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1 . 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或者括号内单词的正确形式。

Thomas Eakins, a painter, photographer,     1     (sculpt) and fine arts educator, received little     2     (recognize) during his lifetime but he is now widely considered as one of the most     3     (influence) figures in American art history. Eakins was interested in bringing     4     the individuality of his models and created     5     are now regarded as masterpieces in portraiture (肖像画法). His most famous work, The Gross Clinic, is “celebrated as a great 19th-century medical history painting,     6     (feature) one of the greatest portraits in American art.”

Apart from his art, Eakins     7     (credit) for introducing “the camera to the American art studio”     8     for being a famous art teacher. As an early pioneer of photography, he used the medium extensively throughout his career as both a way of documenting his own work and as a tool for     9     (explore) new visual ideas. He is recognized as the most important     10     (real) in American art in the 19th and early 20th century.

2024-04-06更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市第十一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Quintet Garden Concerts for Kids is a free outdoor music series for kids and their families in the Getty Center’s Central Garden.

Inez Quintet

May 13 and 14, 2023

Miami native Inez celebrates Haitian art and culture through energetic drumming and singing, traditional dances, and visual art. Songs and phrases explore themes of community and gratitude. Joined onstage by her father Jan Sebon and other talented young artists, Inez leads children on a journey to a land rich with history.

The Lucky Band

May 16 and 17, 2023

The Lucky Band creates music sounds rooted in their child-friendly imaginations, with fresh pop beats. Lucky Diuz and Aisha Gaddis have put out six award-winning records that aim at exploring all the wonder and joy of a young person’s life. Spanish and English language his earned them several awards.

Okee Dokee Brothers

May 20 and 21, 2023

As childhood friends growing up in Denver, Colorado, Joe Mailander and Justin Lansing were always exploring the outdoors, rafting down their neighborhood river or discovering hiking trails through the Rocky Mountains. Now, as the Grammy Award-winning Okee Dokee Brothers, they have put this passion for the outdoors at the heart of their American folk music.

Elena Moon Park and Friends

May 23 and 24, 2023

Elena is the leader of Elena Moon Park and Friends, a band that celebrates folk and children’s music from all over East Asia, mixed with various musical traditions, languages, styles, and stories. She leads a fun and adventurous group of musicians for this cross cultural musical event. Expect to dance and sing tunes in Asian languages !

1. What does the Inez Quintet inspire the audience to do?
A.Explore a young person’s life.
B.Learn about Haitian history.
C.Dip into American folk music.
D.Build cross-cultural music bond.
2. Who had a childhood connected with the Rocky Mountains?
A.Elena.B.Jan Sebon.C.Joe Mailander.D.Alisha Gaddis.
3. When can you attend a concert about children’s music from East Asia?
A.May 13, 2023.B.May 17, 2023.C.May 21, 2023.D.May 24, 2023.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了艺术家Matilda Browne的个人经历以及成就,和她默默无名的原因。

3 . Matilda Browne (1869-1947) was a successful artist in the early 20th century. Unfortunately, few people know her name or her art today.

Matilda Browne showed promising artistic talent early in her life. Growing up in Newark, New Jersey, she got an introduction to art by watching her neighbor, painter Thomas Moran. Her parents supported their budding young artist.     1    And it paid off. Matilda Browne participated in her first major exhibition when she was just twelve years old.

Browne loved to paint animals, especially cows and other animals.     2     Her bold brushwork gave her paintings a live appearance. Her style is best described as Impressionism.

Matilda Browne quickly became a respected and successful artist. Her list of honours opened doors that would have been otherwise inaccessible for a female artist of her time. As an adult, she moved to Connecticut, where she painted in Old Lyme.     3    She even had the honor of painting a door of their workshop. Some sources say that her good sense of humor helped her fit in with the boys, while others claim that her seriousness is what won them over.     4    

Browne was a successful artist throughout her life. She won numerous awards and exhibited in many important shows. However, very few people know about her today. This is a more common story for female artists than one might think. So, why has Browne faded into being unknown?     5    She was American, while books about American Impressionists tend to focus on the male artists.

A.She was the only woman accepted into the male artists’ circle there.
B.It was her artistic style that hadn’t aroused people’s interest.
C.Her impressive skill brought her under everyone’s notice.
D.She also painted many flowers in colorful garden landscapes.
E.It could result from her double minority — in gender and nationality.
F.Her mother took her to Europe for training while she was quite young.
G.Either way, her great skill as a painter made these other artists take notice.
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