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| 共计 4 道试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

1 . As Shanghai prepared to introduce mandatory(强制的) garbage sorting on July 1, games and toys that examined fun ways to spread information about the garbage sorting were to encourage younger people to take action.

A 15-second video of a game went on Chinese social media. In the video, players wearing VR headsets saw four different types of trash cans in front of them, and had to throw different types of garbage into the right buckets(桶) to get points. Although it was not the only VR game in the place, visitors lined up around the booth to explore it because of the garbage-sorting theme.

“As a citizen in Shanghai, I am in great need of this game. Maybe I won’t need to check how to categorize(将……分类) each piece of garbage on my phone while going through all my garbage every day if I play this game more often,” said Zhou Zhou, a youngster. But some social media users in Shanghai have complained about the difficulty of sorting different types of garbage.

Wu Xia, founder and CEO of VitrellaCore, the company that created the game, said the idea was to provide an interesting way of learning about garbage sorting. “It’s simple and easy to understand. People can practice sorting garbage without actually going through their trash, and it is a more effective method than using paper materials when training volunteers,” Wu said.

1. What is the purpose of the VR game?
A.Just for fun.
B.To teach people to sort garbage.
C.To do exercise.
D.To keep fit.
2. What do some people complain about?
A.It is too hard to sort garbage.
B.There are too many people lining up.
C.The VR game should be more interesting.
D.There are more ways to use paper materials.
3. Which can replace the underlined word in the last paragraph?
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Young people like VR games more.
B.Shanghai performs mandatory garbage sorting.
C.Games were used to help young people sort garbage.
D.Learning by playing VR games is practical for the young.
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Where do Indonesians put their garbage?
A.In the front of their houses.
B.In the public garbage cans.
C.In the official garbage bags.
2. What colored cans do Germans put metals?
3. What do we know about the garbage bags in Korea?
A.Their price depends on the type of waste.
B.They are provided by the government for free.
C.Different districts have different official garbage bags.
2022-04-02更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019选择性必修一 Unit 6 第二课时 B层
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Open an app at your smart phone and scan the code bar on the garbage can. When you throw garbage into the garbage can, it will show the weight of the garbage and the points you can get from doing so.     1     It will become more popular in the future. Yes, we are talking about the smart garbage can.

    2     The environmental problems have become constant headaches in the development of those cities. Encouraging garbage classification has become an effective way.

In some cities, a variety of multifunctional smart garbage cans are being put into use. In Beijing, for example, a smart garbage can is equipped with an LED screen, which not only shows national policies on garbage classification but also shows the correct steps for garbage sorting. It can also calculate the weight of the garbage and the accumulated points one can get. They can be traded for some articles of daily use.     3     Its body is actually a screen. It is equipped with some Internal sensors. When people throw garbage into it, the internal sensors can automatically tell the types of the garbage. Meanwhile, people can see how to deal with them.     4    

Garbage disposal is a small issue that involves everybody each day. However, it is also a big issue.    5     With smart garbage cans in our daily life, the idea of garbage sorting will become more established. Our dream of building a greener and more beautiful China will come true so long as we start to make small changes right now.

A.Garbage sorting has been a new fashion.
B.Another kind of garbage can is even smarter.
C.It is no wonder that residents cheered for their presence.
D.Such a way of handling garbage has appeared in some cities.
E.It will affect China’s transformation towards green development.
F.Over 200 million tons of garbage is produced each year in some cities.
G.The good habit of garbage classification can improve the living environment.
2021-05-01更新 | 1262次组卷 | 18卷引用:Unit 3 Period 2 Learning About Language同步练习 2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . If you live in China, mandatory (强制的) garbage sorting is coming to a city near you. In the UK, people have been sorting out rubbish for a while. For most people, it’s just second nature to sort waste at home before throwing it into separate bins.

But like most Brits and other Westerners, I had no idea that most of our recycling used to go to China until the country banned foreign trash imports last year. With its booming middle class of urban consumers, China has its own increasing waste problems that it urgently needs to deal with. During China’s new drive to sort out its trash problem, I was keen to see what Hangzhou was doing to get residents ready.

It was seven a.m. when I first got to work, in a local community where residents were heading out to work, school or for a morning walk. I was joined by Liu Lianqun, a “garbage guide” next to the local trash sorting station. When many locals approached us, enthusiastically holding their green bags given for free, it was up to us to give them a kind but firm telling-off. “Kitchen waste is food items only! No tissues! No paper! No plastic!” Some people took our advice while others were clearly angry at being told what to do. It’s understandable. Our rubbish can be very personal and something that we keep to ourselves. Any attempt by a stranger to spy into our bin bags is going to be unwelcome. But Liu was very optimistic that progress was being made.

In another community, I found a different approach to garbage sorting—rewarding residents with points in return for their recyclable waste. By scanning a QR code through a smart phone app, locals can collect points for their cardboard, plastic bottles and old clothing, and exchange them for goods or cash in local shops.

If common people could see truck after truck pouring glass, paper and plastic into landfill with their own eyes, they would likely give garbage separation a lot more attention. For China’s garbage separation campaign, education will be essential in the long term.

1. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A.Foreign trash imports have done great harm to China.
B.Imports of foreign garbage have not been banned up to now.
C.Residents in Hangzhou are ready for garbage sorting.
D.Most of the foreign garbage in China comes from Britain.
2. What does the underlined word “telling-off ” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Carrying out severe punishment.B.Showing a warm welcome.
C.Pointing out their mistakes seriously.D.Giving them guidance.
3. Why is it understandable for residents to get angry at being told how to sort garbage?
A.Because the green bags are given to them free of charge.
B.Because residents there tend to be defensive towards strangers.
C.Because only food items can be kept in kitchen waste garbage bags.
D.Because the contents in green bags may let out personal information.
4. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Wealth hidden in waste
B.Less garbage, clearer environment
C.More points, more rewards
D.Good start for garbage sorting
共计 平均难度:一般