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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Chemists have spent the past century trying to make plastics break down in seawater. Most plastics take centuries to fully break down in the ocean.     1     However, this may change. Scientists have designed a new kind of plastic that can break down in seawater within weeks, not decades or more.

    2     It is known as polylactide (聚乳酸) or PLA. It’s made by linking many building blocks into a long string. Scientists had hoped PLA would quickly break down in the environment. And in some places it does, but not in seawater. After three years in the ocean, LA remains largely unchanged.

Timo Rhein Berger is a PhD student at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.     3       For part of that work, he became part of a team that just added some biology-inspired breaking points to PLA. They put those breaking points to places where monomers (单体) in the PLA molecules are linked. Then, they soaked (浸泡) their samples in artificial seawater. In this way, they measured how fast the PLA broke down. As the team had hoped, seawater attacked the weakened links between monomers. That could tear the PLA chain apart.     4    

When the researchers weakened 15% of PLA’s monomer links, the PLA broke down entirely within just two weeks. When they weakened only 3% of the links, the breakdown took about two years.     5     This can be achieved by adjusting how many weakened links it has.

A.Plastics are useful.
B.Scientists created the now-popular plastic in the1930s.
C.So researchers have much confidence in their efforts.
D.That’s why plastics make up 80% of ocean trash.
E.His work has focused on speeding PLA’s breakdown.
F.This means the team can design how quickly PLA breaks down in seawater.
G.The more breaking points researchers added, the faster the PLA broke down.
语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 课文内容填空

Macquarie Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The green grass and bare rock contrast     1    (dramatical),     2    (give) it a wild and natural beauty. The island’s recent history     3    (tell) a tragic story. In 1810     4     humans arrived on the island, they brought rats and     5    (mouse),     6     ate birds’ eggs and attacked baby birds. Later, cats and rabbits     7    (introduce) to the island, making parakeets die out. Experts felt it necessary     8    (remove) the rabbits, but cats had to eat birds. In the 1980s, traps and dogs were used to catch the cats.     9     the disappearance of cats, the mice, rats and rabbits started to increase, which led to a serious result. It was clear that the problem needed     10    (solve). People are taking some steps to give the island a happy ending.

阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Desertification, the process by which fertile (肥沃的) land becomes desert, has severe impacts on food production and is worsened by climate change.    1    

Africa’s Great Green Wall is a project to build an 8,000- kilometre-long forest across 11 of the continent s countries. The project is meant to contain the growing Sahara Desert and fight climate change.    2    They include limited political support, lack of money, weak organizational structures, and not enough consideration for the environment. Just 4 million hectares (公顷) of land have been turned into forest since work on the Green Wall began 15 years ago.    3    

First proposed in 2005, the project aims to plant a forest from Senegal on the Atlantic Ocean in western Africa to Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibouti in the east.    4     It could also reduce levels of climate-related migration in the area and capture hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide from the air. Several countries have struggled to keep up with the demands of the project.

    5     Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Sudan have all expanded their efforts. Ethiopia is producing 5.5 billion seedlings leading to thousands of hectares of restored land. Efforts in Eritrea and Sudan have also resulted in nearly 140,000 hectares of newly planted forest. The U. N. desertification agency says the project will need to plant an average of 8.2 million hectares yearly to reach its goal of 100 million hectares by 2030.

A.But the project faces many problems.
B.That is only 4 percent of the programme’s goal.
C.However, it is difficult to work on the Great Green Wall.
D.A quarter of Africa is under threat of food shortage.
E.Some progress has been made in recent years in the east of the continent.
F.Supporters hope that the project will create millions of green jobs in rural Africa.
G.The U.N. says up to 45 percent of Africa’s land is impacted by desertification, worse than any other continent.

4 . It is quite a challenge to get close to an animal in the wild, so much of our ________of wildlife comes from pictures taken by________professionals that know how to go near to these animals. These professionals are wildlife photographers.

Wildlife photographers depend not only on their photographic skills but also on their knowledge of wildlife. To get good pictures, they sometimes have to ________long waits, awful weather, and even the________of animal attacks.

Once they have become________with a location, photographers can begin to get ________enough to animals to take pictures. Some photographers________in hut-like (茅舍样的) structures called blinds. This method works well with animals such as birds that depend mainly on their sight to________danger. Blinds,________, do not work well for taking pictures of animals with a sharp sense of________. Photographers may get close to these animals on foot, stay downwind and________sudden movements. Food or noises, such as bird calls, may also be used to attract wildlife into ________. For difficult animals, a photographer may even ________a camera in the wild with a trip line (绊脚线). Animals that touch the line start it to take pictures of them. Each or these________requires great patience and knowledge, but the reward can be a ________sight of nature.

2023-07-10更新 | 132次组卷 | 4卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修4Unit 3 Chinese Painting and Artists Section 2 Learning Through Practice 单元测试
完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文为一篇记叙文。文章介绍了生态艺术家Mariah Reading用艺术的方式为环保出力。Mariah Reading早在大学时学习艺术专业时发现,艺术造成了不少浪费,于是她将对自然的热爱与艺术相结合,在被丢弃的垃圾上作画,创作出与周围风景相匹配的美丽山水,通过艺术作品提醒人们要环保。

5 . Mariah Reading is an environmentalist, who grew up with an early appreciation for nature. While studying art at Bowdoin College, she saw the vast amounts of _________ from her painting and sculpture classes. She began to seriously consider her footprint as a(n) _________. “How can I paint landscapes if I’m _________ them?” she thought. Then she started using the rubbish as her canvas (画布).

After graduation, Mariah travelled throughout the country, _________ rubbish to bring to her studio. One day, a _________ hubcap (轮毂盖) she found by the side of the road gave her a new _________ . She noticed the half hubcap had cracked off to _________ the line of the mountain range that she was in. So she _________ the mountain landscape on it and held it up in front of the real _________ and took a photo. It became the first in her __________ series.

Over the years, she has painted more than 100 pieces of rubbish and photographed her transformations __________ matching real-life landscapes. It’s like __________ new life into forgotten objects. Her practice __________ the principle of “leaving no trace” by __________ painting with sculpture and photography. Mariah hopes people see themselves and their own habits __________ into her works and make small changes in their everyday lives.

A.taking outB.running outC.setting upD.picking up
2023-07-09更新 | 118次组卷 | 4卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修四 Unit 3 Chinese Painting and Artists Section 3 Using English in Context 单元测试
6 . Directions: Write an English composition in at least 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
很多人认为目前我们正在面临“一次性文化”(throw-away culture)的冲击。我们习惯使用各种一次性用品,原因是它们方便、卫生,但是后果也是非常严重的——这些用品会破坏水源、污染土地和空气。假如你是李华,请写一封信给世界自然保护联盟,谈谈你对一次性用品的看法,包括以下内容:
2023-07-03更新 | 18次组卷 | 2卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修四 Unit 5 Humankind and? Nature Section 4 Expanding Our Horizons 单元测试
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . It’s no secret that inhaling (吸入) smoke is bad for your lungs. But now, scientists are suggesting smoke may also carry and spread infectious diseases. The theory, published in Science Magazine, is based on research that found wildfire smoke is crowded with thousands of species of microorganisms. Some of these microorganisms, including bacteria and fungal spores, are known to cause disease.

The new research suggests that when a wildfire burns plant or animal matter and disturbs soils, it exposes thousands of species of bacteria and fungi that otherwise might not easily become airborne (空气传播的). You might think the high heat from fire would kill these organisms, but one study mentioned in the article found that some bacteria even multiply post-fire. Scientists say the organisms attach to smoke particles, allowing them to travel thousands of miles across continents.

Dr. Peter Chen, director of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is interested in the theory but somewhat skeptical that the microorganisms in smoke would actually cause infections. Many bacteria and fungi don’t cause lung infections, says Chen, but it’s certainly possible that a significant amount could worsen symptoms in someone with a preexisting lung condition. “I always thought it was the particles in smoke that were causing these issues,” says Chen. “But when I read this, I started thinking: Could it be the microorganisms that are also worsening existing illnesses?”

Whether the microorganisms in smoke actually cause infection or simply worsen potential respiratory (呼吸的) issues, the article raises a new health threat that is “certainly alarming”, says Kelsey Jack, an associate professor of environmental and development economics. This is especially true for lower-income populations, Jack says, because people with fewer means are often more exposed to the environment. If smoke is affecting the air quality in a certain area, the people who work outside, or who have to go to the office on foot or by bike will inhale more smoke than those who drive.

But until more research is done, Chen says the best thing people can do is just follow existing recommendations when air quality is poor—including staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, using HEPA filters and running air conditioning.

1. What can we know about the microorganisms from paragraph 2?
A.They could be killed by high heat.
B.They could reproduce in large numbers after fires.
C.They could possibly travel through air by themselves.
D.They can easily attach themselves to smoke particles.
2. How do most microorganisms affect people according to Dr. Peter Chen?
A.They might worsen lung diseases.B.They will cause lung infections.
C.They will destroy living environments.D.They might damage respiratory systems.
3. Why are low-income people suffering more than others?
A.They live in poor areas.
B.They drive to and from work.
C.They have suffered from lung disease.
D.They are exposed to polluted air more frequently.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Results of the new research.
B.Suggestions on dealing with poor air quality.
C.Disagreements between the author and Chen.
D.Benefits of preventing smoke from polluting the air.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It’s well-known that being in green spaces is good for physical and mental health.     1     A population-based study published in Scientific Reports looked at the effect of urban waterways on mental health and found that proximity (接近) to water increased positive feelings of wellbeing.

“If you’re in a body of water, your internal state just becomes calm,” Dr Natalie Azar, NBC News medical contributor, told TODAY. “    2     However, we’ve never really been intentional about it.”

Being near water gives people a consciousness of something greater than themselves. The sounds and movement of water can get people to focus their attention and this invites calm. “You don’t have to go to the coast to experience this wellbeing,” said Azar. “Any waterway will do, including lakes, rivers, canals or ponds.     3    

A new study conducted by King’s College London has also proved that spending time near urban canals and rivers is linked to feeling happy and healthy, stressed a press release from the college. Moreover, it has found that urban waterways are superior to feelings of wellbeing than just being near the ocean.

    4     This means their capacity to improve mental wellbeing is likely to be due to the multiple benefits associated with both green and blue spaces,” said Andrea Mechelli, professor of early intervention in mental health at King’s College London.

The study has also found that there are continuous improvements to mental wellbeing for up to 24 hours after visiting urban waterways.     5     In England and Wales, people have access to 3,218 kilometers of rivers and canals that are readily accessible. In fact, 9 million people live within 1 km of a canal—something that is easily walkable.

A.These results remain to be tested.
B.Even a flowing fountain will work.
C.This is good news for urban people.
D.It’s something that I think we’ve all experienced.
E.Our findings show that blue spaces are naturally calming.
F.Canals and rivers contain not only water but also trees and other plants.
G.Now scientists have discovered blue spaces are also connected to better mental health.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 语法填空

Today, the temperature in London is expected to reach 30 plus degrees, which is     1    (usual) for London because the average high temperature in July is only 22 degrees. Going     2     the stairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano that’s erupting. Each summer in London definitely seems     3     (hot) than the last. I suddenly feel a bit scared and perhaps I should start planning     4     the future. I imagine putting my flat on the market and buying a boat. That way, when the Thames     5    (rise) and there is a flood in London, I’ll still be able to get to work. Later, I’m shocked by photos     6     (show) that a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town. Experts say this bad weather has occurred due to climate change. News like this makes me feel nervous. This inspires me     7     (start) thinking about moving to space... “    8     next station is Bank!” comes the announcement. That’s my destination. I feel a fresh wind on my face     9     (immediate) I step out of the station. Well, maybe I have been worrying too much. After all, it’s only 30     10     (degree) outside!

完形填空(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Miranda Gibson住在树上长达五个月,以示对砍伐森林的抗议。

10 . My name is Miranda Gibson. I have been at the top of a tree for five months now. Some people might wonder________on earth I would choose to do that.

I have walked through this forest many times. On December 12, 2011, ________rolled into the forest and the destruction (摧毁) began. I couldn’t________the thought that these forests would be________ forever. So, on December 14, 2011, I packed up my life, ________of my job plans, and climbed 60 meters to the top of this tree. I have been here ever since.

Life in the tree top can be________at times. I have times when I feel frustrated (沮丧的) and wish I could________, to anywhere, just have a ________of scenery for a minute! There are times too, when I feel terribly________.I miss my friends and family.________these times, I find myself loving the________.

Living on the tree has been inspiring. I am willing to________ here for as long as it takes,________I honestly hope it won’t be too________before I can put my feet on the ground below and stand in a forest that will never be________.

A.grew outB.fell shortC.ran outD.let go
A.get upB.get awayC.give inD.give up
2023-03-31更新 | 212次组卷 | 25卷引用:冀教版2019选择性必修四Unit 5 Humankind and? Nature 单元复习与测试 单元测试
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