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1 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

There are a great number of festivals around the world every year, most of which are just for human beings.    1     (actual), there is one day for animals—World Animal Day.

World Animal Day is a day on    2    the whole world cares for animals and    3     (work) towards the health and happiness of animals. It    4    (hold) on October 4th of each year. The goal is to make    5    earth a better place for these human friends.

World Animal Day can be celebrated in many different    6    (way). One way is that people can buy some books on how to protect animals to educate    7    (they). Meanwhile, what people can also do is to email their local newspaper or social media website to tell them the    8    (important) of the day. Other possible ways include donating or    9    (volunteer) at local shelters; adding animal-friendly equipment    10    your garden such as birdbaths; adopting a homeless animal or even just buying your favorite animal a special meal.

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