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1 . The discovery of Liangzhu Culture

From December 1936 to March 1937, three archaeological diggings were carried out in the suburbs of Hangzhou,where loads of black ceramics and stoneware were brought to light.

Inspired by these relics, an archaeology lover named Shí Xingeng, who came from West Lake Museum in Hangzhou, wrote several detailed reports on the digging. However, he had to put his work aside when China started to fall into Japan's military aggression. Shi joined the resistance movement against Japanese invasion and died of disease in 1939. What passed away along with him during the war were many of Liangzhu's precious relics.

Fortunately, Shi's reports were finally published in Shanghai in 1938, which caught considerable attention of archaeological circles, In 1959,the name Liangzhu Culture was given to the independent regional culture by archaeologist Xia Nai. It represented an earlier civilization that had remained unknown to historians. The culture, as the radiocarbon dating applied to the relics proved, existed between 3,300 and 2,200 B.C.

It is commonly believed that the earliest known Chinese written language dates back to more than 3,000 year ago; when oracle bone script appeared in Shang Dynasty. But Liangzhu Culture might provide evidence of a written language that appeared in China at least 1,000 years ealiler.

In 2007, Liangzhu Ancient City was reported to be discovered in Hangzhou, where archaeological diggings revealed a large and early walled city in Chinese history. There were man-made hills and streams in the city area, which were very likely part of the early designed urban landscape. To protect the urban space which was formed by waterways and entrances both Inside and outside the city, a flood control system was connected to the river networks and 11 dams. In the fields outside the wall, archaeologists discovered rains of the residences, tombs, workshops, and docks with wooden boats.

1. What can we learn about Liangzhu Culture?
A.It was well preserved.B.It was named by Shi Xingeng.
C.Many of its relics were lost during the war.D.It was discovered In 1959.
2. Which of the following is the significance of Liangzhu Culture's discovery?
A.It proved that Chins has a long history.
B.It unearthed a great number of relics.
C.It showed the professionalism of Chinese archaeology.
D.It might prove the existence of an earlier Chinese written language
3. What can we learn about Liangzhu Ancient City from the last paragraph?
A.It was e well-designed city.B.It showed the rules left by flood.
C.There were no hills or streams in the city. D.It was the largest city in Chinese history.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A travel brochure.B.A history lecture.
C.A cultural website.D.An archaeological report.
书面表达-图表作文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定你是校英语报的一名记者,请根据所给提示写一篇报道,介绍考古学家樊锦诗,并发表在校英语报上。
主要贡献1. 建立“数字敦煌”;
2. 编写了许多与敦煌莫高窟相关的书籍。
注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . Two sculptures of life-size lions, each weighing about 5 tons in ancient times, have been discovered in what is now Turkey. The discovery of the massive lions, along with other pieces such as a large stone basin about 7 feet in diameter, left the archaeologists with a mystery ——what were they intended for?
A search of the surrounding area revealed no evidence of a Hittite settlement dating back to the time of the statues. Also, the steep size of the sculptures meant that the sculptors likely did not intend to move them very far.
Summers assumes that, rather than being meant for a palace or a great city, the lions were being created for a monument to mark something else- water
“I think it's highly likely that that monument was going to be associated with one of the very abundant springs that are quite close,” he said in the interview, ”There are good parallels (平行线) for association of Hittite sculptural traditions with water sources”
Indeed one well-known monument site, known as Eflatun Pnar, holds a sacred pool that "is fed by a spring beneath the pool itself,” write Yiit Erbil and Alice Mouton in an article that was published in the most recent edition of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies. The two researchers were writing about water religions in ancient Anatolia (Turkey).
"According to the Hittite cuneiform(楔形文字)texts, water was seen as an effective purifying element,” Erbil and Mouton write, "used in the form of cleaning or even full baths during ritual performances, its cleaning power is self-evident."
To the Hittites the natural world, springs included, was a place of great religious importance, one worthy of monuments with giant lions. "These things (water sources) were sacred, just as their mountains were sacred,” Summers said.
1. According to the text ,how did the two life-size lions impress the archaeologists?
A.Very massiveB.Well-constructed
2. According to Summers' assumption, why were the lions carved ?
A.They were intended to be moved far away,
B.They were used as a monument in honor of their ancestor.
C.They were created as a monument to mark water.
D.They were built to mark their territory.
3. What can be inferred from the text ?
A.Water was highly valued by the Hittites.
B.There was a serious shortage of water in ancient Anatolia
C.Lions were of great religious importance
D.The Hittites used to fight over water resources.
4. What would be the best title of the text ?
A.The Hittite cuneiform
B.What were the lions intended for?
C.A confusing archaeological find
D.Digging up lions
2017-03-09更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届河南重点高中高三上第二次质量检测英语卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . The National Geographic Channel has unearthed a time capsule (时光宝盒)   buried by late Apple chairman and co-founder Steve Jobs thirty years ago.
The time capsule was buried in Aspen .Colorado .in 1983, shortly after Jobs attended the International Design Conference being held in that city. Organizers called the device the Aspen Time Tube and contributed items like Rubik's cubes(魔方) and some iconic music. Jobs added his own items to the capsule ,including the " Lisa"   ( also known as an "Apple" )"mouse he used for his presentation at the conference. '
Younger readers may not recognize the name but the Lisa Apple mouse was one of the first commercial mice released to consumers. The mouse was specially designed for the Apple   Lisa computer. It's also the first personal computer to offer users a graphical user interface(图形用户界面)
Initially ,the plan was to dig up the time capsule in the year2000,but organizers forgot its exact location. Recently .they brought in researchers working with the National Geographic Channel show Diggers to find the device. Eventually they came across the 13-foot-long.1. 5-foot-diameter tube. inside they found a lot of 1980s artifacts(人工制品)that are still being catalogued.
“When the end came off .literally things just poured out .”noted Diggers host Tim Saylor "There must be literally thousands of things in there.”
“They had the foresight to put a bunch of stuff in   plastic bags." Saylor said .“I could see at least a dozen plastic bags and other items. But I know for sure there got to be photographs in there. People had hand-written things on the back of the photographs ,so there will be some really interesting things inside.”
Among the artifacts researchers expect to discover inside :a Steve Jobs speech in which the Apple visionary outlines his predictions   for future technologies. We should know more about the researchers ,discoveries once the Diggers program airs this fall.
1. Which of the following is true about the Lisa mouse?
A.The mouse was the first commercial one for consumers
B.The mouse was created only for the Apple Lisa computer
C.The mouse was buried in Aspen ,Colotado for two decades.
D.The mouse was invented after the International Design Conference
2. Why wasn't the time capsule dug up in 2000?
A.Because it was not the time set by Steve Jobs.
B.Because it could not be accurately located.
C.Because organizers forgot its precise shape .
D.Because the local government didn't approve.
3. From the passage we can infer that_______.
A.there were some special photographs found-inside the time capsule
B.a Steve Jobs speech with future predictions was found inside the cap
C.Steve Jobs predictions for future technologies have come true
D.more about the capsule will be discovered in the Diggers program
4. The best title for the passage might be _______.
A.The "Lost" Steve Jobs Time Capsule
B.The Mystery of Steve Jobs Speech Solved
C.Steve Jobs' 1983 Time Capsule Recovered
D.Co-founder & Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs
2016-11-26更新 | 113次组卷 | 2卷引用:2014届河南省豫东豫北十所名校高三上学期阶段性测试英语试卷
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