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1 .

Wedding Customs from Around the World

Each traditional wedding custom is very special, because it marks the importance of the wedding.


Important Details of the Wedding Ceremony

A wedding ceremony in Brazil has many important details. For example, the bridegroom can't see the bride wearing her wedding dress before the ceremony. The bride has to use something old, something new, and something that is borrowed. One more detail is the bride's ring should be engraved the name of the bridegroom

—María Celina Brandao

Eastern Europe

Asking the Girl's Father for Permission

In my country, the engagement is an event previous to the wedding. One month before the wedding, the bridegroom asks the girl's father for permission to take the girl out of her family house. He goes to her house early in the morning with a band, if he can afford the expense. All the neighbours come to see the new bride and to tell her something nice

—Stoyan Grigorou


A Wine Ceremony Symbolizes Dedication

A Shinto wedding has a typical ceremony. A couple drinks Japanese rice wine in front of a priest. First, the bride drinks the wine from a small cup. Next, the bride passes the cup to the bridegroom and he also drinks the wine from the cup. They try to drink wine three times. This ceremony means that they promise to be dedicated to each other.

—Maki Kubo


Promises to Love and Take Care of Each Other

The most important and unforgettable event of someone's life is marriage. In Venezuela, the bridegroom has to promise his bride to love her all his life and to take care of her forever. The bride also has to repeat the same commandments. It is popular for the couple to read the promises to each other. This moment is really beautiful. In addition, the couple receives a list of commandments.

—Sonia Dale

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1. What is a bridegroom in Brazil not expected to do?
A.Use something not new.
B.Use something someone else lends him.
C.Have his bride wear the ring engraved with his name.
D.See his bride in a wedding dress before the ceremony.
2. When does the engagement in Eastern Europe usually happen?
A.Before the wedding is celebrated.B.After the girl is taken out
C.After a band is paid by the bridegroom.D.When the neighbours arrive.
3. Why does the couple in Japan drink wine three times?
A.It is the priest's order in the ceremony.
B.The cup is not big enough to hold much wine.
C.It means they promise not to be against each other.
D.It is typical for all young Japanese to drink wine.

2 . The ancient village of Machu Picchu is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South America. It’s in Peru, high in the Andes Mountains, 8, 000 feet above sea level.

The village contains 200 buildings. Houses are in groups, and each house has a large courtyard inside its walls. The Incas(印加人) used the areas outside the groups of houses to grow corn and potatoes and to raise animals. The Incas were very good at building strong walls. Visitors to Machu Picchu still cannot fit a knife between the stones of a village home.

Machu Picchu seemed to be a healthy, busy village. So why was it lost? That is a mystery, but experts have some ideas. Machu Picchu was hard to reach. Few people outside the village knew about it. Experts think that many residents died of disease. Others fought a war. The survivors left the village.

The tourists are good for Peru’s economy, but they are not good for Machu Picchu. The village is old and fragile. Tourists damage the ruins. Thousands of footsteps from visitors wear down the walkways in the village. Salt and oil from people’s hands damage the walls. Air pollution from buses hurts the stones. Tourists do not want to damage the village, but they want to see this beautiful, ancient place.

The Peruvian government and conservation groups are trying to solve the problem. A group from the United Nations wants to limit the number of tourists each year. They also want cars and buses to use cleaner fuel.

1. What crops did the Incas grow?
A.Rice and beans.B.Tomatoes and peas.
C.Wheat and peas.D.Potatoes and corn.
2. How do we know that Incas were good at building walls?
A.The Incas knew how to make good use of the land.
B.Visitors still cannot fit a knife between the stones.
C.Footsteps wear down the walkways in the village.
D.Each house has a large courtyard inside its walls.
3. Which word can best replace the underlined word “fragile” in fourth paragraph?
4. Which of the following does not damage the ruins?
A.Air pollution.B.Feet on the walkways.
C.The shape of the land.D.Hands on the walls.
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