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1 . T. S. Eliot wrote of “Distracted from distraction by distraction /Filled with fancies and empty of meaning.” T. S. Eliot never had a smartphone.

Neither did I for a long time. No Facebook account; not even email. But according to my date of manufacture, I’m supposed to be a digital native. Perhaps it’s because by the age of 20 I was living in the Welsh countryside with no signal and no Wi-Fi.

When I finally fell into the digital world, I fell hard. Unlike my friends for whom social media and mobile technology had grown and flowered around them, for me it was a sudden immersion. I got Facebook, Twitter and Gmail accounts at the same time that I got an iPhone 4. I would check my phone; five minutes later I would check my phone again. I was addicted and it started to affect my relationships with friends and family

One night, without a word, I abandoned my iPhone and bought a Nokia 3310 and became the talk of the town. Soon I became aware that not only had I stolen secret time back from the hurried days, but somehow a secret space as well. I could stretch out, free to think again, to be wholly creative and to learn meaningfully.

But, wherever I went I got bloody lost. Wandering blindly around London, only to miss appointments, became a frequent pastime (消遣). What did we do before Google Maps? I was useless. The change was worth it, though. I’ll sound like an overstatement but I think it changed my life. My choices are broader and healthier because I’m not being screamed at all day.

I bought a new Samsung phone last week. I had been scared of the rate of progress, crying: “Stop the train! Stop the madness.” But I want to be part of building the future, and to do that, you’ve got to swim in contemporary waters. Rejecting the modern world doesn’t help anyone. It slows you down and I need to be efficient. Time will tell whether I’ve mastered the wisdom to reject constantly checking my phone.

1. What can be learned about the author when she lived in the Welsh countryside?
A.She read a lot of T. S. Eliot.B.She had no friends to talk with.
C.She had no access to the Internet.D.She was afraid of the digital world.
2. Why did the author buy the Nokia 3310?
A.She thought she needed a spare phone.B.She found her iPhone stopped working.
C.She wanted to attract people’s attention.D.She hoped to break her smartphone addiction.
3. What happened after the author used the Nokia 3310?
A.She led a simple and healthy life.B.She found her life was in a mess.
C.She spent more time with her friends.D.She became an example for other people.
4. For what purpose did the author buy the Samsung phone?
A.To seek wisdom.B.To stop her madness.
C.To keep pace with the times.D.To get back to the real world.
2024-02-18更新 | 99次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南省衡阳市第八中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题

2 . Safer Internet Activities

To help schools promote safer Internet messages to families, beyond Safer Internet Day, the Education Safeguarding Service’s Online Safety Team has worked with Kent Children’s University to produce a Safer Internet Day Challenge pack for children aged 5 to 14.

This pack contains 10 key challenge activity ideas, as well as useful resources for children, schools and families to access. The Challenge will run until 31 June so there is plenty of time to get involved.

The Safer Internet Day Challenge starts with schools and families today and you can find the resources here. So why not send the activities home to your parents or caregivers so families can get involved?

Young people who are part of Kent Children’s University can earn a varying number of Learning Credits for each activity completed outside normal school time.

More Information

For more information about Education Safeguarding, please visit the Education Safeguarding Service website.

If your school would be interested in finding out more about Kent Children’s University (either the school or family models or both), please email kcu@theeducationpeople.org. For more information, please visit the Kent Children’s University website.

Share Your Safer Internet Day Stories With Us

We encourage teachers and staff working with children and young people aged 3 to 18 in educational settings to share their Safer Internet Day stories, displays or activities on the Safer Internet Day website! Don’t forget to tag@UK_SIC and @TheEdPeople into any posts you share.

1. Who are the activities intended for?
A.University students.B.Children aged 5 to 14.
C.People aged 3 to 18.D.School teachers and staff.
2. What can students of Kent Children’s University get from the activities?
A.Student aids.B.Full-time caregivers.
C.Extra credits.D.Educational resources.
3. Where can Safer Internet Day stories be shared?
A.Safer Internet Day website.
C.Kent Children’s University website.
D.Education Safeguarding Service website.
2023-12-03更新 | 105次组卷 | 3卷引用:内蒙古部分名校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联合考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Family vlogging — the frequent recording and uploading of personal videos of the family, usually on video sharing website — has become big business nowadays, especially among parents of young children. The more viewers such videos can get, the more money the family can make. At first thought, it does seem like an easy way to make money. However, are we doing right by putting their lives up for public attention?

For one thing, as the children grow up, they increasingly become aware that what they do needs to be admirable enough for the public to enjoy — Being young children, they also would want to do whatever it takes to please others. They then feel the pressure to be perfect, and as that is something not always possible, they become anxious and stressed. Comments from viewers and the expectations of sponsors (赞助者) can also affect the parents’ reactions towards their children.

Another problem is the lack of privacy in the children’s lives. As the children reach adolescence, there is a greaser need for personal space. At 12 or 13, very few children would appreciate being filmed while eating or having a conversation with their friends. Teenhood is a time of significant change in an individual, both physically and emotionally, and is a time when parents need to protect their children and guide them, instead of exposing them to the eyes of the public.

Family vlogging can be irresistible, given how it allows parents to bring greater fun to their family lives. There is also the easy money and the fame to look forward to. Indeed, all would probably go well, but only as long as parents keep in mind that, if not managed well, making their children live their lives in the unforgiving eyes of the public could prove to be a big mistake.

1. How does vlogging about children’s lives influence the family?
A.Children will get used to public attention.
B.Children may suffer from too much pressure.
C.Parents may show no concern for their children.
D.Parents become addicted to exposing their children to the public.
2. How does the writer mainly develop his argument?
A.By providing examplesB.By listing numbers
C.By making comparisonsD.By analyzing causes
3. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To introduce a new big business
B.To show how vlogging influence people’s lives.
C.To persuade parents to watch out for comments from viewers.
D.To convince parents of the danger of vlogging about children’s lives.
4. What’s the writer’s attitude to vlogging about children’s lives?
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Ways Your Cell Phone Affects Your Body and Mind

First, some good news. Your phone can keep you safer. A study found that 137 more lives were saved per 100,000 patients when people called 911 from a mobile phone rather than from a fixed one.     1    

Scanning your phone right before bed can cause sleep disorder. To avoid that, make a habit of not using your phone for at least 30 minutes before you close your eyes.

    2     People now spend more than five hours a day typing and tapping, and feel eyes achy. About 60 percent of Americans experience discomfort, such as dryness, eye tiredness, and even headaches. Try taking a break from screens every 20 minutes.

When you are awake, a single sound on your phone can signal the coming news. However, this can weaken your ability to focus on a task.     3     It can even encourage creative ideas when you are alone. When you’re bored, four different areas of your brain become active and work together to pull in thoughts and combine them in unique ways.

Memory suffers too.     4     Instead of relying on the instructions from your phone’s GPS, older adults choose the old way, which increases activity in a part of the brain important for memory. Taking pictures with your phone may also harm your memory.

It would be easy to avoid all these problems by simply putting down your phone. The problem: It isn’t so easy.     5     And researches have proved this real. Of course, there are many phone apps to help you control your phone addiction. Or you can just let the battery rundown and forget about it!

A.But there are plenty of worries too.
B.Your phone can do damage to your eyes.
C.Silence your phone or simply put it away can help.
D.Walking with your face in your phone can be dangerous.
E.People may feel painful when separated from their phones.
F.Your hand may feel painful when you hold your phone too long.
G.Using a map and trying to remember it may be better for your brain.
2023-02-17更新 | 235次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省南京航空航天大学附属高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 语法填空

The World Wide Web is now more than thirty years old. Its     1     (invent), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has spoken about his creation     2     its 30th anniversary. He said he was concerned about how people are using the Internet and its billions of websites today. He also said he is concerned about the future of the Web. He wrote a letter     3     (say)he knew many people felt unsure about whether the Web was “a force for good”. He believed it can be a force for good and can empower(授权)billions of people. He wrote that he believed governments and companies must work together to build a     4     (good)Internet.

Sir Tim had three main concerns about the World Wide Web. The first was criminal behaviour. He described it as a“mirror of humanity(人性)”     5     “you will see good and bad”. He said governments must pass laws     6    (keep)people safe. The second thing that worried Berners-Lee was how social media     7     (use)to spread misinformation. The past few years     8     (see)a rise in fake news. Berners-Lee is also worried about people’s privacy and     9     (person)information. He stressed the importance of fighting for     10     better and safer Web and keeping it free for everyone to use.

2022-09-19更新 | 99次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省牡丹江市第三高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . At the present time, the Internet is a major part of our lives. It’s always in our hands or pockets. Whatever we are doing is somehow linked(连接) to the Internet. We start finding our connections online as well, which is quite impressive. We find a person on a social media platform (社交媒体平台),see we have a shared interest and start chatting!

Online friendships in the past were doubted and not considered reliable because you didn’t know who was behind the screen. But now, when we can go shopping online, clear bills in online banks, and virtually attend schools, why can’t we find some real friends online?

With online friends, there are several advantages. When we find something catchy in someone — the very first quality of our online friend, we only then encourage ourselves to find ways to talk to them. We can share with them our everyday things, and what’s better than texting our friends our secrets? We can be present together with them on interested forums(论坛). We can share looks just through a click. And the best part is that we can shoot them a real quick message whenever we need their expert advice.

With all these strengths of an online friend, also come some weak points which make some people afraid to find their friends online. Some people believe that the person they are talking to on the screen is not real or trying to get information about their private life. They feel uncomfortable sharing and chatting with a person who they’ve never met in real life. Another problem that comes in the way of online friends is hanging out. People can’t really hang out with their online friends. The other problem is miscommunication, which sometimes leads to the end of a friendship.

Despite all these problems, online company is a perfect form of relationship between two or more. After all, we would notice these problems in any other kind of relationship or friendship. Miscommunication or a trust issue is always present even in face-to-face communication.

1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.How the Internet has changed our daily life.
B.whether people should make online friends.
C.Why a good friendship is difficult to develop.
D.What made making friends online a reality.
2. What might the underlined word “reliable” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. How does the author support his view?
A.By telling stories.B.By making comparisons.
C.By explaining general rules.D.By providing research results.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards online friendship?
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 在你校网络安全月即将到来之际,校英文报正在征集相关稿件。请你就网络安全话题投稿,具体内容包括:
1. 网络安全的重要性;
2. 安全上网的具体建议;
3. 号召大家重视网络安全。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 题目已给出,不计入总词数。

Staying Safe on the Internet

阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Millions of people go online each day only for fun or to pass the time. Besides the list of things like books, music, movies and televisions, you can now add surfing the Internet as a primary way of entertainment and passing the time.

So how many people actually use the Internet today? According to some reports, about 40% of the world’s population has a connection with the Internet. That’s a huge increase from only 1% in 1995.

The number of Internet users continues to grow. In 2005, the number of Internet users was more than one billion. Just five years later, that number doubled to over two billion. In 2014 that number passed the three billion mark!

Today, about 75% of all Internet users live in the top 20 countries. The other 25% are spread out amongst the remaining countries. The country with the most Internet users is China with over 640 million users. The total is more than the next three countries—the United States, India and Japan—combined.

Of all those billions of Internet users, a large part of users are children. From computers in schools to mobile devices, children are growing up in a connected world. Studies have shown that over 75% of children spend more than two hours each day of “screen time”, which means time is spent in front of a computer or mobile device.

Too much “screen time” can be harmful to children. For example, too much screen time has been linked to many problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol(胆固醇) and overweight. What’s more, school-age children who use a computer more than two hours per day are more likely to have emotional, social, and attention problems. Thus, if you’re one of the 75% that spend more than two hours per day in front of a screen, consider cutting back and getting outside to enjoy the natural world.

1. How does the author prove that more and more people use the Internet?
A.By explaining a rule.
B.By telling an interesting story.
C.By introducing an experiment.
D.By showing the changes of numbers.
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “combined” in paragraph 4?
A.put upB.taken upC.added upD.made up
3. Why does the author discuss the harmful effects of “screen time” in the last paragraph?
A.To explain why “screen time” is useful.
B.To stress the importance of “screen time”.
C.To voice his view on less “screen time”.
D.To show the difficulty of quitting “screen time”.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Online games are very popular among people. They make a large amount of money and have a large user base, including lots of teenagers. But now, new rules on online games have been introduced, which are aimed at fighting against addiction (成瘾) among underage players.

Adult players need to spend most of their time paying attention to work and family, and cannot play games as often as they want. However, underage players have more spare time, but less responsibility and self-control. Children without a clear purpose in life, where there is less family education and school management, might easily become addicted to all kinds of online games and online novels.

The most direct impact of an addiction to online games among underage players is on their psychological (心理) health. According to psychologists, people seriously addicted to games can become anxious, bad tempered, and avoid responsibility.

However, Chinese parents are more worried that their children will lack interest in studying if they become addicted to online games, as academic success is important for students. Additionally, when their children become addicted to such games, most parents do not know how to deal with the situation.

To carry out the new rules to the best effect, more specific issues need to be solved, such as managing foreign online games, ensuring that facial recognition technologies used by games companies have the wanted effect or making sure online game providers can only offer one-hour services to underage players on Saturdays and Sundays. While there are always loopholes (漏洞) in new rules, authorities should act quickly to close them.

There is no doubt that online games have harmful effects on young people. It is not acceptable for a large number of teenagers or those even younger, to become addicted to these games.

1. What’s the purpose of the new rules on online games?
A.To raise awareness of Internet safety.
B.To bring in new computer programs.
C.To reduce the grown-up user base.
D.To prevent the teenagers’ addiction.
2. Why are underage players addicted to online games more easily?
A.They can learn more knowledge on the Internet.
B.They have more free time and less self-control.
C.They have purposes in life but lack higher education.
D.They maintain a sense of curiosity about the Internet.
3. What problem has to be solved to ensure the effect of the new rules?
A.How to reduce parents’ anxiety about kids’ study.
B.How to find loopholes in the popular online games.
C.How to control the service time of online game providers.
D.How to invent a facial recognition game for young players.
4. What is the author’s attitude to the new rules ?
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