for it as soon as possible.
7. We cannot always do as we __________ and we must obey the rules.
8. We __________ have a meeting to discuss the matter this evening.
9. This __________ be the book you are looking for.
10. How pale that girl is! I am sure she __________ pass out.
2019-06-25更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:北师大版 必修2 Unit4 Period 1 Warm-up & Tomorrow’s World
共计 平均难度:一般