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1 . Tu 1/30 7:00 pm Christopher Hutton Recital, Hamlin Recital Hall

On tonight’s program, “Reflections,” Christopher Hutton will perform selections from J.S. Bach’s Suites (组曲) for Solo Cello and music by later composers inspired by Bach. Originally from Wellington, New Zealand, Hutton is the cellist (大提琴演奏家) of the Poinsett Piano Trio. He has performed widely and has recorded for New Zealand’s Concert FM, Germany’s SWF Radio, and appears on a disc of contemporary music on Albany Classics.

Tu 2/27 7:00 pm Orchestra Concert, Turner Chapel

When we think of great composers we often think of “the three B’s” Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. Tonight, however, the NGU symphony will perform works by two of these composers with another great composer whose name also begins with B, Bizet. The program will begin with Bizet’s L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2, from his opera The Girl from Arles. Next is Beethoven’s Symphony No. 4.

Tu 4/17 7:00 pm Orchestra, Choir, and String Ensemble, Turner Chapel

This evening the NGU String Ensemble will perform two works, Gustav Holst’s Brook Green Suite and Edvard Grieg’s Holberg Suite. Holst wrote his suite for his students at St. Paul’s Girl’s School in 1933 desiring to provide them with a piece in a contemporary mature style that was not a “watered down” version of a classic. Both works are readily accessible by the average audience and are performed regularly.

M 2/12 7:00 pm Serena HillLaRoche Concert, Hamlin Recital Hall

Join us for “Love and Other Youthful Exploits: a voice recital”. Performed by soprano Serena HillLaRoche and pianist Catherine Garner. This delightful program includes vocal and piano setting of Hamlet’s “Ophelia Songs” by Richard Strauss, Joaquin Rodrigo’s “Four Madrigals of Love”; and a Richard Pearson Thomas setting of six. Also featured will be Emily Dickinson poems including “At last to be identified” and “I never saw a Moor.”

1. Which of the following is true about Tu 2/27 7:00 pm Orchestra Concert?
A.Bizet’s works will be mainly played on it.
B.It will begin with Beethoven’s Symphony No.4.
C.Works of three great composers will be heard on it.
D.Audiences can hear works of “the three B’s” on it.
2. Which of the following was specially written for students?
A.L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2.B.Brook Green Suite.
C.Holberg Suite.D.Four Madrigals of Love.
3. Which event suits a students who likes poems?
A.Tu 1/30 7:00 pm Christopher Hutton Recital.
B.Tu 2/27 7:00 pm Orchestra Concert.
C.Tu 4/17 7:00 pm Orchestra, Choir, and String Ensemble.
D.M 2/12 7:00 pm Serena HillLaRoche Concert.
2020-10-25更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省合肥市第九中学2020届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题

2 . Christmas may be the time of year for giving and spending time with loved ones, but not everyone feels an overwhelming sense of joy when festivities begin. Thousands of Reddit users have revealed the things they hate about Christmas.

PETER: It causes a heavy financial burden.

“Having to spend a substantial (大量的、实质的) amount of money on family members. I have to buy gifts for my grandparents, my parents, my siblings, my wife’s parents and her siblings, the dogs...and one cousin, because we do Secret Santa amongst the cousins. I love Christmas, but it costs me too much!”

MCCAIN: Exams ruin everything.

“In the UK we have our exams in January so that your Christmas holiday can be used to study. I didn’t have an enjoyable break until I finished university.”

SUSAN: Awkward family gatherings.

“Having everyone point out that I’m still single at family gatherings as if I’m unaware.”

JANET: Choosing presents.

“I don’t really want items anymore, so I don’t expect anything on Christmas, but I am expected to give gifts, but I usually just don’t know what to give.”

ELIZABATH: Shopping hell.

“I hate the way people act when shopping for Christmas. It’s almost like Black Friday every weekend at the big stores.”

JACKSON: Feeling like you have to buy presents.

“The pressure of buying gifts. Can’t we just enjoy each other’s company without comparing who bought the better stuff?”

Mr Green: Christmas jingles.

“I pretty much can’t stand most Christmas music.”

Prof Smith: It’s too commercial.

“The commercialization of it. Even as an atheist (无神论者), I think the Christ part has been taken out of it.”

Dr Martin: Putting up decorations too early.

“People put up Christmas decorations way before Christmas.”

CAROL: The office Christmas party.

“My office Christmas party. We have to pay to go and it’s so boring. Saying that you don’t want to attend is like pulling teeth.”

1. Who is possibly forced into a marriage?
A.Dr. Martin.B.JACKSON.
2. What do JACKSON and JANET have in common?
A.They hate to spend much money on Christmas gifts.
B.They have to give gifts to everyone in the family.
C.They are happy to compare gifts while purchasing.
D.They are faced with the problems caused by gift giving.
3. What do we know from the passage?
A.Exams follow the Christmas holiday in Britain.
B.Christmas music makes too much noise.
C.People are clear about what Christmas gifts to buy.
D.Colleagues enjoy their office Christmas parties a lot.
2020-05-19更新 | 64次组卷 | 2卷引用:安徽省合肥市第七中学第五中学第十中学2021届高三三校联考英语试题
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