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| 共计 9 道试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Who is the target audience of the report?
A.Travelers.B.Local residents.C.Overseas Europeans.
2. What does the speaker say about the snow in London?
A.It is 20 centimeters deep now.
B.It will disappear after Monday.
C.It has already snowed in the past three days.
3. How will the weather change in Paris tomorrow?
A.It will snow.B.It will be warmer.C.It will become windy.
4. What will the weather be like in Berlin tomorrow?
2023-11-02更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省扬州市邗江区2022-2023学年高二上学期期中调研英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 语法填空

Have you ever traveled around the world while staying in other people’s homes for free. It might sound too good to be true. But a     1    (retire) couple from Norfolk, England have managed to do just that.

Jonathan and Julie Ashworth sold their house in 2017 and then traveled around the world while looking after other people’s houses and pets in exchange    2     free accommodation.

The Ashworths booked their first house-sitting in early 2018 and said they’d never looked back ever since. While they were initially     3    (doubt) about the idea, they tried     4    (sign) up for Trusted Housesitters,     5     owners and house-sitters leave reviews for each other. As they were new to the practice, the couple     6    (choose) to house-sit locally to build up their profiles, and with a number of positive reviews, they began to apply for house-sitting slightly    7    (far) afield.

While house-sitting might sound like a piece of cake, it’s     8    (rare) as simple as just walking the owner’s dog every day. In order to ensure they were prepared for each hous-sitting the pair generally arrived a few hours before the owners left, so that they could meet and discuss any     9    (concern).

Due to COVID-19, the couple were forced to return to the UK. They are staying in a caravan (拖车)     10     they are able to begin house-sitting again.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 . Love sugar-white sand beaches? Whether you’re looking to ski down the side of a mountain or surf in the sunshine, you’ll find the following three places in the best winter travel destination list.

Best for: Families and water babies

The newly-built Coral Towers at the Atlantis resort (旅游胜地) in Paradise Island, Bahamas, with new next-door neighbor Marina Village, an open-air shopping and dining marketplace, are just two of the newest reasons to visit this Caribbean popular travel destination. Don’t forget about Aquaventure, the world’s largest open-air water park. With the average winter temperatures between the mid 60°F and high 70°F, it’s a perfect place to escape the cold.

Best for: Adventurers

Iceland in the winter is simply dreamy and temperatures aren’t as cool as you might think. Plus, there’s no better time than winter to view the Northern Lights. Short winter days mean you’ll have an even greater chance to catch the magic. An increasing number of flights in and out of Reykjavik make it easier than ever to visit.

Best for: Families and theme park lovers

Whether you come for the Pro Bowl in January, the new Toy Story land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, or Supercharged ride at Universal Studios Florida, Orlando is yet another warm-weather destination for winter travel. The weather is at its best and the crowds are at their thinnest.

1. Which of the following is a good place for shopping?
A.IcelandB.AquaventureC.Marina VillageD.Ski City
2. To escape the cold in winter, you can go to ______.
A.Salt Lake CityB.OrlandoC.ReykjavikD.Brighton
3. What makes Iceland become one of the best winter travel destinations?
A.The new Toy Story land.B.Sugar-white sand beaches.
C.An open-air dinning marketplace.D.The magic of the Northern Lights.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Canadian Rockies Family Multi-adventure Camping Tour

Day 1: Awesome views of Mount Rundle and Cascade Mountain are you to admire as you bike through Banff to Lake Minnewanka. Not ready to stop? Ride to Johnston Canyon and hike to a series of impressive waterfalls before arriving at your campsite.

Day 2: Travel around Kootenay National Park on foot. Witness a vast wildfire burnt area while keeping an eye out for the new-growth forest. Move into a hanging valley for a view of extraordinary Sianley Glacier. Hike a family-friendly route through a beautiful valley and stand in awe. of the wonderful upper and lower waterfalls.

Day 3: Keep your eye on the forest for deer, sheep and bears as you cycle to Lake Louise. Visit Moraine Lake and walk through an ice-carved valley beneath huge mountains to Consolation Lake. Kids join leaders for a special night out while adults relax at our campsite.

Day 4: Rafting on the Kicking Horse River-a good time with a taste of white-water thrills! The younger crowd teams up with a local guide for a rock-climbing lesson while grown-ups go for a classic Rockies walk to the historic Plain of Six Glaciers Teahouse. Dig into a tasty lunch before returning to Banff.

Dates and Prices

Children 11 to 17 years old receive a 10% saving and children 4 to 10 years old receive a 20 % saving. The earlier you book, the more choice you’ll have and the lower your price will be. Arid you can always change your mind--you won’t be charged if you plan to go on another trip before your final payment is due.

July 1-4, 2022: $1, 800 per person

July 5-4, 2022: $1, 900 per person

August 1-4, 2022: $2, 000 per person

August 5-8, 2022: $2, 100 per person

1. What will tourists do on the second day of the tour?
A.Set up camp at Johnston Canyon.
B.Witness a vast wildfire in person.
C.Explore Kootenay National Park.
D.Walk through an ice-carved valley.
2. On which day can kids learn rock climbing?
A.Day 1.B.Day 2.C.Day 3.D.Day 4.
3. How much should an 8-year-old boy pay for his trip during August 1-4?
A.$1, 600.B.$1, 800.C.$2, 000.D.$2, 100
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假如你是李华,你远在英国的朋友Peter对历史文化名城扬州很感兴趣,发邮件来询问详细信息。请你回一封邮件,要点如下:
1. 风景、历史、文化等;
2. 欢迎游览。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使内容连贯。
Dear Peter,


Li Hua

2022-04-29更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏高邮市2021-2022学年高二年级下学期期中学情调研测试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Cedar Creek Treehouse (雪松溪树屋)

Cedar Creek Treehouse is very high. About 15m above ground, it is wrapped around the trunk of an enormous 200-year-old red cedar tree. The treehouse is the brainchild of Bill Compher, who has created this special building at the border between Mount Rainier National Park and the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington.

Access is along a 25m-long suspension bridge, then up a five-story stairway whose fourth floor is a glass observation area, where you can swing in a hammock (吊床) and enjoy the mountain views. On the fifth floor, the treehouse is divided into two levels: from the entrance there’s a surprisingly spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom and sunroom, while upstairs there are two double beds and skylights so you can take in the night sky.

But if this isn’t enough of a bird’s-eye view, you can climb up a separate 30m stairway, walk across another suspension bridge to a glass observatory and admire the 360-degree views of the forest. But this is not for everyone. “Climbing an 85-foot staircase, walking a 45-foot-long suspension bridge to a treehouse observatory 100 feet in the sky... that takes a special kind of person,” wrote Compher on his website.

Need to know: Kids under 10 are not allowed inside the treehouse. Rates are $250 for two people per night, and $25 for each additional guest.

1. What can a guest do on the fifth floor?
A.Cook some food.B.Rest in a hammock.
C.Stay in a glass observatory.D.Walk on a suspension bridge.
2. Why did Compher write the post on his website?
A.To attract visitors.B.To give a warning.
C.To make a comparison.D.To provide instructions.
3. How much should four people pay for an overnight stay at CedarCreek Treehouse?
2022-04-29更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏高邮市2021-2022学年高二年级下学期期中学情调研测试英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 语法填空

Shanghai is a window into a China that is open to the world. Shanghai is the place where East meets West,     1     where China meets the world. Shanghai culture is amazing, and the city is filled with smart people, dynamic interactions, a     2     (willing) to move and an appetite for being modern while embracing diversity and creating a business friendly environment. Shanghai is a people-centric city. I stayed in Shanghai during the pandemic and now my perception of the city    3    (change) as I experienced a city that cares about its citizens regardless of their nationality and origin. I felt     4    (protect) and safe during the crisis. I was very touched when Shanghai set up a hotline for foreigners to help     5     (they) during the crisis.

Shanghai is a big city in the world. While it is    6    (deep) rooted in Chinese culture, Shanghai has also moved    7     the times go by and become a modern metropolis. From doing sports and running on Bund to traditional Chinese art or modern Western art museum, every activity is feasible in Shanghai.    8     I like the most are the traditional wet markets, restaurants     9     (offer) various dishes and the numerous cultural activities that are available there. If you want to experience something really different, Shanghai is     10     must to visit.

2022-04-24更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省扬州市2021-2022学年高一下学期期中调研测试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假如你是李华,你的朋友Peter 想在暑假的时候来扬州旅游。请你帮他制定一个旅行计划,该旅行计划应该包括旅行持续时间,推荐地点,以及具体的活动安排等。
注意:1.词数为100左右   2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
参考词汇:The Slender West Lake 瘦西湖,Dong Guan Street 东关街, Ge Garden个园
small steamer bun 小笼包, Yangzhou Fried Rice   扬州炒饭
Dear Peter,
2022-04-24更新 | 91次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省扬州市邗江区2021-2022学年高二下学期期中检测英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Located on cliffs above a river, Hongyadong is a stilt-house complex (高脚屋建筑群) in traditional style in Chongqing. The past few years have seen an explosive increase in the number of visitors.     1     For a while, it became the biggest attraction in China after only the Forbidden City, according to travel website Mafengwo.

    2     Instead of having fun, some people now went to remote strawberry farms to take photos to impress their friends on Instagram. But unlike Instagram users, Douyin’s fans commonly use the app to watch popular videos posted by strangers.

In China, uploading a picture or video from a beautiful spot to sites such as Douyin is known as daka. The word is also used to refer to the practice of recording your presence at a location that has already become hot, such as Hongyadong. The aim is simply to show that you have also been to the places that are popular.     3    

    4     So-called dakazu—daka tribes”—can be found in Chongqing and other cities. Visitors try to check in at as many hot locations as possible within a single day.     5     Companies offer “daka tours”. Douyin users can use the app to create “daka videos”: super-speed slideshows of themselves at daka sites.

A.Social media has transformed tourism worldwide.
B.Daka is catching on with local residents in many cities.
C.The beauty of the attraction is less important than being there.
D.The main reason, it seems, has been its sudden popularity on Douyin.
E.Guides can be found online, to show the most efficient ways to achieve this.
F.A subculture has developed among young people who accept daka as a lifestyle.
G.With the popularity of social media, especially Douyin, there has been a boost in tourism.
共计 平均难度:一般