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1 . Today I headed into town for a job interview. The weather was awful, for it was pouring with rain, and I would’ve loved to buy umbrellas for people. I decided to think of free or really cheap ways to make people smile. I knew I’d also have to deal with my shyness, or just create acts of kindness, but it was a challenge that I was willing to accept!

When I was on the bus, the seat I sat on next to the window was wet; somehow the rain had gotten in. I left a note on the seat, with the Smile Card, saying, “This seat is wet: sit with caution (谨慎) !” Later, while waiting at the road crossing, I held my card over the woman standing in front of me. She didn’t notice but obviously those extra moments of dryness would help!

After the interview, I’d devised a few more ways to create smiles. I checked my purse for change and put 50 pence and a Smile Card on top of a child’s automatic ride. I allowed an elderly gentleman to go in front of me as he was having trouble standing. At this point, I was really beginning to accept my day of kindness!

Before getting on the bus home. I had one more idea: I went and bought a small bag of chocolates and attached a Smile Card. When I got back to my street, I left the sweets and the Smile Card at a neighbour’s door. This neighbour had taken in a parcel (包裹) for me last week, so he deserved a treat.

After all this, my day of giving wasn’t yet over! I was so pleased that I managed to do all these little things for others today. It didn’t take much effort on my part, but I definitely had to push myself to overcome (克服) my lack of confidence, and I’m proud of myself.

1. What difficulty does the writer have to overcome?
A.The job interview.B.The terrible weather.
C.Poor ability to pay.D.The shyness character.
2. What does the underlined word “devised” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Thought up.B.Focused on.C.Cut out.D.Looked forward to.
3. Why did the writer give the sweets and the Smile Card to the neighbour?
A.To please the neighbour’s children.
B.To thank the neighbour for the help last week.
C.To receive a welcome treat from the neighbour.
D.To try to trouble the neighbour to take in his parcel.
4. What message does the writer convey?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Any act of kindness matters.
C.Shyness makes it difficult to succeed.
D.Believe in yourself first, then others will believe you.
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2 . Wildlife conservation volunteer programs are a great way to join in the protection of endangered animals, as well as learn how you can help protect them.

Elephant Camp Volunteering Program, Thailand

As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to spend quality time with the elephants and their trainers. This period allows volunteers to form a deep connection with these lovable creatures. The program is particularly well-suited for animal-loving volunteers willing to engage in outdoor work.

Duration: 1 Week

Cost: $800

Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program, Australia

Be a part of the Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program in Australia and work alongside the beautiful Australian animals. Volunteers will be engaged in activities such as animal feeding, cleaning, and food enrichment. This program provides a wonderful opportunity to get firsthand international work experience while making a meaningful contribution to the well-being of native animals.

Duration: 2 Weeks

Cost: $1,050

Wild Elephant Conservation &Research Program, Sri Lanka

Whether you’re a high school student with a love for animals, a gap year traveler looking for meaningful work experience, or a family looking for an engaging volunteering opportunity, this project fits you all. Explore the wonders of this South Asian island, and make a difference here!

Duration: 1 Week

Cost: $1,075

Sun Bear Conservation Volunteering Project, Malaysia

Volunteers’roles involve hands-on care for sun bears, the world’s smallest bears, such as cleaning their homes and making environmental and food enrichment. Beyond improving the living conditions of sun bears, you’ll understand how to send them back into the wild.

Duration: 2 Weeks

Cost: $1,226

1. What can be known about the volunteers working in Australia?
A.They help to keep the environment clean.
B.They have a wonderful time with the animals’trainers.
C.They are taught how to care for the animals after arrival.
D.They always explore the lovely creatures on a family basis.
2. Which program is involved in setting the animals free?
A.Elephant Camp Volunteering Program.
B.Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program.
C.Wild Elephant Conservation &. Research Program.
D.Sun Bear Conservation Volunteering Project.
3. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To tell the roles of volunteer work.
B.To explain the points of volunteer work.
C.To emphasize the importance of volunteer work.
D.To call on readers to take part in volunteer work.
7日内更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省部分学校高三考前巩固卷英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。主要报道了起重机操作员Glen Edwards拯救了一名被困在失火的高楼楼顶的男子,后来他自己也得到了社区人们的筹款和大力支持。

3 . In a heart-pounding display of courage and quick thinking, a 65-year-old crane operator became an unexpected hero as he rescued a man trapped on top of a towering building engulfed in flames.

Glen Edwards, a crane operator from Egham, was expressing his gratitude after a tense rescue operation in Reading last Thursday. Edwards found himself in a challenging situation as he navigated circling winds to save a man trapped by smoke and flames on a building. The dramatic rescue unfolded amid thick black smoke, making visibility nearly impossible

When the alarm sounded, Edwards, who had a concrete skip on his crane, wasted no time the moment he spotted the distressed man waving his coat. Employing his experience and knowledge of the area, Edwards attached a metal cage to the crane, carefully considering his options for the rescue. However, the challenging conditions, with smoke sheltering his view, added an extra layer of difficulty to the operation.

With a colleague providing guidance and a concerned crowd watching from below, Edwards skillfully operated the crane to rescue the man. The onlookers erupted in cheers and applause as the man was safely lifted to the ground.

Reflecting on the intense experience, Edwards remarked, “It seemed to pass a long time until the man got inside. The adrenaline (肾上腺素) was pumping.” He admitted to experiencing shaking after the rescue, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Despite the successful operation, Edwards is yet to meet the man he saved, humorously noting, “He’s got to take me across the road for a drink!”

The heartwarming part of this story is the overwhelming support Edwards has received from well-wishers. A fund-raising page was set up to “buy Edwards a beer as a sign of gratitude,” initially aiming for £5,000 but now standing at an impressive ₤9,100. The community’s response has left Edwards deeply moved. He stated, “It means a lot; some of the comments have been absolutely fantastic.”

1. What does the underlined word “distressed” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
2. Which of the following can best describe Edwards?
A.Warm and Curious.B.Caring and ambitious.
C.Professional and humorous.D.Gifted and generous.
3. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.Sharp tools make good work.
B.One good turn descries another.
C.Actions speak louder than words.
D.Hope for the best,but prepare for the worst.
4. What is the text probably taken from?
A.A diary entry.
B.A medical magazine.
C.A news report.
D.A first-aid essay.
7日内更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省部分学校高三考前巩固卷英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了Kevin Keehn发起的道路清扫活动。

4 . “After snow is long gone, before plants begin to grow, roadside rubbish seems eye-catching. Who are these people with the thought, ‘Oh, somebody will collect it?’”

That question led Kevin Keehn, head of Bike Palatine Club(BPC), on a personal mission of cleanup along Northwest suburban (郊区的) roads where he cycles a couple thousand miles every year.

Since 2021, his club has scheduled its spring trail cleanup in the Paul Douglas Forest Preserve. The next one is starting next Saturday. Armed with work gloves and plastic bags, hundreds will snatch plastic bottles, glass bottles and energy drink cans along the Northwest suburban roads. The goal is to clean the entire trail. Volunteers registering on the BPC cleanup page indicate a preferred area along the main roads. One of over 20 site coordinators (协调员) then contacts the volunteers and provides plastic bags.

Keehn notes, “For the last few years, a couple hundred volunteers have registered online to collect garbage along the trails. Groups come from all walks of life, including schools, friends and family groups, and company workers. We do our best to spread out the effort to cover all areas.”

“Groups don’t all come together until about 10 days before the event,” Keehn says, adding weather, not surprisingly, is a factor. “We put off this cleanup until next Saturday,” he continues, “hoping that more people will attend the event.”

“The funniest thing about all the cleanups is to see photos of smiling people surrounded by bags of rubbish,” Keehn says. “Funny, but true. We always compete to see who finds the most interesting rubbish. One year I found a case of model cars, hidden deep into the bush (灌木丛). Perhaps kids forgot where they’d hidden their treasure.”

1. What can we learn about Keehn?
A.He left the bike club in 2021.B.He preferred to ride a bike in winter.
C.He used to work as a cleaner.D.He started the mission of the road cleanup.
2. What does the underlined word “snatch” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Depend on.B.Pick up.C.Trip over.D.Figure out.
3. Why is the cleanup put off this year?
A.To post more creative photos.B.To ensure the event is covered.
C.To bring in more volunteers.D.To make the activity last long.
4. What does Keehn want to show by mentioning the model cars?
A.The funny moments in the cleanup.B.The prize offered in the competition.
C.The way to get unexpected payment.D.The meaning of the volunteers’ effort.
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省名校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Charlie Jeffers在高中时期发起的一个名为“Pass the Bricks”的项目,该项目旨在回收旧乐高积木,减少垃圾填埋,并将这些积木重新组装后捐赠给需要的孩子们。

5 . Charlie Jeffers, 17, a senior at Redwood High School in Marin County, Calif., has loved Lego since age 4. His room is full of Lego bricks. Noticing his friends start throwing away their old Lego collections, he hatched a plan. “Legos are pricey,” he noted. “Many can’t afford them.” He started collecting unwanted Lego parts from friends and neighbors, spreading the word through community notices and door-to-door visits.

The response was surprising. Donations of old Lego sets poured in, propelling Jeffers to formalize his efforts under the banner of Pass the Bricks. Together with a dedicated team of volunteers, Jeffers and his teammates carefully clean, sort, and repurpose collected Lego pieces into imaginative sets. These sets, each with roughly 20 to 60 pieces, are carefully made to create scenes such as blind dates or family photoshoots. Since its start in 2020, Pass the Bricks has made a significant success. With over 3,000 sets donated to date, Jeffers and his team are driven by two purposes: to reduce landfill waste and to provide Legos to children who might otherwise go without. Jeffers stresses the educational value of Lego, emphasizing its capacity to inspire creativity and learning.

Pass the Bricks has since expanded its reach nationwide, with volunteers in several states distributing sets to local charities. To ensure each set is presented with care, Jeffers uses donations and personal funds from his job at a gym to purchase affordable cardboard gift boxes online. These sets, accompanied by instructions and a photo of the finished product, are distributed to various organizations and directly to children at local schools.

Despite his approaching to college, Jeffers remains devoted to his commitment to Pass the Bricks. He plans to continue and expand the initiative, driven by a desire to share the joy and educational benefits of Lego with as many children as possible. “We’re grateful to share them with the kids and families we serve,” Jeffers expresses. Reflecting on his own Lego-filled childhood, he acknowledges its profound influence. “I aim to provide others with the same chance,” he emphasizes, echoing his ongoing commitment to sharing the joy of Lego with all.

1. What is the primary purpose of Pass the Bricks?
A.To generate profit from selling Lego sets.
B.To recycle old Lego pieces and reduce waste.
C.To compete with other Lego manufacturers.
D.To promote the use of Legos in professional settings.
2. Which best replaces the word “propelling” in paragraph 2?
3. How does Jeffers ensure that each set is presented with care?
A.By relying on community contributions.
B.By investing in appropriate packaging materials.
C.By securing financial support through various means.
D.By distributing with charitable organizations nationwide.
4. What does Jeffers hope to achieve by continuing Pass the Bricks?
A.Establishing a sustainable company.
B.Earning recognition for his dedication.
C.Enhancing personal satisfaction and growth.
D.Sharing Lego joy with many children and families.
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6 . Raj Patel was 5, traveling with his family to India from England.A young girl, no older than 12, approached their car, carrying a crying baby, begging for money and food. “My parents embarrassingly pushed some money out to her from the window,”Patel says. “Since then, the journey has been to figure out why this stuff happens.”

Upon returning to England, Patel decided to rent out his toys and raise money to stop hunger. It didn’t take him long to realize his attempts would not fix the problem.While attending Oxford University, Patel had an idea to shift his major to mathematics, believing that mathematics could handle the crisis of hunger and poverty (贫困).But as he dived deeper into the topic, he learned the political and systemic side of the story. So he changed his undergraduate degree back to economics and added the study of philosophy and politics to his pursuits (事业).

After graduation, he worked for the World Bank and the United Nations. But even that, he says, didn’t lead to workable solutions (解决方案).

His first book, Stuffed and Starved, was a breakout work written for a general audience. While living in Africa, Patel created a number of documentaries but none gained much popularity until he met Anita Chitaya, an activist in Bwabwa, a remote village in Malawi. Anita works with a local organization that has fought hunger in Malawi for decades.She helps farmers to experiment with crops to grow more nutritious food. Her story evolved into an 11-year project -The Ants&the Grasshopper, which earned the Moving Mountains Award.

As the decade of research,filming and editing carries on, this drought-stricken village goes from being.self-sufficient through sustainable farming practices to struggling to grow enough nutritious food and access clean,drinkable water. Climate change ended up being another part of the story.

Patel knows that he needs to find other ways to reach audiences. He released a widely shared YouTube video about capitalism, chicken nuggets (鸡块) and the global hunger crisis. He’s given 20-minute TED Talks that summarize the intentions of his books. No matter what gets thrown his way, Patel seems to course-correct in order to continue pursuing his mission.

1. What excited Patel’s pursuit of his career?
A.A beggar-led crowd.
B.A fund-raising event.
C.A chance encounter with a needy girl.
D.A narrow escape from a car accident.
2. Why did Patel shift his major to mathematics?
A.He felt he was good at it.
B.He disliked boring economic theories.
C.He was eager to learn its political and systemic side.
D.He considered it as a solution to the hunger and poverty crisis.
3. What is The Ants & the Grasshopper mainly about?
A.Anita’s journey to tackle food crisis.
B.Causes of climate change in Malawi.
C.Bwabwa’s remarkable transformation.
D.Patel’s personal experience in Bwabwa.
4. What did Patel do to attract more attention to global hunger?
A.He shot funny videos.
B.He made presentations.
C.He cut the price of his books.
D.He conducted collaborative research.
2024-05-02更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原师院附中、太原市师苑中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期(准高三)第二次月考英语试题
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7 . Nearly 50 billion pieces of litter are thrown along US roadways and waterways, according to a 2020 study by the non-profit Keep America Beautiful (KAB). That estimate includes more than 800 million pieces of fast-food packaging, 2. 6 billion food-packaging-film items, and 207 million pieces of personal protective equipment, like masks and gloves. Not all litter, however, is intentional. A large volume of litter also comes from unsecured items that fall off the back of vehicles or out of trash receptacles (容器).

To address the country’s ongoing litter problem, some public libraries are creating kits to help people clean up their neighborhoods.

”We want people to be involved in the community, says Samantha Hanchett, marketing coordinator (协调者) at Thomas County Public Library System (TCPLS). “Doing something that benefits everyone, even though it’s quite quiet, is really what a library does all the time.”

The library system launched a litter clean-up program with Keep Thomas County Beautiful (KTCB), the local KAB chapter (地方分会), in 2020. Actually, the chapter had previously held group clean-up events and naturally inspired more individual or joint efforts. As a result, KTCB partnered with the library to create kits for people in the library to check out.

Each kit contains items such as trash bags, gloves, reflective vests, and a booklet with guidance-lines and suggestions for where to clean up in the community. Litter kits are housed at the library system’s main branch in Thomasville, but people can request they be sent to their local branch for pick-up.

Hanchett estimates that kits are checked out between 30 and 45 times each year, noting that they are most popular with groups and grade school students. “People like the convenience of the kits because it’s something they can do on their own time,” she says. “It’s an elastic way of getting involved instead of having an appointed time in which you take part in the activity.”

1. Why are the data mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To indicate the pressing litter issue in the US.
B.To show the people’s habits of throwing litter.
C.To present convincing proof of environmental issues.
D.To urge people to preserve roadways and waterways.
2. What is the library always doing?
A.Trying to carry out something to benefit all.
B.Removing the litter by uniting common people.
C.Asking people to get involved in the community.
D.Doing some quiet things to advocate environmental protection.
3. What can we know about KTCB?
A.It created clean-up kits for people to buy.
B.It could stimulate people to borrow kits.
C.It used to launch similar clean-up projects.
D.It was good at holding litter clean-up programs.
4. Which of the following can replace ”elastic“ underlined in Paragraph 6?
2024-04-03更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省高三毕业班下学期第二次学业质量评价英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Volunteering offers great help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer.

    1     . Being a volunteer helps you make new friends and improve your social skills. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. It develops your ties to the community, broadens your support network (人际关系网) and offers you chances to know people with common interests, neighbourhood resources (资源), and fun activities.

    2     , others are shy and have a hard time meeting new people. Volunteering gives you the chance to practise and develop your social skills, since you are often meeting with a group of people with common interests.

Volunteering is good for your mind and body.     3     . Working with pets and other animals has also been shown to help you feel more relaxed and less anxious. Studies have found that older volunteers are likely to walk more, find it easier to complete everyday tasks, and have better thinking skills.     4     .

If you’re considering a new job, volunteering can help you get experience in your area of interest and meet people in the field.     5     , volunteering gives you the chance to practise important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, task management, and organization. You might feel more comfortable stretching (伸展) your wings at work once you’ve improved these skills in a volunteer position (职位) first.

A.Volunteering connects you to others
B.Volunteering increases self-confidence
C.While some people are naturally outgoing
D.Even if you’re not planning on changing your job
E.Volunteering can also cut the risk of heart problems
F.Nothing lessens stress better than a meaningful connection to another person
G.Many people volunteer in order to make time for hobbies outside of work
2024-03-31更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省运城市康杰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
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文章大意:本文为一篇应用文,为慈善组织Fare Share的招募捐助者的公告。

9 . The cost of living crisis is causing suffering for millions this winter. One in five people are worried about where their next meal will come from. Parents who live near you are burdened with anxiety about how they will afford to feed their children. Families are struggling and don’t know where to turn. Yet while people go hungry, three million tonnes of surplus(剩余的) food is being wasted every year.

Fare Share is a national charity working to get that food to people who are struggling—but we need your help. A gift of £90 could provide three meals a day to a family of four for a whole month. Plus, you may be entitled to recover 25p of tax on every £1 you give as gift money.

Your gift will help us redistribute food to our network of 8,500 local charities and community groups across the UK. You’ll also help people to access other services and support through these groups, strengthening communities and easing loneliness through food.



How could your £90 help feed a family in your community?

surplus food is received from suppliers.

FareShare redistributes the food to local charities helping people in need.

People and families can get healthy meals at day centres, youth groups and community cafes.

We’d love to keep you up to date on Fare Share’s work including fundraising updates. Please get in touch by calling us on 0300 302 3677 or emailing fundraiser@fareshare.org.uk

To give online, please visit fareshare.org.uk/community 1. For more information please scan the QR code.

1. What is the primary focus of FareShare?
A.Providing gifts for families.B.Redistributing surplus food.
C.Organizing festival events.D.Offering tax recovery services.
2. What additional benefit will Fare Share donors receive?
A.They will receive a tax refund.
B.They will help run the local charities.
C.They will be recognized as organizers.
D.They will receive free meals for themselves.
3. Where does this text probably come from?
A.A travel blog.B.A news report.
C.A community noticeboard.D.An entertainment magazine.
2024-03-23更新 | 147次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届山西省高三下学期一模英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Debbie Pearl收养了7只遭受虐待的残疾狗。现在,它们正在帮助激励其他人。

10 . If you walk around Huntington Beach, California, you may spot a woman holding five leashes (绳套) with one hand and pulling a wagon (马车) with the other. A closer look will show she has seven dogs with her—and none of them are walking on all four legs. Her name is Debbie Pearl,and all of her dogs have disabilities and use wheelchairs or prosthetic limbs (义肢).

There is no doubt Pearl is a dog lover—she trains them for movies and said she has always had “quite a few” of her own dogs at home. In 2005, she created a nonprofit called Dream Fetchers, which helps rescue dogs from the streets. As part of the organization’s mission, members of Pearl’s personal pack work as therapy(治疗)dogs.

About nine years ago,she adopted her first dog with a disability, Fast Eddie. He had a spinal injury and was left on the street. Now, he runs around using a wheelchair.

“Eddie was definitely my inspiration for adopting other disabled dogs,” Pearl said. “He was so full of life.He never let anything slow him down. I mean, he truly was unstoppable.” About once a week, she gathers up her crew and takes them to hospitals, schools or the Easter Seals—a nonprofit that helps adults with disabilities.

“I look for dogs that have been through traumatic (创伤的) events, but they have this amazing gift of forgiveness,” Pearl said. “And that’s a powerful thing for a lot of people, because they can see the courage, the resilience (韧性) that these dogs have. And all of mine have been through the worst—and they’ve come out shining.”

She says all her dogs are here because they’ve gotten a second chance at life. And for other survivors of abuse, or those with disabilities, that can be a powerful thing to see.

1. What can we know about the seven dogs?
A.They walk on all their four legs.
B.They are physically challenged.
C.They are famous in many movies.
D.They are trained to help each other.
2. What does Dream Fetchers do?
A.Save homeless dogs.
B.Train therapy dogs.
C.Provide leashes for dogs.
D.Offer treatment to adults.
3. What contributed to Pearl’s adopting more disabled dogs?
A.Her love of dogs.
B.The needs of a nonprofit.
C.Her wish to rescue dogs.
D.Eddie’s unstoppable spirit.
4. What do Pearl’s dogs show to those receiving therapy?
A.Love and help connecting each other.
B.Power and reliance seen in everyday life.
C.Strength and courage facing sufferings.
D.Approaches and wisdom dealing with trouble.
共计 平均难度:一般