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1 . Over the last 30 years, Bangkok, once a small fishing village, has transformed into a rich, concrete, high-rise city that it is today. The spreading metropolis and its population of 12 million now produces 35 per cent of Thailand's economic wealth.
As a magnet for foreign companies, Bangkok attracts many overseas managers and business people from different fields, including tourism, automobiles and electronics. The city's population of foreigners is in the high hundreds of thousands, with tens of thousands of Japanese, Chinese and western employees working alongside hundreds of thousands of Burmese who mostly do unskilled jobs shunned by Thais.
For those used to the good life, the variety and quality of the city's food is a key attraction, says one US manager, before listing many of his favourite Italian, Mexican and, of course, Thai restaurants. Most offer quality meals for less than the cost of a takeaway sandwich in London.
Great choice and value can be found in Bangkok's other attractions, too. For overseas business people who enjoy shopping in luxury and air-conditioned comfort, the city has hundreds of modern shopping malls. Some foreigners, however, prefer the charms of Chatuchak Market, where anything can be bought at a good price by the skilled bargainer.
When the time comes to talk business many overseas business people prefer to move out of the markets and onto the golf course. Thailand has thousands of courses, which can provide a welcome break from the busy and noisy city life. But most business people go to the golf course because it's the perfect place to discuss the next big deal.
Because of the fast-paced life some foreign business people see Bangkok as a place to stay for the short term, rather than a lifetime. Australian computer software designer Sarah Huang is seven months pregnant but still working full-time in her Bangkok office. She says the city is "definitely a place I want to stay for the next five, ten years". Nannies and home help are affordable, but high fees for quality secondary education have convinced Ms. Huang to return to Australia when her child reaches high school age.
1. According to the first two paragraphs, we know that
A.Bangkok offers many working opportunities for people
B.Bangkok has always been a rich Thai city
C.most foreigners coming to Bangkok are tourists
D.Burmese in Bangkok mostly work for Thais
2. The underlined word "shunned" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _
3. What is the main attraction of golf for business people according to the passage?
A.It is the most convenient way for them to get regular exercise.
B.It is a good place in which to discuss business matters.
C.It is a great way to escape from the noise and pollution of the city.
D.It gives them the opportunity to meet local people in a social setting.
4. Sarah Huang says she'll eventually leave Bangkok because
A.she is going to have a baby
B.her working hours are too long
C.it's not easy to find suitable home help there
D.the cost of a good education there is too high
5. The main purpose of the passage is to
A.explain the reasons for Bangkok's rapid economic growth over the past 30 years
B.promote the many attractions Bangkok has to offer tourists visiting the city
C.describe the attractions of living in Bangkok for foreign business people
D.compare the lifestyles of Burmese workers and foreign business people in Bangkok
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2 . The snow cap of Mount Kilimanjaro, famous in literature and beloved by tourists, initially formed some 11,000 years ago, but will be gone in two decades, according to researchers who say the ice fields on Africa’s highest mountain shrank by 80 percent in the past century.
Lonnie G. Thompson,one professor from Ohio State University, said measurements using modern navigation satellites show that the oldest ice layers on the famous mountain were deposited during an extremely wet period starting about 11,700 years ago.The mountain appears in literature, most notably Ernest Hemingway’s “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and some ancient beliefs in Africa hold the mountain to be a sacred place.
But a temperature rise in recent years is destroying the 150-foot-high blocks of ice that gave Kilimanjaro its unique white cap.“The ice will be gone by about 2030,” said Thompson. The disappearing ice already has reduced the amount of water in some Tanzanian rivers and the government fears that when Kilimanjaro is bald of snow the tourists will stop coming.
“Kilimanjaro is the number one foreign currency earner for the government of Tanzania,” said Thompson. “It has its own international airport and some 20,000 tourists every year. The question is how many will come if there are no ice fields on the mountain.”
Africa was not alone in the global drought. Thompson said other records show that civilizations during this period collapsed in India, the Middle East and South America.
Researchers put markers on the ice field blocks in 1962 and Thompson said measurements using satellites show the summit of the ice has been lowered by about 56 feet in 40 years. The ____of the ice also has moved back more than six feet in the past two years, much smaller than before.
“That’s more than two meter’s worth of ice lost from a wall 164 feet (50 meters) high,” said Thompson. “That’s an enormous amount of ice.”
1. The snow cap of Mount Kilimanjaro ________.
A.will disappear in two centuries
B.first developed some 11,000 years ago
C.resulted in a temperature rise in recent years
D.has decreased to 80 percent over the past century
2. According to Thompson, the disappearing of the snow may mainly influence________.
A.the local water supply
B.the local tourism
C.the weather in the surrounding areas
D.the government foreign currency exchange
3. The underlined word “margin”inParagraph6 means__________.
4. The writer’s tone in this article is___________.
5. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.Risks of Visiting Mount Kilimanjaro
B.ASacred Place— Kilimanjaro
C.Africa’s Highest Mountain
D.Kilimanjaro Snow Cap May Melt Soon
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