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听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the woman think of the holiday at first?
2. How long does the holiday last for?
A.Only one day.B.Two days.C.Three days.
3. What does the man do during the holiday?
A.Visits friends.B.Scares kids for fun.C.Prepares food for the dead.
7日内更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西壮族自治区“贵百河”4月高三新高考模拟二模英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Liu Dai’e is known as     1     national inheritor of Tujia brocade weaving (土家织锦). She completed dozens of orders for her products bearing unique cultural     2     (element) of the Tujia ethnic group in time for the last Spring Festival. Born and raised in a village in Hunan province, Liu has introduced a new technique     3     the traditional craft (手艺) over the past two years,     4     was named as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2006.

In the Tujia language, the local brocade is known as xilankapu, which translates as “flower-patterned cover”. Made by skilled weavers and     5     (involve) more than 10 processes, Tujia brocade weaving     6     (feature) over 200 classic designs.

Liu Dai’e was named a national inheritor of the craft in 2007, Liu said, “Handwork is involved throughout the process, and     7     (produce) designs that are more delicate than others, I use one line, instead of two.” After launching her business, Liu became     8     (complete) aware of the popularity of products featuring traditional designs.

“Many of my customers like to wear these scarves,     9     send them to their families and friends as gifts,” said Liu. “We need to create high-quality, high-end products not only to preserve the craft but to enhance     10     (confident) in ethnic culture and achieve social and economic benefits,” she added.

2024-04-15更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西柳州市高三第三册模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Peking Opera actress Dong Yuanyuan proposed integrating the art of Peking Opera with digital technology to compete for more young audiences.     1    a national treasure in China, the art form is becoming more and more alienated, especially by younger generations. Her     2     (propose) might be one of the most effective ways to help resolve the problem.

In November 2021, the “Digital Mei Lanfang” project     3     (launch) in Beijing. The late Mei Lanfang (1894-1961) now, is once again able to “appear” in front of audiences thanks to digital technology. Dong got very excited and emotional     4    she saw that Master Mei was “really talking” on stage.

Since then, she     5     (work) hard to deeply integrate the traditional Chinese art with modern technology. In addition, Dong has adopted more flexible means     6     (promote) Peking Opera and suggests that traditional artistic elements, such as tunes from Peking Opera, could also be used in pop songs in an ancient Chinese style. So far, a dozen such songs have been very well-received by audiences,     7     (include) young people. However, there are many obstacles to overcome.

A tech expert mentioned it was very difficult to imitate Master Mei’s facial expressions and voice as well as the materials of his costumes. This project was not only a process of technological implementation, but also one     8     integrated technology with traditional culture. So there is a     9     (true) long way to go before a digital Peking Opera human with real-time interaction capability is created.

A digital Mei Lanfang is a good beginning, a breakthrough in promoting Peking Opera     10     other traditional art forms. Therefore, all levels of society should pay attention and lend their support to this endeavor.

2024-03-20更新 | 101次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西部分市高三下学期一模考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Layue is regarded as a preparatory phase for the upcoming Spring Festival. It is the     1     (twelve) month of the traditional Chinese calendar.

    2     (fall) on January 18 this year, Laba Festival was traditionally     3     occasion to honor their ancestors, and pray to deities, heaven, and earth for a good harvest and good luck. The last lunar month is called “la” in Chinese, and “eight’’ is pronounced “ba” in Chinese. This is     4     the name of the festival comes from. The custom     5     this day is to eat Laba porridge, cooked with a mix of eight ingredients, as eight is a     6     (fortune) number in Chinese culture.     7     (it) recipe varies across China depending on regional availability. Nowadays,     8     (boil) with sugar for at least four hours, Laba Porridge is regarded as a nutritious food. Distribution of Laba porridge at Yonghe Lamasery (雍和宫) in Beijing is one of the most famous activities. Today, waiting     9     (eager) in queues at the temples, people     10     (expect) to not just share a bowl of porridge, but be a part of the tradition and share the joys and expectations of the coming year.

2024-03-01更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西柳州高中、南宁三中高三一轮复习诊断性联考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How does the woman find the Blues Festival?
2. What impressed the man most?
A.The music.B.The sunset.C.The food.
3. Why did the man avoid going to the festival on July 4th?
A.He had to work at home.B.He needed to relax.C.He considered it crowded.
4. Where did the woman see the fireworks?
A.From the freeway.B.At the top of a building.C.At her home.
2023-11-02更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广西北海市高三上学期一模考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Art lovers in New Zealand     1     (enjoy) 2, 000 books from China and   more than 200 paintings from both countries at a China-themed book exhibition in Waipa on Sept. 15.

As one of a series of activities     2     (mark) the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic(外交的) ties between China and New Zealand, the book exhibition included 217 pieces of artwork     3     have been collected from 40 cities in China. There were also 15 paintings from New Zealand.

Dandi Wang, curator(馆长) of the exhibition and president of Prime Media New Zealand, said the exhibition included more than 2, 000 English language books with     4     (theme) ranging from political theory, medical information to Chinese     5     (tradition) cultural practices.

Dave Bromwich, former president of the New Zealand China Friendship Society, who has visited China more than 50 times, said the exhibition represented “a very good insight into Chinese culture”. He encouraged New Zealanders to pick up     6     book and start to understand it.

Ye Su, minister-counselor of the Chinese embassy in New Zealand, said he was       7     (deep) impressed by the works     8     display. Ye said that he believed the wide variety of books at the exhibition would enable more New Zealanders to better understand China, which will help enhance understanding between the two countries.

The exhibition also included a range of children's books and a     9     (collect) of poems. It's expected that the books     10     (donate)to local libraries and schools and the paintings will be given to local children's hospitals.

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A traditional Chinese dance performed underwater    1    (become) famous on social media recently. The show led to renewed     2    (excite) of traditional Chinese art and culture among audiences. The dance featured a character from the famous ancient Chinese painting Ode to Goddess Luo (洛神水赋), the daughter of Fu Xi in Chinese mythology (神话) who drowned and became a goddess, according     3     the legend. The moves     4    (film) underwater at 4.5 meters from the ground. The short dance,    5    lasted less than two minutes, was seen as     6    creative combination of contemporary art and traditional Chinese culture. “The water made the costume even     7    (beautiful) and the moves more graceful!” said one observer online. “I’m just     8     proud of our traditional culture that I couldn’t help    9    (cry) a little bit at the end of the show,” said one netizen. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson also posted the video on Sunday    10     (display) the dance, saying that it was “unbelievably beautiful and the actress danced gracefully like a swan and flexibly like a Chinese dragon”.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Walking into Lang Jiaziyu’s workshop in Beijing, one can see lively dough figurines (面人) and certificates of honor neatly placed on the workbench. However, one can never expect that this third-generation inheritor (继承人) of the national-level intangible heritage of dough figurine making is a young man born after 1995.

Lang developed a preference for the art at a young age, starting to learn the craft from his father when he was about four to five years old. Despite repeatedly practicing the same skills, the boy never felt bored. Instead, he gained quite a great deal of pleasure from the craft. Under the influence of his father, Lang developed a sense of responsibility to carry forward the art when he was young.

Lang had previously considered dough figurines to be an old-fashioned craft, having also felt that the raw materials used for the craft formed a limit on his creativity, stirring up doubts as to why he had chosen making dough figurines as a career from the beginning. However, when Lang visited an art exhibition as a university student, he was impressed by how one artisan there had made bread into various shapes, and then dried them to generate cracks on their outer surfaces to present a unique aesthetic (美学的) form.

“Then, I came to realize that instead of complaining about the raw materials, I should pay more attention to improving my skills so that I could turn the ‘disadvantages’ of the dough into something that I could make full use of to make my works more expressive,” Lang said.

The young man has also turned to new media to promote the art of dough modeling. For Lang, making dough figurines is a process of self-expression, and it gives him great pleasure to just be himself. “This is what I’m good at and attracted to, and I’m delighted to see a trend toward the revitalization (复兴) of traditional Chinese culture nowadays”.

1. What do we know about Lang in paragraph 1?
A.His dough figurines are highly thought of.
B.He is a dough figurine businessman.
C.He is the first dough figurines maker.
D.He is in his early thirties.
2. How did Lang once feel about dough figurine making?
A.He felt tired of practicing the same skills.
B.He got great pressure from it.
C.He thought it was his father’s duty to carry it forward.
D.He never got bored with it.
3. What inspired Lang for more impressive dough works?
A.His responsibility for Chinese culture.
B.Another artisan’s bread presentation.
C.His discovery of his own disadvantages
D.His enthusiasm for making dough figurines.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Just Do It
B.Traditional Chinese Culture
C.The Development of the Dough Figurine Making
D.It Feels Cool to Be a Dough Figurine Artisan
2023-09-12更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届广西南宁市第二中学高考前大模拟英语试题
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假定你是李华,你校将组织一次以“感受中国传统文化的特有魅力(Feel the Special Charm of Chinese Traditional Culture)”为主题的冬令营,请你给交换生Jake写一封邮件邀请他来参加。内容包括:
Dear Jake,


Li Hua

2023-06-01更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届广西高中毕业班5月三模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Wherever we go, we are surrounded by history. Across the globe, cultural heritage (遗产) is passed down through the generations. Yet, we fight a never-ending and very expensive war to preserve it for the future. And today, it is under attack as never before. Technology is often seen as something that destroys the past.    1     .

Creating copies via 2D images is extremely laborious and time-consuming. AI technologies are being used to do all the required sourcing, allowing lots of images to be cross-referenced and stored in hours.     2     . AI will also make the restoration and preservation of existing cultural heritage far easier and is vastly superior to previous methods.

Airborne technology (机载技术) is being increasingly used in the fight to preserve our cultural heritage.     3    

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has already been used to reveal over 60, 000 Mayan structures that were lying undiscovered in the jungles of Guatemala, without needing a single boot on the ground. Drones (无人机) are also being used to document and monitor huge areas and remove the need for all that costly manpower.

Human interaction with the most important sites and architecture is doing a great deal of harm. Virtual Reality (VR) technology will play a leading role in preserving our cultural heritage in the coming years.    4     , VR technology will gradually become the way that people experience them. We’ll all eventually be able to walk through places, look at (and touch!) artifacts and works of art without ever seeing them with our own eyes.

    5    . Efforts in research, data sharing and project work will need to be pooled internationally. Using the technical expertise of specialist organizations will become ever more important to the sustainable promoting and preserving of the cultural heritage of countries all across the world.

A.It is being used to save and find it
B.Technology has shaped conflict in several ways
C.But it is now the most essential weapon in the battle
D.Our cultural heritage will be protected via technology
E.This will enable even better and more accurate copies to be created
F.As more cultural heritage sites and objects are digitally mapped and recorded
G.When it measures distances by hitting a target and analyzing the reflected light
共计 平均难度:一般