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1 . 根据汉语提示用本单元词汇的正确形式填空

The combination of mobile phones and the Internet has brought us a lot of     1     (益处;好处), such as online shopping, information searching, keeping track of events, chatting... It is so powerful that it seems as if by     2     (按开关) nothing can’t be done. It even     3     (起……作用) our closest friend, our assistant, which     4     (陪伴我们) every day. So one phrase is born, “smart phone addict”. Wherever they are, this group of persons are buried in the phone, and completely cut off from the outside world.

    5     (这是常有的事), adults are busy with their own business, with their children watching cartoons or playing children’s games online. So absorbed are the children in it that they even ignore our greeting or interference. They     6     (点击) the buttons, laughing and screaming even with     7     (粗鲁的) words streaming out according to their own performance, which seems familiar to me.     8     (瞄准) children, the games are frequently     9     (更新). Long­time Internet use     10     (对……有害) children’s health and eyes. Children who wear glasses because of near­sightedness tend to be younger and younger. Moreover,     11     (既然) children lack communication with others, children’s personality development will also be badly shaped, with them becoming indifferent and even violent. Plus children’s performance in school is going from bad to worse.

Strict regulations must be made to protect children. First, children’s games     12     (被禁止) go online. Second, parents should be pressed to change their     13     (错误的;不正确的) attitudes towards children’s education. I sincerely hope a solid foundation can be laid for the future development of children.

2022-10-16更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 The Internet A卷·基础知识通关练-【单元测试】2022-2023学年高一英语分层训练AB卷(人教版2019必修第二册)
共计 平均难度:一般