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语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Prince Llewellyn the Great was ruler of Wales for 40 years but he is now remembered more for the story of Gelert. One day, Prince Llewellyn was out hunting in the Welsh countryside. Back home, his newborn son     1     (sleep) as Gelert, his     2     (faith) dog, watched over him. While the Prince was riding through the forest, he heard loud barking     3    (come) from the direction of the house. The Prince had a terrible feeling and galloped quickly home. When Prince Llewellyn walked through the door, Gelert jumped up to greet him     4     a huge smile on his face. The Prince looked at Gelert, only to find blood dripping from its mouth and fur. Llewellyn ran into his son’s bedroom. The cot was empty. In a blaze of anger, he took his sword and     5     (swing) it at the dog. After he killed the dog, he saw the body of a dead wolf and realized that there     6    (be) a fight earlier on. And then he heard the crying of a baby from under the cot. It was not until then     7     the Prince realized Gelert     8     (hide) the baby and killed the wolf. Llewellyn was heartbroken. He organized a great ceremony to bury the dog that had saved his son’s life. He visited the grave every day until he died. Very touching, isn’t it?     9    , some people do not believe the story to be true, despite the     10     (exist) of Gelert’s gravestone in Wales.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了Chen Guanghui保护黑颈鹤所做的努力。

2 . Chen Guanghui is a guardian for black-necked cranes(黑颈鹤) in the Dashanbao Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve of Zhaotong city, in southwest China’s YunnanProvince. Whistling(吹口哨) is the secret language Chen uses to communicate with the black-necked cranes, a type of migratory bird under first class protection in China. She says different whistles signal different things. When she whistles in an increasing tone, she tries to tell the cranes: ask your companions to come back for lunch, and they would chirp(吱喳叫)to spread the message right away.

Living near the Dashanbao Nature Reserve, a major winter habitat(栖息地) for the rare species, Chen started to take care of them in 2003, a mission she took over from her mother, whose devotion dates back to the 1990s.

“In the first few days, I remembered they ran away as soon as I approached them. I was very upset and asked my mom to come back, and I was worried they would starve,”   says Chen. “I initially tried everything, even singing folk songs to attract them, but failed. Later, I used special whistles and gradually formed close bond with the cranes. ”

“I treat them as if they were my own children, and I’m always concerned about them, especially during snowy days when they can’t get food. I feel uncomfortable and anxious when I hear them chirp and usually rush to prepare corn for them. ” It’s never been an easy job, and Chen has sustained quite a few injuries over the years, even falling into frozen marsh(沼泽)while trying to save a trapped crane in 2008. However, she never gave up. With love and responsibility, she has persisted in caring for the cranes for about 20 years.

Thanks to the joint protection efforts of Chen and staff members at the nature reserve, now more than 1,900 black-necked cranes overwinter in the area each season every year, up from about 300 when the nature reserve was established.

1. How does Chen Guanghui communicate with black-necked cranes?
A.By singing folk songs.B.By imitating chirps of birds.
C.By making hand gestures.D.By blowing special whistles.
2. What do the underlined words “a mission” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Rescuing injured animals.
B.Restoring habitats for rare species.
C.Looking after black-necked cranes.
D.Building Dashanbao Nature Reserve.
3. How did Chen Guanghui feel about her initial attempts at the work?
A.It is inspiring.B.It is frustrating.C.It is interesting.D.It is exciting.
4. What can we learn from Chen’s story?
A.Efforts bear fruit.B.Fortune favors the brave.
C.Virtue is its own reward.D.A miss is as good as a mile.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。

Light pollution is a serious problem. This became completely obvious when the World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness, a computer-created map based on thousands of satellite (卫星) photos,     1     (publish) in 2016. The map shows how and where     2    (we) world is lit up at night. Large areas of North America, Europe, and Asia are glowing (发光) with light, while only the most remote (偏远的) places on Earth are in total darkness. Some of the most light-polluted    3     (country) in the world are Singapore, Qatar, and Kuwait.

Sky glow is the brightening of the night sky, mostly over cities, because    4    the electric lights of cars, streetlamps, offices, factories and buildings, turning night into day.

People     5     live in cities with high levels of sky glow have a hard time     6     (see) stars at night. Scientists are     7     (particular) worried about sky glow pollution as it influences their ability     8     (view) space.

According to research, more    9     80% of the world’s population, and 99% of Americans and Europeans, live under sky glow. It sounds pretty, but sky glow    10    (cause) by human activities is one of the most common forms of light pollution.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Eva, the Belgian Malinois, is home now, getting a well-deserved rest surrounded by new toys after nearly dying while protecting her human from a mountain lion.

The attack happened on May 16 in northern California when 24-year-old Erin Wilson headed down a path toward the Trinity River before she found herself cornered by a mountain lion. “I was just walking down the slope with the dog running ahead of’ me. I turned around and there was this cat just growling at me and it attacked me, ”Wilson told NPR. “I screamed for Eva and she came running. ”

Mountain lion attacks on humans are incredibly rare. Since 1890, California has recorded only six fatal mountain lion attacks because of the animal’s generally shy, reclusive (独处的) nature. Their preferred prey is deer, which are normally in abundance in their forested habitat, but recent drought conditions have made food scarce in some areas. Wilson thought that these conditions made the sudden appearance of a slim woman look like an attractive option.

To protect her human, Eva leapt between Wilson and the lion, tackling the wild cat and embarked on a life-and-death struggle between the two animals. After a short fight, the mountain lion got its jaws around Eva’s head and Wilson fought to free her dog. hitting the lion with rocks in an attempt to break its grip. Eventually, Wilson ran back to her truck and flagged down passing motorist Sharon Houston Fetching an iron bar from her truck. Wilson and Houston ran back down the trail and their combined efforts managed to frighten the big cat off.

Wounded herself and shaken by the experience, Wilson still managed to carry Eva back to the Animal Hospital. The 2-year-old dog didn’t need surgery, but her wounds were still extensive. Eva left the animal hospital on May 19 with surgical tape wrapped around both her front paws, and the veterinarian said she might lose sight in her left eye.

1. What made Erin Wilson the target of the mountain lion?
A.The abundant deer in their forested habitat.
B.The lack of prey due to extreme conditions.
C.The mountain lion’s shy and reclusive nature.
D.The slim and attractive appearance of Wilson.
2. What do the underlined words “embarked on” mean in paragraph 4?
A.Proceeded with.B.Dawned on.C.Wrapped up.D.Kicked off
3. How did Wilson drive the mountain lion off?
A.She freed a dog and threw rocks at it fiercely.
B.She stopped a passing driver and broke its grip.
C.She gathered local people and shouted loudly at it.
D.She used a tool and scared it away with another driver.
4. Which of the following can best describe Eva according to the passage?
A.Heroic and loyal.B.Obedient and adorable.
C.Friendly and dependable.D.Courageous and naughty.
2024-01-22更新 | 107次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆市育才中学、万州高级中学及西南大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月三校联考英语
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

At the Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve in Hubei Province, about 2,000 creatures wander freely. Their numbers include 460 deer born this year, showing that the species,     1     was once endangered in China in the early 20th century, has staged a remarkable     2     (recover).

Often     3     (refer) to as sìbuxiang, a milu deer seems to consist of parts of various creatures. It has antlers (鹿角) like other deer, but seems to have the head of a horse, the feet of cattle and the tail of a donkey (驴).

    4     one of the animal’s three major protected areas in China, the Shishou reserve was established in 1991. Close to the Yangtze River, the area has a complete wetland ecosystem,an ideal habitat for the deer. Its conservation story provides     5     example for other endangered animals under a threat of extinction.

    6     (ensure) a safe environment, two engineers and eight rangers (护林员) are sent to get around the reserve. Advanced technologies are applied to help observe and analyze     7     (they) habits and environment. The efforts of those responsible for the deer have     8     (significant) resulted in the increase in numbers.

In the     9     (country) three major protected areas the Nanhaizi Milu Park in Beijing, the Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province, and the Shishou reserve——the number of the animal     10     (increase) from 39 to over 10,000 since 1986.

6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What was Tom doing during the earthquake?
2. How was Tom when the earthquake took place?
A.He was ill.B.He was helpless.C.He was frightened.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Tens of thousands of nature lovers see black bears and grizzly bears each year    1    But for the unfortunate few, bear encounters can lead to serious injury or death. If you come upon a bear in its natural setting, your first reaction may be to feel frightened. But staying safe depends on acting carefully and calmly.

    2    Some people would suggest running away, but bears can run much faster than humans can. Others say a person should drop to the ground and play dead.    3    It is best to be as educated as possible about different bear behaviors before you head into the wild.

If a bear is coming towards you, you must first determine if the bear attack is defensive(such as when protecting young bears)or predatory(捕食性的)(such as when hunting).    4    Most grizzly bear attacks are defensive. When a bear is defensive, it is feeling threatened. Dropping to the ground is an effective way to show the bear that you are not a threat.

Black bears do not often challenge humans, but when they do, their attacks are usually predatory. Bears do not feel threatened when they are hunting, so playing dead will not help you stay safe. During a predatory bear attack, the first thing you should do is drop any food you have and back away. If the bear still comes towards you, make as much noise as possible by shouting and hitting objects.    5    . You can also use pepper spray(喷雾)during a bear attack. Always bring it with you in the wild, and have it ready to use without delay.

A.It is a good idea to collect some facts about bears.
B.Your frightening behaviour can make the bear back down.
C.Most walk away with exciting memories and photographs.
D.That turns out to be a hint in some situations but not in others.
E.Black bears and grizzly bears are likely to attack for different reasons.
F.You should learn some life-saving skills before going on a hike in the wild.
G.There are many ideas about how a person should react when faced with bears.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Perhaps you know northern Americans still maintain the habit of celebrating Groundhog Day when a large groundhog (土拨鼠) checks to see its shadow on February 2 and helps to predict when winter will end. But have you ever heard about how a mountain town in North Carolina uses a caterpillar (毛毛虫) known as the Woolly Worm to make similar predictions?

According to the folklore (民间传说), the amount of black on the woolly worm in autumn predicts the severity of the upcoming winter. The longer the woolly worm’s black bands (带) are, the longer, colder, snowier, and more severe the winter will be. Similarly, a wider middle brown band is a sign of a milder upcoming winter. The position of the longest dark bands supposedly indicates which part of winter will be coldest or hardest. If the head end of the caterpillar is dark, the beginning of winter will be severe. If the tail end is dark, the end of winter will be cold. In addition, the caterpillar has 13 segments (昆虫的节/段) to its body, which traditional forecasters say correspond to the 13 weeks of winter.

Scientific studies on worm forecasting are rare. American Museum of Natural History entomologist Howard Curran conducted a small trial in 1948. Having heard about the caterpillar folklore, Curran headed to Bear Mountain State Park to collect caterpillars each fall for eight years. He found that if the worms had brown markings on more than a third of their body, winters tended to be milder.

Most scientists view the folklore of caterpillar predictions as just that, folklore. “It’s a wonderful story, but I do think it was a playful trial,” says Joe Boggs, an entomologist at Ohio State University Extension who has studied woolly worms. “Curran was a real scientist. He had tons of papers published, but he never published this one — probably because he knew it wouldn’t stand up to peer review.”

Mike Peters, an entomologist at the University of Massachusetts, doesn’t disagree, but he says there could be a link between the band of a caterpillar and the severity of winter. Peters suggests that the timing of their growth and environmental conditions, such as temperature, moisture levels, and food sources, can impact the appearance of woolly worms, including their size, coloration, and band patterns. By analyzing these characteristics, researchers can potentially infer information about the weather conditions. “The band does say something about a heavy winter,” he says. “The only thing is that it’s telling you about the previous year.”

1. How do people predict the weather through caterpillars?
A.By analyzing their living habits.
B.By measuring the change of their size.
C.By calculating the number of their segments.
D.By studying color bands on their bodies.
2. What is Howard Curran’s finding based on?
A.His personal observations.
B.An investigation on the locals.
C.Studies by previous scientists.
D.Statistics collected by the museum.
3. What is Joe Boggs’s attitude towards the folklore?
4. Which statement might Mike Peters agree with?
A.The caterpillar forecasting needs long-term data to support it.
B.The color band of caterpillars can be a mirror of past weather.
C.The cold environment has a great impact on caterpillars’ growth.
D.The caterpillar can help predict the severity of winter accurately.
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假如你是李华,海洋保护日在即,你校的英语报 World Outlook 征集关于海洋探索的文章,请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 你的看法;
2. 你的理由。
1. 写作词数应为100左右;
2. 题目已经给出。

Should we explore the sea?

10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Braving the Waters

Joel Boyers and his wife Melody Among were heading home from the Nashville airport. Among had just earned her helicopter pilot’s licence when Boyers received a call from a stranger. The caller told him that her brother and his two daughters were trapped on their roof in Waverly, 60 miles from Nashville. They were surrounded by rising floodwaters caused by the heaviest rainfall that year.

Desperate, the caller begged, “Could you please, please rescue my loved ones?”

Boyers, 41, looked at the address the caller mentioned while glancing at the storm clouds. “Ma’am,” he said, “no one will fly in this weather ...” But even before he finished the sentence, Boyers knew they would go back up. “I’ve got a daughter myself,” Boyers says. “I’ll see what I can do.” He put the brother’s address into his phone and they drove back to the airport.

Before long they were in the air, unprepared for what they were about to see. It was nothing but raging water below them. There were two houses on fire. Cars in trees. Tons of debris (残骸). No one was going to be able to swim in that.

The flooding also took out cell phone service, meaning that Boyers couldn’t use his phone to pinpoint (精确定位) the house he was looking for. He flew on regardless.

As Boyers controlled the helicopter, Among began searching for people caught out on rooftops, bridges — anywhere they could land and get them on board. Suddenly, she saw a teenager trapped in a tree. The teen, soaking wet and exhausted, was barely out of the water. Since there was no place to land, Boyers lowered the helicopter until it approached to just above the water line. Among jumped out and swam to the tree, where she helped the teen into the helicopter. The teen was shaking and looking behind anxiously when she said, “Thank you so much, but my sister and uncle ... please help them ...”

Boyers dropped off the teen on a patch of land across the street. Then he and Among were back in the air.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Seconds later, they spotted two people on the roof of a destroyed house.


Their mission ended 90 minutes after it began, when professional rescue teams showed up.   

2024-01-17更新 | 162次组卷 | 5卷引用:江西省宜春市宜丰县宜丰中学2023-2024学年高三上学期9月月考英语试题
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