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听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Why did the speaker buy a new umbrella?
A.His old one was damaged.B.He really loved that one.C.He failed to bring one.
2. What is the main advantage of the hotel’s location?
A.It is beside the Eiffel Tower.B.It is very close to a bakery.C.It is within walking distance to Louvre.
3. Why did the speaker go to Paris?
A.To see some artworks.B.To eat some French food.C.To meet some good friends.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Bridges are one of the best constructional inventions. You may be surprised to see that some old bridges are still standing and used by tourists. Some of the more modern bridges, on the other hand, reach breathtaking heights and are not for the faint of heart (胆小鬼).

The Bridge of Immortals (China)

The Bridge of Immortals connects the Huangshan mountain ranges in southern Anhui Province of eastern China. The bridge is terrifying to cross but the views are definitely rewarding and the photographs are pretty special too. The drop below is pretty dramatic and if you decide to cross, we only have a piece of advice to offer you crazy adventurers... Don’t look down!

Hussaini Hanging Bridge (Pakistan)

Hussaini Hanging Bridge is considered to be the most dangerous bridge in the world. This rope bridge is poorly maintained and shakes wildly when you walk across it. If you take a wrong step, you’ll end up flying into the Hunza River below.

Langkawi Sky Bridge (Malaysia)

This curious looking bridge in Malaysia is 400 feet above the ground and has been closed several times for maintenance purposes. Its reopening was delayed several times but it is now open for use, although not many people actually want to cross. There was a rumor (传闻) claiming that the bridge can potentially collapse.

Seven Mile Bridge (Florida)

The Seven Mile Bridge can be found in the Florida Keys and connects the Middle Keys to Little Duck Key in the Lower Keys. When it was constructed, it was one of the longest bridges in the world. It won 8 awards and one of these was the Exceptional Award for Cost Savings Innovation from the Federal Highway Administration.

1. Which of the following bridges is most welcomed by photographers?
A.The Bridge of Immortals.B.Hussaini Hanging Bridge.
C.Langkawi Sky Bridge.D.Seven Mile Bridge.
2. Why is Hussaini Hanging Bridge considered the most dangerous bridge in the world?
A.It’s made of rope.B.It’s above the river.
C.It is in poor condition.D.The drop below is dramatic.
3. What is special about Seven Mile Bridge?
A.It once had a lot of honors.B.It reaches breathtaking height.
C.It cost a big sum of money to built.D.It was the longest bridge in the world.
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Where should the visitors’ dogs stay?
A.In the farmhouse.B.In the car park.C.In the animal center.
2. What was the cafe in the past?
A.A theater.B.A schoolhouse.C.A swimming pool.
3. What can the visitors learn from the skills workshops?
A.Gardening.B.Harvesting.C.Basket- making.
2022-08-15更新 | 178次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届湖北省新高考信息卷(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . For many travelers these days, finding a way to make travel more meaningful has become a top priority. They are increasingly pursuing journeys that include time to volunteer, work on a conservation project, protect endangered animals or to do other activities that allow for giving back while exploring a new part of the world. Here are some opportunities that combine travel with doing good deeds.

The Azores

The trips offer the opportunity to work on carefully selected projects alongside famous scientists while also enjoying encounters with some of the world’s most fascinating sea creatures in water. It allows participants to join a research team in the Azores that s studying the animals to support future conservation of the species. Advanced diving experience is required.

Red Sea, Egypt

Combining an opportunity for world-class diving with being part of an important research effort conducted by Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association. The seven-night trip includes learning how to gather water data with state -of- the -art scientific equipment and conducting onboard and underwater experiments.


Explore Queensland, Australia, while also supporting a registered charity that rescues farm animals from abuse, neglect, and situations where they’re in danger. Participants help with daily cleaning of barns (牲口圈) and cages. feeding, health checks, light repair, monitoring animals’ movements, and intensive care of ill, old and baby animals. The experience includes free accommodations with Wi Fi and a swimming pool.


Work with bears at Romania’s largest bear sanctuary (庇护所), a place that was created as a heaven for bears that have been abused. Located in the Carpathian Mountains, the sanctuary needs volunteers to help with preparing food, monitoring animal well-being and leading conservation tours. The sanctuary is home to 84 bears, with 20 more due to be rescued.

1. What do the first two trips have in common?
A.Both involve underwater activities.
B.Both provide free accommodations.
C.Both require advanced diving experience.
D.Both teach how to use scientific equipment.
2. Which place best suits a girl who likes horses?
A.The Azores.B.Red Sea.C.Australia.D.Romania.
3. Why are the bears adopted by the sanctuary in Romania?
A.They have no food.B.They are badly treated.
C.They should be monitored.D.They need to live in mountains.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Dozens of sea turtles swim past as I dive. Suddenly a diver cuts me off. Then another. “Hey!” I think. “Watch where you’re going!” Then I realize: These aren’t divers. They are sea lions! The creatures blow bubbles at me and the group of 11 kids I’m on vocations with, hitting us slightly on our backs. To not bother them much, we tear ourselves away from the wonderland.

We take this trip to the Galapagos Islands, a group of tropical islands crossing the equator. Our hotel is a boat called the Eclipse that has a pool. Humans aren’t allowed to live on most of the islands. The only way people can experience the magic of this place and meet animals on all the islands is by “panga”. “Our small motorboat is more important than the Eclipse. It’s very safe,” says a local guide, Fielsch. Lack of human threat makes the animals friendly. “They don’t know enough to be scared of humans.” Our group experience that firsthand. When we return after our diving adventure, we find sea lions lying next to our backpacks! Walking along the sand, we see more wildlife: seals, red crabs, orcas.

The following morning, we reach Fernandina Island, known for its volcano. Flightless birds called cormorants build nests on the rocks. Nearby are Galapagos penguins. Averaging about 19 inches in height, they’re the second smallest species of penguin in the world. “The Galapagos are so curious,” says 12-year-old Harry. “You’ve got penguins living far from the frozen South Pole, and birds that don’t fly!”

As we ride back, six penguins stand like soldiers, seeming to say goodbye. It’s our last day; none of us wants to leave this place. We know this trip has been a milestone for us. A marked shift in our attitudes towards the natural world is underway. “The Galapagos Islands seem to break the world’s rules,” says Harry. “More than ever, I’m interested in saving the environment. These animals truly need our care,” his sister Hannah adds.

1. How does the author find the diving experience?
2. What’s the function of “panga”?
A.To protect people from danger.
B.To provide a shelter for local people.
C.To guide people in seeing the animals.
D.To transport people to each of the islands.
3. What’s special about Galapagos penguins?
A.They are not able to fly.
B.They remain hidden from view.
C.They live in a tropical climate.
D.They’re the smallest of their kind.
4. Why is the trip considered a milestone for the author’s group?
A.It expands their knowledge of the world.
B.It changes the way they think about nature.
C.It inspires them to protect the environment.
D.It enables them to interact with various wildlife.
2022-08-14更新 | 378次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届湖北省黄冈中学高三第三次模拟考试英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Fu, 60, has been a cycling enthusiast for many years, and it has always been his dream to go to Lhasa by bike. In 2019, he retired and has been able to devote more time to cycling    1     then. After over half a year of    2    (prepare), on May 22, he set off.

Fu    3    (ride)up to more than 100 km per day, and along the way he had encountered rain, fog and wind. Worse still, he    4    (see)wolves which made him    5    (desperate)tired sometimes. The biggest difficulty is climbing mountains at a high altitude, for there is a severe lack of oxygen.    6     he was not alone. During the ride, he posted what he saw and heard on social media and attracted many followers.

After 82 days, cycling    7    total of 5,600 km, he finally got to Mount Qomolangma, passing    8    six provinces and regions.

Fu believes it was his scientific approach to training that enabled him     9    (overcome)those difficulties and reach his destination.

“Also, My family, friends and cyclists from all over the country all gave me great encouragement and support. Without them, I might not have finished,” says Fu.

For the future, Fu has many    10    (much)plans. “I will continue riding every year and try to realize my dream of riding around China,” he says.

2022-06-04更新 | 594次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届湖北省武汉市高三五月模拟试题(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The city of Venice, Italy, has finally made a long-awaited decision. Starting on August 1, 2021,cruise ships(游轮)will no longer be allowed to enter the city’s waters.

Contrary to popular opinion, these cruise ship visitors contribute relatively little to the local tourism economy. The New York Times reported cruise ship passengers amount to 73% of visitors, but contribute a mere 18% of tourism dollars. ”The percentage is inverted for people who spend at least one night at a hotel; they represent 14%of visitors, but 48% of the business.”

Many people are overjoyed by the news, especially environmental activists. Firstly, he cruise ships would disturb the waterways and erode(侵蚀)the foundations of already weak buildings. A 2019 study published in Nature found the waves created by large ships could “redistribute industrial pollutants already present in the waters.” Others have said these same waves carve huge holes in the underwater bottoms of buildings, making them unstable. Furthermore, when canals are deepened in order to allow larger boats, it destroys coastal habitats and makes floods worse. This is part of the reason why, in recent years, Venice has experienced terrible flooding that completely flooded St. Mark’s Square and other landmarks.

The announcement came as a surprise as many did not expect the regional government to act so swiftly. In April a projected ban was issued, but it depended on finding an alternative port for the ships-a requirement that local people complained could take years to achieve. The announcement made last week, however, did away with that condition, allowing the city to move forward quickly with the ban.

Hopefully, more travelers are also realizing industrial-style tourism is a terrible way to travel for many reasons. It’s not unlike industrial agriculture and fast fashion in that its goal is to force as many sights, landmarks, and countries into as tight a schedule as possible, for as little money as possible. Its concentration on convenience erodes human connections, preservation of meaningful spots that make travel so valuable in the first place.

1. What does the underlined word “inverted” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.Increased slightly.B.Looked down upon.C.Adjusted accordingly.D.Turned upside down.
2. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Reasons for Venice’s terrible floods.B.Dangers cruise ships brought about.
C.Reaction to the long-awaited decision.D.Damage erosion waves did to buildings.
3. What is Venetians’ attitude toward the April ban?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Venice Says “No” to Cruise Ships.B.The Long-awaited Decision is Made.
C.Cruise Ships Erodes Ancient Venice.D.Venice Tries to Preserve Its Waterway.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Traveling gets a person out of their comfort zone and it forces them to be more     1     (adventure), to live life to the fullest, to make the most of this precious gift and use the time they have     2     (discover) new things, and meet new people. This is similar to     3     people experience when reading a fictional story. They get to become whoever they are reading about, just like when traveling, they get to become the citizens of the country they     4     (visit), even if it is only for a short time.

To conclude, traveling is the perfect     5     (entertain) for a person of any age. On the one hand, it helps people to form a better understanding of     6     (they), their beliefs, and their lives. On the other hand, it also provides people with a better understanding of the world in     7     they live. Moreover, it may even help a person to feel     8     (connect) to many people living in the world.

There     9     (be) no hesitations. Go and explore the world. In the meantime, just place an order and get ready for the trip without     10     second thought.

语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

More and more urban tourists are interested in country vacations and it increases village and farm incomes. Taking trips to destinations with fewer people and beautiful     1     (nature) scenes has become a trend in China these days. Currently, major travel agencies are making efforts in developing the rural tourism market,     2     (drive) by this new demand. They are building high-end farm and village resorts that integrate with rural cultures nationwide     3     (attract) more travelers. The development of rural tourism also serves     4     an opportunity for farmers to start their own businesses.

    5     urban tourists would like to pursue the most in rural trips are unique life and cultural experiences. Apart from enjoying experiences, rural food, and cultural products are all important factors to draw     6     (they) attention. For instance,     7     online travel agency launched a country fair in the village. Thus, travelers     8     (be) able to buy some local agricultural products     9     (easy). Meanwhile, A big tourism company said its rural tourism business has shown significant potential for future     10     (grow) in the recent three years. Rural tourism is the golden key and new engine to the rural development.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . As we look forward to a more positive 2022 these places should be at the top of your bucket list.


When you think France, often Paris comes to mind. Why not leave the romantic city to lovers and journey south to Cannes. This holiday is for people who want to live like the stars for a weekend or two. After settling in head straight to The Promenade de la Croisette. Not only does it offer a beautiful view, you will also feel like celebrities as you wander around the place film stars call home during the Cannes Film Festival.


For the party lovers, you’ll find a home in San Antonio, Ibiza. Start your holiday right with a day party at Usha. With events like Elrow, Tomorrowland and famous singers like Calvin Harris and Duke Dumont, the fun never ends. And you can also begin your day at Aiyanna, a restaurant that mixes food with beautiful views. Known for their freshly prepared organic menu, Aiyanna is also the perfect recovery spot on the morning after with your friends.


Known for its artistic heritage, complex canal system and museums. Amsterdam is packed with adventures waiting to be had. Start your trip right with a canal tour. The history of Amsterdam is closely connected with water, floating down Amsterdam’s canals is one of the most magical and memorable ways to discover the city especially with a glass of wine or two.


From the crystal clear waterfalls, the elephant reserves and the full moon parties, Thailand offers countless adventures for you. For a trip that’s all about sightseeing, a visit to Wat Pho is a must which is home to the incredible statue, Reclining Buddha. Another must is a trip to The Grand Palace, one of the famous landmarks of Bangkok. The dazzling golden temples have been the official residence of The Kings of Siam since 1782.

1. What can you do in Ibiza?
A.Get close to nature.B.Join a party with celebrities.
C.Appreciate art works in museums.D.Have a taste of life as famous people.
2. Where will you go if you want to take a boat trip?
3. Who is the text intended for?
A.Party lovers.B.Artists.C.Adventure seekers.D.Tourists.
2022-05-30更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届湖北省武汉市高三年级五月模拟试题 (一)英语试题
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