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1 . The Wuyishan National Park, known for its amazing landscapes and respected tea industry, has taken significant steps to safeguard its traditional tea heritage and industry, while using technological advances to raise the incomes of local people.

Home to one of China’s largest and most diverse subtropical forests, Wuyi Mountain is the only place in the country where Wuyi rock tea is grown. In the 18th century, Wuyi rock tea was the most popular tea in Europe. However, illegal land reclamation (开垦) of tea mountains and the destruction of plant resources damaged the environment in the area around Wuyi Mountain.

Then the Wuyishan National Park was established in 2021, as one of the first bat ch of China’s national parks. The park authorities have cooperated with tea experts to make up a strategy for the improvement of the Wuyi Mountain tea industry and biodiversity.

“In order to better protect the forest, we must respect and preserve the existing areas for the locals to plant and live on, but further expansion has been restricted.” said Huang Zhimin, a researcher with the park’s management bureau.

Eco-friendly plantations that use the “tea forest” and “tea grass” models have been introduced to the park. Moreover, the authorities provide farmers with free seedlings (幼苗) of precious broad-leaved trees like nanmu. This practice not only protects local biodiversity, but also improves the quality of the tea.

The Wuyishan National Park’s authorities have been working with tea experts to improve production and quality through the use of innovative technological methods. A local farmer said: “In the past, we lacked knowledge of scientific tea field management, which resulted in teas of average quality that were only suitable for basic daily consumption. Now, with the help of scientific approaches, the quality of our teas has risen significantly.”

1. What was the Wuyishan National Park intended for?
A.To attract more tourists to come here.
B.To examine innovative technological methods.
C.To arouse the awareness of protecting the biodiversity.
D.To promote the eco - environment and tea quality.
2. What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 5 mean?
A.Asking the authorities for help.
B.Decreasing land reclamation of tea mountains.
C.Using eco-friendly plantations.
D.Growing all the broad-leaved trees.
3. What can be inferred according to the local farmer?
A.They benefit a lot from the tourism of the national park.
B.The quality of their teas are much better than before.
C.The scientific approaches make no difference to them.
D.Their knowledge of tea field management is the best.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A novel.B.A medical book.
C.A tourist brochure.D.A magazine.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍作者是一个经常独自冒险的勇敢露营者,一次和六个人一起露营后,感觉很好,后来和一个伙伴一起创建了Adventure Queens,分享和交流经验,受到广泛欢迎。

2 . It was a little after midnight when I heard footsteps approaching my tent. Normally when wild camping, a sound like this would cause me to sink further into my sleeping bag, hoping I wouldn't be seen. Yet that night on the hillside, there was no need to remain hidden. I was surrounded by six other women in tents, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase “girl's night out”. As an adventurer and passionate solo wild camper, I have been exploring the wilderness alone for more than 15 years. I have never needed company on adventures. I'm not afraid of sleeping out solo. But wild camping in a group scares me.

Of the six with me that night, four had never wild camped before, while the other two were fellow adventurers Sophie Roberts and Anna McNuff. I arrived late. Already the conversation was in full swing and I felt worried about joining them. While the camping beginners were talking about their fears of sleeping outside, I, on the other hand, worried about socialising.

Yet as soon as I arrived I was welcomed into the fold. I was handed a plate of food, offered a drink and included in the conversation. There was no campfire, but I felt unexpectedly warm in their presence. We spent at least an hour talking. Anna asked the newbies the main barriers to them getting into the outdoors. They said they were worried about safety. They would only be able to sleep knowing there was a group of us.

A couple of months after our camp, Anna and I cofounded an online adventure community for women called Adventure Queens. “We wanted to create a space for women to share ideas and exchange tips,” says Anna. “Adventure Queens began as a single Facebook group, but it has grown.” Now there are 13,000 community members, 60 volunteers, 25 regional groups, three international ones and a mums’ group too. Not bad for something that began as a night out on a hillside for a small group of friends.

1. Why did the author stay calm upon hearing footsteps at midnight?
A.She felt too tired to respond.
B.She was familiar with the footsteps.
C.She felt safe with a group of companions.
D.She was a brave solo wild camper at heart.
2. What worried the author concerning wild camping in a group?
A.Sleeping with strangers.B.Organizing satisfying adventures.
C.Training camping beginners.D.Communicating with others.
3. Which word can best describe the atmosphere of the group camping trip?
4. What can we learn about Adventure Queens?
A.It has been well received.B.It needs to expand further.
C.It is targeted at mums.D.It is highly profitable.
2024-08-02更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市富裕县某校2023-2024学年高二下学期6月阶段性模拟考英语试卷
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3 . Plants might be able to hear their neighbors, according to a study that suggests plants use the sound signal to communicate with one another.

“We have shown that plants can recognize when a good neighbor is growing next to them,” said study co-author Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Western Australia. “We found that this communication can be based upon an acoustic (声音的) exchange.”

The findings suggest that plants can not only “smell” the chemicals and “see” the reflected light of their neighbors, they may also “listen” to the plants around them.

“Plants are more intricate organisms than we’ve given them credit for,” Gagliano said.

In the study, Gagliano and her workmate Michael Renton showed that chili plants sprouted faster and were healthier, compared with those grown in isolation, when they were grown next to “good neighbors”, such as basil.

Remarkably, the scientists got the same result even when the plants were separated by black plastic so that they could not exchange light or chemical signals.

The scientists said the study is groundbreaking but still in its early days, and admitted there are still many unanswered questions. For example, are plants intentionally (有意地) communicating with one another? And if they are, do they all speak in a universal (通用的) “plant language”? To these questions and more, Gagliano said, the answer is “we don’t know”.

Gagliano thinks learning the secrets of plant communication could have practical applications (应用) that could benefit humans. She imagines farmers using music to encourage or discourage the growth of certain plants, reducing the need for pesticides.

Study co-author Renton warned, however, that the effects in their study were fairly small. “Whether it would be economically viable (经济上可行的),” he said, “for a farmer to play music to get that little extra growth speed, I think it’s pointless and costly.”

1. What did the study find out about plants?
A.They have a great influence on their neighboring animals.
B.They can sense their surroundings through sounds.
C.They can control their own growth in the dark.
D.They grow much healthier in isolation.
2. What does the underlined word “intricate” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What did the scientists think of their study?
A.It is inspiring but the findings are limited.
B.It is a failure but the methods deserve praise.
C.It can help plants send signals more effectively.
D.It will draw public attention to the protection of plants.
4. What is Renton’s attitude to the idea of using music to influence the growth of plants?
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why did the man go to the Philippines?
A.For a trip.B.For further studies.C.For volunteer work.
2. Who helped the man with the project?
A.The local students.
B.The local government.
C.The local businessmen.
3. What’s the aim of the project?
A.To explore an island.
B.To help the poor students.
C.To protect the environment.
2024-07-23更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省阜阳第一中学2023~2024学年高二下学期4月调研考试英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要说明了英国植物学家Daniel Emlyn-Jones在自家花园里种了一种Gympie-Gympie,这何总会导致剧烈疼痛的植物。

5 . A British botanist (植物学家) , Daniel Emlyn-Jones, grows Gympie-Gympie in his home garden. It is one of the most ______ plants in the world. It'd be ______ to touch it. Daniel keeps it in a protective cage (笼子) so that others won't get ______. Contact with the plant does not ______ death, yet the leaves have small hairs which, when ______, cause a very. strong pain. What is more ______ is that the plant hairs can stay on our body for up to six months.

What in the world is Daniel's ______ of keeping the plant at home? When we think about the reasons, the first good reason for ______ this plant is scientific studies. ______ Daniel just thought it would add a bit of _____ to his gardening. In an interview, he said that common plants sometimes ______, him although he loves plants.

Daniel ______ “I got the seed (种子) from an Australian company and the ______ of buying seeds is that they can spread throughout the garden, so you have to be ______. I keep it potted in my front room and I'm doing it very ______. ”

A.lead toB.hold upC.speed upD.put off
2024-07-23更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆伊犁州霍城县江苏中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了来自英国的William Lindesay对长城的喜爱。

6 . “I first saw the Great Wall on a map in 1967 when I was only 11 years old. I spent a long time trying to work out how long the Great Wall was, but I failed. I thought I would surely go there one day,” said William Lindesay, a Great Wall researcher from the UK.

The Englishman did what he said. He came to China in 1986 with a plan to run the whole length of the Great Wall. But that year his goal was not achieved. William came back a year later and realized his dream. In 1990, he decided to live in China. Then he bought a farmhouse near the Great Wall.

“Many people wonder why I’m obsessed greatly by the Great Wall. The first reason is that it’s beautiful, and the second thing is that it’s outdoors. There’s history in the outdoors. You need to move to discover it. And the third point is it’s fun. The Great Wall is in my mind every day,” said William.

William’s younger son Thomas said, “I often describe my childhood as ‘wild’, staying at the foot of the Great Wall almost every weekend. It’s amazing because not many people get to see such world heritage all the time, and I got to see it all year around.” His elder son James said, “Living here has a lot of effect on how I see the Great Wall. It’s almost like my backyard, so I should protect it.”

William has published 11 books about the Great Wall in 30 years. He has also completed several photo projects on the Great Wall. “It made me so happy when our film was shown on the BBC. For the first time we got an hour and a half to open the eyes of the British , and show them what the Great Wall is. We received lots of emails from people saying that they really enjoyed it and didn’t know that China was so beautiful. I became a ‘Great Wall ambassador (大使)’,” said William.

1. What do we know about William Lindesay?
A.He runs a farm near the Great Wall.B.He measured the length of Great Wall in 1986.
C.His father was an expert on the Great Wall.D.He didn’t climb the Great Wall in his teens.
2. What does the underlined word “obsessed” mean in paragraph 3?
3. Why Thomas and James are mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.To introduce their home’s location.
B.To encourage people to protect the Great Wall.
C.To describe the childhood of William’s children.
D.To show the Great Wall’s impact on William’s children.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.William’s sons will work in the film industry.
B.William has become a famous director for his film.
C.William has promoted the spread of Chinese culture abroad.
D.William will work for the Chinese government in the future.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5th, is a global event that encourages action for the protection of our environment. Established by the United Nations in1974, it has become a platform for the public in over 100 countries.     1     Here are four simple ways you can care for your environment.

●Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The principle “reduce, reuse, recycle” is important.     2     Reduce: Be mindful of your consumption. Use products with minimal packaging and consider if you truly need that new item. Reuse: Think of creative ways to repurpose items. Recycle: Make sure to recycle paper, plastics, metals, and electronics.

●Conserve water

Water is a precious resource, and conserving it helps ensure its availability for future generations. A dripping faucet can waste gallons of water over time so ensure all taps, pipes, and toilets are leak-free.     3    

●Choose sustainable transportation

Transportation is a significant source of greenhouse gases. Opting for more sustainable modes of transport can make a big difference.     4     Also consider buses, trains, or carpooling to reduce the vehicles on the road. Consider investing in an electric vehicle, which has a lower environmental impact compared to traditional cars.


This step helps reduce your carbon footprint and promotes sustainable agriculture. Local products travel shorter distances to reach you, reducing transportation emissions. Plus, organic farming practices reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, promoting soil health.

Small, consistent actions can lead to significant benefits. Remember, every action counts ,and together we can create a more sustainable future.

A.Support local and organic products
B.For short distances, consider walking or cycling.
C.Improve air quality and provide habitats for wildlife.
D.This year, we focus on everyday steps that anyone can take.
E.Use water-efficient appliances, for example, low-flow shower heads.
F.It reminds us of the reasoning behind minimizing waste and conserving resources.
G.They include these simple practices into your daily life and contribute to our planet.
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8 . I tend puppies (小狗) that are blind and/or deaf. I’ve been volunteering for animal rescues for more than five years and so far have taken care of nearly 60 dogs. It’s always bittersweet when they leave to find their forever homes, but sometimes it’s so much harder than others.

Thar’s what happened with Hawk. I fostered (代养) him and a brother and a sister. His siblings found homes first and I wanted to keep Hawk around a little bit longer. He was brilliant and was constantly surveying his world, never missing anything. After his siblings left, he became glued to us. He raced up and down the steps behind my rescue dog, Brodie, and fell asleep on my lap while I was reading or watching TV. Once he learned “sit” and “shake”, he would frequently park himself at our feet and lift his paw, showing off and hoping for treats.

Puppies typically stay with me for a month or less. During that time, we work on potty training, nighttime sleeping, no biting, and orders like “sit” and “shake”. When they find their homes, it’s time for new puppies and we start all over again. Some puppies are harder than others. I always foster high-energy dogs. They’re too smart and some find ways to climb out of their pens, go through the puppy gate, and shred all of Brodie’s favorite toys. It’s amazing how well Brodie stands them all. I think he knows they’ll only be around for a few weeks.

After spending weeks with these little lives, it’s so hard to hug and hold them one last time. When Hawk left last weekend, I cried and cried and was certain that I was making a mistake. I had whispered to him earlier, “I love you, but your new family will love you even more.” He buried his head into the crook of my arm after licking my jaw. I thought he understood.

I do it because I know there will always be more puppies waiting for my help. No matter how hard it is to give up “your” dog, there are never-ending requests to help another and another.

1. What did Hawk do without his siblings?
A.He tried to behave well.B.He stayed closer to the author.
C.He got addicted to TV programs.D.He became curious about his world.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Ways to train different dogs.B.Brodie’s attitude toward dogs.
C.Dogs’ life in the author’s home.D.Kinds of dogs tended by the author.
3. What can we infer about the author from paragraph 4?
A.She found Hawk a better master.B.She regretted sending Hawk away.
C.She was too weak to hold Hawk up.D.She wanted Hawk to understand her.
4. What will the author do next?
A.Adopt new dogs.B.Take Hawk home.
C.Help other dogs in need.D.Offer treatment to disabled dogs.
2024-07-14更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省开封市五县联考2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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9 . It’s easy not to think much about the intelligence of insects. Small creatures with even smaller brains — how smart can they be? But as researchers begin to rethink how animals think, even insects are being seen in a new light. Now a new study from the University or Bristol finds that Heliconius butterflies (蝴蝶) have the ability to learn about space.

To test the butterflies’ spatial learning abilities, the researchers set up experiments across three different spatial levels, each reflecting behaviors significant to their natural environment. First, they checked if the butterflies could find food among 16 flowers in a small area. Next, they enlarged the space, seeing if the butterflies could choose the correct side of a larger maze (迷宫) for food. Finally, they used a big outdoor cage to see if the butterflies could find their way through a wide T-maze for food. The butterflies succeeded in all tests.

The study’s senior author, Dr. Stephen Montgomery, notes that these findings show the difficult behaviors that even familiar animals like butterflies exhibit as part of their natural ecology (生态). These species are processing diverse information from their environment and utilizing it to perform difficult tasks — all with brains just a few millimeters wide.

The researchers plan to further investigate Heliconius butterflies’ spatial learning abilities by comparing them to closely related species that do not feed on pollen (花粉). This will help show how an animal's environment can affect the development of its thinking skills.

Co-lead author Dr. Priscila Moura stresses the significance of these findings, saying that they provide actual evidence of the butterflies’ fascinating spatial learning abilities, a subject that has been discussed for nearly a century. With the new understanding, the researchers can continue to explore insect intelligence and behavior.

1. What did the University of Bristol’s study find about Hehicomius butterflies?
A.They are capable of spatial learning.
B.They require assistance in finding food.
C.They can fly long distances without rest.
D.They have a social circle like other insects.
2. What does paragraph 2 mainly focus on?
A.The research benefits.B.The research process.
C.The research papers.D.The research team.
3. What does the underlined word “utilizing” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is Dr. Priscila Moura’s attitude toward the findings?
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10 . Bruce, a parrot missing part of his beak (喙) , creatively uses stones to clean feathers (羽毛) , highlighting advanced intelligence in parrots.

Bruce lost the upper part of his beak in 2012 and was sent to live at a reserve in New Zealand. The defect made Bruce unable to search for food on his own, let alone keep his feathers clean with his beak. But in 2021, when comparative psychologist Bastos arrived at the reserve with colleagues to study parrots, zookeepers reported something strange: Bruce had seemingly figured out how to select and use small stones to clean his own feathers with his beak.

Over nine days, the team kept a close eye on Bruce, quickly taking, videos if he started cleaning his feathers. It turned out that Bruce had indeed invented his own way to do so, the researchers reported in Scientific Reports.

“It’s crazy because the behavior was not from the wild,” Bastos says. When Bruce arrived at the reserve, he was too young to learn how to clean his feathers. And no other bird in the reserve uses stones in this way. “It seems like he just invented this tool use for himself,” she says.

Tool use is just one of parrots’ many talents. They’re famous for copying and even understanding human speech. Some species can also solve complex puzzles, like how to enter a covered rubbish bin or practice self-control.

For a concept as abstract (抽象的)   as intelligence, it’s challenging to develop a definition that applies across animals. Researchers often point to features once thought to make humans special—enhanced learning, memory, attention and movement control—as signs of advanced skills. However, many of these abilities can also be seen in parrots, as well as other animals like chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants.

“Parrots are our evolutionary (进化的)   mirror image. These brilliant birds may teach us about how humanlike intelligence can appear,” behavioral ecologist Antone wrote in his 2022 book The Parrot in the Mirror. With powerful brains and a preference for words, these birds are “the very best example,” he writes, “of nature’s ‘other try’ at humanlike intelligence.”

1. What does the underlined word “defect” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. Why did Bastos and her team watch Bruce closely?
A.To observe how he lives alone.B.To find out how he gets food.
C.To prove his ability to defend himself.D.To confirm his reported behavior.
3. What can be known concerning the parrots?
A.They do well in critical thinking.B.They’re born skillful at using tools.
C.They can complete complicated tasks.D.They can’t match other animals in memory.
4. What’s the significance of studying the parrots?
A.Offering an insight into human behavior.
B.Helping further research other species of birds.
C.Learning more about parrots’ living environment.
D.Giving reference for the evolution of humanlike intelligence.
2024-07-12更新 | 65次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省两校2024-2025学年高三上学期联合模拟英语试题
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