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1 . Standing on a hill at Cliveden Gardens on a sunny winter day, its dark-green lake surrounded by centuries-old trees took my breath away.     1     It’s just a local park near London that I’d never heard of during my eight years living in the UK. As I admired the serene garden, it taught me a lesson about the British culture of understatement.

“The English landscape is more beautiful because its beauty is understated,” my friend Will said to me later as we walked through an exhibition at Tate Britain. He pointed to a painting of a peaceful countryside. “This is the landscape I grew up with”, he said. Unlike grand waterfalls or wild forests, this scenery doesn’t shout about its beauty.     2    

I wonder if Chinese tourists will explore beyond London.     3     Indeed, Oxford and Cambridge and the beloved Lake District National Park are some iconic symbols of Britain. But it would be a pity if they miss out on the lesser-known parts of the English landscape.

    4     I remember a straight-A classmate once telling me he “survived exams” and another friend from Oxford introducing himself as “studying in the countryside”. This modesty also has its mirror in Chinese culture. I remember my parents’ telling me to work hard but not to brag about my achievements. Chinese culture is full of proverbs such as “real gold will shine sooner or later”, to encourage long-term dedication to one’s chosen area of expertise.

Experiencing both cultures, I’ve realized that the English and Chinese both express achievements with understatement.     5     It reflects the unspoken charm in both British and Chinese traditions. And it’s an off-the-beaten-path attraction well worth exploration.

A.Cliveden isn’t a famous holiday place.
B.Rather, its beauty is reserved for the locals only.
C.I’ve been impressed by British humor all the time.
D.They tend to prefer places with a strong reputation.
E.But the more I looked, the more I saw its quiet elegance.
F.Over the years, I’ve become familiar with British modesty.
G.This mix makes me appreciate the unusual beauty of Cliveden.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

2 . When you are visiting the Florida Panhandle, take a day to visit the four beautiful lighthouses on the “Forgotten Coast”.

St. Marks Lighthouse

Built in 1842, it is located on the east side of the entrance to the St. Marks River. Over the years, oil, kerosene, and electricity have powered the lamp which could be seen up to 15 miles. In 1960, the light was automated. The tower is closed to climbing but the restored Keeper’s Quarters are open the first week of each month, 9 am — 5 pm.

Crooked River Lighthouse

The lighthouse stands on the mainland. It is open, if weather is fine, for climbs Wednesday through Friday 11 am — 4 pm, Saturday 9 am — 4 pm and Sunday 1 pm — 4 pm. The cost for climbing the lighthouse is $5 per person. All climbers must be at least 44 inches tall.

Cape St. George Lighthouse

It stands at the center of St. George Island. The beach erosion (侵蚀) caused its falling down on October 21,2005. Devoted volunteers saved more than 22,000 original bricks from the ruins and with community effort and public and private support, it was successfully rebuilt. The lighthouse is open all year round except December. Climbing fees are $5 for adults; $3 for children under 6 and seniors over 60. The lighthouse and gift shop are open daily 10 am — 5 pm (Sunday: noon — 5 pm; Thursday: closed).

Cape San Bias Lighthouse

It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2015. Tower climbs are available ($5for adults, $3 for children over 44 inches tall and under age 12). It is open for climbing Wednesday through Saturday 11 am — 5 pm. Call to ask about extended summer or holiday hours and be sure to visit its Sleeping Beauty Gift Shop, where you can bring home paintings of all Florida’s lighthouses by Mary Alice Cullifer. suitable for everyone, from beginners to the best in the world.

1. When can tourists visit the Keeper’s Quarters of St. Marks Lighthouse?
A.At 8 am, Mar 5,2022.B.At 6 pm, Feb 23,2022.
C.At 4 pm, Mar 5,2022.D.At 12 am, Feb 23,2022.
2. What can we learn about Cape St. George Lighthouse?
A.It is free for children.B.It is not open to seniors.
C.It is open to visitors all year long.D.It was rebuilt with common efforts.
3. At which lighthouse can visitors buy paintings of all Florida’s light houses?
A.St. Marks Lighthouse.B.Crooked River Lighthouse.
C.Cape St. George Lighthouse.D.Cape San Bias Lighthouse.
书信写作-介绍信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom想去上海欢乐谷乐园游玩,发邮件向你询问相关情况。请你回复邮件。要点包括:
1. 欢乐谷(上海欢乐谷)是一座迷人的主题公园;   2. 游玩项目丰富多彩;
3. 各种各样的文化主题活动也会带给你极大的快乐;4. 你还能够品尝到中国各地的特色美食。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
2024-01-24更新 | 39次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省上饶艺术学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . What are the speakers talking about?
A.When to travel.B.Where to travel.C.How to travel.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . Where are the speakers?
A.In New England.B.In San Francisco.C.In Salt Lake City.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . National parks like Yellowstone are popular destinations for both family vacations and adventure trips alike. But there are some places that simply don’t get the love that they deserve despite the fact that they are truly impressive.

Isle Royale National Park

Located in the heart of Lake Superior, Isle Royale requires a bit of work to reach, but it is well worth the effort. Access is permitted only via daily ferries, which is why larger parks like Yellowstone see more visitors in a day than Isle Royale sees in a year. Wildlife like wolves are frequently spotted by hikers along the park’s scenic trails.

Dry Tortugas National Park

Another island park, the Dry Tortugas can be found 68 miles to the southwest of the Florida Keys. Accessible only by boat or plane, this park is actually quite small, but it’s packed with history, abundant sea life, and amazing coral reefs. At the center of the park is Fort Jefferson, the largest masonry(砖石)structure in the Western Hemisphere.

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Covering more than 13.2 million acres, Wrangell-St Elias National Park is the largest in the entire U.S. system. Remote and mostly undeveloped, this is a park that demands more from its visitors, after all there are just two roads that lead into it. But in return, it gives them a special connection with nature that simply isn’t found anywhere else.

Big Bend National Park

Travelers looking for a truly wild experience should have Big Bend National Park on their bucket lists. Big Bend is well known for its whitewater rafting camping, and hiking although during the summer months it can be intensely warm, keeping many visitors away.

1. What is the main reason for fewer visitors to Isle Royale National Park?
A.The terrible work.B.The dangerous wolves.
C.The remote location.D.The inconvenient transport.
2. Which park will you visit if you are interested in history?
A.Big Bend National Park.B.Isle Royale National Park.
C.Dry Tortugas National Park.D.Wrangell St. Elias National Park.
3. How is Wrangell-St. Elias National Park different from the other three parks?
A.With its wide roads.B.With its large area.
C.With its beautiful scenery.D.With its special visitors
2024-01-22更新 | 81次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省上饶市弋阳县私立育才学校高三上学期1月考试英语试卷

7 . One day in March 2008, I made a big decision. I decided to shut down my law practice and travel around the world in a year. What’s more, I would do it without taking any flights or making a single advance booking of any kind.

When I made this hare-brained plan, I didn’t mean to have an ever lasting life on the road. I was planning to come back after my year of travel, open a new law practice and write a hugely successful book about my adventure.

I set off on my adventure in December 2008 and I found travelling without using planes was not easy. Trying to travel around the world in 16 months made it even harder. Even so, traveling overland was the most amazing way to truly understand the immensity of our wonderful planet.

I took three overnight buses to travel 3,000 km through Argentina, from Ushuaia to the capital Buenos Aires. I would look out of the windows for hours on end at the completely unspoiled (未遭破坏的) plains (平原), as if humans had never touched it.

It took seven days and nights on trains to get from Moscow to Beijing, each day spent looking out of the windows for hours as the Siberian plains swept by. Sometimes, I wouldn’t see a village or a human being for ten hours. Later in my journey, it took me 22 days to get from New Zealand through the Panama Canal and back to Philadelphia to finish my round-the-world adventure.

It turned out that travelling with no advance booking was far less difficult than I had imagined. Pulling into a city on a bus with a backpack, looking in a guidebook for a few suggestions for accommodations and then finding an empty room was never much of a problem anywhere. It also kept me free and open about all my travel plans which is the advice I give to everyone who asks plan far less than you think you should.

1. What does the underlined word “hare-brained” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What is an advantage of travelling around the world without using planes?
A.Lower travel costs.B.Longer stays in each country.
C.Better appreciation of the world.D.More favourable accommodations.
3. What can we infer about the author from the text?
A.He had a taste for adventure.B.He finished his global travel as planned.
C.He became a writer after his global travel.D.He planned his travel carefully in advance.
4. What did the author think of his around-the-world tour?
A.Challenging but satisfying.B.Dangerous but wonderful.
C.Boring and risky.D.Costly and tiring.
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了Jess Stone和她的狗Moxie一起骑摩托车环游世界的故事。

8 . Would you drive around the world on a motorbike? Would you do it with a dog ________ behind you the whole way? Jess Stone is doing just that with her dog Moxie.

Stone and Moxie are traveling the world together by_________ . Their trip started on March 5 from their home in Guatemala and will ________ them through 90 countries. 

Moxie is a German shepherd who weighs 34 kilograms and is perfectly ______  on the back of a bike. According to Stone, it took the dog just a single weekend to learn how to  ______ . Sitting on the back of the bike in a motorcycle dog carrier, she looks    _____ with hot pink goggles (护目镜) to protect her eyes.

Stone could not  _______ leaving home without her beloved dog, so she decided to travel the world with Moxie. Traveling with a dog, _______ , has its limits, such as being  ______  to dog-friendly accommodations and attractions. 

But according to Stone, it’s totally  _______ it. “I see Moxie in my mirror _______ . Her head is always right up against my side. Sometimes she even _______  her big nose on my shoulder with her chin up there. It makes me feel so ________ that she’s really experiencing everything.”

One thing Stone has noticed so far is that no matter which country or area they have gone through, the reaction to Moxie is  ______ . “She just puts a big smile on everybody’s face,” Stone said. “And that’s the part that really _______ .”

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Favored by many internet influencers, the city of Zibo, once a sleepy industrial city, has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms. The topic Zibo “barbecue” on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, was played 4.96 billion times since the city stormed the Internet for over a month. On 29 April, Zibo Railway Station saw a record 87,000 train trips to and from the station, according to Chinese news website Caixin.

Local authorities in Zibo have been quick to respond to the sudden flow of visitors. A barbecue zone that can accommodate 10,000 people, featuring live band performances, was built overnight. Volunteers have been dispatched to the railway station to offer advice and recommendations to tourists. Designated (指定的) buses and trains bring tourists to and from the hottest barbecue spots. The government has even threatened to punish profiteering hotels who raise prices by more than 50% .

What makes Zibo barbecue so special is that it does offer a distinctive (独特的) dining experience. The skewers (烤串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves, offering an immersive dining experience.

Zibo’s low prices are also appealing. Many college students in Shandong have made concrete plans to enjoy Zibo barbecue at the least cost, and traveling back and forth by train for only 200 yuan ($29.1). So what better way to attract adventurous, hungry college students with a tight budget other than “tasty barbecue that makes you full for only 50 yuan!”

The locals seem happy enough about the arrival of visitors and shy away from hot spots to make space for outsiders, saying they are proud that their hometown has gained nationwide fame.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of Zibo.
B.The influence of social media.
C.The newfound popularity of Zibo.
D.The crowdedness of Zibo Railway Station.
2. What makes Zibo barbecue attractive to college students?
A.Unique dining experience.B.Convenient transportation.
C.Wonderful performances.D.Affordable prices.
3. What is the local people’s attitude to the arrival of tourists?
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To promote an industrial city.
B.To introduce barbecue in Zibo.
C.To explain how to attract tourists.
D.To show the popularity of barbecue.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。介绍了Mykonos岛的西南、东部、南部的几个海滩,包括Fokos Bay、Agari Beach、Mersini Beach和Kalafati Beach,并描述了每个海滩的特点和氛围。

10 . The beaches on Mykonos’s southwest coast are among the Med’s best for parties, but head east to find a different atmosphere among a rocky, golden coastline dotted with sandy bays.

Fokos Bay

Park your vehicle in the dirt lot and walk over the low dunes to find perfect little Fokos Bay,where deep, sheltered waters offer delightful swimming for all ages. Once you’ve worked up a bit of an appetite, head on over to the renowned restaurant overlooking the sand for a lazy seafood lunch.

Agari Beach

If getting your own wheels isn’t an option, Agari is only a 15-minute walk east of the more famous Elia Bcach and on the south coast bcach ferry route. It’s one of the closest uncrowded beaches to Hora, Mykonos’s main town, and home to a lonely cafe that provides sunbeds and sell drinks and snacks.

Mersini Beach

Wander west around the headland to the next beach along - the gentle arc of Mersini beach, which is usually the least-crowded on Mykonos. Bring your own sun mat and even an umbrella as this beach is service-free: wild and raw, and perfectly matched to a sunbathing without being disturbed.

Kalafati Beach

In the far southeast, about seven miles from Mykonos town, the broad curving coastline of Kalafati Beach is beloved for its steady winds that blow the sails of windsurfers and kite surfers- perfect if you’re looking for sporting action. Rnt boards and get lessons right at the beach at Windsurfing Mykonos.

1. What can visitors do at Agari beach?
A.Try excellent seafood.B.Rent boards for windsurfing.
C.Have a 15-minute ferry ride.D.Rest undisturbed in sunbeds.
2. What makes Mersini beach special?
A.Its rental equipment for sunbathers.B.Its undeveloped surroundings.
C.Its complex geography along the route.D.Its free service of sun mats and umbrellas.
3. Which place is the best choice if one drives his kid and parents for a family outing?
A.Fokos BayB.Mersini BeachC.Agari BeachD.Kalafati Beach
2024-01-22更新 | 88次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省上饶市弋阳县私立育才学校高一上学期1月考试英语试卷
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