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阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . When micro-plastics end up in farm fields, the pollution can damage plant growth. But two young researchers now report that combining fungi (真菌) with certain farm wastes can partly overcome that problem.

May Shin, 20, and Jiwon Choi, 18, met in a research design class at the Fryeburg Academy, a high school in Maine. May had desired to explore how micro-plastics might affect the ecosystem. Jiwon was crazy about plants and fungi. The young scientists cooperated to test how long-lived plastics might affect farm crops.

Scientists have shown certain fungi can aid root growth and a plant’s nutrient uptake. Those organisms are named arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Certain farm wastes, like straw, can provide nutrients to plants and help stabilize their roots. Such wastes are also known as mushroom substrate (基质) and people often grow mushrooms in them.

May and Jiwon planted over 2,000 scallion (大葱) seeds in pots of soil. Half the seeds got soil polluted with micro-plastics. The rest grew in plastic-free soil. The plants then were further divided into four groups. The young scientists added AMF to the soil in one group. Another group had a top layer of mushroom substrate. A third group got both treatments. The last group got none. For three weeks, the pair tracked how many scallions sprouted (发芽) in each group and measured the plants’ height once each week.

About twice as many scallions sprouted in clean soil compared to that containing plastic bits. But among plants surviving in the polluted soil, a combination of AMF and mushroom substrate helped them out. Those getting both treatments grew 5.4 centimeters per week. That was faster than either of the treatments alone or those getting none.

Jiwon and May then looked at the plant roots with a microscope. Where AMF had been added, it grew into those roots. That increased the scallion roots’ surface area, May said, which should promote their uptake of nutrients. So “I see this project as coming up with a sustainable solution for plant growth in polluted soils,” said May.

1. Why did May and Jiwon work together?
A.To see the effects of long-lived plastics on farm crops.
B.To find the relationship between plants and fungi.
C.To design a research on the growth of plants.
D.To explore the way that the ecosystem works.
2. What is the author’s purpose in writing paragraph 3?
A.To prove the existence of micro-plastics.B.To compare fungi with farm wastes.
C.To tell the advantages of farm wastes.D.To provide some related information.
3. What aspect of the study is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.Its purpose.B.Its design.C.Its findings.D.Its reasons.
4. How can AMF and mushroom substrate make plants grow faster?
A.By keeping the plants more resistant to pollution.B.By allowing the plants’ deep area more freedom.
C.By making nutrients more available to the plants.D.By exposing the roots to a larger surface area.
2023-09-28更新 | 214次组卷 | 9卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修三 Unit 1 What's Being Gifted 单元复习与测试单元测试
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Asia,the largest continent on Earth,is home to more than half of the world’s population. With so many different cultures and languages, each country is worth a lifetime to travel around. Here are some top countries for you to have an unforgettable travel experience .

China owns one of the world’s oldest civilizations(文明). Wherever you go, you can easily recognize many amazing historical and cultural landmarks. For example, the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Army in Xi’an and the Forbidden City in Beijing attract many visitors all over the world. However,other people come to enjoy China’s beautiful scenery that includes high mountains and the Gobi Desert. As the most populous(人口多的)nation on Earth, China is also home to many modern cities.


Home to one of the world’s richest and oldest civilizations, India has many different cultures, religions, peoples and traditions. With the Himalayas lying in the north, jungle and beaches can be found in the rest of the country. From temples to food and history to wildlife, the beautiful country has something for everyone.


Thailand is a very popular tourist attraction. Its golden sands and beaches attract lots of people every year. Many also come to party in its beachside towns, visit some beautiful and peaceful islands such as Ko Tao, or enjoy the attractive scenery at Krabi.


Although it consists of almost 7,000 islands, most of Japan’s main sights and tourist attractions can be found on the four largest of them.   Lying to the east of Asia, the island nation is an attractive place as a mixture of traditional palaces and modern buildings Covered in mountains and forests, the country is home to some delightful nature and scenery.

1. Which one is the most populous country on Earth?
2. Where should you go if you want to enjoy the beaches according to the text?
A.India and ChinaB.Japan and China
C.China and ThailandD.India and Thailand
3. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。 文章介绍了作者在位于西藏自治区偏远的羌塘地区的几个县进行了人类与野生动物冲突的调查。
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Years ago, the authors conducted human-wildlife conflict surveys in the Tibet Autonomous Region’s counties,     1     (locate) in the TAR’s remote Chang Tang region. These surveys showed     2     previously undocumented and growing problem of human-snow leopard conflict. Next, snow leopard telephone interviews were conducted with Tibet Forestry Bureau staff,     3     (result) in an additional new conflict and sighting location records. This new location information, together with records provided by other observers,     4     (collect) to make a snow leopard distribution (分布) map.

This effort greatly expanded knowledge of the snow leopard’s distribution in this region,     5     remains one of the least understood of the snow leopard’s key range areas. New knowledge on snow leopard in the Chang Tang will help identify human-snow leopard conflict hot spots and influence design of human-snow leopard conflict relief and conservation strategies for northwest Tibet. Nevertheless, much field work will also be required     6     (describe) snow leopard distribution in the Chang Tang.

Importantly, in the past few years, a number of major transportation infrastructure (基础设施) projects     7     (make) the Chang Tang more accessible. This has led to a     8     (great) increased number of tourists visiting western Tibet, Mt. Kailash and Lake Manasarovar     9     particular. All these developments have a large potential to cause disturbance to snow leopards and their prey species, including influencing their movements     10     destroying their habitat.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The amount of sea ice surrounding Antarctica has reached its lowest level since modern records began, for the second year in a row. Sea ice is frozen seawater that floats on the ocean’s surface around the planet’s polar regions. It forms at much lower sustained temperatures than freshwater ice does, at around-1.8 degrees Celsius. Sea ice builds up during the winter until it reaches its maximum extent, and then melts (融化) away in the spring and summer until it reaches its minimum extent.

In Antarctica, where summer and winter are relative to the Northern Hemisphere, sea ice normally reaches its maximum extent in September when sea ice covers around 7 million square miles. At its minimum extent at the end of February, historically only around I million square miles remains. Last year the minimum sea ice extent was less than 772, 000 square miles, the lowest total since scientists began recording sea ice extent with satellites in 1979. On 21 February this year, that number had reduced to just 691, 000 square miles, which is roughly 40 per cent less than the average between 1981 and 2010.

The record-breaking minimum was expected after an extraordinarily hot January which was the seventh-warmest since records began 174 years ago. “By the end of January, we could tell it was only a matter of time until the record was broken,” said Will Hobbs, an Antarctic sea ice expert at the University of Tasmania and the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership. Antarctica’s minimum sea ice extent will likely continue to decrease in the coming decades as global temperatures rise as a result of human-caused climate change and more multiyear ice, which acts as a seed for new ice growth, melts away.

Sea ice is crucial for polar predators(捕食性动物) such as penguins in Antarctica and polar bears in the Arctic, which use the ice as a platform for hunting. But the sea ice also helps stabilise ice on Antarctica. “Lower sea ice extent means that ocean waves will pound the coast of the giant ice sheet,further reducing ice shelves around Antarctic,” said Ted Scambos, a senior research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences.

1. What can we know about sea ice?
A.It can be seen on any ocean’s surface.B.It forms at about -1.8 ℃.
C.It melts all the year round.D.There is more sea ice than freshwater ice.
2. What can we infer from the data in Paragraph 2?
A.There are two seasons in Antarctica.
B.Scientists have been recording the change of sea ice.
C.Sea ice in Antarctica has been on decline in the past decades.
D.The ecology in Antarctica needs to be improved.
3. Why will sea ice possibly go on to reduce?
A.The earth becomes warmer.B.Multiyear ice disappears completely.
C.Ocean waves destroy the giant ice sheet.D.Human beings occupy Antarctica.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Human activities have caused global warming
B.Measures should be taken to stop sea ice decreasing
C.Sea ice is significant for polar animals
D.Antarctica’s sea ice reaches its lowest level since records began
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Volunteering to take care of neighborhood pets is a great way for kids to learn responsibility.

Ideas for getting started

Have your kids make flyers(传单) to place around the neighborhood,showcasing their willingness to help out by caring for neighborhood pets.    1     Also encourage them to come up with their own ideas for flyers. 

Helping out

Your children can volunteer for small pet-sitting jobs that are easy for both you and them to manage.    2     You can accompany your children,while also allowing them to take the leash (牵狗绳) and lead the way. 

Learning opportunities

Offering activities,like animal caretaking,benefits little animals and your children at the same time.    3     For example,the tropical fish you are feeding for friends can offer a wonderful platform for researching their natural habitat. 

Emotional benefits of animals

The benefits of interaction between children and animals go beyond the physical aspect,as well.    4     Children learn to make emotional connections through the love that animals provide.Having children care for pets also provides an opportunity to discuss emotions children often struggle to understand. 

    5     Offer positive affirmations (肯定) to your children to underline the additional exercise they are also enjoying from this responsibility,so they will also recognise that there is a healthy connection.When you praise your children’s willingness to take on this kind of new responsibility,you can be assured that it will eventually be translated in a very positive way to the world around them.

A.Pets also meet many psychological needs.
B.Young children can benefit from the difficult actions.
C.Small tasks can allow parents to gain a sense of understanding.
D.Use these opportunities to teach your kids about a new creature.
E.Walking gentle dogs is both safe and rewarding for the young caretakers.
F.For the youngest child,a flyer may be as simple as a picture to which you add the words.
G.Speak words of appreciation and don’t forget to comment on the great job they are doing!
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假如你是李华,最近,你和朋友参观了一个受伤动物收容站(injured animal shelter)。请给你的新西兰笔友John写一封电子邮件,描述你去受伤动物收容站的经历和感受。
Dear John,


Li Hua

2023-09-07更新 | 62次组卷 | 3卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修四Unit 5 Humankind and? NatureSection 1 Reading for Meaning 单元测试
7 . 假定你是李华,上周末去某个岛上游玩,看见有很多可爱的动物。听岛上的一位老人说,现在动物的数量日渐减少,如果不采取措施,有些动物会有绝迹的危险。回来后你打算给野生动物保护协会写信,就保护动物提出以下建议:
Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to express my opinion on how to protect the animals on the island I visited last weekend.



Li Hua

8 . 假定你是李华,当前濒临灭绝的动物数量日益增长,你作为校报小记者,刚刚进行了一次动物生存状况的调查,发现日常生活中我们有很多行为都与杀戮动物有关。请你根据以下要点在校报刊物上给全人类写一封英文信,号召大家保护动物。
Dear human beings,

It is known that at present more and more wildlife is being in danger of dying out. According to my research, there are many reasons which lead to it.



Li Hua

语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Liu Cixin’s novella The Wandering Earth begins at a time in the future when humanity has accepted the finding that our sun is in the final cataclysmic (灾难性的) stages of turning into a red giant. This transformation will include a helium-burst from the sun that will vaporize (使……蒸发) the Earth unless we either leave the planet     1     move it. This is at first the only aspect on which people disagree, however under the Unity Government     2     is decided that Earth Engines will be constructed     3     (move) the entire planet to the closest most viable (可生存的) star. The story,     4     (tell) from the viewpoint of an unnamed narrator, is really amazing.

The idea of moving an entire planet has always seemed absurd (荒谬的) to me, however the     5     (description) in the story concerning why and how this is accomplished are rather touching and     6     (impress). The science in The Wandering Earth     7     (explain) with a perfect mix of complex ideas and straight-forward wording.

The Wandering Earth by Liu Cixin is a story     8     must be read. If you are a fan of science fiction, this is     9     (certain) a good introduction to the works of Liu Cixin. You will believe the difficult situation of our future civilizations while reading this story, and you will be moved to worry about and root for this unnamed narrator     10     (fight) for his own survival, and for the survival of the human species.

2023-08-30更新 | 110次组卷 | 4卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修三 Unit 2 Science Fiction Section 1 Reading for Meaning 单元测试
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Learning the word for fish in Chinese can be a highly useful skill. Knowing how to say “fish” in Chinese is both practical and helpful in understanding cultural values.

The Chinese Character for Fish

The Chinese character for “fish”, written in the traditional form, is 魚 .       1     No matter what form it is written in, the word for fish in Chinese is pronounced like “yu”.

Cultural Importance of Fish in China

The pronunciation of fish in Chinese, “yú” is a homophone (同音字) for “abundance (充裕).”     2     As such, fish are a common symbol in Chinese art and literature, and they are very important in Chinese mythology (神话).

    3    The characters for this fish are 鲤鱼, pronounced “lǐ yú”. Pictures of this fish are also a common decoration for the Chinese New Year.

Fish in Chinese Mythology

One of the most interesting Chinese myths about fish is the idea that a carp (鲤鱼) that climbs the waterfall on the Yellow River (known as the Dragon Gate) changed into a dragon.    4    In reality, each spring, carp come together in great numbers in the pool at the base of the waterfall.     5       It has become a common saying in China that a student facing examinations is like a carp trying to jump the Dragon Gate.

A.The simplified form is 鱼.
B.But very few make the climb.
C.Surprisingly, a lot of them are not related to fish at all.
D.This addition suggests that fish is most useful to humans.
E.The dragon is another important symbol in Chinese culture.
F.For example, Asian carp are the subject of many Chinese stories.
G.This similarity has led to fish becoming a symbol of abundance in Chinese culture.
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