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1 . Since the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed in 1973, it has helped hundreds of species avoid extinction in the United States. The strong conservation policy has been used as a model in other countries. But it’s not as successful as it could be, a new study finds.

Researchers have discovered most species are not being protected until their numbers have become so low that their chance of recovery is slim.

“The ESA is an incredibly powerful, ambitious law for protecting our endangered wildlife. Yet, for decades, the agency primarily responsible for operating the ESA — the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) — has been starved of resources,” lead author Erich Eberhard says.

“As a result, we are very slow to give species the protection that they deserve. We typically wait until species are extremely rare and thus at extreme risk of extinction, and then, when a species is finally listed, the USFWS is straining its resources to try to recover it.”

In 1993, a study found that few species received protection under the ESA until their populations became very small. For the new study, researchers repeated the methods used in the earlier research to see whether protections have become better since the problem was first noted. They also looked at trends in “wait times” — the amount of time between when a species is identified as potentially needing protection and when it actually receives protection under the ESA.

“Our analysis suggests that, in the nearly 30 years since attention was first brought to this problem, we have not become more active in protecting endangered species,” says Eberhard.

The researchers found that the population sizes of species when they first became protected under the ESA are not statistically different from those in the 1993 study. They also discovered that there are long wait times between when a species is identified as likely needing protection and when they actually receive them.

“I can say that our study paints the current state of the ESA as a bit of cautionary (告诫的) tale for the strong conservation policy,” says Eberhard.

1. What problem does the USFWS have protecting endangered species?
A.It takes ineffective measures.B.It is lacking in resources.
C.It can’t get timely information.D.It is an irresponsible organization.
2. What is the purpose of the new study?
A.To try out new ways to protect endangered species.
B.To find out the exact number of endangered species.
C.To check the time needed to save endangered species.
D.To see if endangered species have been better protected.
3. How can the study help with animal conservation?
A.It found out many more endangered species.
B.It pointed out the direction for the USFWS to act on.
C.It proved the role of the public in conservation.
D.It showed some effective ways to protect animals.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.The USFWS Needs Stronger Laws
B.The ESA Has Achieved Great Success
C.New Conversation Laws Are on the Way
D.Endangered Species Act Isn’t Working Well
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . High-resolution (高分辨率) satellite imagery has been used to map every single tree in Africa, showing a technique that could help improve the monitoring of deforestation (森林砍伐) across the world. Florian Reiner at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and his colleagues used images from sate lies to map canopy (树冠) across the entire African continent.

Modern sate lies usually catch tree canopies at a resolution of 30 meters — fine for measuring the size of forests, but less good at mapping individual trees. The satellite data Reiner and his colleagues used had a resolution of 3 meters, enabling the study to map all trees, including those not part of a forest.

The results suggest that 30 percent of all trees in Africa aren’t in a forest and instead are across farmland, savannah and urban areas. “Many countries in Africa lack thick forests, but have a lot of trees.” says Reiner. “These trees are extremely important to the local ecosystems, the people and the economy. By tracking every single tree, researchers can start to monitor how these trees are coping with climate change or whether they are sensitive to deforestation.” It could also improve the monitoring of reforestation efforts, which are growing in popularity as a way of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

“At a local level, being able to consistently monitor when and where trees are disappearing or reappearing can lead to more actionable insights,” says John Francis at the Alan Turing Institute in London.

“The study is a proof of concept rather than a map ready for immediate commercial use,” says Reiner. “It’s research work. It’s showing what could be done,” he says. But he is already working with colleagues to scale up the tracking approach to cover the entire global canopy: “We’re hoping that this will be seen as a way forward in monitoring tree resources.”

1. Why is high-resolution satellite imagery used to map every single tree?
A.To know the exact height of the tree.
B.To have a clear picture of the canopy.
C.To help monitor the deforestation.
D.To improve the satellite technology.
2. What is John Francis’ attitude towards the map?
3. What do Reiner and his colleagues expect to do?
A.Protect the trees only in Africa.
B.Put the map into commercial use.
C.Track the entire global canopy.
D.Improve the imagery technology.
4. What is probably the best title?
A.Ways to Measure the Size of Forests in Africa
B.Coping with Climate Change by Tracking Every Single Tree
C.A Map from the Satellite Ready for Immediate Commercial Use
D.High-resolution Satellite Imagery Used in Monitoring Deforestation
2023-11-10更新 | 186次组卷 | 5卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第四中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
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3 . For the first time, scientists have grown plants in the moon soil collected by NASA’s Apollo astronauts. The scientists had no idea if anything would grow in the moon dirt. They wanted to see if it could be used to grow food by the next generation of moon explorers. The results surprised them. Plants actually can grow in lunar (月球的) soil.

The researchers planted thale cress (芥蓝), a small flowering plant, in moon soil returned from the Apollo missions. The good news was that all of the seeds grew. The bad news was that after the first week the lunar soil stressed the plants so much that they grew slowly. Most of the moon plants ended up stunted—meaning small or not fully developed.

The longer the soil was exposed to radiation and solar wind on the moon, the worse the plants seemed to do. The soil collected by the Apollo 11 mission was the least helpful for growth. It was exposed a couple billion years longer to the elements.

Scientists said, “This is a big step forward to know that we can grow plants. The real next step is to go and do it on the surface of the moon.”

Moon dirt is full of glass particles from micrometeorite (微小陨石) impacts. One solution might be to use younger geologic spots on the moon, like lava flows, for digging up soil. The environment also could be changed by adding special nutrient (营养物) mixtures or artificial lighting.

Only 382 kilograms of moon rocks and soil were brought back by the six Apollo erews that landed on the moon. Most of them are still locked away, forcing researchers to experiment with soil made of volcanic ash on Earth.

Early last year NASA finally gave out 12 grams of soil to the University of Florida researchers for the planting experiment. NASA said the timing for such an experiment was finally right with the space agency looking to put astronauts back on the moon in a few years.

1. What is the result of the planting experiment with lunar soil?
A.The plants couldn’t grow normally.B.It was difficult for the seeds to grow.
C.They were struck by some diseases.D.The soil was too stressed for the plants to grow.
2. What is the final purpose of this experiment?
A.To create a new crop.B.To improve lunar soil.
C.To plant on the moon.D.To find the right amount of light.
3. Why did the scientists use volcanic ash for testing?
A.Lunar soil cannot be brought back by humans.B.Lunar soil was difficult to obtain for testing.
C.Lunar soil is not suitable for planting.D.Lunar soil is the same as volcanic ash.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Future Astronauts Will Grow Food on the Moon
B.It’s Time to Study Growing Crops on the Moon
C.Lunar Soil Consists of Tiny Glass Particles
D.Scientists Grow Plants in Dirt from the Moon
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In 2019, Gotham Greens opened its 9,300-square-metre Baltimore farm on the former site of Bethlehem Steel, which was the largest steel-manufacturing plant in the world.     1     It aimed to repurpose unused rooftop spaces and abandoned factories for food production.

Urban populations are projected to increase by 2. 5 billion by 2050.     2     But despite the rise in city-based farms, there’s still a lot we don’t know about them, including the economic and environmental costs.

Florian Payen, an environmental scientist, and his colleagues looked at previous studies done in 53 countries where crops were grown in different urban environments, including “grey” spaces such as rooftops, and by using different growing methods. They found that yields(产量) of urban crops were often the same as those from conventional farms. Just as importantly, they revealed the most commonly-grown types of crops and the most effective growing methods.     3    

It’s known that the benefit of urban farming is a reduction in food miles.     4     In one study, researchers analyzed the carbon footprint of different vegetables grown in greenhouses in Canada and that of the importing vegetables from the USA. “They found that it was less carbon-intensive to import the crops because of the high energy input required to grow them locally in greenhouses,” says Payen.

    5    Urban agriculture has the potential to enhance local ecosystems, attracting pollinators (传粉媒介) such as bees and birds that boost urban biodiversity while providing more green spaces to help keep cities cool and counter the urban heat island effect.

A.But there are other benefits.
B.Urban agriculture can help feed our growing cities.
C.It’s well worth investing in rooftop gardens or greenhouses.
D.The farm was one of the farms the company had set up in cities.
E.Urban agriculture in any given city can take lots of different forms.
F.However, urban-grown crops aren’t a more environmentally friendly option.
G.Surprisingly, they found little difference in overall yields between indoor and outdoor spaces.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Heat waves are becoming more common in parts of the United States — and that means more people running their air conditioners for longer. But those air conditioners can make the problem worse, giving off greenhouse gases as they work that contribute heavily to climate change.

SkyCool Systems is trying to break that cycle, using technology that promises to offer buildings an alternative means to cool down in a similar way to how the planet cools itself. “Our planet naturally cools itself by sending heat out in the form of infrared light (红外线) or radiation,” said Eli Goldstein, SkyCool’s cofounder and CEO. “We do this through rooftop panels, which look like solar panels but actually do the opposite, reflecting 97% of the sunlight that hits them and cooling the surface below,” said Goldstein.

SkyCool’s model involves fixing a network of pipes below those panels. These pipes are filled with water, which is kept cool by the panels and then flows into an air conditioning system. This process is designed to take pressure off the system’s cooling mechanism. And because the panels cool naturally and don’t need external power to function, it helps the entire system use less electricity.

A Grocery Outlet store in California, which has been using SkyCool’s system since last year, says it saw a marked drop in its electrical bills. Jesus Valenzuela, the store manager, estimates that the panels have saved his store roughly $3,000 a month.

But perhaps the biggest barrier to making the technology ubiquitous (无处不在的) is its relatively high cost. Increasing production could help bring the cost down, Goldstein said, particularly for developing countries in Asia and Africa where SkyCool hopes to eventually expand. For now, the company is focused on commercial applications of the technology, though it hopes to start setting up panels on the roofs of individual homes. “We’re just excited to be able to use this new technology for good,” Goldstein said.

1. How did Goldstein explain the way their rooftop panels work?
A.By citing an expert’s words.B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing cause and effect.D.By describing the process in detail.
2. What is the function of the pipes in SkyCool’s model?
A.To store cold water to help cool the panels.
B.To help ease the water pressure of the air conditioning.
C.To power the panels by making use of flowing water.
D.To feed cold water into the air conditioning system.
3. How might Jesus Valenzuela view SkyCool’s system?
A.It’s pretty effective.B.It has increased sales for his store.
C.It will go out of style quickly.D.It will cost too much to set up.
4. What does SkyCool expect of its system?
A.It’ll bring in a good profit for the company.B.It’ll gain popularity in developed countries.
C.It’ll take the place of air conditioners.D.It’ll be accessible to common households.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . One day when some government officials were rebuilding a barn, they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out. A while later they really saw mice running out, one after another. Then, everyone thought that all the mice had escaped. But just as they began to clean up, they saw two mice squeezing out at the mouth of the hole. With some efforts, the mice finally got out. However, after they came out of the hole, they did not run away immediately. Instead, one chased after the other near the mouth of the hole. It seemed that one was trying to bite the tail of the other.

Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped nearer to take a look. They realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything, and the other was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail so that he could pull the blind one with him to escape.

After seeing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought. During the meal time, the group of people sat down in a circle and started to talk about what happened to the two mice.

One serious American official said, “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of king and guard.” The others thought for a while and said, “That was why!”

A clever French said, “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of husband and wife.” Again the others thought for a while, and all felt it made sense.

A Japanese said, “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of mother and son.” Once again the others thought for a while, and felt this was more reasonable. So they expressed agreement another time.

At that moment, one Chinese asked, “Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship?”

Suddenly, the group looked back at the Chinese and remained speechless. The American official, the French and the Japanese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to answer.

In fact, true love is not built on friendship, loyalty or blood relationship. Instead, it is built on no relationship.

1. Neither of the two mice ran away immediately because ______.
A.one was biting the otherB.they were not afraid of smoke
C.the mouth of the hole was too smallD.one was trying to help the blind one
2. Why did they lower their heads in shame?
A.They didn’t dare to answer.
B.They had mistaken the relationship of the mice.
C.They regretted driving a poor blind mouse away.
D.They didn’t express themselves much better.
3. What can we infer from this article?
A.All the mice came out of the hole easily.
B.The officials wanted to kill the mice with smoke.
C.Each of the officials understood the relationship differently.
D.The officials knew one of the mice was blind at first sight.
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Love is selfless and unconditional.B.There is no smoke without fire.
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.D.Love me, love my dog.
2023-07-21更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省牡丹江市第二高级中学2022-2023学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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7 . Sometimes, when we talk to our dogs, they tilt (倾斜) their heads adorably to one side. Although it might suggest disbelief or confusion, the gesture could actually be a sign of concentration, according to a new study.

Researchers investigated how well 40 dogs of various species could memorize the names of different toys and then recall that information in order to retrieve (找回) specific toys in response to their owners’ commands. Most of the dogs weren’t able to learn the toy names, but seven (one died during the study) border collies (边境牧羊犬) showed extraordinary ability to do the job.

The scientists regarded that group as “gifted word learners”, and found that the seven collies had something in common: they all tilted their heads far more frequently than other dogs after hearing a command. The data showed that the gifted learners tilted their heads 43 percent of the time, while the other 33 dogs did the gesture just 2 percent of the time. “It seems that there’s a relationship between the success in retrieving a specific toy and frequent head tilts upon hearing its name,” said Shany Dror, an animal researcher at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary.

The gifted dogs showed they could learn 12 new toy names in one week, and then remember those names for at least two months. And only the gifted dogs who performed well at the toy retrieval tests consistently tilted their heads after hearing a command. That led Dror’s team to conclude that the gesture is related to collies’ attempts to work out the meaning of a word.

Similar to the way humans are right- or left-handed, the gifted collies also tended to move their heads to just one side or the other. Their favored side stayed the same during the three experiments regardless of where the owners were standing. To the researchers, that consistency may be additional evidence that dogs tilt their heads when paying close attention to a test.

The so called “right-tilters” and “left-tilters” may be individual preference, which scientists want to investigate further.

1. What does dogs’ tilting their heads show according to the new study?
A.Their trust in owners.
B.Their close attention.
C.Their natural curiosity.
D.Their painful feeling.
2. What can we learn about the gifted dogs?
A.Their memory can last for long.
B.They are easily distracted by toys.
C.They would like to follow the others.
D.They show interest in humans’ gestures.
3. What will the research focus on in the future?
A.Dogs’ attention to their owners.
B.Dogs’ relationship with humans.
C.Dogs’ ability to remember names.
D.Dogs’ preference for the tilting direction.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Why do dogs do the head tilts?
B.Dogs can be gifted word learners
C.Dogs are born with a head-tilting tendency
D.How do dogs react to their owners’ commands?
2023-07-16更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省鸡西市密山市第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题(含听力)
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,你校上周末组织同学去熊猫馆近距离观察熊猫并亲身参与熊猫的保育工作。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,介绍此次活动。
1. 活动内容;
2. 参与感受;
3. 呼吁大家保护熊猫。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:熊猫馆:Panda House

A Date with the National Treasure

2023-07-12更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市2022-2023学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,Malaika Vaz从小热爱冒险,在电影制作中寻求一种既能满足她冒险欲望又能倡导保护她所接触的物种和生态系统的方式,呼吁观众保护自然。

9 . When Malaika Vaz was a kid, living in Goa, India, she was constantly surrounded by nature. Among her childhood experiences, she recalls journeys to the Arctic and Antarctic, climbing mountains, diving, and windsurfing.

At some point in her late teens, Vaz realized adventure didn’t really mean anything if there wasn’t an intention to protect the natural spaces we were exploring in. Motivated by her passion for filmmaking, she began to seek a way that would both satisfy her appetite for adventure and allow her to advocate the protection of the species and ecosystems she interacted with.

Today Vaz wears many hats in the filmmaking world, as a documentary director, producer, and presenter. After falling in love with manta rays (蝠鲼), she discovered they were being hunted illegally and started to dress herself as a seafood trader to get as close as possible to the issue. She traced sellers to figure out why the threatened species were being killed. She shared the shocking details in Peng Yu Sai, her Green Oscar-nominated film on the matter.

The subjects that grab her attention, Vaz admits, run the gamut. When she was asked to define her focus, she replied that she preferred variety. She always argues that the issues she looks into are more interrelated than they may initially appear. “I think that it’s exciting to dive into the different aspects of environmental stories,” she says.

Her work doesn’t stop at recording important stories; she also ensures the message is heard. From Vaz’s viewpoint, real improvement in planetary protection lies in the hands of each of us rather than just those of several environmentalists. “If you’re an engineer and you care about the natural world, you can change the kind of construction materials you use. If you’re a teacher loving nature, you can bring that into the learning for your class.” she says.

As a filmmaker, Vaz believes it’s important to figure out ways that attract the audience who can push for the protection of the natural world.

1. What did Malaika Vaz decide to do in her late teens?
A.Motivate children to get close to nature.
B.Make a film about her childhood experiences.
C.Develop a passion for an adventurous lifestyle.
D.Combine nature exploration with nature conservation.
2. What is the film Peng Yu Sai mainly about?
A.The role of manta rays in the local economy.B.Vaz’s personal life as a seafood trader.
C.The threatened species in India.D.The illegal trade in manta rays.
3. What does the underlined part “run the gamut” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Are quite popular.B.Cover a wide range.
C.Make little progress.D.Are hard to deal with.
4. What message does the author convey in Paragraph 5?
A.Human beings are closely linked to nature.
B.Stories are effective in changing people’s behavior.
C.Everyone can make a difference to the environment.
D.Environmentalists play a big part in solving environmental issues.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Mount Emei,World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site in China,     1     (locate)in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, is an area of striking scenic beauty,famous for     2     (it)high mountain and thick vegetation.It is also a place of spiritual and cultural significance, in    3     there are important architecture and     4    (collection) of cultural artworks, including sculpture,beautiful painting and writing,and other traditional artistic works. Besides Emei Mountain is known    5     one of the holy mountains of China.

The Leshan Giant Buddha, lying at the eastern foot of Mount Emei,     6     (carve)out of a hillside with special skills in the 8th century.The human element has been integrated into it.     7    (face)the confluence(汇流处)of Minjiang, Dadu River and Qingyi River,the 71-meter-tall Giant Buddha of Leshan is one of the most important cultural treasures of China.

Mount Emei with its natural and cultural values well interconnected is attracting    8     large number of tourists in the world. Aiming     9    (enjoy) the beauty of nature and culture, they are brave to climb it through thick and thin.When some of them reach the top of the mountain, they are so happy that they feel all the effort is     10    ( high)worthwhile.

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