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1 . Some 30, 000 years ago, artists who lived in caves in Europe painted pictures of the animals around them.The paintings were highly realistic. Some even showed movement.The artwork is considered the oldest group of human cave drawings that have ever been discovered. The drawings were created tens of thousands of years ago before human history was written. They were preserved because the cave was closed off for more or less 23,000 years.

Fast forward to December 18, 1994, a group of French cave scientists were exploring caves in southern France. Jean-Marie Chauvet, who led the group then, described the process of discovering the cave paintings.“At that time I was in the front, Eliette just walked behind me, Christian behind.Eliette said she saw two marks made with red ochre and she said, ‘They came here.’ And at this very moment everything began. The drawings and everything were linked to the parietal art. That is where it started.” Cave art expert Jean Clottes reviewed the paintings.“I was amazed at the number of paintings there and their quality.”

The Chauvet Cave has been named after the explorer who first entered it. However, its environment and drawings are too fragile to be visited by human beings. So the cave is closed, and only people there for scientific purposes can go inside and see the artwork.

However, French authorities asked experts to create an exact copy of the cave, called the Pont d’Arc Cavern. The copy cost more than 59 million dollars to build.Pascal Terrasse is the president of the cave. He says everyone will be able to experience the thrill of looking at drawings made by the first humans in Europe. He says the place is magic because it is done so well.

1. Who is the first scientist to enter the cave?
C.Jean Clottes.D.Jean-Marie Chauvet.
2. Which words can be used to describe the paintings in the cave?
A.Elegant and abstract.B.Vivid and superior.
C.Complicated and creative.D.Delicate and colourful.
3. What can be learned about the Chauvet Cave?
A.It was closed off for some 30, 000 years.
B.It’s the origin of modern parietal art.
C.The artwork is very easy to damage.
D.No one is given access to it now.
4. Why is the Pont d’Arc Cavern created?
A.To show admiration for early artists in Europe.
B.To arouse visitors’ awareness of protecting art.
C.To offer visitors chances to enjoy the artwork.
D.To collect money for preserving the cave.
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2 . How far back does your family tree go? A hundred years? A thousand years? What about 6 to 7 million years?

An ancient skull (颅骨) found in Africa suggests that the human family might be that old. Discovered in 2001 in the desert of Chad, the skull was nicknamed Toumai by scientists. Toumai is a rare find. The skull is nearly complete and it even includes a few teeth. The Toumai skull is estimated to be between 6 and 7 million years old. Scientists are debating whether the skull is linked to humans.

The finding is not without controversy. Some scientists think that Toumai is the oldest known hominid (人科), or primitive human ancestor, ever found. Others say Toumai is an ape. Most hominids that scientists are aware of lived millions of years after Toumai. The most famous one is called Lucy. She lived in Ethiopia about 3.5 million years ago. While Lucy’s face looked like the face of a chimpanzee, Toumai’s skull has both human and ape-like features. Because Toumai’s skull looks different from other hominid skulls, some scientists think Toumai represents a whole new species.

Scientists were surprised to find a human-like face on a skull as old as Toumai’s. They thought hominids turned into humans step by step overtime. Scientists marked those changes on a timeline starting with a chimpanzee-like ancestor and ending with modern humans. Toumai’s human-like face and chimp-sized brain suggest that the development of hominids was not so simple. There may not be a direct line leading from Toumai to Lucy to us. Instead, the timeline might be like a tree with lots of branches. Different species in different places could have evolved human-like features at different times.

Scientists aren’t sure where exactly Toumai belongs on our family tree. Toumai could be like a great-great grandfather or just a distant cousin. Toumai could also be one of many types of hominids who wandered Earth millions of years ago.

1. What can be inferred about the skull found in Africa?
A.It is connected with humans.B.It was named after a scientist.
C.It may be the oldest chimpanzee.D.It is almost complete and unusual.
2. What does the underlined word “controversy” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. How could hominids evolve into humans according to scientists?
A.They evolved in various ways.B.They developed like a tree with branches.
C.They followed a direct line from Lucy to us.D.They had similar features in different places.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Toumai is probably the primitive human ancestor.
B.A skull has an ape-like face and a human-like brain.
C.How does Toumai skull fit into the human family tree?
D.How did a species evolve human-like features overtime?
2023-07-12更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
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3 . A waterworks maintenance team discovered a possible one-of-a-kind Roman road in a field in Worcestershire that may date back 2,000 years.

If asked to name a place where you might make a once-in-a-lifetime archaeological (考古的) discovery, your mind may go to the pyramids of Egypt or the peaks of the Andes...not a field in Worcestershire. But a field in Worcestershire is exactly where workmen recently discovered what is thought to be a Roman road up to 2,000 years old!

The road was discovered during routine (常规的) waterworks maintenance by Severn Trent. Archaeological experts from Wychavon District Council were called to the scene and immediately recognised the find’s significance.

Wychavon District Council’s archaeology officer Aidan Smyth said, “When I first saw it, it took my breath away. If proven to be from the first century AD, it would be beyond rare.”

Experts say it is constructed in a traditional Roman technique, with similar roads only being found in Rome and Pompeii. Ruts (车辙) in the stones show that it was used by carts for a long time. A team from Historic England is expected to investigate further to determine the exact origin of the structure.

This is actually not the first significant historical discovery in Worcestershire. A number of possible forts have been suggested in Worcestershire since the 1950s, and Worcestershire is thought to possibly have been the site for the Roman town of Vertis.

It is too early to say without 100 per cent certainty that the road is Roman, but even if it is a road in the Middle Ages, it will still be a nationally significant discovery. If it is indeed a first-century Roman road, then it is the only one of its kind in Britain.

1. Why does the author mention the pyramids of Egypt?
A.To make a comparison with the Andes.
B.To identify the importance of pyramids.
C.To show the find in Worcestershire is rare.
D.To prove the archaeological discovery is true.
2. What can the road discovery be described as?
A.Long expected archaeology news.
B.The result of a careful exploration.
C.The effort of world archaeologists.
D.An unexpected result of a repair service.
3. How does Aidan Smyth sound when called to the scene?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A once-in-a-lifetime archaeological literature.
B.An unfortunate waterworks maintenance team.
C.A nationally significant event in ancient Rome.
D.A possible Roman road discovered in a field in Britain.
2023-07-05更新 | 111次组卷 | 4卷引用:陕西省商洛市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
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4 . Researchers in Norway say they have found what they believe is the world’s oldest runestone (符文石)—a stone with ancient writing on it.

Runes are the characters in several Germanic letters. These characters were used in northern Europe from ancient times until the change to the Latin letters. The origin of runic writing is unclear. The Norwegian researchers say the writing on the runestone could be up to 2,000 years old.

The runestone is square and flat. The runes carved into it may show the earliest example of recorded words in Scandinavia, the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo said. It said it was “among the oldest runic writings ever found” and “the oldest runestone ever found in the world”.

Kristel Zilmer is a professor at University of Oslo, of which the museum is part. Zilmer said, “This find will give us a lot of knowledge about the use of runes in the early Iron Age. This may be one of the first attempts to use runes in Norway and Scandinavia on stone.”

Runes have been found on stones and on home goods. Older runes have been found on other objects, also, but not on stones. The oldest known runic writing is on a hair tool made from bone. Zilmer said that the ancient writer might have used a knife or needle to make the runes.

Measuring 31 centimeters by 32 centimeters, the stone has several kinds of writings. Not all of them make sense. Eight runes on the front of the stone read “idiberug”—which could be the name of a person or family but not sure.

There is still a lot of research to be done on the rock, named Svingerud stone after where it was found.

The Museum of Cultural History is going to hold a public showing of the runestone for a month. The museum holds Norway’s largest collection of historical objects, from ancient times to the modern day.

1. Where have the oldest runes been found?
A.On a bone.B.On a stone.C.On the iron.D.On home goods.
2. Where does the name of the runestone come from?
A.The content on it.B.The person who found it.
C.The place where it was discovered.D.The date when it was found.
3. What information can be learned from the text?
A.The origin of the runes.B.The shape and size of the runestone.
C.The meaning of all the runes.D.The exact age of the runestone.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Origin of Latin Has Been Discovered
B.Runestones Show Life of Ancient People
C.Stone with Ancient Writing on It Is on Show
D.Researchers Discover World’s Oldest Runestone
2023-06-04更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店部分重点中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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5 . A small group of paleontologists (古生物学家) recently discovered 10 species of ancient mammals previously unknown to science with the help of an enormous number of helpers at their dig site: ants.

The study of ancient mammals sheds new light on the diversity of mammals that existed in North America around 33 million to 35 million years ago, when the climate was changing drastically. It also pays attention to the harvester ants, with which re-searchers have long had a love-hate relationship. “The ants are not fantastic when they’re biting you,” said Samantha Hopkins, a professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon. “But I’ve got to appreciate them because they make my job a whole lot easier.”

Most species of harvester ants live in caves that sit beneath a small hill of dirt. They strengthen the dirt by cowering it with bits of rock and other tough materials. The ants have been known to travel over a hundred feet from their caves and to dig six feet deep in pursuit of materials that help secure their caves. The materials include fossils. Harvester ants can carry materials 10 times to 50 times the weight of their body, although they do not weigh very much, so the heaviest fossil they can collect weighs less than the average pill.

Given the size, harvester ant hills are hot spots for what scientists call fossils, which are animal fossils too small to see with-out a microscope. For over a century, scientists like Dr. Hopkins have found sediment (沉积物) off the sides of harvester ant hills in search of these fossils, making it easier to find large numbers of fossilized mammal teeth without spending hours in the field sifting through sand and dirt.

1. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To compare two different species.
B.To provide evidence for discoveries.
C.To introduce a kind of ant as a helper.
D.To promote awareness of mammal protection.
2. Which aspect may influence the diversity of mammals in the past?
A.Climate change.B.Ant numbers.
C.Cave materials.D.Dirt locations.
3. What does the underlined word “beneath” mean in paragraph 3?
4. What can we learn about the harvester ants from the last two paragraphs?
A.Their caves are miles deep.
B.Materials with fossils are their food.
C.They can carry pills around.
D.Fossils may be found around their hills.
2023-05-26更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省赣州市六校联盟高一年级5月联考英语试卷
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6 . A large conch (海螺) shell brought little attention in a French museum for many years, but it is now quickly gaining attention. The shell is thought to be the oldest known seashell instrument. And it still works, producing a deep sound, like a horn from the distant past.

The shell was found during the exploration of a cave with prehistoric walk paintings in the Pyrenees Mountains in France. It was believed to be a drinking cup for ceremony. Scientists from the University of Toulouse recently took a fresh look at the conch shell. They now believe it was to serve as a wind instrument. They also invited a French horn player to play it.

“Hearing it for the first time, for me it was a big emotion and caused some worry.” Said archaeology researcher Carole Fritz She feared that playing the 31-centimeter-long shell might damage it, but it did not. The shell produced clear musical notes in C, C sharp and D. The researchers estimate it to be about 18,000 years old.

Conch shells have been used widely in musical and ceremonial traditions, including in ancient Peru, Japan and India. The shell instrument found in the Marsoulas cave is now the oldest known example. Earlier, Gilles Tosello, another archaeologist in Toulouse, said a conch shell instrument found in Syria was estimated to be about 6,000 years old.

The latest discovery was made after a recent inventory (盘货) at the Natural History Museum of Toulouse. The researchers noticed some unusual holes in the shell. Especially important is that the end of the shell was broken off. That created a hole large enough to blow through. Careful examinations with a microscope showed that the opening was made by humans.

Using a model of the shell, the archaeologists plan to continue studying the horn’s sounds. Tosello hoped to hear the ancient instrument played inside the cave where it was found. He said it was wonderful when an object was forgotten somewhere and suddenly it came again into the light.

1. In what case was the conch shell found?
A.On an exhibition in a French museum.B.In a research on prehistoric wall paintings.
C.During the exploration of a cave in mountains.D.In the observation of a ceremonial drinking cup.
2. Why did humans make an opening at the end of the shell?
A.To produce a deep sound.B.To make it look more beautiful.
C.To create a hole to blow through.D.To show it was unusual in design.
3. Which of the following is true about the shell?
A.It gained attention as soon as it was discovered.
B.It could produce several unclear musical notes.
C.It was played by a French horn player and damage.
D.It was about 12,000 years older than the one found in Syria.
4. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.The oldest instrument can still be playedB.A research focuses on old shell instruments
C.A conch shell serves as a musical instrumentD.An ancient instrument comes into the light again
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7 . A seven-word sentence was discovered on a 3,700-year-old comb (梳子),which is likely the oldest known sentence written in letters,according to a new study. The sentence is in Canaanite (迦南语),which is the source (来源) of later letter systems in European languages.

The comb was first discovered in 2016 in Israeli. However,it wasn’t until 2021 that a researcher from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem first noticed the words when checking the photo of the comb. The researchers were not able to directly date the comb. They believed it dated from around 1700 BC based on comparison of the letters with those on pottery (陶器) with a known age.

Garfinkel,a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,said,“The Canaanites invented the letters. Nowadays every person in the world can read and write using the letter system. This is really one of the most important achievements of humankind. When you are writing in English,you’re really using Canaanite.”

Small groups of Canaanite letters discovered on broken pieces of pottery before did not leave much room for further research on the lives of the Canaanites. But this find of a sentence written in the first letter-based language opens up the debate about the history during the ancient time period.

Garfinkel said,“The sentence was found on an ivory comb in the ancient city’s palace and temple area,which could suggest that only wealthy men were able to read and write.” The earliest writing system started around 5,000 years ago,which relied on hundreds of pictographs (象形文字) to represent words,ideas and sounds. Canaanites were the first to use letters in their writing system. “It shows that even in the most ancient times there were full sentences,which further suggests that Canaanites stood out among the early civilizations in their use of the written word.”

1. What do we know about Canaanite?
A.It has a history of 3,700 years.B.It is the oldest known language.
C.Its sentences are in many languages.D.Its letters are still in use at present.
2. How was the complete sentence in Canaanite found?
A.It was discovered on some pottery.B.It was identified on a comb in 2016.
C.It was recognized when dating the comb.D.It was recognized on a photo of the comb.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly focus on?
A.The influence of Canaanite letters.
B.The rules of using Canaanite letters.
C.The problem in identifying the Canaanite sentence.
D.The explanation of the discovered Canaanite sentence.
4. What does Garfinkel think of the new discovery in the last paragraph?
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8 . Imagine this: You’re digging a well, and instead of hitting water, you unearth a headless human body made of pottery. This actually happened to farmers in Shanxi province in central China in 1974. Local archaeologists heard of the find and biked over to investigate. They realized that the figure had come from a tomb built over 2,000 years ago for China’s first emperor, Qin Shihuang. Archaeologists finally discovered three separate pits (穴) filled with 8,000 life-sized statues, all made from terracotta — a type of fired clay.

About a mile away from these pits, there’s a large mound (山丘). Archaeologists know that this is the main part of Qin Shihuang’s tomb, but they have never looked inside. They have left it alone out of respect for the first emperor and to protect the tomb as it is.

“Many people wish to see the treasures and mysteries inside, but we cannot,” says Xiuzhen Li, an archaeologist. Opening the tomb could damage its contents. Someday, Li hopes, we’ll have technology that will let us see inside the main part of the tomb without opening and disturbing it.

“Probably in the near future we’ll have some new technology that can see inside like an x-ray,” she says. Scientists are working on techniques that make it possible to see underground. Another idea is that a tiny robot could enter through a small hole and capture videos of what it sees. Even if this robotic exploration is done very carefully, however, it would still damage the tomb. For now, the Chinese government prefers to wait to do anything until they have even better technology.

1. What’s the suitable description of the figure from the tomb?
A.A copy of real soldiers.B.A model of emperors.
C.In ruins.D.In colors.
2. Why can’t archaeologists go inside the tomb?
A.It might be ruined.
B.It is very dangerous.
C.The robot is not clever enough.
D.The government doesn’t allow it.
3. What’s Xiuzhen Li’s attitude to seeing inside the tomb in the future?
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.An encyclopedia.B.A history textbook.
C.A newspaper.D.A travel guide.
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9 . A small group of paleontologists (古生物学家) recently discovered 10 species of ancient mammals previously unknown to science with the help of an enormous number of helpers at their dig site: ants.

The study of ancient mammals throws new light on the diversity of mammals that existed in North America around 33 million to 35 million years ago, when the climate was changing dramatically. It also pays attention to the harvester ants, with which researchers have long had a love-hate relationship. “The ants are not fantastic when they’re biting you,” said Samantha Hopkins, a professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon. “But I’ve got to appreciate them because they make my job a whole lot easier.”

Most species of harvester ants live in subterranean caves that sit beneath a small hill of dirt. They strengthen the dirt by covering it with bits of rock and other tough materials. The ants have been known to travel over a hundred feet from their caves and to dig six feet deep in pursuit of materials that help secure their caves. The materials include fossils. Harvester ants can carry materials 10 times to 50 times the weight of their body, although they do not weigh very much, so the heaviest fossil they can collect weighs less than the average pill.

Given the size, harvester ant hills are hot spots for what scientists call microvertebrate (微型脊椎动物) fossils, which are animal fossils too small to see without a microscope. For over a century, scientists like Dr. Hopkins have found sediment (沉积物) off the sides of harvester ant hills in search of these fossils, making it easier to find large numbers of fossilized mammal teeth without spending hours in the field sifting through (仔细检查) sand and dirt.

1. What is the function of the ants according to Samantha Hopkins?
A.They bite people and spread diseases.
B.They make his work easier sometimes.
C.They maintain the diversity of mammals.
D.They help farmers at the harvest time.
2. What does the underlined word “subterranean” mean in Paragraph 3?
3. What can we learn about the harvester ants from the last two paragraphs?
A.Their caves are miles deep.
B.Materials with fossils are their food.
C.They can carry pills around.
D.Fossils may be found around their hills.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To compare two different species.
B.To provide evidence for discoveries.
C.To introduce a kind of ant as a helper.
D.To promote awareness of mammal protection.
2023-01-06更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春吉大附中实验学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
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10 . In 1823, a young woman noticed a strange fossil (化石) on a beach near Lyme Regis, England. She dug out the bones and had them carried to her home.She carefully arranged the skeleton(骨架) on a table. Then she saw something extraordinary. The creature’s neck was a meter long-more than half the length of its body. It was unlike any animal living on Earth.

Even at a young age, Mary Anning had a talent for spotting unusual fossils. Her father died in 1810, leaving her family in.debt, so Mary began selling her fossils to collectors. At 12, she made her first major discovery—a crocodile-like skull(头骨) with a long skeleton. It turned out to be a sea creature that lived long ago. Named ichthyosaur, or “fish-lizard”, it was the first extinct animal known to science.

Fossil hunting brought in money, but it was a dangerous job. One day, a rock fall killed her dog and almost buried Mary. Despite the dangers, she continued to look for mew finds The long-necked fossil she unearthed in 1823 was another long-dead sea reptile(爬行动物). Known as a plesiosaur, it would inspire legends—including that of the Loch Ness Monster.

Mary was not only a skilled fossil hunter; she also carefully examined and recorded her finds. However, she wasn’t widely recognized in the scientific community. Only one of her scientific writings got published in her lifetime, in 1839. She was also not allowed to join London’s Geological Society, as membership was only available to men.

Mary Anning died in 1847, but her contributions have not been forgotten. Her finds are now displayed in museums in London and Paris. The beach near her home is a UNFSCO World Heritage Site, known as the Jurassic Coast. Her life continues to inspire visitors hoping to find their own fossil wonders. According to Britain’s Natural History Museum, Mary Anning was “the greatest fossil hunter the world has ever known”.

1. The first paragraph is written to_________.
A.stress the hard work Mary Anning carried out
B.prove the uniqueness of Mary Anning;s finds
C.introduce the readers to Mary Anning;s story
D.show the importance of Mary Anning;s discovery
2. What can be known about Mary Anning’s fossil hunting experience?
A.Her main purpose was to make scientific contributions.
B.She found it hard to make ends meet as a fossil hunter.
C.She made her first major discovery in 1823.
D.She had a narrow escape from a rock fall.
3. Which of the following would the author probably agree with?
A.Mary Anning deserved more credit.
B.More people should join in fossil hunting.
C.The Jurassic Coast is in need of protection.
D.Mary Anning is the greatest scientist in the world.
4. How is the passage mainly developed?
A.By providing examples.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By following the order of importance.
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