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1 . My greatest regret in life is that I failed to tell my superb teachers how much they contributed to my early education.

Ruth Hammerman taught English to the eighth-graders. She was the first to show me the rules of what Evelyn Waugh called our “rich and delicate language.” She was a no-nonsense instructor. Unlike common teachers, she diagramed (用图表展示) sentences so we could know the grammar rules. She never seemed to be tired of the simple pleasures of sharing her learning.

Under her influence, I had the strong belief that language needs to be well-spoken and properly written. Yet over the years I never made the effort to find her and to express my thankfulness for what she did for me. Two years after being in her class, I began the study of Latin and French, and the foundation (基础) she provided in English grammar served me well. Sadly, I never looked back.

In high school I took advanced French in a class taught by Richard Miller, the finest teacher I have ever experienced at any level. Mr. Miller brought to his subject a surprisingly deep understanding and new analysis (分析). Reading “Phèdre”, Racine’s classic play, he asked us to note there were 1,654 lines in it, and then pointed out the care Racine devoted to structure. Years later I made the same point — giving Mr. Miller credit — in a college French class, and my professor was surprised by my understanding of the play. Mr. Miller taught us to enjoy literature with particular points of view. Yet I never made the effort in later years to tell him what he meant to me.

Mr. Miller is certainly long dead. If she is alive, Miss Hammerman would likely be in her 90s. In preparing this article, I tried to find her but was unsuccessful.

I am certain my act is common. People often forget to express love and thankfulness to their teachers. I ought to have told Miss Hammerman and Mr. Miller how much they did for me. I suppose they knew their work was effective because they believed in what they were doing. Now I appreciate how special they were.

1. What is the most beneficial part to the author in Miss Hammerman’s class?
2. What is special about Mr. Miller’s French class?
A.He asked students to count lines.
B.He stressed the importance of play.
C.He analyzed literature in a new way.
D.He showed great devotion to students.
3. What does the underlined phrase “my act” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Preparing the article.B.Looking for the teachers.
C.Failing to thank teachers.D.Copying teachers’ points.
4. What best describes the two teachers according to the text?
5. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To show love for French literature.
B.To explore the meaning of education.
C.To explain why teachers are important.
D.To share memories of the two teachers.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。青少年时期的Owen Connors每天打完橄榄球回家后都能闻到吉尼斯派的诱人香气,大学毕业后他离开家乡并在其他地方安家,但他仍然想念小时候的派。他和母亲、女儿三代人一起做了一个派,他想让自己的孩子也知道这种食物。

2 . For four long years, Owen Connors had to spend his Saturday afternoons playing rugby(橄榄球) at school. He’d be out there in all weathers. As a teenager, he _________Saturdays.

The boy would walk home in the dark,_________ in mud(泥浆) and frozen to the bone. So, imagine his_________when he opened the door of the family’s small house to be_________by the delicious aroma(香味) of Guinness pie. Outside, the cold wind was blowing, and the cold rain was_________the windows. But in the_________kitchen, Owen and his parents would_________the homemade pie with mashed potatoes(土豆泥) _________.

“It was the exact_________of standing on a field in the rain and wind,” says Owen, who now works as an editor. “It was the__________of home and it felt like a warm hug.”

For some reason, Owen had__________really fitted into Dublin society. So after graduation from college, he left his hometown in search of a(n)__________life. On a short visit to Munich, he felt a sudden__________ to stay. He can remember thinking: “This place is__________— it’s clean, safe, near the mountains and lakes.”

Owen doesn’t eat Guinness pie very often in Munich. Recently he tried to make one with his mum and daughters — it was a(n)__________! Three generations shared the food of his childhood.

“I’d like to show my kids more of that kind of food,” Owen said.

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