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1 . Complete their presentation with the words below.
self-centred                  real-life                  online                    smartphone
percent                         maintain                 something             anyone

Yuanyuan is a senior secondary school student. She never liked chatting with people online. She thought     1     communication wasn’t worth spending time on and it made people more     2     . All her friends seemed to spend about 90     3     of their time talking to friends on the Internet and only about 10 percent talking to them in real life. Yuanyuan couldn’t understand it at all. Her best friend Tingting agreed with her and felt that     4     communication is important.

Then,     5     happened that changed how she felt about online communication. Yuanyuan moved to Canada with her family and her     6     became her most valuable possession. By chatting to each other online and using a video chat app, Yuanyuan and Tingting could     7     their friendship even though they were thousands of miles apart. From then on, neither of them criticised     8     for having online friendships.

2023-02-05更新 | 11次组卷 | 2卷引用:北师大版必修二课后题
共计 平均难度:一般