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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Have you ever imagined    1     (live) in 2120, 100 years from now? Latest research describes robots, underwater cities and holidays in space. City planners and experts on space and architecture    2     (ask) to give their opinions on life in 2120. According to them, the way people live, work and play will be totally different     3     how we do these things today. They also said that over twenty years ago, people couldn’t imagine how the Internet     4    the smartphone would change our lives. But today, both have changed the way we communicate, learn and do daily things, and the changes in the next century will probably be even     5    (great).

Those     6     (question) in the research said that people may not go to the office in the future but will work at home instead. People will have advanced 3D printers which will let     7    download a design for furniture or a food recipe and then “print” the sofa, table or pizza at home.     8     will also be less need for visits to the doctor. People will have a home health capsule that will “diagnose” what the problem is and provide    9    (treat). They will also be going into space for holidays, and     10    (hopeful), to get resources that have been used up on earth.

2023-10-13更新 | 18次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 2 单元测试卷-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章介绍的是Mars mission and colony设计的展览。

2 . Step into Moving to Mars, an exhibition of the Mars mission and colony design at London’s Design Museum, and immediately you have good reasons for not moving there.

Frightening glowing wall-texts announce that Mars wasn’t made for you, that there is no life and little precious water, that, dressed in a spacesuit, you will never touch, taste or smell the planet you now call “home”. As Lisa Grossman wrote for New Scientist a couple of years ago, “What’s different about Mars is that there is nothing to do there except try not to die.”

It is an odd beginning for such a celebratory exhibition, but it provides a valuable, dark background against which the rest of the show can sparkle(闪耀)—a show that is, as its chief manager Justin remarks, “not about Mars; this is an exhibition about people.”

Moving along, there is a quick yet clear flash through what the science-fiction writer Robinson calls “the history of Mars in the human mind”. A Babylonian clay tablet and a Greek vase speak to early ideas about the planet. A poster for the original Total Recall film reminds us of Mars’ psychological threat.

The main part of the show is our current plans for the Red Planet. There are real spacesuits and models of 3D-printed Martian settlements and suitable clothing and furniture. Mission architectures and engineering sketches line the walls. Real hammers meant for the International Space Station are wall-mounted beside a low-gravity table that has yet to leave, and may indeed never leave, Earth.

This, of course, is the great strength of approaching science through design: reality and assumptions can be given equal visual weight, drawing us into an informed conversation about what it is that we actually want from a future on Mars.

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.How to move to Mars.
B.How to survive on Mars.
C.What preparations we made for Mars.
D.What the exhibition of Mars truly tells us.
2. What can we learn from Lisa Grossman?
A.It’s impossible to live on Mars.
B.It’s no good settling on Mars.
C.You have nothing to do living on Mars.
D.You can live on Mars in your spacesuit.
3. What does the exhibition focus on?
A.The current plans for Mars.
B.The advantages of living on Mars.
C.The early ideas about Mars.
D.The history of Mars in the human mind.
4. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.An experience.B.An opinion.
C.A fantasy.D.A solution.
2023-10-13更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 6 Space and beyond 单元练习 2021-2022学年外研版高二英语选择性必修第四册
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部举办论坛,探讨机器人在未来生活中的应用。请你写一篇发言稿,内容包括:
1. 选择一个领域进行陈述(如日常生活、医疗、汽车制造等);
2. 描述机器人在该领域的应用(可举例说明);
3. 介绍机器人的优势所在。
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Futurologists are making a lot of predictions about our future life.     1     By 2048, some futurologists foresee that some “talking” buildings will appear in our life.

By the middle of the century, it’s believed that buildings will be able to “talk” to people through various sensors when the heating needs to be turned on.     2     Instead, a lot of networks will appear, which can be compared to a human nervous system. In the next 30 years, buildings will be made from concrete plastics and shape­changing materials. All of them can heal themselves at that time.     3     there will be a need for new kinds of elevators, through which vehicles could even travel into the buildings. German engineers have already started working on such technology called Multi.

By mid­century, scientists believe that buildings will be miles tall. Some of them may be very large and they can function as small cities. By comparison, at present, the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, measures 829.8 metres high.     4     their windows will be replaced by virtual screens. In this way, people can choose any view as they like.

At height extremes, a London Spaceport is also likely to come into being by 2048 as the space industry develops very quickly. There is a huge cost advantage going to space from as high a base as possible.     5    

A.As cities are being very crowded,
B.As a result, there will be no switches.
C.As the future building can rise through the clouds,
D.As architects are racing to develop the world’s tallest buildings,
E.They are predicting how we will travel, work and live in the next 30 years.
F.Therefore, a spaceport is very likely to be over 10 km, using carbon­based materials.
G.What is more likely, though, is that planes will become smarter and may even become autonomous.
2023-08-28更新 | 139次组卷 | 1卷引用:UNIT 2 LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE单元测试2021-2022学年高中英语人教版选择性必修第一册
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 语法填空

The past thirty years     1    (see) the rapid growth of the Internet. Compared to the 1980s, there are now many more computers     2    (connect) to the Internet.

People hold different views about the future of cyberspace. Some pessimistic experts have a lot of worries, one of     3     is crime in cyberspace. In the future, terrorists may attack the world’s computers, thus causing chaos for     4    (we) human beings.

Many other people, on     5     other hand, are full of optimism about the future of the Internet. “In the future,” says Angela Rossetto of Cyberia magazine, “it is clear that we are going to see a huge development in shopping on the Internet. We will have     6    (entertain) from the Net and televisions will probably     7    (appear).”

Some experts say virtual reality, the use of computers with sounds and pictures that makes us feel as if we are     8     a real situation, will become a part of future life. “    9    (person), I believe we will work in virtual offices, shop in virtual supermarkets,     10     even study in virtual schools,” says Australian expert Peter Anderson.

2023-08-27更新 | 95次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When did the man build the first computer?
A.In junior high school.
B.In senior high school.
C.At the university.
2. Where does the man work?
A.In a school.
B.In a company.
C.In a store.
3. How do some people find technology?
4. What are the speakers talking about?
A.The making of computers.
B.The past of computers.
C.The future of computers.
2023-08-21更新 | 129次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 3 The Internet 单元测试B卷 2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含听力)

7 . As a child, I had spent my holidays travelling our village in Bangladesh — running across the rice fields or farms and fishing in lakes. But, this had started to wear off as a teen. One thing I remember about that trip was when we were only about half an hour from our village, we had to get out of our car. The road in front of us was completely under water. We all got on a bamboo boat for another two or three hours.

That was 15 years ago — the last time I visited our village. One by one, many other villagers left there. But my father has been working hard to build it up. He doesn’t want it to be lost.

Yes, we should protect our home. But there is something else to think about: climate crisis (气候危机). Bangladesh is at the centre of the climate crisis — it is hit by floods, droughts, storms and other natural disasters. “I jokingly say, Bangladesh is God’s laboratory for natural disasters,” says Prof Ainun Nishat, an expert on climate change from Bangladesh.

The period from June to October sees heavy rains. But the rainfall time is becoming more erratic (无常的). In 2020, Sylhet, my hometown, was hit by huge floods that affected thousands of families, whose homes were swept away. In fact, over a quarter of the country was flooded. Nearly 1.3 million homes were damaged, and hundreds of people died.

The weather is getting more extreme (极端的). It is getting too hot. And the supply of water can’t be relied upon, leaving the land getting drier.

Although people have worries about droughts and floods, unlike in the past, the country is well-prepared to deal with them. Prof Nishat says, “Maybe 20, 30 years back we depended on external (外部的) support to return to normal from any natural disaster, but now it’s different. The country has developed, and we suffered these disasters many times, so the people are one of the most prepared.”

1. What do the underlined words “wear off” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Advance.B.Make sense.
C.Disappear.D.Lose control.
2. What do we know about Bangladesh?
A.It is affected by many disasters.
B.It needs more people to build it up.
C.People living there lead an unhappy life.
D.Experts are studying why the climate changes there.
3. Why does the author mention the flood happening in 2020?
A.To prove floods are difficult to avoid.
B.To show the effects of climate change.
C.To prove floods are frequent in Bangladesh.
D.To show the great damage caused by floods.
4. What do Prof Nishat’s words in the last paragraph show?
A.People in Bangladesh think the external support is unnecessary.
B.People in Bangladesh try to rebuild their homes on their own.
C.Bangladesh needs more support to aid its development.
D.Bangladesh is trying hard to deal with climate change.

8 . The future home is something that people have talked about for decades. Because the future home idea inspires our imagination, scientists and engineers have been working hard to develop different systems to make houses “smarter”.

The video camera at the entrance recognize visitors using facial recognition. The facial recognition software of the future home will not only recognize friends, but strangers as well. And the software in the future home will run the strangers faces against a database of criminals.

The future home will also have smart application appliances (家电) as well. There will be a vast networking system connecting them. Ovens, microwaves and refrigerators will be controlled automatically, so remote cooking will be a possibility and meals are prepared for your arrival.

There will also be a green systems in place such as saving and reusing washing water and bathwater. Plants and people may receive pure or mineralized (含矿的) drinking water.

If you think this future home idea is pie in the sky or science fiction, then think again. Most of the systems described here are either in development or already out in the market. Future homes may not be standard yet for the middle class but this is not as far ahead as many people would think.

1. What can the facial recognition software be used for in the future houses?
A.Greeting friends.B.Collecting criminals information.
C.Recognizing visitors.D.Following dangerous criminals.
2. Which of the following indicates the future house is environment-friendly?
A.Facial recognition software.B.Remote cooking.
C.Smart refrigerators.D.Saving and reusing water.
3. What does the underlined word “standard” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Smart future home
B.A smart networking system
C.Software in future home
D.Various household appliances
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假定你是李华,你们班将组织一次给未来的人们写封信的活动。请根据下列要点写一篇文章参加比赛。要点如下:
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假设你是李华,你们学校英语报近期举行题目为“What life will be like on Mars in the future?”的征文比赛,请你给报社投稿,主要内容如下:
① 肯定未来在火星上生活的可能性;
② 想象未来在火星上生活的样子;
③ 个人对在火星上生活的态度。
2022-12-24更新 | 88次组卷 | 2卷引用:大单元作业设计 人教版2019 必修三 Unit 4
共计 平均难度:一般