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1 . The halo effect is a cognitive bias (认知偏见) that affects our opinions of quality in products, brands, businesses or people. It describes our tendency to judge a wider concept on our experience of a single moment or interaction. That is, your experience of using a product may colour your impression of an entire brand.

This is a very surface-level, quick-fire response that’s deep in our mind. If we see a good or bad quality, we really can’t help thinking this “thing” must flow through to the rest of the person, business or brand. Marketers understand this and have been using it against you for years.

Advertisers want to back winners, especially those on big stages. The Olympics, the World Cup and the Super Bowl all attract huge amounts of advertising spend. Why? Because when sports stars win big, they create huge amounts of feel-good factors and a brand can use the halo effect to project some of those feel-good factors onto themselves.

Studies have shown that when a product has a label that it is either fair trade, sustainably sourced or organic in nature, it will receive higher ratings in customer satisfaction and people will pay more for it. In a blind taste test though, that’s not necessarily the case. The product could be considered poor in taste or quality, but the act of adding a certain label to the packaging increases people’s liking for it.

The halo effect is a bias we cannot escape. It is in action everywhere in the modern world. Every high-end product you experience leaves a lasting impression and every advertisement that catches your eye is looking to direct your attention towards something you may not have otherwise been interested in. As a consumer, be careful. There are businesses that will go to any extent to influence your behaviour. Next time you find yourself really wanting something, stop and ask yourself why.

1. How does the halo effect influence our opinions?
A.It helps us see things in a better way.B.It deepens our understanding of things.
C.It stops us from jumping to conclusions.D.It works on us through former experience.
2. Why do advertisers back winners of big events?
A.To use halo effect to attract more audience.
B.To contribute to the development of sports.
C.To connect their brands with positive emotions.
D.To drive sports stars to create feel-good factors.
3. What can be inferred about the halo effect from Paragraph 4?
A.It leads to false advertisements.B.It results in incorrect judgments.
C.It ensures the quality of products.D.It improves environmental protection.
4. What is the purpose of the last part of the text?
A.To warn of unplanned buying.B.To summarize the halo effect.
C.To expose the influence of advertising.D.To show modern marketing strategies.
共计 平均难度:一般