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1 . Americans are afraid that robots are going to take our jobs. Tireless, immune to disease, Robots can build cars, make coffee and even write short, humorous newspaper columns faster and more efficiently than humans.

Robots do not need health insurance or pensions (退休金), and they do not need to take sick days, much less vacations. They do not waste time at meetings and do not need to know office politics. They don’t do PowerPoint. This being the case, it is reasonable to believe that robots will soon take the place of humans in most fields.

But all of these thoughts may not be true. If artificial intelligence achieves its full potential, machines could easily become as smart as humans, maybe smarter. They will certainly become smarter than a lot of human beings.

So one day the robots will realize that work is not a happy thing. So before long they will start behaving exactly like humans. They will play computer games for hours when they should be working hard. They will secretly watch new movies just like humans.

True, employers will never need to be afraid ol the robots’ strikes (罢工) or slowdowns, because robots will never ask for more money. And they don’t need to earn some money to raise their family. But precisely (恰恰) because robots will not be afraid of losing their jobs, they will not work hard. Employers will finally have no choice but to call back the humans. Humans will always be willing to do some work in order to make money. Robots won’t.

I think that robots will only be on the job about six months before they start to become even less productive than the humans they were designed to replace.Thus mankind need not be afraid of robots.

1. What is the best title for the text?
A.Different ideas about Man and Robots
B.Future Development of Robots
C.Will Robots Finally Take the Place of Humans
D.Will Robots End up Working Efficiently
2. Why will robots secretly watch new movies one day?
A.They don’t think cook is a pleasure.
B.They have finished their jobs.
C.They are unable to stand the heavy work.
D.They are designed not to work for a long time.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 5?
A.Robots will go on strike one day.
B.Employers will decide on humans as their workforce.
C.Robots will ask for a pay rise.
D.Employers will find it difficult to choose between humans and robots.
2020-02-10更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市2019-2020学年高二上学期期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般