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1 . Have you ever sent a text or shared something online that you immediately regretted? Most of us have. Now a growing number of apps and services are offering users the attractive ability to edit those messages.

In September alone, Twitter and Apple introduced editing features. Twitter kicked off September by announcing it would test an edit button (按钮). Within two weeks of that move, Apple introduced its new iOS 16 operating system, which lets users-for the first time-edit and unsend iMessages.

Users can now edit an iMessage up to five times within 15 minutes after sending it and unsend any message up to two minutes after it’s sent. To do this, users need only tap and hold their sent message, then choose “edit” or “undo send.” On Twitter, the edit button will give people a “generous” time, says Christina Wodtke, a lecturer in computer science at Stanford University. Users will be able to edit a tweet (推文信息) up to five times in the 30 minutes after it’s posted. Once a change is made, a tweet will be marked with a time stamp, and a label (标签) that says “Last Edited.”

“What they’re doing is creating an edit button that allows the Twitter audience to be your personal editor,” Wodtke says. “So if you say something that is difficult to believe, you could quickly change it to be clearer or less open to being misunderstood.” Wodtke does warn that especially on Twitter, editing could be used for harmful purposes. Someone looking to spread disinformation, for example, could edit their originally harmless tweet to make it false or harmful after it’s already started reaching an audience.

To ensure edit tools are used for good purposes, experts say, tech companies must take certain safety measures. “The importance of an ‘edit trail (痕迹)’ that prevents the spread of mis-and disinformation can’t be overstated,” says Wodtke, “especially when the information is part of the public record.”

Twitter says the feature was designed to be transparent (透明的) and protect the integrity (完整性) of the conversation. “We’re purposely starting this test with a smaller group to learn and deal with possible issues before bringing it to more people,” a Twitter spokesperson says.

1. How is Apple’s edit button different from Twitter’s?
A.It offers its users less time to regret.
B.It offers its users fewer chances to edit.
C.It allows its users to tap more words into a message.
D.It allows its users to label the message they have edited.
2. What does Wodtke think of Twitter’s edit button?
A.It can make its users more organized.B.It can be used to spread wrong messages.
C.It can help messages reach more audiences.D.It can cause people to take messages lightly.
3. What can we learn about Twitter’s editing feature from the last paragraph?
A.It is still being tested.B.It will add more functions.
C.It should be more transparent.D.It has led to unexpected issues.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A growing need for an edit buttonB.The deep thinking behind the edit button
C.The past and present of the edit buttonD.Promises and risks of a new edit button
2024-06-18更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省盐城市阜宁县2023-2024学年高一下学期期中调研英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Cyber-bullying (网络欺凌) may take place in the online world, but it is no less damaging than in the real world. The Internet has become a kindness desert, a place where few flowers bloom. Bullying is pretty common.     1     According to those bullied, they’re usually seen as being different from the crowd. They are unique.

Being bullied is a frustrating and painful experience. Online bullying can really hurt others, and it can have serious consequences.     2     Some people have even committed suicide because they were harassed (侵扰) online and didn’t think it would ever stop. Here are some valuable tips to help you address a bully and protect yourself in a safe way.

Don’t blame yourself.     3     It’s only the bully’s fault, so don’t blame yourself for his or her shortcomings.

Stay away from bullies. Bullies hope you interact with them so that they have an excuse to keep picking on you. When the bully starts orally attacking you, remove yourself from the situation if you can, simply by walking away.

    4     Try as you might to ignore the bullies when they are saying ugly things about you. Remind yourself that you are a great person and that nothing the bullies say matters.

Speak out. Nobody has the right to make you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or unhappy. Find someone you can talk to, your teacher or your parent and tell them what’s going on.     5     Follow these tips and you should feel well-equipped to deal with your bullies the next time they attack.

A.Keep track of bullies.
B.Be sure you’re wonderful.
C.Adults can offer help if they know about the problem.
D.Being bullied can make you feel alone, scared, and hopeless.
E.Your parents are willing to help you when recognizing your problem.
F.If you are being bullied, it’s essential to know that it is never your fault.
G.Studies have found that nearly one-third of all students are bullied each year.
2023-06-21更新 | 251次组卷 | 8卷引用:江苏省盐城市2022-2023学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
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