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阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Improve Your Relationships

Having stable and positive relationships in your life can make you happier and more fulfilled. Whether it's your friends, family, or significant other, improving a relationship can sometimes be confusing.     1    

Express your appreciation for the person.

    2     Notice the positive things that the person is doing and go out of your way to show your appreciation for them. You can also show your appreciation by remembering important events like anniversaries or birthdays.


If you hardly see each other or talk to each other, it can be difficult to maintain a relationship. Take extra time out of your day and devote it to the person that you want to improve relations with. Try to work around the other person's schedule so that you can spend the time together. You can share a meal, watch a show, listen to music, or go shopping with them.

Turn off distractions.

Distractions like a cell phone, social media, or video games can create a division in between you and another person. If you notice that you are always distracted, you should turn off your cell phone or computer and talk to them.     4    

Seek therapy(心理治疗) if you can't get along.

To fix or improve family relationships or relationships with your significant other, you can turn to therapy. If you notice that you and the person are always arguing over the same kinds of things, and nothing has worked, you should consider seeking therapy with them.     5     And family therapy may be able to restore bonds between family members.

A.Spend more time with the person.
B.Maintain a relationship if possible.
C.People often like to be praised for achievements.
D.A specialist can help solve long­term issues in the relationship.
E.If they are the one always distracted, ask them if they can do the same.
F.Follow the tips and you can develop good relationships with your family.
G.Luckily, by adjusting your behaviour, you can improve any relationship in your life.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Located in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou Valley is famous     1     its greenish-blue lakes, beautiful waterfalls, colorful forests, snow-capped peaks     2     the local Tibetan ethnic culture.

Jiuzhaigou got     3    (it) name because there are nine Tibetan villages in the valley. For centuries Tibetan people have lived in the region, but it was not officially discovered by the government until 1972. It     4    (declare) a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992.

The valley is the     5    (nature) habitat for two of China’s most treasurable endangered species — the giant panda and the Sichuan takin(羚牛). You are likely to see other     6    (creature) including birds, insects and fish.

Over 80 percent of the scenic area is covered by forests. In the lower regions, there are plenty of grasses and reeds. These are quickly replaced by bamboo forests     7     in turn give way to conifers(针叶树) at the upper regions. Beyond them, snow-capped peaks of the Minshan Mountains are also very     8    (attract).

The most comfortable climate     9    (visit) Jiuzhaigou is in July. Umbrellas and wet weather clothing, as well as sun protection cream and hats are     10    (high) recommended as the weather is often changing.

阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When I was an incoming(即将入学的)student in University of Oxford,I participated FYSOP. Ever since then, whenever it comes up in conversation, I am met with the following question: “What is FYSOP?”     1    

FYSOP stands for First Year Student Outreach Project, which focuses around a week service to the city of Oxford and its various neighborhoods.     2     They volunteer for the Oxford community at local sites helping out schools, parks or non-profit organizations.

Students are divided into groups and led by student leaders. These leaders ensure that each place is prepared and that the students get there safely.    3    In this way the incoming students are able to reflect on what it means to give back and to be a part of the community. These conversations are important for incoming students because of the change they experience starting out in college.

    4     Students obtain valuable volunteer experiences and meet new people. Also, FYSOP participants get to move in a week earlier than most other students. This means that you get to skip out on the hurried move in schedule and might even get a slightly cheaper flight than if you were moving in with the other 140,000 college students.

    5     Through my personal experience, I met some of my best friends, got a better understanding of the layout(布局) of Oxford,and really enjoyed volunteering at various non-profits. If you are not, maybe consider staffing FYSOP in the future.

A.Here’s a brief introduction.
B.Here’s why it has been established.
C.The participants are all incoming students.
D.There are so many bonuses being a part of FYSOP!
E.If you’re an incoming student, FYSOP is worth looking into.
F.Both the community and the students benefit a lot from the project.
G.Leaders also open up conversations throughout the service experience.
2022-03-11更新 | 484次组卷 | 6卷引用:河北省高三年级-七选五名校好题

4 . At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his or her full intelligence; but at this age the likelihood of death is least. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable (易受伤害的), later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigor and resistance which, though unnoticeable at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, however well we look after ourselves, and however well society, and our doctors, look after us.

This decline in vigor with the passing of time is called ageing. It is one of the most unpleasant discoveries which we all make that we must decline in this way, that if we escape wars, accidents and disease we shall eventually “die of old age”, and that this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person, so that there are heavy odds in favor of our dying between the ages of sixty-five and eighty. Some of us will die sooner, a few will live longer—on into a ninth or tenth decade. But the chances are against it, and there is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are.

Normal people tend to forget this process unless and until they are reminded of it. We are so familiar with the fact that ma ages, that people have for years assumed that the process of losing vigor with time, of becoming more likely to die the older we get, was something self-evident, like the cooling of a hot kettle or the wearing-out of a pair of shoes. They have also assumed that all animals, and probably other organisms such as trees, or even the universe itself, must in the nature of things “wear out”.

Most animals we commonly observe do in fact age as we do, if given the chance to live long enough; and mechanical systems like a wound watch, or the sun, do in fact run out of energy in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics (whether the whole universe does so is a moot point at present). But these are not analogous (类似的)to what happens when man ages. A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound. An old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending. But a watch could never repair itself —it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction. We could, at one time, repair ourselves—well enough, at least, to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents. Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power, an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave. If we could stay as vigorous as we are at twelve, it would take about 700 years for half of us to die, and another 700 for the survivors to be reduced by half again.

1. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
A.Our first twelve years represent the peak of human development.
B.People usually are unhappy when reminded of ageing.
C.Normally only a few of us can live to the eighties and nineties.
D.People are usually less likely to die at twelve years old.
2. The word “it” in the last sentence of Paragraph Two refers to           .
A.remaining alive until 65B.remaining alive after 80
C.dying before 65 or after 80D.dying between 65 and 80
3. What is ageing?
A.It is usually a phenomenon of dying at an old age.
B.It is a fact that people cannot live any longer.
C.It is a gradual loss of vigor and resistance.
D.It is a phase when people are easily attacked by illness.
4. What do the examples of watch show?
A.Normally people are quite familiar with the ageing process.
B.All animals and other organisms undergo the ageing process.
C.The law of thermodynamics functions in the ageing process.
D.Human’s ageing process is different from that of mechanisms.
2021-03-02更新 | 542次组卷 | 5卷引用:河北省高三年级-科普知识类阅读理解名校好题
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . It is indeed true that age is not a barrier (障碍) to learning. Priscilla Sitienei, a 90-year-old woman, has ________ it and is an inspiration to all of us who tend to give up so ________.

Priscilla, as a young girl, did not have the ________ to read and write. What she could not do then did not stop her from dreaming and ________ making those dreams come true. She has ________ Leaders Vision Preparatory School in her village in Kenya for the past five years. What is even more ________ is that she goes to school with her great-grandchildren! She says that she has big________ and that she'd like to be able to ________ the Bible (圣经). She also wants to ________ children to receive schooling and to follow their ________.

Her day at school is the same as any other student's. She wears her ________ to school and attends English, Maths, Drama, Singing, Physical Education, and Dance classes. Above that, she lives in one of the school dormitories, where she________ the room with her great-great-grandchild. All pupils ________ her and want to play with her. She sets an example to those who have ________ and think they are too old to get ________. She says, "Well, I am at school, and so should you!"

A.sticking toB.taking toC.imaginingD.risking
A.cared forB.attendedC.studiedD.visited
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Narcissists (自恋者) are people who are simply interested in themselves. They talk about themselves, demand admiration and recognition and believe everyone else should envy them.    1    . When you come across a narcissistic person, your initial reaction might be shocks but in some cases the best reaction might be none at all.

Understand that narcissism is a personality disorder.    2    . Often the person can’t help himself—he actually believes his idea of being superior to others. Remember that Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is classified as a mental illness.

    3    . A narcissist feeds off attention from others. When the person starts talking about himself excessively, the best thing to do is just walk away—leave the situation.

Have reasonable expectations about the person and his ability to stop being self-absorbed. This is not a disorder that goes away on its own—often the person will need intensive counseling to deal with his narcissism. Suggest counseling if you are in a close relationship with the person, such as a marriage.     4    , his condition may improve with treatment

    5    . A narcissist can be a burden on his friends and family and will often put others down as a way of building himself up. It is important to have high confidence yourself, so that you do not start to believe and absorb what he says as if it is the truth.

A.Stay positive and strong-minded
B.Ignore the person whenever possible
C.Give him or her a hand whenever possible
D.While he may not be able to stop the behavior completely
E.Often it is rooted in childhood issues, such as abuse or neglect
F.When you are suffering from this kind of mental disorder occasionally
G.They might even lie or exaggerate (夸大) the truth as a way to lift themselves
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Famous Israeli gastronome (美食家) Michal Ansky is a professional taster and a Master Chef judge. So when she was invited to the world’s first public blind taste test setting lab-grown chicken into competition against a conventionally raised product, she was confident that she would be able to tell the difference.

Surrounded by cameras at a restaurant bar, she tasted from two dishes, labeled A and B. A team of lawyers looked on, tasked with making sure that the tasting truly was blind. Even the chef who sautéed (嫩煎) the meat in sunflower oil—no salt, no seasonings—didn’t know which was which. Both were flavorless, Ansky noted, but she would bet her reputation that sample A was the real thing. It had a richer, more “chickeny” taste.

The tasting was hosted by a meat-tech startup SuperMeat at its in-house restaurant, The Chicken. Ever since 2013, when the first lab-grown hamburger was presented to the public with a $330,000 price tag, alternative-meat companies have been inching closer to a product that is just as tasty and nearly as affordable as the real thing, but without the climate impacts. One new study found high-income countries could cut agricultural emissions (排放物) by almost two-thirds by moving away from animal-based foods.

But one question remains: Would consumers be able to tell the difference? SuperMeat decided to put its product to the test without the deep frying and sauces that are usually used to mask a lack of flavor. Sample B had less flavor, so Ansky reasoned that it had to be the one grown in a lab. She was so convinced of her decision that when SuperMeat founder Ido Savir announced that it was in fact A that was lab-grown, she corrected him. “No,” she said. “A is the real chicken.”

A day later, I spoke to Ansky about the tasting. “It’s one of the only times in my life that I’m really happy that I was wrong,” she admitted.

1. What do we know about the taste test?
A.It was hosted by a chicken-themed restaurant.
B.Food samples were made with different flavors.
C.Michal Ansky was invited to the test for her reputation.
D.Lawyers were involved to ensure the authority of the activity.
2. The purpose of hosting the taste test is to prove that ________.
A.lab-grown chicken tastes as good as raised chicken
B.meat eaters turn a blind eye to the taste of chicken
C.even a world-famous gastronome can make mistakes
D.chicken should be cooked well to appeal to customers
3. What is the biggest advantage of lab-grown chicken?
A.More chickeny taste.
B.More affordable price.
C.Less artificial flavor.
D.Less carbon footprint.
4. Why did Ansky say that she was happy that she was wrong?
A.She wanted to ease her embarrassment.
B.She saw a milestone in the food industry.
C.She changed people’s opinion of her job.
D.She believed in the power of making mistakes.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 容易(0.94) |

8 . As of 2020, the world's biggest lithium-ion (锂离子) battery is hooked up to the Southern California power grid and can provide 250 million watts of power, or enough to power about 250,000 homes. But it's actually not the biggest battery in the world: these lakes are.

Wait - how can a pair of lakes be a battery? To answer that question, it helps to define a battery: it's simply something that stores energy and releases it on demand. The lithium-ion batteries that power our phones, laptops, and cars are just one type. They store energy in lithium ions.

How do the two lakes store and release energy? First, one is 300 meters higher than the other. Electricity power pumps that move billions of liters of water from the lower lake to the higher one. This stores the energy by giving the water extra gravitational potential energy. Then, when there's high demand for electricity, valves (阀门) open, releasing the stored energy by letting water flow downhill to power 6 giant turbines that can generate 3 billion watts of power for 10 hours.

Unfortunately, neither of the giant batteries we've talked about so far is big enough to power multiple cities. The two lakes setup requires specific geography, takes up a lot of land, and has high upfront costs to build. The giant lithium-ion battery in California can power about 250,000 homes, yes, but only for an hour. Lithium-ion batteries also require certain heavy metals to make. These resources are limited, and mining them causes environmental damage. Inventors all over the world are rising to the challenge of making batteries that can meet our needs - many of them even weirder than the two lakes.

1. Why is the world's biggest lithium-ion battery mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To make a comparison.
B.To introduce the topic.
C.To stress its importance.
D.To declare a fact.
2. Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.With the help of the pumps, the two lakes store energy.
B.The water flow by itself to release the stored energy.
C.The two lakes setup is able to power multiple cities.
D.Lithium-ion batteries are environmentally friendly.
3. What will most probably be talked about in the following paragraph?
A.Inventors' worries.B.Inventors' efforts.
C.Stranger batteries.D.New challenges.
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Battery Inventors Face New Challenges.
B.The World's Biggest Battery Looks Nothing Like a Battery
C.Giant Batteries Fail to Meet Our Needs.
D.Newly-invented Batteries.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The younger generation is turning its back on the traditional holiday routes of museums and shopping centers in favor of new experiences. Traditionally, Chinese tourists travel in large groups     1    (organize) by travel agencies. The problem is that such trips lack privacy, flexibility or individuality.

Now, a growing number of Chinese are expressing interest in vacations which are tailored    2    (meet) their specific requirements. Studies show that most of them are middle class. Their high incomes make it possible for them to design their unique holiday     3    (path)instead of walking on well-worn ones. Moreover, the majority are    4    (main) the post-80s youth and 90s youth,    5     don't want to visit crowded tourist sites. Instead, they are looking     6    novel experiences to see new cultures and hear exceptional stories.

China is a latecomer to the     7    (develop) of new forms of tourism. It will take some time to popularize the new travel trend and the prices must remain competitive to ensure that regular tourists can afford    8    .However, as society    9    (progress), the rapid rise in incomes and     10     (high) living standards will see more Chinese searching for experiences that are anything but traditional.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

When Zhu Caiping, 73, was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment(认知损伤) three years ago, she found that     1    (anxious), depression and even looking down on herself became normal in her life. It was not until last year, after she became a restaurant server in Shanghai,     2     her situation began to improve dramatically.

The cafe has eight elderly employees with cognitive impairments,     3     take turns working with other waiters to help customers enjoy their meals. In addition to providing services, the elderly employees participate in welfare activities     4    (organize) by volunteers, such as baking, dancing and learning English.” These activities reactivate my brain,” Zhu said.

Shanghai is also home to other cafes that provide help and support for disadvantaged groups. Last year, the cafe Hinchijou went viral after word spread that half its employees have disabilities,     5    (especial) hearing impairment. In 2018, A-Coffee     6    (establish) in the city, training people with autism (自闭症) to become professional waiters and     7    (provide) them with opportunities for social interaction.

“The popularity of these special cafes     8    (show) that many people in the city pay attention to public welfare, which is the symbol of Shanghai’s soft power,” said Lyu Xiaohui,     9     member of the standing committee of the Xuhui District Committee and director of     10    (it) publicity department.

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