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1 . Family vlogging — the frequent recording and uploading of personal videos of the family, usually on video sharing website — has become big business nowadays, especially among parents of young children. The more viewers such videos can get, the more money the family can make. At first thought, it does seem like an easy way to make money. However, are we doing right by putting their lives up for public attention?

For one thing, as the children grow up, they increasingly become aware that what they do needs to be admirable enough for the public to enjoy — Being young children, they also would want to do whatever it takes to please others. They then feel the pressure to be perfect, and as that is something not always possible, they become anxious and stressed. Comments from viewers and the expectations of sponsors (赞助者) can also affect the parents’ reactions towards their children.

Another problem is the lack of privacy in the children’s lives. As the children reach adolescence, there is a greaser need for personal space. At 12 or 13, very few children would appreciate being filmed while eating or having a conversation with their friends. Teenhood is a time of significant change in an individual, both physically and emotionally, and is a time when parents need to protect their children and guide them, instead of exposing them to the eyes of the public.

Family vlogging can be irresistible, given how it allows parents to bring greater fun to their family lives. There is also the easy money and the fame to look forward to. Indeed, all would probably go well, but only as long as parents keep in mind that, if not managed well, making their children live their lives in the unforgiving eyes of the public could prove to be a big mistake.

1. How does vlogging about children’s lives influence the family?
A.Children will get used to public attention.
B.Children may suffer from too much pressure.
C.Parents may show no concern for their children.
D.Parents become addicted to exposing their children to the public.
2. How does the writer mainly develop his argument?
A.By providing examplesB.By listing numbers
C.By making comparisonsD.By analyzing causes
3. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To introduce a new big business
B.To show how vlogging influence people’s lives.
C.To persuade parents to watch out for comments from viewers.
D.To convince parents of the danger of vlogging about children’s lives.
4. What’s the writer’s attitude to vlogging about children’s lives?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Online games are very popular among people. They make a large amount of money and have a large user base, including lots of teenagers. But now, new rules on online games have been introduced, which are aimed at fighting against addiction (成瘾) among underage players.

Adult players need to spend most of their time paying attention to work and family, and cannot play games as often as they want. However, underage players have more spare time, but less responsibility and self-control. Children without a clear purpose in life, where there is less family education and school management, might easily become addicted to all kinds of online games and online novels.

The most direct impact of an addiction to online games among underage players is on their psychological (心理) health. According to psychologists, people seriously addicted to games can become anxious, bad tempered, and avoid responsibility.

However, Chinese parents are more worried that their children will lack interest in studying if they become addicted to online games, as academic success is important for students. Additionally, when their children become addicted to such games, most parents do not know how to deal with the situation.

To carry out the new rules to the best effect, more specific issues need to be solved, such as managing foreign online games, ensuring that facial recognition technologies used by games companies have the wanted effect or making sure online game providers can only offer one-hour services to underage players on Saturdays and Sundays. While there are always loopholes (漏洞) in new rules, authorities should act quickly to close them.

There is no doubt that online games have harmful effects on young people. It is not acceptable for a large number of teenagers or those even younger, to become addicted to these games.

1. What’s the purpose of the new rules on online games?
A.To raise awareness of Internet safety.
B.To bring in new computer programs.
C.To reduce the grown-up user base.
D.To prevent the teenagers’ addiction.
2. Why are underage players addicted to online games more easily?
A.They can learn more knowledge on the Internet.
B.They have more free time and less self-control.
C.They have purposes in life but lack higher education.
D.They maintain a sense of curiosity about the Internet.
3. What problem has to be solved to ensure the effect of the new rules?
A.How to reduce parents’ anxiety about kids’ study.
B.How to find loopholes in the popular online games.
C.How to control the service time of online game providers.
D.How to invent a facial recognition game for young players.
4. What is the author’s attitude to the new rules ?
共计 平均难度:一般