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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文, 主要讲述了两个人各自聊了自己外出旅行的故事。

1 . Last February, I went on a trip to Switzerland. What a trip! The first morning, I got into a cable car (缆车). I wanted to go to the top of the mountain and ski (滑雪) down. The cable car started up the mountain. Then there was a terrible sound. Soon the car stopped.

It was cold, and it began to snow. I was there for one hour, two hours. I thought, “They’ve forgotten me!” I waited for another hour, and the car started back down the mountain very fast. “Sorry,” an old woman said when I climbed out of the car. “We’ve never had this problem before. Please, try again tomorrow.” “I’ve had enough of cable cars for a lifetime,” I thought.


Last summer, I went on a trip to Australia. On the first day, I went fishing on a beautiful lake. Unluckily, I didn’t catch any fish, and I got bored. I decided to go swimming. When I stood up, my wallet fell into the water. It had all my money and my plane ticket. I jumped into the lake to look for it, but I didn’t find anything.

The next morning, I wasn’t able to leave the hotel. I had no money to pay for anything and no plane ticket to go home. So what did I do? I called my friend and asked for some money. I have never had such a trip!


1. The cable car stopped ________.
A.because of too many ridersB.because of the bad weather
C.when it went up the mountainD.when it went down the mountain
2. How long did Robert stay in the cable car?
A.For one hour.B.For two hours.C.For three hours.D.For four hours.
3. Nick got bored with ________.
C.staying in the hotelD.looking for his wallet
4. Why did Nick call his friend?
A.To say sorry.B.To say thanks.
C.To ask for help.D.To share his story.
5. What can we know about Robert and Nick?
A.They were both careless.B.They both had a terrible trip.
C.They won’t take cable cars again.D.They don’t like travelling by plane.
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