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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 容易(0.94) |

1 . Exposure to different cultures is one of the main reasons I enjoy visiting other countries. There are other types of food, interesting people, new experiences.     1    

A country usually has its own money, such as RMB in China, rupee in India, and rufiyaa in Maldives.     2     This can make travel among such countries much easier and more convenient. In my opinion, however, I like having different kinds of money to use and get used to that while I travel.     3     When I visited Thailand and Vietnam last month, getting used to the fact that ₤1 is equal to over 42 Thai baht and 27,000 Vietnamese dong was also quite a good test for my maths skills!

If you’ve ever been to the U.K., you will know the Queen’s head is on every banknote and every coin. I was living in the Quebec province of Canada last year and money there surprised me greatly.     4     This is because she’s also Canada’s Head of State. Images on the Canadian money are various, including former prime ministers, as well as Canadian wildlife like the beaver, caribou and polar bear.

    5     Wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill appears on ₤5 banknotes and writer Jane Austen ₤10 banknotes. The banknotes are also made of a material called polymer rather than paper. In Canada, they are already using polymer banknotes and some people even think that the money smells of maple syrup (枫糖浆),probably the country’s most well-known food!

A.There are new historical figures on the pound notes.
B.They have the British Queen on their $20 banknotes.
C.Money represents preference and development of a county.
D.Of course, there’re many countries using euros or US dollars.
E.You will also be amazed by the images on the money.
F.One more thing to mention in a new country is a different currency.
G.It’s part of the cultural experience to hold money with a foreign figure.
共计 平均难度:一般