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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Shortly after dawn, the 680-year-old Lion Grove Garden wakes up to the sound of birds and its moist air is suffused with ascent. With a view of pavilions, early     1     (visitor) to this garden in downtown Suzhou, can feel     2     sense of Zenlike inner peace.

When monks during the Yuan Dynasty first constructed this garden, they may have wanted to enjoy a quiet retreat. But this charming garden has attracted celebrity guests,     3     have left poems, paintings and     4     (history) anecdotes in the following centuries.

“In recent years, we’ve tried     5     (restore) the landscapes of classical gardens, but a delicate garden cannot be an empty shell,” says Bai Lingzhi, deputy director of Suzhou Administrative Bureau of Garden and Landscaping. “We need creative ideas to lead people to the lifestyle     6     (advocate) by the gardens in the era,” she explains.

Last year, a new project was launched,     7     (allow) tourists in small groups to reserve places to enter the garden in the early morning before the regular opening time. Their visit ends up     8     making a traditional folding fan.

In 1997 and 2000, nine of the best-known classical gardens of Suzhou     9    (register) onto the World Heritage List. As UNESCO remarks: “Classical Chinese garden design, which seeks to re-create natural landscapes in miniature, is nowhere     10     (well) illustrated than in the nine gardens.”

阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . New Zealand is one of the best countries in the world to experience how life might have been in prehistoric times. New Zealand is a nature lover’s paradise(乐园) with its conservation reserves.

Kaharoa Conservation

The Kaharoa Conservation is home to a number of endangered birds and the North Island Kokako is just one of them. The Kokako is possibly New Zealand’s most beautiful songbird with such a variety of whistles, clicks, buzzes and whirrs in its sound range, one bird sounds like a chorus!

Mokaihaha Ecological Area

Rich in Maori history, the Mokaihaha Ecological Area has high conservation and scientific value. Birdlife features this natural wonderland with the symphony including such stars as the Tui, Kereru, Fantail, Bellbird and the endangered Kokako.

Whakarewarewa Forest Conservation Park

If mountain biking is your thing, then this is the place for you! The Whakarewarewa Forest provides a network of tracks through exceptionally impressive scenery that has made Rotorua famous for its mountain biking.

Maungatautari Ecological Island

A project of great ecological importance is being undertaken by a community aimed at the restoration of Maungatautari volcano forest.

The volcano forest has sustained the lives of its wildlife for hundreds of years but since the introduction of European pests such as deer, rabbits, goats, pigs and rats, the native varieties of mammals, birds and plants have been facing threats.

The aim of the courageous project is to get rid of all introduced pests from the 3363 hectares of forest. Luckily, life in the forest of Maungatautari is beginning to awaken again.

1. What is special about the bird Kokako?
A.It can make different sounds.
B.It is an endangered species.
C.It only lives in the Kaharoa Conservation.
D.It is the most beautiful birds in the world.
2. Which is suitable for mountain biking lovers?
A.Kaharoa Conservation.
B.Mokaihaha Ecological Area.
C.Whakarewarewa Forest Conservation Park.
D.Maungatautari Ecological Island.
3. What can we learn about Maungatautari Ecological Island?
A.There is a live volcano on the island.
B.Introduced species threaten native ones.
C.The restoration project is of no effect.
D.It is rich in Maori history.
共计 平均难度:一般